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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    2 (پیاپی 26)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Educational failure and dropping out are among the major problems of higher education centers in the country. The present study was performed to compare personal and educational characters of success and unsuccessful medical students in the medical school of Kermanshah.Materials and Methods: Information about personal and educational characters were collected from all dropped out students, as unsuccessful group, and the students without dropping out and with a educational score more than 15, as control (success) group, during 2001 and 2005. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS software. To compare mean quantitative factors in two groups, in-depended T test and F test were used, chi-square and fisher test used for qualitative factors, and Pierson correlation coefficient calculated.Results: There was a significant difference between two successful and unsuccessful students groups with regard to age, sex, diploma score, time gap between graduation from high school and studying in university, parents education, marital status, students job, quota system and mean of all specialized lesson in Konkor examination (p<0.05). No significant difference was observed in the type of diploma and living in university accommodation between two groups.Conclusion: According to significant differences in many personal and educational characters between two successful and unsuccessful student groups, it seems more attention and special programming is necessary in this field.

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Introduction: Nowadays, by developing of the science and to increase the scientific Issues in all fields, can to see that the academic success in universities is resulted from effective trying, right study and time management. One the unsuccessful causes in some students are not to know the studying ways and its related skills. This study has been done in this case.Materials and Methods: This descriptive study has been done on 686 persons of Ardabil city students. Its measuring tools is the self-constructed questionnaire in two parts the first part includes of; specifications, of personal and social, study duration, and the second part contains the questions about to understand the effective study. Random sampling was selected for students of any universities. The collected data analyzed by spss soft ware by using analytical and descriptive statistics.Results: Age mean between students was 21.51±21.65 and studying duration was 1.43±0.43 days. Only 15.59% of them had regular study in academic term. The most important of the study drawbacks were lack of sufficient motive, (44.36%) and unconfidence to future job (30.47%)only 16.03% student that they have a regular program for studying and learning. 33.09 of students had good understanding, 58.1 mean and 8.75% weak ones related to the sufficient study. The understanding rate of students residing in city districts and state universities was more than rural areas and Azad universities and this difference was significant statistically.(p<0.05).Conclusion: This investigation indicates that many student have middle understanding on the sufficient study. Then, to recognize the study way and its education in the beginning of the university studying is necessary.

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    2 (26)
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Introduction: Biological desulforezation is a microbial procedure which uses manipulated bacterial strains for increasing of desulforezation from petroleum products.Materials and methods: The method is being tested by several big oil companies for making a safe fuel and for preventing air pollution one of the methods for enhancement of desulforezation of microbial oil strains is increasing of copy number of oxidoreductase gene. this gene is able to supply the required FMNH2 for desulforezation genes of Rhodococcus erythropolis IGTS8 , which is used as a model micro organism in desulforezation researches, was amplified with PCR and was cloned in to the PTZ57R vector. Then the oxidoreductase gene was extracted by agarose gel DNA extraction kit as a 600 bp fragment and was inserted in to the pkk223-3 expression vector.Result: After induction, the desired protein was weakly detected as a 25 KD band in SDS-PAGE gel. However using another expression vector (PET 21a), a sharp band was detected in the same area.Discussions: At present , the studies was focused on increasing the production in National Instutute of genetic Engineering and bio technology we are trying to apply genetic Engineering tools to increase gene dosage of oxidoreductase gene to enhancement of desulforezation gene expression.

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    2 (26)
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Introduction: Formant structure is one of the most important acoustical characteristics of sound. The relationship between first three formants is the main component of perceptual categorization by the listener. The quality and the kind of one vowel are related to its formant.Material and methods: The goal of this descriptive-analytical study was to assign and compare formant structure of Persian vowels between 50 Persian children 7-9 years old from two separate schools in Tehran (25 boys and 25 girls) and 50 adults aged between 18 and 22 from Persian students and employees at the rehabilitation sciences faculty of Iran (25 men and 25 women). Six Persian vowels (/i/, /e/, /æ/, /a/, /o/, /u/) were produced using simple sample. The first three formant of Persian language vowels were obtained and compared between two groups of male adults and school boys and also female adults and school girls.Results: Fundamental frequency, first three formants of each vowel (F1, F2, F3), band frequency of each formant, and the intensity of each formant in each vowel were obtained and recorded by speech studio software and laryngograph device.Conclusion: In all groups, / æ / vowel was the lowest height vowel and /i/ vowel is the highest high one. In addition, /i/ vowel was the high front vowel and /u/ vowel was the high back vowel one in all groups. The results of comparison of formant structure of Persian language vowels in two groups of male adults and school boys, and female adults and school girls suggested that all quantities of formant frequency of the Persian vowels in adults is lower than children, by what it says that male and female adults had lower formant frequencies in compare with boys and girls. These findings were similar to pervious same studies. The differences observed between children and adults are due to different vocal tract length and different size of resonator cavities.

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    2 (26)
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Introduction: Breast carcinoma is the most common cancer in women and the second leading cause of cancer related mortality after lung cancer. Survival rate is an important index for evaluating the overall effectiveness of cancer diagnosis and treatment. The present study was performed to estimate survival rate in women with breast cancer diagnosed and treated by Modified Radical Mastectomy (MRM) at Emdad Hospital in Semnan.Materials and Methods: This study was rendered through 1991-2002 using extracting recorded data of patients, which had been treated by MRM at Emdad hospital in Semnan. The patients were subsequently followed up for their survival and further information.Results: The mean age (±SD) of patients was 51.5±14.0 years. The most common type of malignancy and stage of disease were invasive ductal carcinoma and stage III at the time of diagnosis. Increase of age (P=0.002) and the stage of disease (P=0.000) were associated with shorter survival. The 5-year and 10-year survival for stage I patients was 100% , for stage II 77% and 65%, for stage III, 23% and 12%, and taking overall, they were 58% and 47%, respectively.Conclusion: The survival for stages I and II was similar to other countries, but for stage III was poor in Semnan. In addition, the cumulative 5-year and 10-year survival was poor as well. Increase of age and stage at the time of diagnosis and lack of chemotherapy and radiotherapy site are some causes of shorter survival. Therefore, education to early diagnosis of breast cancer in women must be considered and followed seriously.

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    2 (26)
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Introduction: C. dubliniensis is a new known species in genus of Candida. Although this yeast was firstly isolated from oral lesions in AIDS patients, but recently it has been isolated from non-AIDS immunosupressed lesions as well. The ability of C. dubliniensis in production of germ tube in human serum is one of the most important virulent factors, which can induce transformation of fungi from yeast to filamentous form. This phenomenon can be altered by few environmental and nutritional factors. The general purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature, pH and glucose concentrations in germ tube formation of C. dubliniensis in in vitro.Materials and methods: The germ tube production test in human serum (with normal glucose titer) in different temperature, pH, and glucose concentrations were conducted using standard strain of C. dubliniensis (CD 34). The average number of cells with germ tube after 2 hours and the earliest time for production of germ tube were analyzed using one-way ANOVA test.Results: Maximum germ tube production rate were seen in 42oC, pH 7 and in concentration of 30 mg/ml glucose (P= 0.0001) and also germ tube observed in earliest time in those conditions.Conclusion: It seems that these environmental and nutritional factors in human body can promote this fungus to produce germ tube for invasion in susceptible patients especially in diabetics.

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    2 (26)
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Introduction: Various pharmacological effects of Nigella sativa including; anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, disruption of kidney stone, lowering serum lipids and repairment of kidney tissues after nephrotoxicity, have been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the preventive action of ethyl acetate fractions of aqueous-ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa seeds on calcium oxalate kidney stones in male rats.Materials & Methods: 31 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups. All groups were studied during 28 days of experimental protocol. Healthy control group (1) received tap drinking water. Negative control group (2) received 1% ethylene glycol in drinking water. Groups 3 and 4 were treated with 1% ethylene glycol as well as ethyl acetate phase remnant and ethyl acetate fractions from aqueous and ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa L. seeds, respectively at equivalent dose of 250 mg/kg of total extract. Urine concentration of oxalate, citrate and calcium in days 0, 14 and 28, and also plasma concentration of magnesium and calcium in days 0 and 28, were measured. At the end of experiment, kidneys were removed for histopathologic study and examined for counting calcium oxalate deposits. Data were presented as Mean± SEM and were analyzed by one way ANOVA and subsequently Tukey tests; p value less than 0.05 (p<0.05) was considered significant.Results: Results showed that the number of calcium oxalate crystals in group 2 vs. group 1 and 3 (without any crystals) significantly increased (p<0.001), but there was no significant difference between groups 2 and 4. Urine oxalate concentration in day 28 increased significantly in groups 2, 3 and 4 (p<0.05) in comparison with day 0, but urine calcium concentration in groups 3 and 4 at day 28 has no significant difference with day 0.Conclusion: The results of this study supported the inhibitory action of aqueous-ethanolic extract of Nigella sativa ethyl-acetate phase remnant on calcium oxalate kidney stones. However, ethyl acetate fraction of extract did not show a similar effect on kidney stones. Although the exact mechanism is not clear, but this action may be due to antioxidant, antilipid or anti-inflammatory properties of Nigella sativa seed. Therefore, Nigella sativa should be advised in treatment of human kidney stone disease.

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Introduction: Today, heart diseases are the most common mortality causes in many of the world countries. According to current statistics, mortality rate from MI have been increased in Iran. The aim of this study was to determine survival rate and its effective cause in MI patients.Material and Methods: This analytical-descriptive study was performed on 800 MI patients in Ardabil Bouali hospital. One year follow-up was carried out for all patiens and data collected through a questionnaire. The reliability and validity of questionnaire had been earlier evaluated using Cronbach's alpha in 30 samples pilot study. Data analysis was caried out by statistical methods such as: Kaplan-Maier for survival rate and log-rank test for comparison survival mean in two groups using SPSS software. Cox regression model and survival graph was used for predictive effective causes on survival rate.Results: Age mean of patients was. For one-year follow-up, mortality rate was 10.5% for all patients. 72.8% of patients were male and 27.2% female. 47.4% of patient was smoker, 33.4% have a HTN history, 18.1% were diabetic and 15.3% had high lipid. Survival rate in first ten days, first month and a year following MI was 0.95, 0.93 and 0.91, respectively. Effective causes in patient’s survival rate were DM, HTN, SK and EF.Discussion: knowing survival rate and effective causes in MI patients, we can provide a better service as well as spatially works to control MI and decrease mortality rate from MI and also increase survival time in patients.

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Introduction: Based on WHO, menopause is defined as the permanent cessation of menstruation resulting from the loss of ovarian follicular activity which is recognized to have occurred after 12 consecutive months of amenorrhea, for which there is no other obvious pathological or physiological cause. It is the beginning of a phase of women's' life with somatic and metabolic changes which leads to decrease in quality of life, osteoporosis and heart diseases. Because of increasing the number of women experiencing post-menopausal life, studying the pattern of age in onset of menopause seems necessary.Material & Methods: Non-parametric method to estimation the pattern of the age at natural menopause was introduced. For applied purpuses, data from a survey in Garmsar that it is performed on 581 women aged 30 years or older. The pattern of age at menopause was estimated for them using prevalence of menopause in each age group.Results: The mean and median of age at natural menopause were 51.9±3.6 and 52.2, respectively. Increasing of menopause was slow from age 30 to 43, but a speed-up in monopause was observed until 55 years old, and then it was decreased slowly.Conclusion: compared to the other regions of Iran, the mean of age at natural menopause in Garmsar seems greater.

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    2 (26)
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Introduction: Gestational diabetes is defined as carbohydrate intolerance of variable severity with onset or recognition during pregnancy. Approximately, 4% of pregnancies are affected by diabetes mellitus, 90% of which represents gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Detection of risk factors of GDM may reduce the risk of complications. One of the new risk factors is menorrhagia. This study was conducted to identify the relation between menorrhagia and gestational diabetes. Material and Method: This case-control study was performed on the pregnant women who were referred to GDM and prenatal clinics in the endocrinology and metabolism centers of Shariati, and Taleghani hospitals as well as Iran endocrinology and metabolism institute of Tehran. In this study, data collection from the patients was carried out by interview method. Sampling was performed by convenience method. Case group included 60 women with gestational diabetes and control group included 60 women without gestational diabetes that they were selected at the same period of time. Demographic characteristics, history of menorrhagia and its etiology, were compared between two groups. We excluded subject with history of fetal macrosomia (weight >4500g), pre-pregnancy diabetes, diabetes in previous pregnancy, neonatal morbidity and mortality, recurrent abortion, smoking before and during pregnancy and preterm delivery. The case and control subjects were matched based on their age, parity, pre-pregnancy body mass index, diabetes mellitus in first-degree relative and the history of still-birth or malformed fetus or neonates.Results: Demographic characteristics and etiology of menorrhagia were similar between two groups. Relative frequencies of menorrhagia were 41.7 % and 6% in the case and the control group, respectively (p<001, Odds Ratio=6.43).Conclusion: A history of menorrhagia can be an independent predictor of gestational diabetes mellitus. If selective screening is implemented for gestational diabetes mellitus, such history should be considered in the decision of whom to test.

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Background: Hemorrhagic cystitis (HC) in allogeneic bone marrow transplanted (BMT) patients is associated with BK virus (BKV) reactivation manifested as BK viruria. However, since 77–90% of all adult BMT patients excrete BKV, viral reactivation alone cannot be responsible for HC. Recently, a significant overrepresentation of C ®G mutations in the Sp1 binding site in the non-coding control region (NCCR) of BKV was shown to be present in HC patients and absent in non-HC patients. We aimed to investigate if this mutation resulted in excessive BKV excretion in HC patients. Study design: A Real-Time PCR was developed and used to quantify BKV in urine samples from 21 patients with HC, with and without the mutations, as well as from patients without HC.Material and method: A Real-Time PCR was developed and used to quantify BKV in urine samples from 21 patients with HC, with and without the mutations, as well as from patients without HC.Results: Quantification of BKV was successful in 18 of 21 urine patients (six with and six without C®G mutations) and six patients without HC. A mean of 3.0´106 BKV copies/ml was detected in urine samples of HC patients with C®G mutations, compared to a mean of 1.5´106 BKV copies/ml in HC patients without C®G mutations and a mean of 1.0´106 BKV copies/ml in patients without HC. The obtained differences were however not statistically significant, due to one individual non-HC patient with an extremely high BKV copy number. Nevertheless, while 50% of the samples in the HC groups expressed 1´106 copies/ml or more, only one of the samples in the non-HC group contained a virus quantity higher than 5´105 copies.Conclusions: Although we could not confirm that the C®G mutations in the Sp1 site of BKV were responsible for an increased viral load in patients with HC, our data suggest that levels of BKV above 104 copies/ml may indicate a risk for HC.

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Introduction: DNA microarray technique is one of the most important categories in bioinformatics, which allows the possibility of monitoring thousands of expressed genes has been resulted in creating giant data bases of gene expression data, recently. Statistical analysis of such databases included normalization, clustering, classification and etc.Materials and Methods: Golub et al (1999) collected data bases of leukemia based on the method of oligonucleotide. The data is on the internet. In this paper, we analyzed gene expression data. It was clustered by several methods including multi-dimensional scaling, hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering. Data set included 20 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) patients and 14 Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) patients. The results of tow methods of clustering were compared with regard to real grouping (ALL & AML). R software was used for data analysis.Results: Specificity and sensitivity of divisive hierarchical clustering in diagnosing of ALL patients were 75% and 92%, respectively. Specificity and sensitivity of partitioning around medoids in diagnosing of ALL patients were 90% and 93%, respectively. These results showed a well accomplishment of both methods of clustering. It is considerable that, due to clustering methods results, one of the samples was placed in ALL groups, which was in AML group in clinical test.Conclusion: With regard to concordance of the results with real grouping of data, therefore we can use these methods in the cases where we don't have accurate information of real grouping of data. Moreover, Results of clustering might distinct subgroups of data in such a way that would be necessary for concordance with clinical outcomes, laboratory results and so on.

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