Background: This study evaluates dosimetric and spa al varia ons in inter– frac on applicator posi oning in high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy. Materials and Methods: This study includes 25 retrospec ve pa ents of carcinoma of the cervix. Each pa ent received 5 frac ons of HDR intracavitary brachytherapy. High Risk-Clinical Target Volume (HR-CTV) were drawn on CT images. First implant was considered as a reference, and all subsequent CT data sets were rigidly registered on first implant’ s CT data set. Another point A, called point Aabs, was defined on first plan and all subsequent plans. Registra on proper es were recorded for all 125 plans that include X, Y, Z DICOM offset, rota onal, transla onal values and normalized D90 (ND90) doses were also recorded. Results: The mean angle of rota on on X, Y and Z axis are 0. 63 ± 1. 85 deg,-0. 86 ± 1. 30 deg,-1. 14 ± 2. 44 deg, respec vely. While mean transla onal mo on on X, Y and Z axes are – 2. 77 ± 10. 32 mm,-6. 12 ± 9. 71 mm and 14. 62 ± 23. 83 mm, respec vely. Mean ND90, and mean HR-CTV were found to be 1. 18 ± 0. 26 and 26. 91 ± 17. 70 cc, respec vely. Conclusion: Results of the study reveals that transla onal mo on is higher than the rota onal mo ons, and inter – frac on applicator varia on does not produce any significant change in Point A doses. The change in volume coverage is observed only due to applicator mo on. HR-CTV coverage decreases with increasing HR-CTV volume. Hence, dose prescrip on should be based on 3D HR-CTV volume.