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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Study of the clinical, biochemical and microbiological factors that cause Neonatal calves diarrhea. Animals: A total of 140 diarrheic neonatal calves (under one month and 35 apparently normal calves).Procedure: Taking stool sample from rectum of the diarrheic calves, and Blood from jugular vein, using standard methods for detection of bacteria and cryptosporidium measurement and the blood biochemical factors.Statistical analysis: Results were repoted by descriptive scales and software SPSS (version 12) and Chi-Square and t-student.Result: Clinical evaluation revealed that 36/4% of diarrheic samples were sever fluid. 42/9% of diarrheic Samples were yellow in color. 87/9% of calves were thin and vivacious. 65.7% diarrheic calves had poor feeding behaviour and 72.8 % of diarrheic calves had second degree dehydration. We separated just E.coli from 28/6% and both E.coli & cryptosporidium from 35% of diarrheic fecal samples. k99 + Ecoli Consisted 2/1 % of separated E.coli bacteria. Biochemical factors such as Ca, Mg, Cl, k and Na also measured by routine methods and compared with control group (35 case) .There wasn't any significant difference in Ca, Mg, Cl, K and Na values between the control group and the group that E.coli was isolated from But these values differed between the control group and the group which E.coli and cryptospordium were isolated from. Comparison between Ecoli and Ecoli and cryptosporidm groups revealed that there is not any difference between Na and k measures but Ca, Mg and Cl values were different between these two groups.Clinical implications: The diferences between treatment and control groups could be due to severe diarrhea in which E.coli and cryptosporidium have been isolated.

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Objective: Biological control of gastrointestinal nematodes of ruminants.Design: Case-control study.Samples: A total of 50 sheep feces naturally infected by Haemonchus contortus ova.Procedure: Arthrobotrys oligospora (111.37 & 251.83), Daddingtonia flagrans (583.91) and Haptocillium sphaerosporum (381.84) were obtained and the nematophagous activity of these isolates was studied after addition of 8000, 20000 and 100000 conidia to 1 gram of fecal samples containing 70 ova of Haemonchus contortus per each petridish. All of the samples were incubated at 25-27°C for 8 days and then, the nematophagous effect of fungal isolates were determined after calculation of third staged larval reduction using Berman method.Statistical analysis: One-way ANOVA and complementary method of Tukey were used.Results: Study of nematophagous effects of 8000 conidia of all above-mentioned fungi and 20000 conidia of A. oligospora (251.82) on the third stage larvae of H. contortus showed that there was not any significant difference as compared with the control groups. But for 20000 conidia of A. oligospora (111.37) and D.flagrans (583.91) and also 100000 conidia for all abovementioned fungi, significant reduction in larvae of H. contortus was observed as compared with the control groups. In H. sphaerosporum, the percentage of larvae reduction for 8000 and 20000 conidia was determined as 21.46% and 48.99%, respectively. But, the increasion of conidia to 100.000  aused only 42.28% reduction in infective larvae so above-mentioned fungus can not function as an effective agent in biological control of H. contortus. Clinical implications: The present study showed that we can control gastrointestinal nematodes by use of nematode-trapping fungi, in suitable conditions along with chemical treatment.

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View 1143

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Objective: Comparing cytological findings of the uterus and cervix mucusae in two methods (swab and aspiration) in cows during oestrus cycle.Design: Comparative descriptive survey.Animals: A total of 120 cows. Procedure: A total of 120 genital systems of slauthered cows were selected. All the genital systems were contained uterine horns and cervix. In according to the physical appearances, genital samples were divided into estrus, metestrus, diestrus, proestrus, anestrus, post parturition and ovarian cysts. Genital smears were prepaired from uterine horns and cervix by swab and aspiration methods. The smears were stained with Giemsa stain and examined by a microscope.Statistical analysis: The data were analysed statistically using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The difference between the means were statistically estimated by Duncan's test.Results: There were no significant differences in the percentage oflarge vacuolated epithelial cells, neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes of cervical and uterine mucusae by swab and aspiration methods (P>0/05). There was a significant difference in the percentage of epithelial cells in the smears obtained from cervix and uterus in swab and aspiration methods. So that the percentage of epithelial cells in swab method were more than aspiration methods (P<0.05). Comparison of the cervix and uterus cells in swab and aspiration methods in the estrus cycle showed that the average number of neutrophils in estrus were lower than other stages. The average percentage of neutrophils in other stages of estrus was lower than 5%. In the cases with ovarian cyst and postpartum period, the average percentages of neutrophils were more than 5% which can be a sign of inflammatory reaction. Conclusion: With respect to cytological studies, there were no significant differences between the samples which had been taken of the uterine horns and uterine cervix. For uterine cytology, aspiration method proved to be better than swab method.

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Objective: To induce experimental vesicoureteral reflux ir dogs.Design: Experimental study.Animals: A total of 16 mixed- breed Persian dogs with different sex.Procedure: All sixteen dogs  evaluated for absence of congenital or acquired vesicoureteral reflux before study by cystography Vesicoureteral reflux induction was attempted in health) animals by ureteral unroofing (3-5 mm) without suture.unroofing (3-5 mm) with catheter as a cutting guide and suturing by silk, unroofing (3-5 mm) with catheter and suturing by nylon and unroofing (5-7 mm) with catheter and suturing by nylon. After ten days the reflux assessment was confirmed by cystography.Statistical analysis: Descriptive study.Results: Vesico ureteral induced refluxes in all four groups were variable (incision length, catheter as guide, Number and kind of suture material)but refluxes induced with 5-7 mm incision length and nylon suturing was excellent as compared with other three groups.Clinical implications: Cutting method with catheter and nylon suture material used for vesicoureteral reflux induction in dogs, were preferred with special attention to be made to the length of cutting and the number of suture needed.

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View 881

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Objective: Evaluating the differences in performance traits and carcass composition in Shal fattening lambs fed organic or inorganic chromium (Cr).Design: Experimental study.Animals: Seventy fat-tailed ram lambs of Shal breed with an average body weight (BW) of 37.0± 2.8 kg, randomly partitioned in seven groups.Procedure: Feeding a 60.5% barley-based diet (12.2% crude protein) supplemented with 0 (control), 200, 600, or 1000 Ig/kg dry matter of Cr from chromium nicotinate (CrNic) and 200, 600, or 1000 Ig/kg dry matter of Cr from chromium chloride (CrCl3) to individually penned lambs, measuring dry matter intake (PMI) and average daily gain (ADG) through wk 12, and slaughtering lambs and determining carcass characteristics at the end of wk 15 of the experiment. Statistical analysis: Analysis of covariance for studying treatment differences and orthogonal coefficients for contrasting treatment groups.Results: Addition of 600 or 1000 Ig/kg dietary dry matter of Cr from CrNic decreased ratio of DMI to %BW (P<0.04) but did not affect wk 6 and 12 body weights, ADG, daily DMI and ADG: DMI ratio. Backfat thickness increased by Cr (P<0.04). Addition of 1000 Ig/kg dry matter of Cr from CrNic increased loin-eye area (P<0.02) and muscle weight of right side carcass (P<0.04). Percentages of water, protein, lipid, or ash in carcass muscle were not affected by Cr supplements, whereas weights of protein and ash in carcass muscle increased by Cr with more positive effect of 1000 Ig/kg dry matter of Cr from CrNic (P<0.03).Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that supplementation of chromium nicotinate may be beneficial for increasing lean tissue of Shal fattening lambs.

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View 1450

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Objective: To study the prevalence and mean intensity 0 parasites from pike, (Esox lucius) in Amir Kelaieh Lagoon Design: Descriptive study.Animals: A total of 78 pikes.Procedure: Cutting the wall of body cavity and removing viscera which include intestine, liver, ovaries, testis and etc to isolate the parasites, cutting the muscles and finding the cysts of the parasites in them, fixing the metazoans by formalil 10% and protozoans by schaudinn's fluids, clearing the nematodes by lactophenol, staining the other parasites by acetocarmine and identifying them by identification keys Moravec , 1994; Bykhovskaya and Pavlovskaya , 1962). Statistical analysis: Calculating the prevalence, mean intensity and range of the parasites by Microsoft Excel and comparinl infections based on season, sex and age by Z test and One Way Anova test (P≤0.05).Results: Collection of ten different parasite species from pikes of the lagoon including Raphidascaris acus (prevalence = 26.9%, mean intensity = 8.7); Camallanus lacustri. (p = 6.4% , mi = 1.8 ); Eustrongylides excisus (p =2.6% , mi = 1 ) Triaenophorus crassus (p=9%, mi=2.7 ); Trichodina sp ( p = 1.28%, mi=10 ) ; Tetraonchusmonenteron ( p = 20.5 % mi = 12 ) ; Diplostomum spathaceum ( p =7.7 , mi = 3.6) Lemaea sp. (p= 2.6% , mi =3 ) ; Argulus sp. ( p =3.8% , mi = 1.33 ) ; piscicola sp. ( p =1.28% , mi = 1 ) . Conclusion: The results of the survey showed that tht parasite community of pike had much diversity due to piscivorous diet of the fish and the parasites which had vertebrate (fish) intermediate hosts, including Eustrongylide. excisus. Raphidascaris acus and etc. the prevalence and mem intensity of Raphidascaris acus were more than other parasites Camallanus lacustris is reported for the first time from pikt in Iran.

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Objective: Quantitative comparison between different layer of aorta in three age groups: neonate, young adult and old ag of female guinea pig.Design: Histomorphometric study of 7 segments of the aorta by light microscope.Animals: A total of 15 female guinea pig (5 neonate, 5 young adult and 5 old age).Procedure: Immediately following euthinization of anima: the whole aorta was collected and separated into the ascending, aortae, aortic arch, cranial and caudal thoracic aortae, crania. middle and caudal abdominal aortae segments. After fixation in 10% buffered formalin solution, the aortic segments were embedded in paraffin, and histological sections were mad from each segment. The sections were stained with H&E an masson trichrome.Statistical analysis: One way analysis and Duncan tests b using of SPSS program.Results: It was observed that the greatest external and interne diameters and the thickest wall of the aorta occur in the ascending aorta. The percentage of the tunica internal an external, as compared with the total wall thickness was increased gradually from the ascending aorta to the caudal abdominal aorta, whereas the tunica media was decreased.Clinical implication: External and internal diameters, was thickness and the thickness of tunica internal and media were decreased from the ascending aorta to the caudal abdomen aorta, on the other hand the thickness of the tunica external was increased.

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Objective: Determination of the Naloxone opioid antagonist effect on the LH and FSH secretion in ewe in non-breeding season.Design: Repeted measures.Animals: Six zandi breed ewes with average (±SE) of weight and age, 42.4±4.2 and 760±8 respectively and all of ewes ha, one birth.Procedure: Ewes were received five injections of 0.5 or 0.2 mg naloxone/kg BW and followed by injection of 11g gonadorelin/kg BW. Blood samples were collected every 15 minutes for 4 hours before injections until 4 hours after injections of naloxone and every 15 minutes for 1 hours after injection of gonadroline.Statistical analysis: Analysis of variation.Results: Mean plasma LH concentrations had been significantly increased in both groups after naloxone injections. LH pulse frequencies in both groups significantly increased after naloxon injections. Naloxone failed to alter pulsatile LH amplitudes in both groups. LH base concentrations increased in both group after injections of naloxone but it was not significant. Also mean plasma LH concentrations had been significant increased after gonadorelin injection. Mean plasma FSH concentrations, pulsatile frequencies, amplitudes and base concentrations of FSH did not change significantly.Clinical Implications: The results of this study indicate, that the opioids may affect on LH pattern secretion in the ewes in nonbreeding season, but the effect of opioid on FSH secretion is not observed.

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Objective: To determine the concentration of zinc in different tissues of apparently healthy Iranian dromedary camels.Design: Descriptive study.Animals: Fifty Iranian dromedary camels.Procedure: The concentration of zinc was measured in serum, plasma, RBCs, WBCs, hair, liver, kidney (cortex and medulla), abomasums (pylore and fundus), heart (atrium and ventricle), skeletal muscle, urinary bladder and lung of 50 Iranian dromedary camels. Statistical analysis: The data were analysed statistically by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The difference between the means were statistically estimated by the Duncans multiple range test. AlI values were expressed in mean (±SEM) using a significant level of (P<0.05).Results: The concentration of zinc in the RBCs was higher than she serum, plasma and WBCs (P<0.05).The concentration of zinc in different organs was significantly different (P<.0.05).The highest concentration of zinc was observed in the skeletal muscle and liver. In contrast, the lowest concentration of zinc was observed in the atrium of the heart.Conclusion: In suspected cases of zinc deficiency or poisoning in camels, the best sample for zinc measurement is whole blood, particularly red blood cells. In necropsy cases of zinc deficiency or poisoning, skeletal muscle and liver sampling are preferred. In live camels, biopsy can be taken from muscle and liver tissues.

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Objective: To compare the effect of HMG-CoA reductase and ACAT inhibition on the protein and phospholipids contents of perfusate VLDL1 and VLDL2.Design: Experimental study.Animal: Guina pig.Procedure: After anesthesia and abdominal surgery, guinea pig liver was perfused by Krebs-Henslite buffer through completely closed perfusion system. In continue the effect of progesterone, lovastatin and progesterone plus lovastatin on the perfusate VLDL1 and VLDL2 contents was studied. For this reason, VLDL fractions were separarted by cumulative flotation ultracentrifugation, confirmed by electrone microscopy and in each pool total protein (TOP), total lipid and phospholipid (PL) were measured.Statistical analysis: Percent of 90 minute point mean secretion were compared among different treatment groups by ANOVA. Moreover, slope linear regression between each of treatment group and control was analyzed by t-student test.Results: Progesterone has no significant effect on total lipid, TOP and PL contents of VLDL1 while percent slope changes of linear regression for VLDL2 contents show a significant decrease in lovastatin treatment group (P<0.05). Lovastatin lowers total lipid (by 20%) in VLDL1 and (by 41%) in VLDL2.PL decrease is 20% in VLDL1 and 39% VLDL2.These changes in Progesterone plus lovastatin treatment group are 20% and 40% for total lipid and 21% and 44% for phospholipid.Clinical implications: The effect of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors on smaller VLDL2 is more than larger VLDL1. These findings are important for using of LDL animal as a model for studying of lipoprotein disorders.

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Objective: Comparison of serum progesterone and testosterone to acute swim stress.Design: This study examined the effect of acute swimming stress (for 10 min at 25C) on serum testosterone, progesterone, Na+ and K+ in male and female rats.Animals: Ten male and female rats were kept in 12:12 dark: light. Procedure: Experiments were carried out in 2 phases. First in the absent of stress blood samples were collected at 8 a.m. Second, after acute swim stress at 7:50 a.m., blood samples were taken at 8 a.m. In female rats experiments were also carried out in the beginning of proestrous phase. Testosterone and progesterone were assayed by RIA method. Plasma Na+ and K+ were analyzed by Flame photemeter.Statistical analysis: Data were analyzed by Student T Test. The level of significance was considered to be P<0.05.Results: Serum testosterone and progesterone were significantly (P<0.05) increased in male rats, but serum Na+ and K+ had no significant (P>0.05) difference. In female rats, however serum testosterone was significantly (P<0.05) decreased, but serum progesterone, Na+ and K+ showed no significant (P>0.05) differences.Discussion: These results showed the existence of significant sex differences in response to acute swimming stress. Which most probably the differences in the serum concentration of Na+ and K+.

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Objective: The Study on follicle characteristics and their relationship with pelt quality in Zandi sheep breed.Design: Sampling and laboratory activities.Animals: Fifty five ewes (2, 3 and 4 years old), 15 rams (2 and 3 years old) and 30 lambs (1-3 days old) of Zandi sheep breed.Procedure: Skin biopsy from the right flank of each sheep in one centimeter in diamiter and skin processing, blocking samples, cutting sections, sacpic stain, counting the follicles by graticule and microscope and visual evaluation of the pelts amb's. Results: The primary follicles density in rams, ewes and lambs was estimated as 2.7 (±0.51), 4 (±0.98), 12.5 (±2.2) per mm2 respectively. The Secondary follicles densily in rams, ewes and lambs were estimated as 12.2 (±2.14), 16.8 (B.24) and 28.5 (±3.9) per mm2 respectively. Secondary to Primary follicle ratios in rams, ewes and lambs were 4.5 (±0.7), 3.6 (±0.43), 2.8 (±0.21) respectively. There was a significant difference between follicle characteristics of 2 years old ewes and each of the other three and four years old ewes (P<0.05). The effect of sex on follicle characteristics differences was significant too (P<0.05). but correlation between follicle characteristics and pelt quality was not significant (P>0.05).

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Objective: To investigate the peripheral effect of cimetidine on formalin induced pain and morphine analgesia.Design: Experimental study.Animals: A total of 72 male mice weighing between 23-26 gr.Procedure: The animals placed in the formalin test chambers.Intraperitoneal (IP). injections of cimetidine at dose rates of 5,10 and 20 mg/Kg, morphine (5 mg/Kg) and cimetidine (20 mg/Kg) before morphine (5 mg/Kg), Subcutaneous (SC).injection of naloxone (5 mg/Kg) alone or before (IP). Injection of cimetidine (20 mg/Kg) were performed. Following intraplantar injection of formalin (20µ1, 5%) with a 28-guage syringe, the paw licking and biting durations as pain response were measured at five minutes intervals for total 1 hour.Statistical analysis: Paired t-test, one way and repeated measures ANOVA and duncan test.Results: Intrapaw injection of normal saline induced pain at 0-5 minutes after injection. Formalin injection by the same route produced biphasic pain response (first phase: 0-5 and second phase: 20-40 min after injection) (IP). Injection of cimetidine at dose rates of 5 and 10 mg/Kg had no effect, and cimetidine (20 mg/Kg) without any effect on first phase, reduced the second phase of pain (IP). injection of morphine produced analgesia by reducing the first and second phases and total 1h of pain response. Cimetidine (20 mg/Kg) injection before morphine (5 mg/Kg) had no effect on morphine analgesia injection (SC) of naloxone (5 mg/Kg) didn't changed the formalin induced pain phases. Cimetidine injection after naloxone without any effect on first phase, reduced the second phase of noloxane hyperalgesia.Clinical implication: By the present study it is concluded that cimetidine (histamine H2 antagonist) produced an analgesic effect on inflammatory but not on neurogenic phase of formalin-induced pain. Then, histamine H2 receptor may be involved in flammatory pain. It seems that in pain mechanisms, there may be not a relationship between H2 receptor and opiate system.

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Objectives: Evaluation of the effects ot dexamethasone on estrous cycle length. Design: Clinical trial.Animals: A total of 12 Holstein heifers at 16 month of age 340kgs mean body weight and the average estrous cycle lengt of 20 days were selected.Treatment: Dexamethasone (4mg , im , Colvasone , Placeb (4mg, im , injectable Water solution) and PGF2α.Procedures: The estrous cycles of the heifers were synchronized with two injections of PGF2a fourteen day apart. Estrous period (day=0) was detected with observation of estrous behaviors and evaluation of grafian follicle and regressed corpus luteum with rectal pulpation. In the treatment group, dexamethasone was injected at 12h intervals on days 13 to 17 of the iduced estrous cycle in six synchronized heifers.Blood sample were collected on day 13 and 21 via coccygea vein puncture. Presence of corpus luteum was evaluated wit rectal palpation, and estrous behaviors were detected with observation at mentioned period. In control group; wate solutiom was injected at 12h intervals on day 13 to 17 of the induced estrous cycle in six remained synchronized heifer and serum progesterone assay, rectal pulpation and estrous detecion were accomplished as the test group. Statistical analysis: Difference between serum progesteronl levels on day 13 and day 21 of estrous cycle were statistically analysed by student t- test and difference between the number of animals suffered from luteolysis on day 21 of estrous cyclt were analysed by fisher exact (two tailed) test.Results: In the test group, corpusluteum regressed normally in 4 heifers (66.6%) , showing behavioral estrous and serum progesterone levels less than 0.5ng/ml . However, two treated animals (33.3%) did not show estrus on day 21 of the cycle retaining their corpura lutea with the serum progesteront concentrations higher than 1ng/ml, persisting high until day 27 of estrus in one, and day 34 in the other. All the heifers in the control group with high concentration o. progesterone on day 13 of the cycle returned to estrus on day 21 (100%) and showied serum progesterone levels less than 0.5ng/ml.Conclusion: Findings of present study shows that dexamethasone injection at diestrous could not significantly inhibit, the endogenous regression of corpus luteum in Holsteir heifers, and/or the presence of new estrous cycle.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: To find the precise and suitable method in hygienic quality control of some commercial marine species such as Skipjack tuna and Talang queenfish.Design: Comparative study.Animals: A total number of 20 frozen bony marine fish, i.e. Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and Talang queenfish (Scomberoides commersonianus) which obtaind frizely.Procedures: The prepared samples transported to the food hygiene laboratory and after aerobic psychrotrophic bacterial total count (TC) and macro kjeldal determination of total volatile nitrogen (TVN) by APHA, FDA and AOAC methods, they were removed and transmitted to the central laboratory of food and drug quality control for evaluation of Trimethylamine (TMA) and histamine.Statistical analysis: Using SPSS statistical program including Kappa and Fisher's exact tests.Results: No significant correlation observed between the consideration factors and total count in all 20 studied species (P>0.05).Conclusion: According to the results of this study in comparing histamine, trimethylamine and total volatile nitrogen with total count that indicates no significant correlation, it seems that none of these methods can be supposed as a precise quality control index, lonely.

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Objective: Isolation of Histophilus somni (Haemophilus somnus) from pneumonic lesions in cattle. Animals: Fifty - two samples of pneumoniclungs from slaughtered cattle.Procedure: During a six -month period, 52 lung samples with pneumonia were collected from slaughterhouses in suburbs of Tehran for isolation of H. somni. Samples were cultured by standard bacteriological methods and isolated bacteria were identified according to Carter and Cole method by biochemical and enzymatic examinations. Antibiotic sensitivity test was performed on H. somni isolates.Results: H. somni was isolated alone or with other bacteria from 4 (7.69 %) lungs with pneumonia. Antibiotic sensitivity test showed that the isolated bacteria were sensitive to Ceftioufur (Exenel) and Enrofloxacine but resistant to Trimethoprim, Penicillin and Streptomycin.Conclusion: To the authors' knowledge this is the first report of H. somni isolation from respiratory system of cattle in Iran and further research is necessary about it.

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Objective: To study the changes in the viscera weight anc intestinal density of broiler chickens in response to T3-inducec ascites, caused by T3-supplementation of the diet.Design: Experimental study.Animals: One hundred and fifty, day old, male Ross broiler chicks.Treatment: Triiodothyronine (T3). Procedure: The chickens were randomly divided into two equal groups (Control and T3-treated). Diet of T3-treatec group was supplemented with 1.5 ppm T3 for five weeks. AI the end of each week five chicks from either group (ten chicks in total) were separated, and sacrificed. After exsanguinatiom and opening the thoracic and abdominal cavities, the heart and visceras were removed. The weight of right ventricle (RV) and total ventricles (TVs) of the heart were measured. The weight of viscera and weight and length of the intestines were also determined.Statistical analysis: T-test.Results: In T3-treated group, RV/TVs significantly increasec at the end of the 3nd, 4th and 5th week, but the viscera weigh was significantly decreased at the same time. The intestinal lengths were significantly reduced at the end of the 2nd, 4th and 5th week, in response to T3 supplementation of the diet. but the reduction of intestinal weight and density were significant at the end of the 3rd week. Conclusion: According to the results of this study the increases in RV/TVs and the decreases in viscera weight and intestinal length seem to be related to T3-induced ascites.The reductions in intestinal weight and density seen at the end of 3rd week did not last for the following two weeks. This might indicates a transient reduction in thickness of the intestinal wall at the end of the 3rd week and a direcl proliferative effect of T3 on the intestinal crypt cells during the 4th and 5th weeks.

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