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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: To study the structure of the tree part of the penis in camel.Design: Descriptive study.Animal: Excised free part of penis from 6 camels.Method: Six excised penises of the camels obtained from slaughter house were used in this study. Histological sections at 3 level of frec part of the penis (proximal, middle and distal) were prepared. The sections were stained by H&E and studied under the light microsope.Results: In this study presence of few chondral cells in the inner layer of tunica albuginea at the proximal segment of the free part were demonstrated. These cells increased in number and density towards the distal end and gradually penetrated into the corpus cavernosum penis and the central part of the glans penis. thus the distal extrimity of the free part of the penis changes to a fibrocartilagenous structure.

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Objective: 1) Detection of the milk ketone bodies by wet Rotbera and spectrophotometer methods, 2) Comparison of the ketone bodies between two groups, 3) the reliability of bulk milk samples for detection of ketone bodies, 4) the effects of season on milk ketone bodies, and 5) the distribution of sub-clinical and clinical ketosis in industrial and semi-industrial dairy herds. Design: Observational Investigation.Animals: Purebred and hybrid Holstein dairy cattle from industrial and semi-industrial dairy herds. Procedure: Milk samples from 2920 industrial and 1430 semiindustrial dairy herds were collected. Milk samples from industrial dairy herds were collected individually from cows and semi-industrial dairy herds collected from bulk milk. Test for milk ketone quality was carried out using wet rothera test and milk sera were tested for beta hydroxy butyric acid (BHB) using a spectrophotometer to measure ketone quantity. Statistical analysis: Chi-square test. Results: Thirteen cases from bulk milk was observed positive in rothera test (0.91 %) and 97 cases from individual cow samples (3.32%). Differences between two groups were significant (P<0.05). Twelve out of 13 affected samples from bulk milk were occurred in autumn and spring wihile 57 cases from individual dairy milk were occurred in winter. Affected cases in individual cow milk in winter was greater (P<0.05) than other seasons in bulk milk and for bulk milk in autumn was greater (P<0.05) than in individual cow milk. The results of BHB test on affected samples (13 and 97) showed that ketone bodies with over 0.05 mmol/l as an indication of subclinical ana clinical ketosis to be presented only in 19 cases (0.43%) and the others were in physiological status (<0.05 mmol/l). Of those, 12 cases occurred in winter and in individual cow milk samples (0.27%), and 6 cases occurred in bulk milk samples during the autumn (0.13%). Mean ± Se BHB concentrations in winter and autumn were 0.39 ± 0.06 and 0.24 ± 0/06 mmol/l, respectively. Differences between seasons were significant (P<0.05). Clinical implications: It is concluded that there are differences between the two diagnostic methods of ketone bodies detection in diagnosis of ketosis from physiological status. Bulk milk samples can be reliable for the quality assessment of ketone bodies. Subclinical and clinical ketosis in industrial and semi-industrial dairy herds should not be rejected. Ketone bodies in industrial and semi-industrial dairy herds appeared to be higher in winter and autumn, respectively. Finally a milk field test from industrial and semi-industrial dairy herds might be appropriate for diagnosis of subclinical and clinical ketosis but it is rccommended to be supported by quantity method (BHB) as well

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Objective: Ticks are parasite that can cause anemia by blood sucking in different animals in addition to some factors which are transmitted by ticks. Therefore, identification of ticks in each area is important in prognosis of the potential of presence of the transmitted diseases.Design: Descriptive study.Animals: Totally, 5491 animals’ inc1uding 3992 sheep, 695 goats, 426 cattle, 329 camels and 48 astray dogs were subjected to study.Procedure: While inspection animals, to determine the number of the present ticks on the skin of anima]s, inspecting the above mentioned the researcher examined three zones of the body including ear, head and below the tail and perianal region and around of mammary glands in females and, scrotum in males. After counting the ticks, they were removed and transmitted to Alchohol-Glyeerin for the diagnosing of Genus and Species.Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics. Result: Totally, 6259 ticks were found which included 3 Genlls and 9 Species namely, Rhipicephalus bursa, R. sanguinus, Hyalomma anatolicwn excavatum, H a. anatolicum, Hdromedarii, H schulzei, H.detritum, H.asiaticum asiaticum and Ornithodoros lahorensis.In the foregoing study Rhipicephalus bursa was mainly found in sheep, goats and dogs, Hyalomma anatolicum excavatum in cattle and If. dromedarii in camels. The highest level of infestation by ticks in cattle was concentrated in the cast of Garmsar which has the largest number of animal farms, in sheep and goats, this concentration was located in south of Garmsar, in camels and dogs, in the north of the city. Astray dogs as compared to the animalsin the above study, showed the highest degree of infestation by ticks (83.33%). The average number of ticks on the animals in this study in Garmsar was found to be fewer than 10 and the highest number was observed in goats in the cast of Garmsar.Clinical implications: Regarding the role of Rhipicephalus bursa and at a lesser rate R. sanguinus in the transmission of Babesia spp. in cattle, shcep, goats, horses and dogs, also the role of Hyalomma spp. in the transmission of The ileria spp., dipping is one of the most important methods for the control of protozoa at lone month intervals from early of spring. In camels, Ornithodorus lahorensis can have a role in the transmission of Anaplasma. However, further studies arc necessary to improve its role.

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Objective: The determination of the relative frequencies and patterns the mean, standard error and range of the durations and amplitudes of, the P wave in the Turkman horse compared to the well known breed of horse in the world (Thoroughbred).Design: A controlled field study.Animals: Atotal of 123 normal Turkman horses; 70% female and 30% male, 36% less than 6-year-old and 64% more than 6-year-old.Procedure: After establishment of the horscs in the state of maximum possible tranquility and standing body position, the ECG was performed using a battery-driven apparatus in the 12 standard leads I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF, V10, CV6LU, CV6LL, CV6RU, CV6RL and BA. The speed for all Tracings was as 25 mm/sce and wave voltages as 1 cm/mv. Statistical analysis: t-test.Results: The simultaneous were revealed for the first time ECG i parameters of the P wave in the 12 equine standard leads. The comparison of the predominant patterns of the P wave in the leads aVR and V 10 to the lead BA also showed a mirror-image state in the orthogonal trigonometrie planes.Clinical implications: Considering the parameters revealed for the first time in the field of equine e1cetroeardiography using the 12 standard leads, and on the other hand a remarkable similarities between the ECG of the Turkman and Thoroughbred horses; the Results of this study provided a suitable matter for more eleetroeardiographie reseaehes in horse species. Meanwhile, equine clinicians would have the essential clinical criteria for the simultaneous examining of the 12 ECG leads particularly of the standard lead BA.  

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View 1907

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Objective: Determination of frequency of helminthes infection rate of liver and economical lost.Design: Random sampling.Animals: Carcasses of 2386 buffalo.Procedures: In this survey, 2386 carcasses of buffalo examined in Urmia industrial slaughterhouse and 220 (9.2 %) infected livers platyhelminthes transferred to parasitology lab in College of Veterinary Medicine from Dccember 2000 to June 200 I. Worms were separated and counted. To determine ecnomicallost, number of confiscated livers and their cost per day were recorded.Results: From 67375 worms removed and counted, four species of helminthes have been identified in confiscated liver of sheep, of which three were trematodes with one metacestode. The highest rates relating to Dicrocoelium denderiticum 98.35% followed by Fasciola hepatica 0.65% Fgigantica 0.1]4 and infected liver by hydrated cyst was 0.89% Infection rate of trematode, cestode and mixed infection were 25%, 60% and 15%, respectively. During this survey, the economical lost for 494 kg/day were 10404000.

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View 887

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Objective: To study circadian rhythms of food and water intake in rabbits.Animals: Ten adult male albino rabbits.Procedure: Feeding and drinking patterns were continuously measured hourly in light phase and over the night phase for 2 weeks to I month.Statistical analysis: paired t- test and regression bobgggcgcot. Results: The results indicate that rabbits display a circadian rhytlun of feeding behavior, consuming as much food in the dark phase as in the light phase. The ratio of dark to light feeding was 1.64 and of water intake was 1.72.

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Objective: Comparison the ratio of live and dead sperm cells and investigation protoplasmic droplets of sperm cells collected from different parts of epididymis of Zell rams in autumn and winter.Design: Descriptive study.Animals: Zell rams.Procedure: Zell ram testicles (n=10) were obtained from slaughterhouse, different parts of epididymis (caput, corpus and cauda) were incised. The sperm samples derived from each part were put onto the slide glass. Samples were stained using eosin - nigrosin procedure and examined under an optic microscope.Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics, X2-test. Results: Totally, 71% of sperm cells were alive. The proportion of live sperms in right and left testicles were not significantly different.Protoplasmic droplets were observed in 57% of sperm cells, of which no significant different was seen among different parts of epididymis (caput, corpus and cauda) and among left and right testicles in autumn or winter.Conclusion: A considerable part of Zell rams epididymal sperm cells are alive in autumn and winter and could be considered as a sperm reservoir for further use.

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Objective: To study the clinical and histopathological changes eaused by an anionic detergent on the gill of gold fish. Animals: One hundred and forty Gold fish (with the length of 18 - 20 cm) divided into four groups. Procedture: Fish in groups 1 to 3 received anionic detergent, S ppm, 10ppm and 15 ppm respectively. After 21 days, 7 fish were selected from cache group randomly and gills were fixed in 10 percent buffered formalin.Statistical analysis: Comparison of non - parametric data by scaling system based on the type and severity of the lesions.Results: After exposing to the anionic detergent, all groups showed increased movement of the operculum and increased mucus secretion.Fish of groups 2 and 3, showed emaciation, petechial hemorrhage on skin, fin rot, keratitis, dermal ulcers and in appetite. Histopathologie lesions included epithelial necrosis of lamela, chloride cell hyperplasia and infiltration of inflammatory cells which were more prominent in groups 2 and 3.Clinical implications: From the results of this study it seems that the anionic detergent which used in this study can cause many pathologie changes in the gill of Gold fish specially with the concentration of 10 ppm and 15 ppm respectively. The gills arc important organs for examination means. They arc sensitive to a number of instants. Parasites and chemical agents present in the water.

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Objective: To determine if pain of the heel of the sole in horses can be attenuated by anesthesia of the distal interphlangeal joint (D IP).Design: Experimental study.Animals: Six adult and apparently healthy horses.Procedure: Lameness was induced by creating pressure on the heel of the sole by screwing Set-Screws into a nut welded to the inside of each branch of a shoe. Gaits in trot and walk were evaluated before and after application of Set-Screws and after a local anesthetic or saline solution was administered into the DIP joint. Gaits recorded on videotape were evaluated, and lameness scores were assigned to each gait. Statistical analysis: Using Non-parametric paired sign test with P<0.05. Results: Lameness scores were high after application of Set-Screws and remain high after saline solution was administered into the DIP joint. Score decreased significantly (P<0.05) after a local anesthetize was administered into the DIP joint.Clinical implications: Analgesia of the DIP joint desensitizes at least a portion of the sole, so pain arising from the sole in heel region should not be excluded as a cause of lameness when lameness is attenuated by analgesia of the DIP joint.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of cryptosporidium muris-like (Andersoni) among dairy cattle in dairy farm located in lsfahan city. In addition, histological changes in the abomasums in slaughter house and the associated 1ink of mice and water as a source of infestation were investigated.Design: Field survey.Procedure: In this study cattle feeal samples were taken from dairy farms located at outkirts of the Isfahan city. In order to test the mice as a possible source of contamination, mice were caught by mouse trap from farms and the houses within the vicinity of the farm. To study the extent of sewage system contamination, 200 samples from different locations of the sewage manho1c of two selected farm were taken. In addition, mucosal samples from the abomasums of slaughtered cows were prepared by scratch smear method. Mice free from previous infestations were inoculated by orally with positive abomasums and samples their feees were tested on daily basis until oocysts were detected. Both light and clectromicroscopic studies were made on the positive abomasums samples to investigate histopathologic changes and the location of parasite.Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics.Results: The overall percentage of C.muris-like positive feees was 12.66%. Among the mice captured in and houses within the vicinity of the trams 9.18 and 1.85% were found to be positive for C.parvum and 6 percent of which were also contaminated with C.muris-like type. Among the mucosal samples taken from the abomasums at the slaughterhouse 3.36% were positive for C.muris-like parasite. The feces of 75% of mice inoculated with isolated cryptosporidium were found to be positively infected Micrioscopic examination of abomasal samples revealed the parasite within the lumen of peptic glands. In addition, there was degree of accumulations of inflammatory cells at lamina propria of positive abomasums.Conclusion: The results of this study revealed the existenses of c.muris like padasite (Anderson) in the abomasums at dairy cattle at the dairy farms around isfahan city. The role of mice and water as a source of contamination was also investigated.

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Objective: Diagnosis of a cutaneous tumor mass in dog for the first time in IRAN.Design: Case report. Animal: An 11- year- old male Dachshund.Procedure: The dog with a cutaneous mass in the left perineum, was referred to the Small Animal Clinic, Faculty of veterinary Medicine, University of Tehran. The dog was examined clinically and radiographs were taken from chest and ultrasonography of abdominal cavity was performed. The mass was removed surgically and fixed in buffered 10% formalin, tissue sections were made at 5m and stained with H&E. Results: A firm, non pedunculated (2.6x2.2x 1cm in diameter) mass was found macroscopically. The mass was umbilicated and ulcerated, overlying skin showed superficial necrotic layers. The cut surface was tan in color and lobulated with delicate collagenous stroma and areas of hemorrhages. Microscopically, the neoplastic cells were large, round to polyhedral with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and distinct cell boundaries and a centrally located round, vesicular nuclei. The cells resembled hepatocyte and generally showed disorderly growth and didn't form discrete lobules. Histopathologic examination revealed severe pleomorphism, frequent mitotic figures, areas of hemorrhages and the presence of scattered individual and small nests of invasive neoplastic eclls in the supporting stromal connective tissue. Radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations revealed no metastases in thorax and abdominal cavity. Clinical implications: According to location, macroscopic and histopathologic characteristics this mass was diagnosed as relatively well differentiated perianal glands adenocarcinoma. Hyperplasia and adenoma of perianal glands arc frequently observed, however, it is the first report of perianal glands adenocarcinoma from Iran.

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Objective: Recognizing the morphologic and microscopic structures of some parts of the G. tract which have the most important absorptive role in relation with feeding and growth of the sturgeons.Design: Descriptive study.Animals: A total number of six adult Russian sturgeons freshly prepared from Caspian sea.Procedure: After removing the posterior parts of G. tract, they were immediately fixed in % 10 buffered formalin and transported to the laboratory. Routine procedures of histology were made and the paraffin sections of 5 micron were stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin. Results: The large or spiral intestine was characterized with particular spiral valves. They were lined with a pscudostratificd epithelium encircled by a connective tissue layer and strands of smooth muscle and some lymphatic nodules. A similar epithelium was present in spiral intestine's mucosa. In lamina propria and sub mucosa were some simple tubular and many large branched secular glands with I the same epithelium. Numerous secretory and granular cells were seen in this epithelium. Rectum had a pseudo stratified epithelium with brush borders and numerous goblet cells. The large glands of the previous parts were absent. The epithelium gradually changed into stratified squamous toward the anus at the end of the canal.Conclusion: Considering the presence of many goblet and secretary cells in the mucosal epithelium of these parts and also spiral valves, in some species it has been shown that the enzyme concentrations and protein levels in these parts were higher. So it is concluded that especially the spiral intestine to be the principal site of absorption I in sturgeons, this study also showed that, in this species due to presence of a highly complex mucosal structures, large absorptive areas have been provided, which is correspondent with tbe route of their feeding.

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Objective: To Find out the effect of betaine on number of oocysts which excreted in feces of coccodiosis infected broilers and its effect on feed intake, feed conversion ratio and body weight gain. Design: The experiment was conducted by 2x4 factorial arrangements in a randomized complete block design (RCBD).Animals: Three hundred sixty Ross male broiler chicks.Procedure: Chicks were divided into 8 groups of 45 birds in 3 replicates of 15 birds in each. In a factorial experiment to examine effect of dietary betaine at levels of 0 and 66 ppm. At age of 28 days the birds were challenged with 200000 oocysts per bird through digestive tract. From 35-39 days of age three samples of feces were taken from each replicate for determining the number of ooysts per gram feces (OPG). To evaluate the effect of betaine on performance of the birds, body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were measured weekly. Statistical analysis: Using SAS statistical programe a number of analysis including Duncan's test and ANOVA were carried out.Results: The experimental results showed that betaine increased feed intake and body weight gain significantly (P<0.05) in coccidial infected birds. The results indicated that combination of betaine with salinomycin has greater effect (P<0.05) on broiler performance in comparison with betaine or salinomyein alone. The effect of betaine on number of oocysts per gram of feces of birds was not significant (P>0.05).Conclusion: Results of this experiment showed that betaine increased feed intake and body weight gain in coccidiosis infected broilers, but it does not affect the performance of healthy birds. Betaine also has no effect on number of oocysts in feces of the birds.

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Objective: Study of the histological and histomorphometrical changes in the uterus of buffalo in the follicular and luteal phases of estrus cycle.Design: Comparative study.Animals: Samples of the uterus along with ovaries were collected from 20 buffalos.Procedure: The selected specimens underwent tissue processing i.e. fixation with 10% neutral (ormlin, tissue Passage, sectioning (5-7im) and staning with Hematoxylin- Eosin method. In the tomorphometry of specimens the thickness of endometrium, myometrium and perimetrium were measured in micrometer. The thickness of glands and their mean distribution in 0/25 mm2 were assessed.Statistical analysis: Student "t" study.Results: Our results presented in two sections i.e A) Histological study: the epithelium of the endometrium was simple columnar and occasionally in some places pseudo stratified columnar and simple cuboidal. In the superficial region the connective tissue of the subepithelium was loose but around the endometrial glands it was relatively fibrous form The myometrium was made up of two layers, i.e. inner circular and outer longitudinal. B) Histomorphometrical study, revealed that thicknesses of endometrium and myometrium in the follicular and luteal phases have not showed significant differences.Although the thicknesses of epithelium and glands and the distribution of the gland in the luteal phase were increased, the differences were not significant, whereas, there was significant differcnce between the gland epithelium and thickness of glands (p<0.01).Conclusion: (I) Increase in thickness of myometrium and perimetrium caused by effect of estrogen in the follicular phase. (2) Progestrone improves the epithelial and glandular thicknesses in the luteal phase. (3) Estrogen also causes branching of the glands. Thus these results confirm the concept that in the uterus of the Buffaloes estrogen and progesterone effects in both the follicular and luteal phases on the epithelium, glands, myometrium and perinmetrium.

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Objective: In this research, protein patterns of 30 isolates of Newcastle disease virus (isolated in Iran) along with two vaccinal strains (81 and Lasota) were determined.Design: Descriptive study.Samples: These viruses were isolated from Jun.2000 to Oet.2001 out of 507 brains of chicken suspected to infection with virulent NDY. Procedure: Following preparation and inoculation of 507 brain of infected chicken in allantoic cavity of 8 days embryonated eggs, 30 isolates of virus that identified by HI test, were isolated. These samples along with 2 vaccinal strains, 8 I and Lasota were purified by high-speed centrifugation and then electrophoresis by SDSPAGE method.Results: The results of SDS-PAGE test of samples, showed that the isolated viruses posses 80, 72, 64, 43, 27 and 23 kDa bands in their protein patterns. No difference in virulent and a virulent virulent (81 and Lasota) strains in protein patterns was observed. Only in three cases of virulent strains of NDV, 48-49 kDa bands were observed instead of 64 kDa band. This protein has not been previously identified.

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Objective: Diagnosis of a tumor mass on palpebral conjunctiva in cow.Design: Case report.Animal: A 5-year- old Holstein cow.Procedure: The cow was referred to Teaching and Research Hospital, Faculty of Yeteri nary Medicine, University of Tehran, Oct. 2001. The tissue biopsies were obtained from the mass, fixed in 10% buffered formalin and tissue sections were made at 5mm and stained with H&E. To determination of malignancy, some of the sections stained for keratin and prekeratin by Ayoub-Shklar method. Results: Clinical examinations revealed a painful, light yellow, fleshy and haemorrhagic mass, 4´2 cm, on conjunctiva of lower eyelid of the left eye. Histopathologic examination revealed several irregular masses and elongated cords consisting of polyhedral cells with basophilic, hyperchromatic and pleomorphic nuclei, enlarged nucleoli and irreguler clumps of chromatin within nuclei with eosinophilic, finely granular cytoplasm. The neoplastic cells resembled prickle cells with prominent cell borders, abundant atypical mitotic figures, mononuclear tumor giant cells and foci of hemorrhages and necrosis. Microscopic examination revealed neoplastic cells with intercellular bridges, premature keratinization and a diffuse invasion to the connective stroma of palpebral conjunctiva. There was no epithelial keratin pearls formation. Special staining revealed some prekeratin staining orange colour and a little keratin staining brilliant Red. According to location, gross and microscopic characteristics, the mass was diagnosed as low grade differentiated ocular squamous cell carcinoma. Clinical implications: In squamous cell carcinomas, the decrease in differentiation usually is associated with decrease in the function and increase in metastasis, invasion and malignancy. Grading of the tumors by proper methods like special staining is necessary for medical and surgical proposes and proper diagnosis.

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Objective: To compare two methods of treating the exuberant granulation tissue with scalpel (sharp debridement) and curettage (blunt debridement) alone and with non adhesive - bandage.Design: Interventional study, 4x4 Latin square. Animals: Lateral aspect of metacarpal or metatarsal region of each limb of four healthy adult horses.Procedure: Creation of a 50 cm2 (5x 10) full-thickness wounds, formation of the exuberant granulation tissue within 35 days by tap-water and 10% solution of providence-iodine. Four groups of treatment such as: A) Curettage, B) Scalpel, C) Curettage with non-adhesive bandage, D) Scalpel with no adhesive bandage was applied respectively.Statistical analysis: Slope of linear regression, Analysis of Covariance. Results: The wounds of group D were healed completely during 42 days. Other wounds had unhealed area 42 days after the commencement of treatment, except two wounds of group C. The best cosmetic appearance was observed in group D. The wounds were treated with scalpel healed significantly faster than wounds were treated by curettage. Also healing rate in groups C and D was significantly faster than groups A and B.Clinical implications: From the results of this study it seems that sharp debridement with non-adhesive bandage for treating exuberant granulation tissue of lower limb open wounds in horses could be recommended. 

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Objective: To evaluate acupuncture therapeutic regimens on histomorphological changes of radial bone healing in dog Study.Design: Prospective randomized experimental study.Animals: Six young adult clinically normal male crossbred dogs weighing 24.6±4.4 Kg and 25.0±8.4 months old. Methods: All dogs were anaesthetized with 5% thiopentone sodium and maintained with 1% halothane. A piece of Icm bone fragment was removed from right midshatl of radial bone and externally plaster of paris cast were used. Acupuncture treatment was given daily 10 minutes for two weeks in experimental group (3 animals) by locating acupoints LT-I I , Ll-4; ST-36 and TH-5, whereas no treatment was given in control group (3 animals) till end of 90 days of observations period. The two callus samples were collected from each case for histomorphological study which was stained with H&E stain.Result: There was more hyaline cartilage with connective tissue in control group where as more bony tissues, and trabecule formation with haversian canal in condensed form in experimental animals. Conclusion: Acupuncture therapeutic regimens for two weeks period had positive and stimulatory effect on callus formation with comparatively more bony tissues with trabecule formation and with the least fibro cartilage in experimental animals. Under the present condition acupuncture as a physical method of therapy is quite effective in bone healing and faster remodeling of callus.

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Objective: To determine the influence of the presence of the dam at the time of eolostrums intake on scrum gamma globulin concentration of neonatal calves, from birth to 4 weeks of age.Design: Experimental study.Animals: Forty newborn calves divided to two groups (20 per group). Procedure: Twenty newborn calves were immediately isolated from their dams after birth and housed in single pen in the calf rearing unit (group I). The other 20 newborn calves kept with their dams in calving pen for the first 3 h and during this time fed colostrum from nipple pail (group 2). Calves were then separated from their dams and housed in single pen in calf rearing unit. Estimation of total protein followed by gammaglobulin concentration was carried out by electrophoresis. Statistical analysis: ANOVA followed by Fiseher's PLSD test.Results: Mean scrum total protein levels of calves in group 2 were greater than group on days 2, 14 and 28 after birth, but the difference were not significant. Mean serum gammaglobulin concentration in-group 2 was greater than calves' in-group I on days 2, 14 and 28. The difference at day 2 was significant (p< 0.05), but at days 14 and 28 the difference were not statistically significant.Clinical implications: From the results of this study it seems that presence of dams in the first hours of life, and only at the time of first colostrum feeding (the most important part of received colostrum), can increase scrum gammaglobulin concentrations of calves.

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Objective: Collection of scientific information regarding bladder grafts by scientist of Iran and abroad.Design: Retrospective study.Procedures: The bladder is exposed to a variety of possible injuries from the time fetus develops. Individuals may also have other disorders, such as cancer, trauma, infection, inflammation, and iatrogenic injuries. Augmentation cystoplasty is now used quite commonly for reconstruction of the dysfunctional bladder when more conservative management fails. The use of bowel for augmentation of bladder was first described, experimentally in 1888 and used in human in 1898. In spite of surgical augmentation with gastrointestinal segments, several bladder- wall substitutes were tested of a free tissue graft for bladder replacement with a variety of auto- hemo- and heterologous tissues. These tissues consist of fascia, skin, preserved bladder, omentum, peritoneum, lyophilized human dura, and amniotic membrane. Also various alloplastic materials have been used as bladder patches or as a scaffold to allow bladder regeneration for example, polyethylene, teflon, polyterephthalate ethylene glycol (terylene), and silicone rubber. A group of biodegradable prosthetic materials were used such as polyvinyl sponge, absorbable gelatine sponge, polyglactin 910 and collagen film. Grafts of acellular matrix were used as a scaffold for in growth of smooth muscle tissue and mucosa. Bladder bioengineering strategy is a new method that is being studied for augmentation now a day.Conclusion: Experimental studies showed that acellular matrix and bladder bioengineering are more promising methods to alloplastic prostheses, biodegradable prostheses, surgical augmentation with gastrointestinal segments, and so on.

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Objectives: 1- is there any leptospiral sero infection in dairy cattle herds and their employees? 2- Which leptospira serovar, are the causative agents for dairy cattle herds and their employees?Design: Cross sectional prospective study.Cases: Dairy cattle herds employees and cows.Methods: A total of 551 serum samples 162 workers and 389 owe were collected from 18 dairy herds. Serum samples were tested for Leptospira lnterrogans antibody using Microscopic Agglutination test (MAT) by using 22 alive leptospira antigens. Statistical analysis: Chi2 test.Results: Ninety-three (23.9%) cow’s sera and 23(14.19%) employees sera showed positive serological reaction againsl antigens. Thirty-two (34.4%) sera bovine and 7(30.4%) humar sera reacted to more than one serovar. The minimum MAT title was 1:200 and the highest were 1:6400 & I :800 for cows aD( employees. respectively. The most common serovar was grippotyphosa grippotyphosa.Conclusion: It is likely that cows and farms employees to b, infected with more than one serovar. leptospirosis is becoming; increasingly recognized as an occupational disease of farm workers. On the other hand. It was higher Among milkier due t humidity and shedding it with urine and milk during milk in times.

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