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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Background: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship of serum levels of vitamin K2 and osteocalcin with coronary artery plaques in people undergoing angiography. Materials and Methods: This case-control study enrolled 138 people presenting to Bushehr Heart Center for routine examination. Demographic information of the participants was registered in a standard questionnaire. Before undergoing angiography, 10 ml blood was collected from all the participants and stored at – 80 ˚ C until the analysis. After the angiography, those who were found to be normal entered the control group, and those with one or more arteries blocked were placed in the case group. Finally, serum levels of vitamin K2 and osteocalcin were measured in all the samples using ELISA kits. Results: Serum levels of osteocalcin in the case group were significantly higher than those of the control (P=0. 019). There was no difference in K2 levels between the two groups (P=0. 84). Moreover, no relationship was found between the osteocalcin levels and the number of blocked arteries and the severity of atherosclerosis (P=0. 95). By adjusting age and type 2 diabetes in both groups, a difference was observed in the concentration of osteaocalcin and coronary artery atherosclerosis (P=0. 034). Conclusion: Our results showed that a significant relationship exists between increased concentration of serum osteocalcin and coronary artery atherosclerosis. However, no such a relationship was observed between the serum levels of K2 and atherosclerotic arteries.

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Background: Liver diseases may lead to a wide spectrum of pulmonary disorders with a high incidence in women. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of liver damage and ovariectomy with or without estradiol on pulmonary hemodynamics during ventilation of animals with normoxia and hypoxia gas. Materials and Methods: Forty Sprague Dawley female rats were randomly divided into four groups of ovariectomy (OVX); ovariectomy with a daily injection of sesame oil, a solvent of estradiol (OVX+Oil); bile duct ligation with ovariectomy (CBDL+OVX) and associated with estradiol (CBDL+OVX+E2). After 28 days of the first surgery, animals were anesthetized. Tail blood samples were taken to measure liver enzymes, estradiol and NO metabolites. Animals were tracheostomized and femoral vessels were cannulated. Then, arterial pressure and right ventricular systolic pressure were recorded during mechanical ventilation with normoxic and hypoxia gas (10% oxygen). Results: AST, AST/ALT ratio, direct and total bilirubins, and estradiol in the CBDL+OVX and CBDL+OVX+E2 groups were significantly higher than those in the OVX group, and they were higher in the CBDL+OVX+E2 group than those in the CBDL+OVX group. Ventilation of animals with hypoxia gas resulted in an increase in right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP) only in the OVX group compared to its own base values. The plasma concentration of NO metabolites in the CBDL+OVX+E2 group was significantly higher than that in other groups. Conclusion: Estradiol worsen the liver disorders. Furthermore, pulmonary vascular response to hypoxia gas is disrupted in liver disorders, which may be partly linked to the effect of estradiol and NO productions.

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Background: Resveratrol is one of the most effective natural polyphenolic compounds synthesized by plants and its beneficial effects on glycemic control have been reported. Considering the prevalence of thyroid disorders in diabetic patients and the effect of resveratrol on metabolic pathway through Sirtuin1 receptors and its ability to change iodine absorption in thyroid gland, it is suspected that this compound might influence thyroid function and possible have goitrogenic effects. Materials and Methods: This study enrolled 50 subjects with type II diabetes in an intervention and a control group. Patients received 500 mg resveratrol capsules twice a day for 45 days and subjects in the control group received equivalent placebo capsules. Thyroid function tests including T3, T4, TSH and T3RU and anti TPO were checked just before the study and after 45 days. Results: Regarding past history and clinical and biochemical parameters including BMI, blood pressure and glycemic control, there was almost no significant difference between the two groups. Anti TPO levels did not significantly change between the two groups during the study. Finally changes between the two groups were compared using Mann-Whitney U test, which concluded significant changes only in T4 levels between the two groups during the course of the study. Conclusion: We can conclude that taking resveratrol 1 gr a day for 45 days as a supplementary for lowering blood glucose in patients with type II diabetes does not cause goitrogenic effects. Further studies are suggested on resveratrol effects on thyroid function in humans with different doses and durations. Moreover, it is suggested that subjects with known thyroid disease with existing underlying pathology be studied to better understand its effects on thyroid function.

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Background: Standard methods of identification have not been able to solve all issues concerning E. coli. With the development of genomic studies, PCR appears promising to deal with the shortcomings. This study aimed to utilize PCR with specific primers for lacZ, uidA, cyd, and lacY gene segments to identify environmental E. coli isolates. Materials and methods: PCR and the aforementioned four primers were used for molecular identification of E. coli on purified genome DNA from 120 environmental E. coli isolates, standard strains of Shigella, and Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli strain as controls. All environmental E. coli isolates were isolated from Bushehr coastal areas and identified in a previous study by standard bacteriological methods and then preserved in-70 ˚ C for further studies. Results: The primers successfully showed their ability to identify the targets in environmental isolates and standard strains. It is shown that the four PCR fragments related to lacZ, uidA, cyd, and lacY genes were observed only for E. coli isolates and strains. Conclusion: PCR method proved capable to distinguish E. coli from Shigella as the most phylogenetically related genus and contrary to the classical methods, it could detect enterohaemorrhagic strains as Escherichia coli.

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Background: Human beings have always suffered from various disasters and their irreparable damage. Man-made crises, including annual radiation crises, cause irreparable risks to various human groups. The most logical way to deal with a potential risk is to be prepared for dealing with critical situations, which requires having scientific and experienced models. The preparedness of hospitals close to nuclear facilities is one of the major concerns of radiation crisis management, and can reduce injuries and damage caused by radiation accidents. The aim of this study was to determine the dimensions of hospital preparedness for dealing with radiation crises and provide a model for Iran. Materials and Methods: This comparative study used library studies. After describing the existing models, a draft model was developed and analyzed after reviewing the recommended policies of the World Health Organization and the International Atomic Energy Agency and considering the views of an expert panel on the final model. Results: Our findings indicated that the most important factor in the success of crisis management is the prediction and preparation of necessary measures and preparedness to deal with them. In this regard, different countries have different approaches to managing radiation crisis. Accordingly, the indicators of international organizations in the field of crisis management were used to identify the following as dimensions of hospital preparedness in radiation crisis: manpower, equipment, physical space, structure and organization, processes and instructions, and coordination in and out pf hospitals. Conclusion: Studies and their analyses have shown that many organizations and countries are using a specific model for dealing with radiation crises. A model developed based on the country’ s health system, which has been approved by local practitioners, can be used as a guideline for managers to prevent the consequences of any malicious incident. Hospital preparedness for exposure to radiation crises includes an interconnected network of elements in six areas: manpower, equipment, physical space, structure and organization, processes and instructions, and coordination in and out of hospitals.

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Aleebrahim A.R. | NABIPOUR I.

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Background: Ethnopharmacology, as a multidisciplinary approach for novel drug discovery, provides valuable data about medicinal plants in different cultures. The aim of this ethnopharmacological study was to identify medicinal plants in the Kangan-Asaluyeh area in the north of the Persian Gulf. Material and Methods: The medical uses of medicinal plants were gathered from 20 local informants by face-to-face interviews. The relative frequency of citation (FRC) and cultural importance (CI) indices were calculated. Results: A total of 90 medicinal plants belonging to 42 families were identified. Zataria multiflora, Teucrium polium, Salvia mirzayanii, Pistacia atlantica, Astragalus fasciculifolius, Achillea eriophora DC, Artemisia sieberi, Cassia italic and Haplophyllum tuberculatum had the highest CI and FRC indices. The highest medical uses were for gastrointestinal discomforts, infectious diseases, skin diseases, respiratory diseases, and the metabolic disorders, respectively. Conclusion: There is a vast variety of medicinal plants in the Kangan-Asaluyeh area. Although most of the therapeutic applications of these plants in this region are the same as Iran’ s traditional medicine, the people in the Kangan-Asalouyeh area use some of these plants for some diseases which are unique for this region. For example, the native people use Zataria multiflora, Teucrium polium, Pistacia atlantica, Artemisia sieberi for gastrointestinal discomfort and abdominal pain. They use Achillea eriophora DC, Haplophyllum tuberculatum for neonatal colic, Zataria multiflora for cough, Astragalus fasciculifolius for fracture, Teucrium polium and Artemisia sieberi for diabetes mellitus and inflammatory diseases, Cassia italic for constipation, Pistacia atlantica for diaper rash and sore throat, Haplophyllium tuberculatum for headache and improving mental health and Achillea eriophora DC for jaundice. Thus, investigation about these plants should be initiated to discover novel drugs for clinical applications.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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