One of the characteristics of strategic studies is that its concepts in addition to their cognitive function are a tool for advancing goals and programs related to order, security, and regulating public affairs. Therefore, defining its meaning context and its dimensions and elements are inevitably important to prevent cognitive errors. Issues such as “ social security” , “ public order” , “ socialization of security” , “ community-oriented police” , “ community security” have raised the issue of social participation in strategic studies. Reviewing existing sources indicates that although there are a lot of interests in using this term among researchers of social and strategic studies, little effort has been made to clarify the meaning and define the meaning context of this word. The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of social participation and its related issues in order to compensate for this shortage and to extend the literature in the field. Social participation means the relatively sustained and necessary presence of the constituent elements of society-individuals, groups, communities, institutions and organizations-in processes, affairs, and social activities. Explaining the theoretical foundations of epistemology, axiology, pragmatics, ontology, and explaining the conceptual dimensions and components of the participant, subject, field, are all parts of the effort to expand the conceptual meaning of this word.