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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nucleotides are considered as cellular component which do regulatory effect and key function in all biological process. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of dietary nucleotide intake on osmoregulatory function of pyloric caeca in juvenile salmon of Caspian sea. This experiment was done in two levels of dietary nucleotide (0.25 % and 0.5%) and a control group (0%) for 8 weeks. After then, 12 fishes from each treated group were transferred into saline water (18 ppt). 72 hours later, fishes were fixed for histological and immunohistochemical studies. Histological studies were done by Hematoxiline-Fushin staining and light microscope. Immunolocalization of Na+, K+-ATPase was done by fluorescent microscope. Results showed that in all samples immunofluorescence of Na+,K+-ATPase can be seen in the baso-lateral parts of pyloric ceaca entrocytes. Treated groups showed higher fluorescence compared to the control. In this respect 0.5% group showed the highest values for immunofluorescence of Na+,K+- ATPase. Alternation in Na+, K+-ATPase values of epithelial pyloric caeca in response to dietary nucleodtides intake can be attributed to its role in adaptation of fish to 18 ppt saline.

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Cadmium as a heavy metal has some detrimental effects on the health of living organisms. The aim of the present inventigation was to study the effects of cadmium induced toxicity on the kidney in a broiler chicken model. Eighty four one day-old male Ross breed broiler chickens were obtained from a commercial poultry farm and randomly divided into four groups. While control (group 1) took no cadmium, groups 2, 3 and 4 received a ration of 25, 50 and 100 ppm cadmium (CdCl2) per day, respectively. At days 14, 28 and 42 seven birds were sacrificed and their kidneys were examined with both light microscope and transmission electron microscope. Data were statistically analyzed using 2- way ANOVA. Kidney lesions in the groups 3 and 4 were more severe than the group 2. Severity of kidney lesions showed both time and dose dependent manner increase so that all birds in groups 3 and 4 had severe kidney lesions. These groups received 50 and 100 ppm cadmium a day. Renal histopathology showed swelling, degenerative changes, necrosis and apoptosis in tubular epithelium as well as presence of hyaline casts and lack of kidney lymphoid tissue formation. It can be concluded that higher concentrations of dietary cadmium can induce kidney lesions in chickens through glomerular and tubular damages.

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View 1104

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Different supplementary enzymes have used widely in diets for ruminants and non-ruminants over the past decade. The present study investigated the effects of feeding natuzyme (enzyme supplement) on feedlot performance, feed digestibility and rumen metabolites of Varamini male lambs. Twenty-four Varamini male lambs (initial body weight 22±1.5Kg with 3 to 4 months age) used in a completely randomized design for 84 days. The lambs were randomly allocated to three rations of 1) without enzyme, control diet, 2) with 0.5 g/kg of feed natuzyme, 3) with 1 g/kg of feed natuzyme with 8 replication. Basal diet was formulated according to CNCPS for sheep. Daily dry matter intake and monthly average gain of lambs recorded and digestibility of basal diet measured with chromic oxide as external marker. At the end of examination, rumen liquid samples collected from lambs and its pH and ammonia nitrogen were measured. The results showed that diets did not make significant effect on the average daily gain, dry matter intake and feed conversion ratio in lambs. Meanwhile, digestibility of crude protein, ether extract, dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber of basal diet, ruminal pH and ammonia nitrogen did not show difference between diets. We concluded that use of 0.5 or 1 g/kg of feed natuzyme did not make significant effect on the performance of Varamini male lambs.

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View 928

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The use of vaccines in poultry to control avian influenza viruses (AIVs), especially mildly pathogenic avian influenza viruses, has been increased in recent years; thus, regarding the characteristic of AIVs, it is important to evaluate the quality of vaccines with an appropriate and rapid method. The aim of the present study was to investigate the quality of three commercially available oil-emulsion AIVs (subgroup H9N2) vaccines via in-vitro assessment. Viral antigens of the vaccines were recovered by aqueous partition method and the amounts of extracted total protein and recovered hemagglutination (HA) activity were determined and compared with the immune system responses of chickens to the vaccines. It has been shown that the amount of recovered total protein and activity of the recovered HA were different among vaccines with the same dose. Meanwhile, chickens showed different immune system responses to the vaccines. We have shown poor quality for two vaccines and high quality for one which can be attributed to their viral protein density.

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View 832

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Apre-slaughter stunning procedure is one of the most important steps in management of the fish meat quality. The aim of the present study was to evaluate meat quality of Common carp affected by different stun-slaughtering procedures. In this investigation effects of 3 experimental treatments consist of 1) stunning carps via submerging in saturated CO2 bath, 2) stunning carps through immersion into bath containing clove oil and 3) common fish slaughtering method (Asphyxia), were evaluated on meat quality of Common carp. Results revealed that anaesthetizing and killing procedures significantly made effect on meat quality compared to the immersion in clove oil method (p<0.05). We have shown that muscle pH varied significantly within trial time and among the experimental groups (p<0.05). Immediately after death, mean muscle pH for CO2, clove oil and asphyxia groups were 6.34, 6.48 and 6.99, respectively. At 72 h postmortem, fish in clove oil group had the lowest drip loss (p<0.05). Asphyxia group had the highest mean refraction index throughout the post mortem period. Meanwhile, different stunning procedures significantly affected the fillet and skin color (p<0.05). It seems that stun/killing fish with clove oil preserve meat quality more than the other methods.

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View 773

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Accessory genital glands prostate, bulbourethral and pelvic urethral glands are a part of male camel genital system. The aim of the present study was to extend the literature on the urogenitol system in the male Camelus dromedarius. Five histological specimens from five camels were collected and fixed in 10% formalin solution. Routine histological procedures were done on penile specimens of distal extremity, sectioned at 6 microns, stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin and studied via light microscope. We have shown that urethral glands present in both pelvic urethra and the wall of distal extremity of penile urethra in the neck of camel’s penis. In this respect we found two massive glands of penile urethra. One mass was smaller and located on the lateral aspect of the urethra adjuscent to the corpus cavernosum. It was located on the dorsal surface of the urethra prior to inclination of the urethra to the left side. The other mass was greater and adhered to the ventral surface of the urethra. It was situated on the dorsolateral aspect of the urethra prior to inclination of the urethra to the left side. The round, elliptical and long sections of these massive glands were consisting of high cuboidal or columnar cell layer. These cells had a round basic nucleus and white color cytoplasm. These tubular glands may be able to secret serous substances.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1106

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Avian Influenza (AI) is a viral respiratory disease of poultry industry that causes great economic losses in worldwide. In this study, the neuraminidase (NA) gene of two H9N2 avian influenza virus (AIV) strains (A/Chicken/Iran/ZMT-101/1998 and A/Chicken/Iran/NGV-1/2006), isolated from AI infected poultry farms in 1998 and 2006, were cloned and sequenced. Amino acids at hemadsorbing (HB) site of these isolates showed some differences between them and also with other Iranian isolates. No insertion or deletion or shortening in the stalk region of the NA gene were observed. Phylogenetic analysis showed that N2 gene of these strains belonged to the same A/Qail/HongKong/G1/97-like virus sublineage. However, these strains were allocated in two different groups in the same sublineage. These results indicate that the N2 gene and protein sequences of the recently isolated H9N2 strain (NGV-1/2006) have substantial variation compared to the previous Iranian reported H9N2 strain (ZMT-101/1998). These changes may cause some new biologic and immunologic characteristics for AIVs, such as reduction of vaccination efficacy in immunized chickens. Therefore, evaluation of important genes and protective efficacy of used H9N2 vaccine strain used in Iran would be crucial.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 747

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It has been demonstrated that heat stress has a detrimental effect on conception rate of dairy cows, via early embryonic death. To reduce heat stress, providing shade, fan, appropriate diet and application of ovulation induction agents (GnRH and hCG) is recomended. Endogen PGF2a has positive effect on ovulation. Repeat Breader. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of PGF2a injection on reproductive performance of Repeat Breader (RB) dairy cows in heat stress condition at artificial insemenation (AI). This study was conducted in two large dairy farms in Tehran province during the summer 1386-87. All cows were inseminated (A M -PM) based on heat detection at 12 hours after observed standing heat. Mean temperature and humidity were recorded throughout the study. In this study 150 RB cows were randomly divided into three groups. Group A(n=50) received PGF2a simultaneously with AI, group B (n=50) received GnRH at the time of AI and group C (n=50) did not receive any treatment and served as control. Based on rectal palpation on 40-50 days of AI, 5 cows of group A, 9 of group B and 10 of group C were pregnant. There were not any significant differences among groups (p>0.05). The results revealed that simultanous using of PGF2a or GnRH with AI has no beneficial effects on conception rate in RB cows.

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View 3518

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Mammary glands are particularly susceptible to new infections during the dry and early lactation periods. Dry cow antibiotic therapy in all quarters of all cows has been a traditional method to reduce the effect of these new infections. The objective of this study which was done for the first time in Iran was to determine the effect of infusion with Masti-Seal at dry off. Eighty Holstein Frisian dairy cows parity of 2 to 5 in 7 month of pregnancy were selected from a commercial dairy farm. All cows didn't show clinical mastitis in last month. The cows of group A (n=10) were randomly assigned to be treated in two quarters (LF/RR or RF/LR) with the sealant while two quarters in each cow remained as untreated controls. The cows of group B (n=10) were randomly treated with the dry cow therapy (DCT) and sealant. The cows of group C were randomly assigned to be treated in two quarters (LF/RR or RF/LR) with the DCT and sealant while two quarters were treated just with antibiotic DCT. In group D the effect of Masti-seal and Orbiseal in rear quarters were compared. Milk samples were collected for bacterial culture and somatic cell count (SCC) at dry off, 10-15 DIM. At calving, the Mastiseal was manually stripped from each quarter prior to collecting of colostrum. The clinical evaluations of teats were done in all groups at days 7, 14 and 28 after treatment. No changes in teats of cows were seen. Corynebacterium bovis and one yeast were isolated from 2 and 1 samples, respectively. The SCC of cows in group B increased significantly after parturition compared with cows treated by DCT. In other groups there were no significant differences between dry period and after parturition. Results revealed that using of Masti-seal in combination with DCT is useful. However, use of Masti-seal is a necessity even without antibiotics.

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Selenium is an essential trace mineral and has a profound impact on immune function, health and productive performance. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary selenium in different levels on performance and humoral immunity in broiler chicks. Male broiler chicks (Arbor Acres, 1-d old, n= 225) were randomly assigned to 3 treatment groups of 5 replicates each including 15 chicks per replicate in a completely randomized design arrangement. Chicks were offered three levels of selenium including: basal diet (no supplemental dietary selenium), diets containing selenium as recommended by NRC (0.15 mg/kg diet) and 0.3 mg/Kg diet. Birds in each pen were injected with 0.2 mL of 5% sheep red blood cell (SRBC) solution at days 21 and 35 via intrapectoral injection. Blood collection was done at 7 and 14 days later and total IgY and blood metabolites were determined. Addition of selenium to diets did not make significant difference in daily weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Selenium supplementation to diets resulted in significant effect on blood cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoprotein cholestrol (LDLC- C) (p<0.05). It had not effect on triglyceride and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL- C). Diets with 0.3 mg selenium increased total IgY titer and gammaglobulins 7 day after secondary injection (p<0.01). Different levels of selenium did not make significant effect on performance and weight of spleen and bursa. These results indicated that selenium at higher levels can improve humeral immunity and blood biochemical parameters.

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Probiotics are live microorganisms with beneficial health effects on host animals which exert their effects on performance, gastrointestinal tract and immune system. Various probiotic products are available in the market. This study compared the effects of various probiotic products on broiler performance, intestinal morphology and some immunological and hematological parameters. Five probiotic products were fed to v480 1-d old broilers for 49 days. Performance was studied in starting, growing, finishing and whole periods. Samples of small intestine were studied at 21, 35 and 49 days of age. Antibody titers against sheep red blood cells and new castle vaccine virus determinede as immune respons of birds. probiotic type influenced the performance of birds. Morphological charactertics of intestine have been affected by probiotic type. Probiotic type has not been affected by immune and blood related factors (p>0.05). Type and ingredients of probiotics should be considered when used for a special goal.

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View 1215

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Aquired dental disease is characterized by deterioration of tooth quality, acquired malocclusion and elongation of the teeth roots. By now, there is no study to show incidence rate of dental diseases in Iranian pet rabbits. The aim of this study is to investigate types of disorders (dental malocclusion and elongation of the teeth roots) and rate of dental diseases based on information received from radiographs prepared from referred rabbits to Small Animals Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and University of Tehran, Iran. During three years (2004-2007) 64 out of 239 radiographs were related to dental disorders in rabbits. Among 64 studied radiographs, 23.44% were affected by stage I of the disease and the same rate was affected by the stage II. Almost 37.5% of the affected rabbits showed signs of stage III of the disease which were accompanying with malocclusion and loss of zigzag occlusal pattern of upper and lower cheek teeth. 15.62% were affed by stage IV of the disease, no affected cases with stage V was shown. These results showed high occurrence rate of tooth root elongation and malocclusion (about 64.06%) in referred pet rabbits to the University of Tehran Veterinary hospital.

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View 1146

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Abomasal ulcer is a digestive disorder in domestic ruminants. There are several forms of ulcers which produce different clinical signs. For determination of lesion prevalence, abomasa of 200 buffaloes were examined grossly and in some cases, histopathologically. One hundred and twenty seven examined abomasa (63.5%) had ulcerative lesions. All ulcers (except in 2 cases) were classified as type 1. This type of lesion was sub-classified to 1a, 1b, 1c and 1d, based on its severity. Eighty six abomasa (43%) had minimal mucosal defects which were sub- classified as type 1a. Deeper injuries, type 1b, were observed in 62 (31%) abomasa. Type 1c and 1d were seen in 19 (9.5%) and 18 (9%) abomasa, respectively. The most of abomasa had several kinds of ulcers. While types 1a and 1b mainly occurred in the pyloric region, type 1d was mainly shown in the fundic region. The frequency for type 1c ulcer occurrence was the same in both regions. Frequency of abomasal ulcer did not show any sex or age dependency.

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