In this study, solid oxide fuel cell stack, biomass gasifier and heat pipes were integrated with each other. The rice husk and water steam were used as biomass and gasification agent, respectively. High temperature sodium heat pipes were selected for system. Unknown parameters were obtained using the balance of components, reaction equilibrium constant and the First Law of Thermodynamics. The integrated system model was prepared in EES and was described in detail. The results of gasifier, fuel cell stack and heat pipes have been validated in comparison to previous experimental results and researches. In this study, the performance of the system for STBR, current density, pressure and utilization fuel factor were investigated. The output parameters were composition of synthesis gas, the number of heat pipes, transferred heat by the heat pipes, the voltages and power of fuel cell, the power, efficiency and required biomass of system. The results indicated that in STBR=0. 7, utilization fuel factor of 0. 8 and current density of 4000[A/m2], the power and efficiency of integrated system were 233[kW] and 40%, respectively.