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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


طب و تزکیه

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طب و تزکیه

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طب و تزکیه

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مضامین متون ادب فارسی که برگرفته از آیات الهی و روایات معصومین (ع) می باشد در گستره زندگی فردی و اجتماعی انسانها تاثیر بسزایی دارد. از گفتار دانشمندان در این حوزه دانش بشری می توان به ارزش والای دانش پزشکی، حسن ارتباط پزشکان و بیماران و تاثیر اعتقادات دینی در علاج بیماران اشاره نمود. صفحات زرین ادب فارسی حاوی توصیه هایی است که می تواند اعتقاد، توکل و رازداری را در جامعه پزشکان تقویت نماید و راهگشای آنها در ارتباط با بیماران و اطرافیان باشد.لذا در این مقاله سعی شده است گزیده ای از متون ادب فارسی که سیره پزشکان (اخلاق پزشکی) به نوعی در آن بیان شده است انتخاب گردد و از سه جنبه مورد بحث قرار گیرد:الف) ارتباط پزشکان با خداوند و تاثیر آن در تشخیص و علاج بیماریب) ارتباط پزشکان با بیمارانج) ارتباط پزشکان با سایرین و اهمیت اطرافیان در علاج بیمارانامید است با مطالعه این تحقیق پزشکان محترم با مسوولیت الهی خویش بیشتر آشنا شده و بیماران نیز حقوق آنها را محترم شمارند.

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View 2373

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This is a descriptive research, which aimed to determine the factors leading to turnover of Iranian nurses employed in Tehran, Iran and Shaheed Beheshtee Universities in a decade between 1989-1999.The data were gathered by a valid structured questionnaire. With referring to the research settings, the researcher got the address of nurses who had left their jobs form 1989 to 1999.The researchers, then, sent them the predetermined questionnaire as well as a cover letter and an stampeded envelope and asked them to fill the options and return them by regular mail. At whole 52 questionnaires were sent back and 51 were considered as correct and analyzed. 35.3% of subjects were among the age group of 25-29. 66.5% were female, 91.2% were married, 82.3% were university graduates and 91.5% were working as clinical nurses in hospitals.Working in changing shifts (49.2 %) and high load working (53.4%) were mentioned as two important factors for their job leaving. L Considering the work conditions as unpleasant, most of them (72.3%) didn't like to return to their works. The turnover emerged reasons in this study were classified as follows: 1- Being deprived of accommodations facilities. 41.2%2- Low salaries. 64.7%3-Poor Social position of nurses and ranking nursing among non-scientific jobs.54.9%4- Being ignored by managers and supervisors, and getting no support on the part of them, when necessary 70.6%.

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View 1746

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Medical errors generally refer to mistakes made in the processes of ordering, prescribing drugs or making decisions to treat patients.Building a safer health system necessitates efforts toward reduction of medical errors.The view of the Islamic laws toward medical errors is reviewed. Also, files of The Iranian Medical Council concerning medical errors committed between 1987 to 1998 are analyzed and reviewed.Strategies and tactics that can be adopted to avoid medical errors are proposed.

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View 1203

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Human power management and evaluation of health workers practice in the primary health care (PHC) are the most important actions in the health system management. One of these actions is the evaluation of the village health workers educational practice in all aspects of their duties.The present study is a descriptive, cross-sectional survey in Hamadan rural area that was carried out in the rural population. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of village health worker educational program on the overall health of the rural population. The knowledge of the rural population of the health workers educational program was addedded through a designed questionnaire. The knowledge of the rural population of the health workers educational program was addedded through a designed questionnaire. The study showed a significant improvement in the health of the rural population when they were aware of the health woekers educational program and proactive.The rural population knowledge in relation to immunization, child nutrition, prenatal, cares, high risk pregnancies, breast deeding, family planning and ORS therapy, was at an acceptable and appropriate level although they had less awareness on the importance of social participation.

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View 977

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Objectives: This study proposed to determine nurse managers' empowerment and leadership styles behaviors in their own perceptions and their nursing staff. Then relationship between two perspectives determined and compared.Introduction: Many studies on the nurse managers' empowerment and their leadership styles and also, staff nurses showed nurse managers by consideration to staff nurses' morality; communication and relative environment resulted to staff empowerment. Method: All of the nurse managers and nursing staff in one teaching hospital in Tehran were participated in this study. (18) Managers and (119) nursing staff completed LBDQ and Workplace Empowerment Questionnaire that designed by Jaffe & Scott. Finding: Nurse Managers' (72/2%) empowerment was high. While, the empowerment of staff nurses was moderate (71/4%) and nursing staff perception of their nurse managers' leadership behavior was "Low initiating structure and Low consideration". Independent t-test showed, (p<0.001) significant difference between nurse managers' empowerment and their staff nurse. Also, two ANOVA showed significant difference between staff nurses' empowerment and nurse managers' leadership styles. (F=12/55 df =2 p<0/ 001). Finding show that the consideration domain in leadership styles of nurse managers' empowerment predicated (35%) of the variance in the staff nurses empowerment. morale component (75%) and environment (87%) of empowerment subcomponent can result of the variance in the staff empowerment.Conclusion: High level of nurse managers' empowerment and their leadership styles; "high initiating structure and high consideration", weren't effective on the staff empowerment. Nurse Managers couldn't behave effective, because of bureaucratic structure of hospitals and lack of management & leadership in nursing. Designing intervention such as management & leadership development program may be effective strategy for nurse managers and has a greater impact on staff attitudes and behavior, ultimately increase and improve staff empowerment and performance (quality of care).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1989

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A national agenda for health care quality improvement has the utmost priority.Medical record standardization provides a solid basis for health care progress.In the present study, the components of medical records standardization are described in detail. Moreover, the present situation of medical records in Iran is compared with 3 western countries: USA, Australia and Canada.The ease of access to medical records, its quality and safety, and the education of responsible staff for update keeping of the data are discussed. Providing facilities to keep the data safe in case of natural disaster is also recommended.

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View 1685

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Although the active participation of students in their professional unions is a well known event, with important impact on the society, the subject has not been studied in depth. In the present research, the social and financial situations of students and its possible relationship with their participation in student union activities is studied.The aim of the present work was to answer two distinct questions:1- Is there any direct relationship between genders, marital status, economic/social class of students and their participation in union activities?2- What the impact of news media is on the above activities?

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View 701

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Family medicine residency program was established for accreditation of general practice and exit from crisis after physicians' tendency to specialty in USA in 1969. It was introduced as the axis of world attempts for improving quality, cost-effectiveness and equity in health care systems.In spite of early successes, the program was faced with challenges through the time and did not succeed to provide a new model for health care with the end result of a better treatment, decreased professional errors and improve health outcomes. On the other hand and in recent years, physicians' tendency for family medicine residency has been decreased and the colleagues too, don't recognize them as specialist. Recently, establishing residency program has been suggested in Iran. Before making the final decision, some questions and doubts about establishing such program must be studied very carefully. In conclusion, paying attention to the word experiences and the cost-benefit and effectiveness of the program should be carefully studied and evaluated.

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View 2018

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Basic life support (BLS) following by Advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) is intended to rescue the patients with acute circulatory or respiratory failure or both. The most important determinant of short and long-term neurologically intact survival is the interval from the onset of the cardiac or respiratory onset to restoration of effective spontaneous functions of these vital activities.It is commonly accepted that every physician, regardless of specialty, should be able to  perform CPR. It must be also emphasized that CPR, almost invariably, necessitates a rapid interventional follow-care with ACLS procedure.Without well-performed basic life support, advanced cardiac life support is of no remark-: able benefit, BLS and ACLS are processes that must be performed step by step and with respect to the patient's condition.

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Preparing identity records from properties, whether medical or industrial is taken into consideration by all organizations that have different types of equipments, from scientific, research and economical point of views.Such identity records are important for controlling and optimizing the performance of existing equipment in general, preparation of such information is very crucial for optimized source management.In developed countries, creation of medical equipment data bank is usually implemented by local managers, without government involvement. In our country, different plans for preparing such data bank or identity record have been suggested. Among which we can mention the followings:A plan for compiling detailed data of medical equipment existed in universities, higher education organizations and research centers for the years 1986, 1996, 1998 and a pan for preparing developed identity record of medical equipment of the year 2000.The important pints in the present plan which shall be taken into consideration are:a) Taking advantage of previous experiences from preceding plansb) studying major standard such as JCAHO and c) Making use of view points of persons in chargeThe aforementioned plans have not been completed because of different reasons and although the last one started in pilot in Arak and Rafsanjan medical science universities the resent plan is also incomplete due to lack of necessary budget allocation.

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