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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of Rosette Inhibition Test (RIT) for detection of (Early Pregnancy Factor "EPF").Design: Experimental field study.Animals: Seventy five heifers from a dairy farm, in the vicinity of Tehran were selected randomly during July 2000 to February 2001.Procedure: Fifteen heifers (control group) were tested and blood was collected 36-84 hours after estrus. Blood serums of 60 heifers (treatment group) were collected 24-72 hours after AI. Pregnancy was determined 42 days after insemination via rectal examination.Statistical analysis: Epidemiological indices (Sensitivity specificity).Results: Eleven heifers were diagnosed pregnant in control group. In the Other group, 5 of 33 pregnant cows were diagnosed non pregnant and 20 of 27 non pregnant heifers were diagnosed pregnant with R.I.T. Sensitivity of RIT in dilution of 1/32 (RIT5) for pregnancy diagnosis was 85.5 percent and specificity was 26 percent. Positive predictive value was observed to be 47 percent and the negative predictive value 69 percent.Clinical implications: EPF is a protein detectable in the serum of pregnant females in most mammals before and after attachment of the embryo. EPF is secreted with growth regulatory and immunomodulatory properties. Despite of determination EPF in women by RIT in heifer there is no significant association between the detection of EPF through E. RIT and pregnancy.

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Objective: To compare rabbits corneal wound healing by two methods of Keratomileusis.Design: A comparative experimental study.Animals: 61 eyes of 35 laboratory white rabbits.Procedures: A few drops of 20% ethyl alcohol solution were placed on to the corneal epithelial ring and apedanculated corneal flap (9 mm in diameter and 50/l in thickness) from the cornea was separated and then, replaced back to original position (Lasek). In PRK group a corneal flap was completely removed. In both groups a bandage of soft contact lens placed and the eyelids were sutured Five parameters including: Corneal Wound, vascular injection from limbus toward cornea, corneal edema, light transmissibility and routine histopathological examination were used to evaluate and compare the two procedures. Six normal intact corneas were collected as normal group.Statistical analysis: Kruskal- wallis test.Results: There were no significant differences between the all studied parameters among three groups after 14th day of surgical intervention. There were no significant differences in 6th post surgical' day between LASEK and normal groups for corneal wound healing while there was significant difference between PRK and normal groups (P< 0.05). There were significant differences for transmissible light in 3rd day after surgery between LASEK and PRK groups (P<0.05).Clinical implications: Objective data and statistical results showed that the LASEK method of corneal splitting may prove superior to the PRK method.

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Objective: To elucidate the central role of histamine and its H1 and H2 receptors in the regulation of feeding behavior of rabbits.Design: Experimental study.Animals: Thirty-six male New Zeland white rabbits weighing 2.5-3 kg.Procedure: A 23-guage stainless steel guide cannula was implanted into the lateral ventricle of brain and intracerebroventricular injections of saline normal (control), histamine (75 mg). chlorpheniramina (H1) antagonist, 150 mg) and cimetidine (H1 antagoists,150 mg) through guide cannula with a 25-ml Hamilton syringe, were done respectively.Recording of feeding behavior was made in first meal including: latency time to feeding, numbers and duration of consuming pellets, eating speed and measure of food intake at fixed post injection intervals.Statistical analysis: Repeated measures one-way ANOVA, and Duncan's multiple range test.Results: Latency time to feeding increased and decreased by histamine and chlorpheniramine, respectively. Pretreatment with chlorpheniramine but not cimetidine inhibited the histamine effect. Numbers and duration of consumed pellets decreased by histamine and increased by chlorpheniramine. There isnd any significant changes in eating speed. Injection of histamine decreased food intake in first and second hours. And chlorpheniramine but not cimetidine increased I h post- injection food intake. Histamine decreased 4h cumulative food intake, but the both antihistamine had no effect. Histamine and antihistamines had no effect. Histamine and antihistamines had no effects on total 24h food intake.Clinical implication: From the results of this study it is concluded that brain histamine has a central suppressive role in feeding behavior which is mediated by its central H, but not h2 receptors. In treatment of some anorexic states, the use of blood brain penetrating H1 antihistamines could be recommended.

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View 1153

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Objective: Study of the microscopic pancreas as two accessory digestive Acipenser stellatus.Design: observational study.Animals: Ten sturgeons, Acipenser stellatus and structures of the liver and glands and their ducts in their liver and pancreas.Procedure: Samples of liver and pancreas were taken and fixed in 10% formalin. The processing was done in Autotechnicon. Sections of 5 micron were stained by H & E method and studied under light microscope.Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics.Results: The liver capsule has a cuboidal epithelium and its lobulation is incomplete. Portal tract includes vessels and bile ducts, with columnar cells. Hepatocytes have many glycogen and lipid vacuols which were seen as bicellular plates, among them many sinusoids with hepatic macrophage cells were existed.Pancreas is composed of exocrine and endocrine parts. The former includes serous acini and their ducts with stratified columnar. Each has one or more centroacinar cells. The latter composed 01 langerhans is lets with secretary polymorphic cells and many capillaries.Conclusion: A microscopic structure of liver and pancreas in this species is more similar to the other fishes and even mammals. Both of them are acting as mixed glands with endocrine and exocrine functions. Hepatocytes have functions like the other species such as, glycogen and lipid deposits, protein synthesizing and neutralizing or transferring toxic materials. These are like the endocrine glands whereas bile secretion is considered as an exocrine function.Pancreas as an accessory digestive gland has many acini with secretary granules containing complementary digestive enzymes, which transfer via the ducts to the anterior intestine The secretions of the langerhans cells as endocrine function enter the blood vessels directly.

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View 4803

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Objective: Haemophilus somnus can be involved of bovine genital system with reproductive problem and it could be isolated from reproductive organs of pregnant and non-pregnant healthy cows.Design: Prospective study.Animals: 226 Holstein dairy cows.Procedure: Cows were examined into the 3 groups: 1) Treatment group which was included 103 cows with reproductive diseases. 2) 66 pregnant cows. 3) 57 non-pregnant I healthy cows. Bacteriological samples were obtained from uterine, cervix and vagina in treatment and non-pregnant II healthy cows. However, samples from pregnant cows were obtained from cervix and vagina.Statistical analysis: Chi-square test.Results: Haemophilus somnus was isolated from 6(5.82%), 1(1.52%) and 10(17.52%) from treatment, pregnant and nonpregnant group, respectively. In this study, the highest infectious rate (3.88%) was in treatment group included the uterine tissue. Vaginal infection in non-pregnant group was; significantly different from the pregnant and treatment groups (P< 0.025). There were differences between warm and cold seasons of the year in respected to prevalence of the bacteria in the genital system (P< 0.05).Conclusion: Haemophilus somnus was isolated from 17 (7.53%) out of126 dairy cows. Cows with reproductive diseases were infected by haemophilus somnus and these bacteria may be the origin of the problems. Haemophilus somnus was isolated from healthy pregnant and non-pregnant cows.

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Objective: To evaluate the fate of S.Aureus affected by PH, nacl. Inoculum levels, temperature, storage time using predictive model.Design: Experimental study using multiple factorial analysis.Procedure: The effects of nacl (0.5, 4.5, 9%), Temperature (15, 25, 35co), pH (5, 6, 7) adjusted by citric acid, storage time (up to 30 days), inoculum (10-2-105/ml) on the log probability percentage of one cell of S. aureus to initiate growth (log P%) in brain heart infusion broth were evaluated in a factorial design study.Statistical analysis: Regression equation with stepwise method.Results: A predictive growth model was created to predict the growth of S. aureus with coefficient of determination (R2), Equal to 0.83. The statistical analysis showed that the growth of organism (log p%) was affected significantly by Nacl, pH, Temperature and storage time (P<0.01). The effectiveness of factors on the growth of organism was according to the order of temperature> time> pH> Nacl. The combination of temperature £ 15co, pH £ 5, Nacl £ 9% was the only condition which completely inhibited the growth of S. aureus in this study.Conclusion: The created growth model in this study with a coefficient of determination equal to 0.83 can be used to predict the growth of organism affected by the ranges of factor levels used in this study.

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View 1176

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Objective: To study the prevalence and mean Intensity of Eustrongylides excisus (L) in different bony fishes and compare the infection between these species.Design: Descriptive study.Animals: 373 samples of twelve different fish species of Caspian Sea and its basin (Anzali wetland) including Cyprinus carpio (no=42), Esox lucius (no=60) , Carassius auratus gibelio (no=42), Abramis brama orientalis (no=50), Perca fluviatilis (no=36), Vimba vimba persa (no=50), Chalcalburnus chalcoides (no=50), Sarbus capito (no=5), Aspius aspius (no=5), Neogobius fluviatilis (no=14), N.kessleri (no=12) and N.caspius (no=7) were examined from September 1999 to September 2001.Procedure: Cutting the wall of body cavity and removing viscera including intestine, liver, ovaries, testis and etc to isolate the parasite. Cutting the muscles and finding the cysts of the parasite in them. Fixing the larvae by ethanol 70%, clearing by lactophenol and identifying them by identification keys (Moravec, 1994).Statistical analysis: Prevalence rate mean intensity ± standard deviation.Results: Eustrongylides excisus (L) was isolated from Esox lucius (prevalence=5%, mean intensity= 5.33) and P. fluviatilis (Prevalence= 33.3%, mean Intensity= 1.5). The parasite was observed as coiled in cysts inside the muscles of these two fish species. The parasite was also isolated from the body cavity of Barbus capito, Aspius aspius and muscles, ovaries, body cavity, upon liver and testis of Neogobius fluviatilis (prevalence=35.7%, mean intensity= 8.4), N.kessleri (prevalence=50%, mean intensity= 10.8) and N.caspius (prevalence=14.3%, mean intensity= 1).Conclusion: In this survey, the diversity of fish species infected with Eustrongylides excisus (L) was high, but in spite of the diversity, the Intensity and abundance of the parasite were low both in marine and freshwater fishes .The prevalence of the pariisite in marine and migratory fishes was more than freshwater fishes. The infection of Sarbus capito, Aspius aspius, Neogobius fluviatilis, N.kessleri, N.caspius and perch (P. fluviatilis) is reported for the first time from Iran.

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Objective: To compare the healing effects of vitamin A and phenytoin sodium in cutaneous lesion caused by surgical slice in Gild fish (Carracius auratus).Design: Comparative experimental study.Animals: Division of 99 fish into three groups (33 fish in each group).Procedure: Division of fish into three groups, to create a slice (1.5 cm in length, 2mm in depth) adjacent to the ventral midline and assessment the development of healing processes in the days 5,10 and 20 in three groups, group I: to make use of vitamin A ointment in the site of slice, group 2: to make use of phenytoin sodium ointment and one control group.Statistical analysis: Kruskal Wallis test.Results: in histopathological examination, there were necrosis of epithelial and muscle cells associated with inflammatory cells in the day 5 which were more prominent in group I and control immature and mature granulation tissue, collagen fibers and epithelial regeneration were much more prominent in group 2 included mature granulation tissue and regular collagen fibers which were more developed than the other groups.Clinical implications: From the results of this study it seems that prescription of phenytoin sodium could be recommended for improving the healing process in Gold fish skin injuries. (Carracius auratus).

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View 875

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Objective: To evaluate the rate and half life of maternal antibodies against AJ in broiler and layer chicks.Design: Prospective longitudinal study. Animals: 400 broiler and layer chicks (0-21 days).Procedure: Samples from chicks in days 0, 7, 14, and 21.Determination of were taken and antibodies titre were determined by Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) test using H9N2 strain of AI virus and estimation of half life of the antibodies.Statistical analysis: Analyzis of variance, Duncan's multyibe sange test.Results: Mean HI titres (log 2) at different sampling intervals in the three groups were: 1) Broiler flock from hens challenged with virus: 4.2, 2.7, 1.5, 0.4, half life of maternal antibodies: 5.5 days. 2) Broiler flock from hens vaccinated against the disease: 7.1, 5.4, 4.1, 2.3, half life of maternal antibodies: 4.5 days. 3) Layer flock: 4, 3.2, 2.7, 2.1 half life of maternal antibodies: 11 days. The halves of antibodies in layer flock were significantly longer than broiler flocks and the difference between broiler groups were not statistically significant.Clinical implications: The results indicate that, the suitible time for vaccination of chickens with maternal antibodies in the broiler flocks is at 7 to 14 days of age (depending on their primary Ab titres), and at 14 to 21 days of age for the layer flocks.

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Objective: To evaluate the effect of heptaminol on cardiovascular dysfunction and haemodynamic in dogs.Design: Experimental study.Animals: Ten adult Clinical normal male dogs weighing 22.5±3.24 K/bw and above one year of age, which were divided into two groups of 5 animals each.Procedure: All dogs were anaesthetized with 5% Thiopental Sodium (20 mg/kgbw) and subsequently were connected to polyphysiograph via three-way stop-cock which was fixed via arterial catheter to the left carotid artery. Calibration was done from zero to 100 mmHg as to record blood pressures changes.Venous blood was collected for haematological parameters including Hb, glucose, WBC, PCV and total protein. After stablization of cardiovascular system and recording base- values, hypotension was induced about 40% of base value in each case by Injecting additional 1.25 times of Thiopental Sodium.Heptaminol 2 mg/kgbw was injected intravenously after one minute to experimental group animals and 2cc normal saline was injected to control group animals. The corneal, palpebral, pharyngeal reflexes, pin-prick, limbs relaxation, respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and venous blood collection were recorded on 0, 5, 10, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes intervals in all animals of both groups.Statistical analysis: Student "t" test.Results: The effect of intravenous injection of heptaminol (2mg/kgbw) was started on 15.01±2.2 seconds leading to significant increase in systolic pressure to 39.96%J.33 mmHg and 39.96±1.43 mmHg in diastolic pressure and 39.67±1.12 mmHg in mean arterial pressure (MAP). The maximum effect of heptaminol in increasing blood pressure was recorded to be at 22.8 seconds after injection. There were significant increase in heart rate, blood' pressure and blood glucose level during observation period. No significant change was observed on other parameters.Conclusion: Intravenous injection of heptaminol as to increase blood pressure during hypotension, cardiopulmonary arrest and severe hypoxia is recommended.Clinical relevance: Heptaminol can be used as cardiovascular analeptic for clinical cases.

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Objective: 1) to establish the BHB values in urine of apparently healthy (AHC) and sick (ASC) dairy cows, 2) to estimate of subclinical and clinical ketosis, 3) to determine the effect of season on urinary BHB concentration, 4) to compare three diagnostic methods for detection of BHB.Design: Observational study.Animals: Purbred or hybrid Holstein dairy cows.Procedure: 84 urine samples were collected in different season from industrial dairy herds (60 samples, AHC group) and the dairy cows of Veterinary clinical of the Urmia University (24 samples, ASC group). BHB concentrations were assessed by dry and wet rotheras' test and spectrophotometer. The number of samples in autumn, winter, spring and summer were 13, 27, 30 and 14 respectively.Statistical analysis: Chi-Square and ANOVA test. Results: ANOVA test showed significant and analysis differences ANOV A test between ASC and AHC groups and seasons. For ASC group, the highest BHB was observed in winter (2.33±0.76 mmol/l) and the lowest in summer (0.04 ±0.02 mmol/l). No differences were detected among the three diagnostic methods, but the greater error was observed in dry rothera's test. The sensitivity dry rothera tests were 53.2%. 70.3%, and for wet roanthdeaspewceifrieci7ty8.8f%or and 89.1 %, respectively. After BHB concentration was classified as 0.2 mmol/l (physiological status), 0.21-1.4 mmol/l (suspected subclinical), 1.4.1-3mmol/1 (subclinical) and over 3 mmol/l (clinical ketosis), the distribution was 59.5% (50), 22.6% (19), 11.9% (10) and 6% (5), respectively. In ASC group, only 5 clinical ketosis was detected, while in AHC group 6 subclinical ketosis was observed in winter.Conclusion: It is concluded that the apparently sick cows have some degree of secondary ketosis. Secondly, the probability of subclinical ketosis in industrial dairy cows of Urmia is not rejected.Thirdly, the occurrence of hyperketonuria in winter could be a problem and finally, after spectrophotometry method, the wet rothera’s method could be an appropriate diagnostic method for field test of ketosis.

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View 818

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Objective: To compare the effects of adding and antibiotic (Virginiamycin=VM) or a probiotic (PR= a mixed culture of Bacillus subtilis CH 201 and Bacillus licheniformis CH 200) into diet on broiler chicks performance.Design: Randomized completely design.Animals: Five hundred and forty day-old male Ross 208 broiler chicks.Procedure: Three dietary treatments were considered so that each treatment contained six replicate floor pens of 30 chicks.One treatment (as control) received a diet without any antibiotic, growth promoter and coccidiostate. Two other treatments fed diets containing 1.0 g/kg PR or 0.1 g/kg VM, respectively. Feed and water were provided ad-libitum throughort the experimental period. Body weights (BW), feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were determined for each treatment at 21, 42, and 49 days age.Statistical analysis: Data for all response variables were subjected to ANOV A test. Variable means for treatments showing significant differences in the ANOVA were compared using the Tukey's test.Results: At the end of trial, adding VM into diet increased BW significantly (P<0.01), while supplemented diet with PR had no significant effect on BW. There was no significant difference between BW of chickens fed diets supplemented with VM or PR.When compared with control, supplementation diets with VM or PR improved FCR, significantly (P<0.01), but no significant differences observed between these two dietary treatments.Conclusion: Obtained results indicated that adding VM or PR into diets in this experimel1tal trial, caused an improvement in broilers performance in comparison with control. Since there were no significant differences between BW and FCR of chicks fed diet supplemented VM or PR, using PR as a growth promoter in broiler rations could be recommended.

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View 3821

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Objective: Identification of sarcocystis cruzi in calf, by induced experimentally of infected in final and intermediate hosts.Design: Experimental study.Animals: two healthy pups and one calf.Procedure: At first, two popy (2.5 months old) were fed by infected bovine hearts with sarcocystis. One week post infection, regular fecal examination for detection and isolation of Sporocysts were done by claytone - lane method. When the numbers of sporocysts were reached to maximal rate, the sporocysts were harvested and stored in 2% potassium dichromate. In order to infect of intermediate host, a domestic female calf (5 months old) were inoculated orally with 360,000 sporocysts. The infected calf was regularly examined trom beginning experiment to death time. At dead time calf were autopsied and done histopathological examination.Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics.Results: The results were shown that the dogs were shed sporocysts in their feces, eight day post infection. At 15 D.F.I, the numbers of sporocysts were reached to maximal rate. The first signs of illness were seen in the infected calf with high fever (42 C) and diarrhoea in 17 D.P.I. After a few days diarrhea was stopped but regular fever was continued to death time. The other signs were anorexia, emaciation, anemia and icterus. At 37 D.P. I (at death time), the calf became recumbent, hypotermic and nervous signs likes, trismus, nystagmus, opisthotonus were appeared. At necropcy, emaciation, anemia, icterus, petechial and echimosis on serosa, asceit, hydropericardium and large gallbiader were presented. At histopathological examination, cysts of sarcocysts cruzi were found in straited muscles, heart and brain.Conclusion: With these results, it was exactly confirmed the presence of sarcocystis cruzi for the first time in Iran.

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Objective: This study was carried out to determine whether spirochaetes are frequently associated with (P) DD in Iran's dairy cattle and to find out the best way for control and treatment of the disease.Design: Clinical field study.Animals: Four dairy herds with a prevalence rate of more than 30% of lameness due to (P) DD.Procedure: All individual cows in the herds were received the treatment by spraying of lincomycine HcI solution directly on their feet twice daily for one week. In each farm prior to treatment and at the end of trail the cows were observed individually to assess the lameness score. Tissue samples were also taken nom the hoof skin of 1-5% of the affected cows for lustier histopathological and immunohistochemistry studies.Statistical analysis: Paired student "t" test.Results: Based on the clinical observations, this method of therapy was more effective in the treatment and control of the disease. In the H&E staining there was microscopic signs of loss of epidermal barrier, acanthosis, hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, ulcer of dermal papillae, increased of mitotic rate in the basal layer and dermatitis with microabscesses. The histopathological examination of lesions using silver stain showed huge numbers of unidentified spirochetae-like organisms. In the immunocytochemical staining spirochetaes in the skin biopsies were identified by polyclonal antisera to 1-9-185 MED and 2- 1498 American Isolated Treponemes.Conclusion: It was concluded that spray solution of lincomycine HcI improved lameness score in cattle with (P) DD. This treatment policy was effective for treatment and may be useful for the control of the disease. According to the results, spirochete is frequently associated with, (P) DD and may be responsible for, pathological changes in digital dermatitis cases in dairy cows in Iran.

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Objective: Evaluation of skin test in diagnosis of Salmonella in carrier's calves. Design: Field study.Animals: One hundred and eleven calves.Procedure: One hundred and sixteen sera and faecal samples were obtained from calves in dairy farms around Tehran. The faucal samples were cultured in enrichment and selective media and then isolated salmonella were serotyped by O and H antisera. The sera samples were tested for O and H agglutinins via Widal test, extracted Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from isolated S. dublin were used for skin test.Statistical analysis: Measure of agreement, cohen's kappa coefficient.Results: In skin test three calves showed positive reaction from 116 cases. The reaction confirmed by histopathological findings.Also serological test of these calves were positive.Conclusion: From the results of this study it seems that skin test is suitable test for diagnosis of salmonella carrier's calves.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hypothesis of the effect of gingival disorders in cell blood count and serum alkaline phosphatase.Design: Clinical case series study.Animals: In this study 100 dogs that were reffered for vaccination to Tehran University, Small Animal Hospital of Veterinary Faculty were selected.Procedure: All animals - after their owner permission – were anesthetized with Ketamine and Acepromazine combination in recommended doses. After clinical examinations of their oral cavities and teeth they were cathegorized in three groups: 1) Healthy gingiva. 2) Inflammation of gingival (gingivitis), 3) Inflammation of Periodontium (Periodontitis). In all animals about 5 ml of blood were collected from cephalic vein poured in tubes containing sodium citrate for CBC and remaining in tubes without any anticoagulants for AlP measurement.Statistical analysis: One way ANOV A and Tukey test.Results: leukocyte count in healthy animals and in groups with gingivitis and periodontitis were 9552.34±384.98, 12506.82±1046.58 and 4303.57±305.47 in microliter respectively. As it is obvious the leukocyte number in dogs with periodontitis is significantly lesser than two other groups.Neutrophils, band cells and lymphocytes more than other leukocytes were involved for the leukopenia. Mean neutrophil count was 6655.95±282.91 /ml, in healthy groups 9106.93±794.69 /ml, in gingivitis group and 2948.43±221.04 /ml in group with periodontal disease. There were no significant differences in AlP determination in three groups.Conclusions: Although CBC can be used in diagnosis or evaluation of response to treatment probably, Serum AlP is not useful for this purpose and other means such as measurement of this enzyme in gingival sulcus should be studied. Besides, leukopenia in dogs with periodontitis can predispose them to invasion of secondary opportunistic organisms.

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Objective: Study of epidemiological pattern of cryptosporidial infestation in man and animals.Design: Cross sectional study.Animals: Fowl (140), dairy cows (105), sheep (87) and other (208).Procedure: Detection of oocyst in fecal and tracheal scraping smears by Ziel-nelson modified technique. Statistical analysis: Analysis of variances (ANOY A Test).Results: Rate of infestation by Cryptosporidia oocysts in 105 dairy cows, heifers and 3 month old and less than 3 month old healthy appearing calves showing calf scours as followed respectively: 12%, 4%. 4%, 24% and 20%. Infestation in lambs less than one month old was 14.28% and in Rams more than 3 years-old 17.69%, out of 131 tracheal mucosal smears of fowls, 2.2g% were positive for Cryptosporidia infestation and from 140 cecal, mucosal smears 5.71 % were positive. Fecal samples of 46 wild birds and 23 fecal smears of farm workers indicated that infection rate was 2.17% and 4.34% respectively.Conclusion: According to different studies on Cryptosporidia indicates the importance of controlling this infestation.Cryptosporidia oocysts are very resistant to the anti coccydiel drugs and environmental condition. This study indicates that this protozoon in the host body is not acted independently and is associated with to her microorganisms. As to I the transmission of infection from animals to man, it could be concluded the domestic and pet animals are the reservoir of infection for human populations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Oral administration of L- tryptophan with a toxic effect produces acute bovine pulmonary edema and emphysema.In rumen tryptophan is metabolized to indole acetic acid and then by lactobacilli it will be changed to 3-methyI indole.Design: Interventional study.Animals: 4 calves (one calf tryptophan, 3 calves 3MI) and 2 calves for controls.Procedure: Experimentally, 0.64 gr/kg BW of tryptophan tablets were orally administrated to one male calf of 6 month of age, and 3 calves, were received 100, 150 mg/kg of 3MI orally respectively.Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics.Results: After 4 days all calves were affected by ARDS dyspnea with oral and nasal discharge and tachypnea.Conclusion: Pathophysiologic mechanism of edema is related to increasing endothelial and alveolar permeability due to the injury of endothelial cells, type I pneumonocyte and clara cells. The important role is cytochrome dependent-mixed function oxidase (MFO) activity and delivery of methylen immine a kind of free radical. The nucleophilic material like GSH, L- cysteine and N- acetyl L cysteine, prevent covalent combination of reactive metabolite of 3MI to microsomal proteins. Some other substances like Phenobarbital which induces cytochrome P-450, would be able to evacuate 3MI from plasma and therefore prevents the pulmonary tissue from injury.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: To determine the rate of contamination in the liver of sheep infected with theileria parasite regarding the observation of Koch blue body (theilerian schizonet) in the city of Khorramabad.Design: Observational study.Animals: 300 sheep of which livers were analysed. Procedure: The collected livers were first examined in macroscopic aspect (size, color. existence of contamination in tissue, etc.) and the livers which see med to be unhealthy and had suspicious appearance were separated. Then by preparing slides directly from small parts of suspected livers at tissular necroses and part of the uninfected tissue belonging to the liver paranchyma, gimsa coloring was performed and following the coloring and drying the slides were examined for the existence or non- existence of Koch blue body using optical microscope with 40X and 100X lenses after which pictures and slides were prepared from positive samples.Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics. Results: In macroscopic examination of livers most cases had indications as: large overall size of the liver, circular livers, increase in blood, and in some cases existence of white necroses centers with dimensions of 1-2mm in surface tissues and also liver parenchyma From the 300 livers examined, 150 livers were macroscopically determined to be suspicious and unhealthy and were taken in to microscopic examination. From the 150 livers which were examined microscopically, 29 cases came out positive (as for existence of koch blue body) the number which shows 20% liver contamination. Incidentally the highest rate of theileriosis in the region is reported to exist in months of May and June.Clinical implications: In the end considering the gradual development rate of the parasite and the way it is transmitted through tick and concerning the outcome of results, regular confrontation along with programming, supervision against existing tick in the county using new improved methods and pesticides effective on tick, also production of theileriosis vaccine in the country and formation of vaccination groups b) the veterinary bureau of the county to vaccinate the animals in seasons when ticks are not active (fall and winter) are the kind of actions that can be effective to lessen the contamination by tick in the region and consequently lessen the diseases transmitted through this pest and be an effective step to eliminate this problem from the industry of animal husbandry in the country.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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