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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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جفت سر راهی یکی از علل شایع خونریزی های سه ماهه سوم حاملگی است و خونریزیهای مامایی یکی از دلایل مهم مرگ و میر مادران بخصوص در کشورهای در حال توسعه به شمار می رود. این مطالعه به منظور تعیین توزیع فراوانی جفت سر راهی و عوامل مرتبط با آن در زنان باردار مراجعه کننده به زایشگاههای اورژانس شهر کرمان در سال 1377 انجام شد. داده های مربوط به سن مادر، تعداد زایمان ، تعداد حاملگی، گروه خونی مادر، سن حاملگی، نوع تظاهر بالینی، سابق سقط و سزارین قبلی و مرگ و میر نوزاد در 24 ساعت اول پس از زایمان در 1560 زن بارداری که سن حاملگی 28 هفته یا بیشتر داشتند برحسب جفت سر راهی تحلیل شد. در 15 نفر از افراد مورد مطالعه براساس شواهد سونوگرافی و معاینه بالینی وجود جفت سر راهی تایید شد که شیوع 0.9 درصد را نشان می دهد. سن مادر، تعداد حاملگی و تعداد زایمان با جفت سرراهی رابطه معنی دار آماری داشت. به این ترتیب که با افزایش سن مادر موارد جفت سر راهی بیشتر می شد. با تجریه و تحلیل آماری مشخص گردید که جفت سرراهی با سن حاملگی نیز رابطه معتبر آماری دارد و شیوع بیشتری از این عارضه در سن حاملگی کمتر مشاهده می شود. تظاهر بالینی در 9 نفر از بیمارانی که جفت سر راهی داشتند به شکل خونریزی واژینال و در 6 نفر بقیه بدون خونریزی بود. 8 نفر از موارد جفت سر راهی (53%) گروه خونی B داشتند و با تجزیه و تحلیل آماری و بدست آمدن ضریب خطر (3.8 = OR) مشخص شد که گروه خونی B می تواند عامل مساعد کننده ای برای پیدایش جفت سر راهی باشد. سابقه سزارین و سقط قبلی با جفت سرراهی رابطه معنی داری نداشتند. با توجه به ارقام فوق به نظر می رسد بروز جفت سر راهی در کرمان نسبت به سایر نقاط دنیا اندکی زیادتر است و ارتباط آن با بعضی از متغیرهای فوق الذکر می تواند از نظر برنامه ریزی درمانی آینده حایز اهمیت باشد.

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شکیبا مهرداد

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مثانه عضوی است که نگهداری و دفع کامل ادرار را به عهده دارد. برای این منظور شبکه پیچیده عصبی مثانه را مثانه تحت کنترل دارد اعصاب سمپاتیک بیشتر در مرحله ذخیره سازی ادرار فعال هستند و وجود پایانه های β در بدنه به این امر کمک می کنند در ناحیه اسفنکتر نیز پایانه های α تجمع یافته اند که منجر به افزایش انقباض اسفنکتر شده مانع دفع ادرار می شوند. در مقابل اعصاب پاراسمپاتیک با تجمع پایانه ها در بدنه مثابه در مرحله تخلیه ادرار فعال می شوند. با شروع ادرار کردن، سیستم منعی سبب کاهش فعالیت اعصاب سمپاتیک می گردد که تحت کنترل مراکز فوقانی در ناحیه Fronto Parietal است که شناخت آنها نیاز به بررسی بیشتر دارد. تا قبل از 2 سالگی تخلیه مثانه کاملا رفلکسی است در حدود همین سنین کودک از پر بودن مثانه مطلع می گردد و برای مدت کوتاهی قادر است جلوی ادرار کردن خود را بگیرد. از سنین 2.5 تا 3.5 سالگی کودک خودش به دستشویی می رود و در همین سنین یا کمی دیرتر کنترل ادارار در شب را به دست می آورد ...

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Gastric cancer is the second most common cancer in the gsatrointestinal tract. Helicobacter pylorus is one of the multifactorial complex etiology of stomach cancer. If untreated, helicobacter pylori infection usually leads to chronic atrophic gastritis with metaplasia, which is highly associated with gastric cancer. In this descriptive study, the pathologic samples of 100 cases with gastric cancer were revised. Helicobacter pylori with Geimse stain were found in 84% of samples. Helicobacter pylori seropositive patients in our population was about 60% ( P<0.005). For prevention of gastric cancer, eradication of helicobacter pylori infection may prevent atrophic gastritis and metaplasia.    

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Cesarian delivery and its indications and prevalence are a major social problem in the community, specialy in our country. The main objective of this study was to find out the incidence of cesarian section(c/s) at university hospitals in Yazd. A total number of 1554 cesarian sections were evaluated. The most indications were CPD & Dystosia in 31.9%. Repeat of c/s was as high as 25.9%. Fetal dystress was 14.9%, while elective c/s & high parity was observed in 10.2%. Late trimester of pregnancy bleeding was 5.7%, while PIH was only 4.9%. A few cases had infertility history, poly hidroamnious, and diabetes of pregnancy. 96.4% were housewives & worker. Only 0.2 % of the patients were the most c/s is in primi gravida, Incidence of late trimester pregnancy bleeding increased and caused c/s . The most of repeat c/s is in gravida 2&3. The most of CPD and dystorcia was in gravida 1 and 7 and elective c/s was almost 10%. The most mal presentation and fetal dystress was in primi gravida. Incidence of c/s in years 1991-94 which was increased to 7.2% - 13.5%. The most cause of repeat c/s CPD & dystorcia and second cause of repeat c/s was mal presentation. Third cause was late pregnancy bleeding and other causes were fetal dystress and PIH . There is evidence that the rate of c/s is high and higher than other regions.      

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Helicobacter pylori (HP) has been documented to be associated with chronic type B gastritis, peptic ulcer, and gastric cancer. The aim of this cross - sectional study was to see the exposure rate to H.Pylori in healthy population in Yazd. Serum samples of 400 healthy individuates aged> 2 were screened for IgG antibodies against H.pylori using Radim ELIZA Kit. The results showed that 59.8% of the population antibody against H.Pylori was positive indicating exposure. The study population weredividedinto4 groups: Group I included age 2 - 14, group II aged 15-29, group III 30-44 and group IV aged> 45. Also, six Job groups: 1-student, 2 - farmer & worker, 3- housewife, 4- officer, and jobless. In group I 43.8%, group II, 15/6%, group III, 65% and group IV 76% of the cases were positive. In general 59.8% of the population showed H. Pylori antibody positive.42% of the students had HP, While 80.6% of the farmers and workers had H.P. In conclusion, H.P exposure rate increased with the advancement of age and lowering of socioeconomic status. No correlation between HP with sex and family size of the population.      

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The relationship between stress and job occupation in medical oriented jobs should be analysed carefully. This study was done to clarify the job stress of nurses who work at the hospital of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences. A total of 96 graduated nurses with technical diploma, B.S and M.A degrees were selected. The results from professional as well as personal sections I showed that both stress and heavy work were the most important parameters. The people under this investigation did not have good methodology for preventing job stress. In addition, stress causes depression, avoiding the patients, unnecessary absences and reduction of job quality. Therefore, more attention should be given to nursing staff in order to lower the job related stresses      

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Placenta previa is one of the common causes of third trimester obstetrical hemorrhage and the latter is an important cause of maternal mortality specially in developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of placenta previa and related factors in pregnant women attending emergency maternity centers of Kerman during 1998. 1560pregnants with gestational age of 28 weeks of more were studied. Data on maternal age, parity, gravidity, blood group, gestational age, clinical presentation, history of previous cesarean section and abortion and perinatal mortality within 24 hours of delivery were analysed due to placenta previa. Only 15 had placenta previa according to the sonographic reports. Maternal age, gravidity and parity had relationship with placenta previa and with increasing these factors the prevalence of placenta previa was increased. Gestational age had also significant relationship with placenta previa, which means more possibility of placenta previa in lower gestational age. 9 cases of placenat previa attended with chief complaint of vaginal bleeding. Statistical analysis showed that blood group B is a significant risk factor for developing placenta previa (OR= 3.8). There was no relationship between history of abortion, cesarean section and placenta previa. The prevalence of placenta previa in Kerman is slightly more than other regions of the world and its relationship with above can bear a significant effect on forecoming studies.      

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In this survey, the level of depression and counseling needs in women with breast cancer admitted to chemothrapy centers in Kerman were studied. Beck depression inventory (BDI) and investigator made inventory that their content validity and internal consistency reliability were determined later was applied for data gathering of 120 patients. The results showed that 68.3% of the patients were in the age range of 35-55 years. Also, 40.8% of patients showed depression in level of moderate to severe. None of the patients had history of counseling therapy and 60% believed that counseling therapies is needed when they are on anticancer therapy. The findings showed that counseling was necessary for 91.6% of the patients with mean score of 0.95 to 2.96 from counseling needs questionnaire. A significant difference (P<0.05) was found between individual characteristics such as occupation and education status with severity of depression. In addition, a significant difference (P0.05) between counseling needs and therapeutic type was noticed. There was no significant difference between severity of depression and counseling needs      

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The main objective of this study was to assess the safety and effectiveness of vaginal povidone - Iodine gel in reducing febrile morbidity after abdominal hysterectomy. This cohort study included 50 women treated with gel immediately before hysterectomy. Following the surgical preparation and 50 historic control subjects with surgical preparation. This study took place at one of university teaching hospital Bahmans Hospital. Ferbrile morbidity was assessed by a blinded review of temperature records in patients that used prophylactic antibiotic. Ferbrile morbidity decreased, and there was a difference onstay of 0.26 day per person, or approximately one hospital day was saved for every four persons that were treated. Bethadine gel was an effective and safe technique in post abdominal hysterectomy.      

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Inguinal hernia is a common disease that requires operation. 3 - 5% of children have inguinal hernia. Because of small bowel strangulation, complication rate may increase in emergency operations; in contrast, in elective operation, that is a safe, out patient operation, mortality and morbidity is very low. In this descriptive study, out of 1945boys, 118had hernia and among 1595 girls, 11 cases had herni. (3.64% over all) .44.79% noticed hernia since the time of birth and 18% were new cases. Early, elective herniorrhaphy is a safe, cost benefit with low morbidity rate in pediatric age group.      

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This study was designed to determine the effect of different restorative materials on fracture resistance of lower anterior teeth with class V cavities. One hundred and ninety non - carious with restored permanent mandibular incisors were selected and divided into nineteen groups with 10 samples, from each cavities. Only half of the samples were load cycled by three brands at 3HZ frequency for 250000 cyclesin artificial mouth unit. The samples tested by applying shear force with cross head speed of 5mm/min in instron . Loading did not have any significant bond strength . In all samples, 4mm width of cavity had less bond strength than 2, 3 mm widths. Also, in the compoglass and glassionomer L.C. groups, cavities with 2 had more strength than cavities with 4mm width. In the case of tetric flow restorative material, there wasn't significant difference among different widths of cavity. In 4 cavity widths, tetric flow had the highest shear bond strength. Although the results showed that all the restorations need an average load more than masticatory forces in the mouth to fail, but tetric flow composite with combination of chemical adhesion properties and optimum elastic characteristics widths. The intention point shows that long term success can be achieved by using tetric flow restorative material.      

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Alcohol is a chemical substance which has side effect on embryo development. It can cause prenatal development, low birth weight, microcephally , mental retardation & facial anomalies. This condition is called fetus alcoholic syndrome (FAS). Its pathogenic mechanism is unknown. One of the newest mechanism is that alcohol elevates the level of blood prostaglandin in maternal tissue & embryo. High prostaglandin level is also teratogen. Asprin as an anti - inflammation and non stroidy pain killer may decrease the level of prostaglandin .Therefore Asprin can reduce the tratogenic effects of alcohol. In this study, 135 mice were randomly divided into five groups of: G1 control, G2 Normal saline, G3 alcohol, G4 Asprin, G5 Asprin and alcohol on 7 to days of pregnancy. All embryos on day 18 were removed from the mice & were assessed according to their morphology, embryo toxicity, CRL (crawn ramp lenght). BPD (Biparital diameter). Growth factor & weight, Embryo toxicity in G5 was higher than -groups 3 & 4. , BPD, CRL, Weight & rowht height decreased in group 5 when compared with groups 3,4 and control. Our data showed that rate of anomaly in group 5 was higher than other groups. Asprin could decrease the blood prostaglandin level, but did not prevent the alcoholic effect on embryo. In conclusion, the alcoholic anomalies was related to some other factors including the prostaglandin.      

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Calcium binding proteins play essential roles in human cells .One important class of calcium binding proteins is the annexin family. Different functions including mitogenic signal transudation, membrane trafficking, calcium regulation and inhibition of coagulation have been proposed for them. In this study, primary cultures of human osteoblasts and an osteosarcoma cell line were used to investigate the possible role of annexins in skeketal tissue. Using specific antibodies against each annexin, the expression and the location of annexins was determined and the raising of intracellular calcium on the sub cellular location of annexins was also investigated. Primary cultures of human osteoblasts and the osteosarcoma cell line express annexins I, II, IV,V, and VI, On elevation of the intracellular calcium concentration with the ionoshere , ionomycine , the intranuclear pools of annexin IV in 38 ±4% of cells and annexin V of 70 ±5% of cells showed relocation to the membrane within 40 seconds. Extracellular ATP also causes relocation of the intranuclear pool of annexms IV in 22 ±4% of cells and of annexin V in 38 ± 8% of the cells. The results confirm binding of these annexins to cellular membrane response to an elevation of cytosolic calcium levels.    

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Clonidine an alpha-2 adrenergic agonist besides being used as antihypertensive, also causes analgesia and antagonizes the opiate withdrawal syndrome. Clonidine pretreatment in morphine dependent rats reduced the frequency of precipitated shakes but potentiated the frequency of escape attempts during naloxone induced withdrawal. Piloetection and excitement were also potentiated by clonidine pretreatment. The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether or not potentiation of some withdrawal signs by clonidine is mediated by alpha-1 adrenoceptors activation. To produce morphine dependence, morphine hydrochloride was added to drinking water. Morphine solution was prepared each day and the concentration was increased in two days interval. The abstinence syndrome was precipitated by injecting naloxone (3 mg/kg i.p). Clonidine and for prasosin were administered i.p. 10 and 20 minutes before naloxone, respectively. Some of withdrawal signs including escape attempts and precipitated shakes were counted during a fifteen minutes period after naloxone. Clonidine (0.5 and 1 mg/kg) reduced most of the withdrawal sings, but in a dose dependent manner, the drug potentiates the number of escape attempts that was in agreement with previous studies. In morphine dependent rats, prazosin pretreatment (0.1 and 0.4 mg/kg) did not affect any of the withdrawal sings except piloerection Co-administration of prazosin with clonidine in all doses significantly decreased the number of escape attempts in comparison with clonidine pretreated group. Furthermore, prazosin inhibited piloerection, another sign of withdrawal that was potentiated by clonidine. This study indicates the involvement of alpha-1 adrenoceptors in some of morphine withdrawal sings and potentiation of these signs during clonidine treatment.  

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Posterior urethral polyp is a rare benign Fibroepithelial tumor which can result in dysuria, urinary retention, hematuria, urinary tract infection, hydronephrosis and hydroureter. A 2 years old boy was referred to pediatric department with hematuria and dysuria. Urine Analysis showed a macroscopic hematuria and urine culture was normal. His sonography showed a normal kidney, thickening of bladder wall and a round echogenus mass on floor of bladder, VCUG showed normal vesical volume without reflux, dilatation of prostatic portion of urethra with a circular defect and delayed voiding of bladder. Patient with diagnosis of a posterior urethral valve was referred to the urology department. He underwent a ureterocystoscopy which showed a circular and polypoid lesion in prostatic urethra. Resection was disappointing. Biopsy was taken from lesion which reported as a polyp with fibrous and vascularized stroma and a covering of transitional cells. Two days later with a transvesical incision polyp was resented. One year following the surgery, there was no sign & symptom of disease.    

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Oral lesions related to tuberculosis (TB) have been reported, but are rare. Majority of the reported cases have been attributed to secondary infection from pulmonary lesions. It is unclear whether they result from contact with infected sputum or from hematogenous spread of organism Primary oral mucosal infections have been reported to develop in patients treated by a dentist with active TB after the dentist had performed dental extractions .A so years old woman was referred to the Dept, of oral & maxillo - facial surgery, Dental School of Yazd. She complained of unilateral swelling of left cheek. Physical examination revealed swelling measuring 5×5 cm which was hard on palpation with redness on the surface of the lesion. There was no leyphidinopathy and auscultation of the chest was clean. Chest X ray Showed few calcified lesions which was significant for T.B. AFB culture and Wright test were negative. However, PPD test reported with induration of 18 mm in diameter. Biopsy showed chronic granulomatous along with giant cells. Following consolation with infectious disease specialist and pathologist resulted in treating the patient with primary oral T.B which showed noticeable improvement.      

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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A 25 year old man with right flank pain was referred to Urology clinic. He had the sympton for one year and half. Lab results of C.B.C and U/A was normal. Because of pain, I.V.F was done. Which showed mass lesion at inferior pole of right kidney. Then, sonography was done which showed cyctic kidney. However, C.T scan diagnosed this lesion as hydatid cyct of kidney. Liver C.T scan and chest X-Ray were both normal. Then, patient was admitted for curative surgery (Partial nephrectomy of inferior pole of right kidney) of Solitary hydatid cyct of kidney. In addition, the sample was sent to the pathologist who confirmed hydatid cyct of kidney.      

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Pesutz- Jeghers Syndrome, Phenotypically is characterized by mucocutaneous pigmentation and Hamartomatous Polyposis. The disease is an autosomal dominant disease with variable expression and incomplete penetrance. Moreover, affected patients are at increased risk of gastrointestinal and other malignancies. This is a report of two cases of Pesutz- Jeghers Syndrome in father and his son. The father died from gastrointestinal malignancy at the age of 42. The second case is suffering from gastric pain now. Periodical observations and recurrent examinations are helpful in diagnosis of malignant degenerations in this syndrome. Malignant precocious transformation is a rare finding in his father and lower lid pigmentation is a new finding in this case.      

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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