Introdution: Currently, cytomegalovirus (CMV) is recognized as an important pathogens in all age groups throughout the world. Living as group and lack of health facilitate the rapid spread of infection. CMVreactive syndromes are commonly associated with the development of T-dependent immune deficiencies, such as those infected with HIV. The CMV alone can also reduce T lymphocyte responses. Therefore, CMV is an important factor in the advanced stages of AIDS. This study was performed to determine the seroepidemiological status of CMV in HIV positive patients in Yazd Province. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed on all records of HIV-positive patients registered at the Behavioral Disease Advice Center of Yazd Province from 2002 to 2015. Patients' information was extracted from the cases by sex, year of birth, nationality, education, occupation, HIV status, blood CD4, Anti CMV IgM and Anti CMV IgG level. Results: Out of 71 cases, 45 cases were males and 26 were females. 48 people aged 35-64 years old and 67 had Iranian nationality. Most of them are unemployed or housewives, and they have a primary and secondary education. 90. 2% of the patients were injection drug users and / or had unsafe sex contacts. Blood CD4 levels in more than 80% of patients were from 200 cells / μ l to more than 500 cells / μ l. Anti CMV IgM was negative in all patients and Anti CMV IgG was positive in all patients. Conclusion: Findings of the study show that all HIV positive patients in all age groups are infected with CMV and there is no significant relationship between gender, age, education, HIV status, CD4 blood levels and the incidence of CMV infection.