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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    2 (پیاپی 22)
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Introduction: The combustion of sulfur-containing fossil fuels is a source of environmental pollution. During previous decades, desulfurization of fossil fuels has been considered as a cost-effective and alternative friendly environmental approach. DBT has been widely used as a model compound to screen microorganisms ability for desulfurization. There are several reports on the isolation of DBT-desulfurizing bacteria. In this respect, Rhodococus erythropolis IGTS8 has an desulfurization operon (dsz A,B,C), which can convert DBT, as a source of sulfur, to 2HBP via the 4s pathway.Material and Methods: In this study, the (dsz A,B,C) operon was cloned into the PVLT31 plasmid and then transformed into the E.coli DH5a. Plasmid purification was performed using mini prep and analysied by PCR technique and restriction endonuclease.Results: Desulfurization activity was measured and compared between the recombinant and Rhodococus erythropolis IGTS8, Pesudomonas aeroginosa EGSOX, Pesudomonas putida EGSOX and E.coli cc118lpir by Gibb's assay and HPLC. Maximum 2HBP production was detected in Pesudomonas aeroginosa EGSOX and E.coli DH5a, respectively.Conclusion: Specific activity for desulfurization of DBT is boosted by increasing the copy number of (dsz A, B, C) operon and sulfur repression can be alleviated by promoter replacement.

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Introduction: Diffuse brain injury occurs in nearly half of all severe of clinical traumatic brain injuries and has been associated with high mortality. Brain edema is a mortal pathological condition, which is commonly observed in diffuse brain trauma. In the current study, a new model producing diffuse brain injury, without focal brain lesions, was developed in rats, for first time in Iran.Matrials and Methods: Diffuse brain trauma was produced in 45 male rats that they were divided into three groups; control, sham, and trauma group. Rats in two later groups underwent general anesthesia using a mixture of halothane, oxygen and nitrous oxide. A stainless steel disc (1 cm in diameter) was firmly fixed to central portion of skull vault using dental acrylic. In the trauma group, a weight of 450g was allowed to drop from the 2m height onto the disc when trauma device was ready. All animal were mechanically ventilated during the treatment. In all groups, pathological studies and measurement of brain edema were performed at 24 hours following injury. Brain edema was evaluated by water content of brain and extravasation of Evans blue (E.B) dye.Results: The results of present study indicated that this technique induces a diffuse brain injury in the rats, as it was shown by a significant increase of brain water content in the trauma group compared to the control and the sham groups (p<0.05). In addition, the extravasation of E.B content was significantly more in the trauma group than other two groups (p<0.001).Pathological examinations showed diffuse brain ischemia and brain edema as well. Conclusion: Taken overall, this technique is introduced as a successful and suitable model for studying neuronal and vascular changes associated with diffuse brain injuries.

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Introduction: Nursing is one of the high tensional professions in the health and therapeutic services. There are many job stressor, which endanger the mental health of indivduals in this postion. The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between the tensionmaking factors and mental health among nurses in Semnan..Material and Methods: In the curreny study, 78 of 178 registareted nurses who work at 3 hospitals of Semnan (Amir-a1 Momenian, Shafa, and Fatemieh hospital), were 'chosen by radom stratified method. The research was a correlational study. Data was collected using two types of questionnaires; general health questionnaire including 28 questions and occupational exhaustion questionnaire including 25 questions. Data analysis was carried out using pearsons coefficient and T-test.Results: The results of present study showed that: 1) There was a significant relationship between the job stress and nurses mental health. 2) No significant relationship was observed between male and female nurses with respect to their mental health. 3) There was a significant relationship between married and single nurses with respect to their mental health. 4) A significant relationship was detected between nurses mental health and their occupational history.Conclusion: Given to these findings, nurses encounter to special tensions due to their occupation and their mental health directly influences on quality of functioning in care of patients. Consequently, reducing stressors by psychological and milieu interventions could improve nurses mental health and subsequently their job efficiency.

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Introduction: Crowded conditions cause increase in the number of infection diseases including mycosis. Asylum seeker camps, as crowded places, play an important role in spreading many infection diseases such as contagious mycosis. The superfacial and coutanous mycosis of man include a wide varity of diseases in which the integument and its appendages, the hair and the nails are involved. Since, the study of mycosis is importance from the aspect of public health, and poor hygiene and other predisposing factors increase mycosis, the present study was performed to assay superficial and cutaneous mycosis and pediculosis in Afghan immigrants.Material and Methods: 1400 persons of Afgan immigrants who live in Semnan refuge camp were clinically examined. Their age were between 1 and 90 years old, 811 (57.9%) and 589 (42.1%) were female and male, respectively. A questionnaire was filled for all individuals. A direct preparation was made using 10% KOH from specimences. In addition, a Gram stained preparation was used for yeast like fungi. All specimens were cultured on Sabouraud Dextrose agar with chloramphenicol (Sc) and Sabouraud Dextrose agar with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide (Scc). Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square and odds ratio (95% Confidence Interval).Results: The prevalence of superficial and cutaneous mycosis were found 2.4% for pityriasis versicolor 2.4%, 1.5% for intertriginous candidiasis, 0.9% for onychomycosis and paronychia, 0.7% for trichomycosis axillaris, 0.4% for erythrasma and finally 0.2% for dermatophytosis. The prevalence of pediculosis was 1.4%. Conclusion: Superficial mycosis was more common than cutaneous mycosis. 5.4% of individuals were infected with superficial mycosis compared to 2.6% of . individuals with cutaneous mycosis. Although, tinea capitis was more common in children of rural areas in past, Fortunately, the prevalence of disease has decreased more and this survey confirmed this fact as the lowest prevalence was observed for dermatophytosis (0.2%). The present study signifies the importance of mycological examinations in the diagnosis of various mycoses for their effective management. Therefore, mycological examination is necessary to differentiate and treatment of dermatophyte and non-dermatophyte onycomycosis.

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Introduction: Nowadays, addiction is considered as one of the greatest social and health problems. Basically, the youth have more tendencies toward new artificial addictive drugs rather than traditional opiate drugs. Given the aim for producing these artificial addictive drugs, it will clear that these drugs, chemical or artificial, are produced merely to be used. In other words, teenagers have more tendency toward these attractive drugs. This study was performed to understand the attitude of students about the effects of ecstasy abuse.Materials and Methods: The present research is a cross-sectional study. Using randomized cluster application, 140 students were chosen from the management students who studying in Tehran University and the Iran University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected through questionnaires.Results: Most students had an average attitude. Average attitude was 32.1±3.61 SD among the students of Iran University of Medical Sciences, while it was 31.1±3.7 SD for the students of Tehran University. Using statistical analyze, we found that there is no meaningful relationship between students attitude and background variables such as age, sex and marital status, employment and living in university accommodations. This finding might show that the education level and employment of student parents has no influence on student’s attitude.Conclusion: Considering this fact that most of the students had an average attitude and in order to preventing drug abuse, using the social models and norms who can have effect the youth such as TV and cinema artists, athletes, school and university teachers and professors, newspaper and radio are suggested. In addition, performing the comprehensive educational courses are recommended for all students at different ages.

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Introduction: The current study was performed to assay motor skills (rapid naming, word and phrase repetition) in 5 years old children that these skills are in close relationship with speech and reading development. The aim of this study was to identify the mean and 95% confidence interval of these developmental aspects in normal 5 years old children in order to finding the normal range of these skills, which are the basis of reading and speaking. Performing a screening test in order to diagnosis, training and treatment of abnormal motor skills in 5-year-old children was another aim of the present study.Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional and descriptive study. All nursery schools affiliated to education and welfare office in Semnan were included in this study. In each nursery school, children with auditory, visual and speech disorders were excluded and 20% of those whose mother tongue was farsi or semnani were selected randomly (a total number of 2256 persons). Statistical analysis was carried out using independent t test and Chi-square test.Results: The means were as follows: rapid picture naming 72 words in 100 seconds, word repetition 4.97, unfamiliar phrase repetition 4.31. There was no significant difference between girls and boys with regard to the above skills.Conclusion: The mean of word repetition in Semnanian 5-year-old children was greater than mean of unfamiliar phrase repetition. Semnanian 5-year-old children's mean of rapid picture naming and word repetition was lower than that of 5-year-old children in Tehran, but in unfamiliar phrase repetition Semnanian 5- year-old children's scores were greater.

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Introduction: Physician's attitude toward an illness is an important factor for proper therapeutic alliance. It can play a negative role in some diseases. In this regard, we attempted to compare the attitudes of medical students toward psychiatric patients at the beginning and the end of their two months curriculum.Materials and Methods: By "Medical Condition Regard Scale" questionnaire, we compare 49 students (28 men, 21 women) at the beginning and the end of 2 months course in psychiatry ward of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.Results: Female students showed significant improvement in her attitudes at the end of curriculum. However, in male students, attitude change was not significant.Conclusion: These findings can be attributed to different effects of education on men and women. If it were true, we needed proper planning to improve the attitudes of our students and further studies to evaluate probable interfering factors.

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Introduction: Adolescence is one of the most important stages of human growth when the algorithm of nutritional needs establishes. This study was carried out since there is not available any comprehensive and reliable data about nutritional status and related affecting factors in pupiles who study in the public and private schools of Iran especially in Damghan.Materials and Methods: The present study as a cross-sectional and descriptive study was performed on 300 pupiles aged 11-14 years old in both public and private schools of Damghan.The questionnaire was composed of four parts: demographic information, weight and height measurements, diet and physical activity.Results: Wasting, natural, overweight and obesity were respectively observed in 10%, 79%, 7% and 4% of pupiles in public schools, while they were respectively 6%, 73%, 16% and 5% for pupiles in private schools (p=0.04). The observed differences were not dependent on sex (p=0.19). Regression analysis showed that the differences in nutritional status can be explained by intake of vitamins B2, B12, as well as intake of daily energy and chocolate in these two types of schools.Conclusion: Wasting in public schools and overweight and obesity in private schools were the nutritional problems of adolescents in Damghan, which must be controlled. In addition, The observed differences in these two types of schools (as a means of different socio-economic status), which were explained by the related factors (different intake of B2, B12, energy and chocolate) could be similarly seen in many adolescents in all over Iran.

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Introduction: Manna taranjebin is produced by an insect, Poophilus nebulosus, on camel's thorn plant. The manna has been traditionally used in herbal medicine and recent studies have studied/confirmed some of its therapeutic effects. In this study, some potential toxic effects of taranjebin were studied.Materials and Methods: In the first experiment, 4 groups of 6 mice (25.60.40g) received different doses of taranjebin (0.6-4.8g/kg/d) orally. The control group (n=6) received similar volumes (10ml/kg) of normal saline. In the second experiment, different groups of mice (n=5, 25.6±0.45g) were injected similar doses of taranjebin or placebo intraperitoneally. In both studies, the mice were watched for clinical sings during 10 days of experiments. Weight gains were measured in both experiments, and the mice in the second experiment were blood sampled for assessment of serum urea, creatinine, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT).Results: No significant differences, regarding weight gain or the studied serum parameters, were observed between the control groups and those receiving taranjebin.Conclusion: It is concluded that even in high doses, taranjebin does not exert detectable toxic effects in the studied variables.

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Introduction: Ramadan is a lunar month that muslims have food and water intake restricted to night hours except those who have illness that fasting may be harmful for them. We studied the effects of fasting during Ramadan on patients suffering from duodenal ulcer (DU).Material and Methods: 84 endoscopicaly documented duodenal ulcer patients were studied. They were divided into two groups (fasting and non-fasting) according to their own decision and treated with Omeprazol (40mg daily). Sign and symptom such as pain, dyspepsia nausea, bleeding and healing of ulcer were studied.Results: Healing rate of ulcer was 79.76% totally. Non-fasting group and fasting group had healing rate of 75.5% and 85.7% respectively. Therefore no significant differences were observed between the two groups considering symptoms, complications or ulcer healing.Conclusion: Patients with duodenal ulcer while are treating with antisecretory agents can fast during Ramadan without any fear of complications.

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Introduction: Use of medicinal plants for attenuation of hyperglycemia and restoration of lipids to normal level is clinically important. Since garlic and leek are similar regarding some effective substances as well as the antidiabetic effect of garlic, this study was performed to evaluate the effect of chronic oral administration of leek (Allium ampeloprasum) on serum level of glucose, triglyceride, and total cholesterol of diabetic rats.Materials and Methods: In the current study, 36 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 4 groups, i.e. control, AA-treated control, diabetic, and AA-treated diabetic group. The treatment groups received oral administration of plant-mixed pelleted food (6.25%) for 4 weeks. Serum glucose, triglyceride, and total cholesterol levels were measured in all animals prior to the treatment as well as two and four weeks after the treatment.Results: Serum glucose levels were increased 4 weeks after the treatment in diabetic group compared to those levels was observed one week before the treatment (P<0.0001) and also AA treatment of diabetic rats did exert a significant hypoglycemic effect as compared to untreated diabetics (p<0.05). In addition, triglyceride levels were increased 4 weeks after the treatment in the diabetic group in comparison with related levels observed one week prior to the treatment (P<0.05) and there was a significant lower level of triglyceride in AA-treated diabetic rats (p<0.05). Furthermore, a similar significant reduction was obtained for treated-diabetic group as compared to diabetic group regarding serum cholesterol level (p<0.01).Conclusion: Oral chronic administration of AA could reduce serum glucose, triglyceride, and cholesterol levels of STZ-diabetic rats.

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Introduction: Over the last decade, exposure to electromagnetic waves due to base station antenna has increased. This in vivo study was planned for evaluating the effects of 950 MHz waves of GSM mobile phone system on dentate gyrus long-term potentiation.Materials and Methods: 32 naive male Wistar rats (3 months old, 220 + 15 g) were randomly divided into four groups (sham--exposed, continuous 950 MHz, 950 MHz with modulation and 950 MHz GSM field exposed).The exposure program was planned for 10 sessions at 3 days. Animals were exposed to electromagnetic field for 4500n in a circular plastic chamber (mean electric field = 50.4 V/m).Immediately after ending exposure, anesthesia was induced for LTP induction. Field potentials were recorded and analyzed using the population spike amplitude, EPSP slope, EPSP slope maintenance and EPSP duration for 60-min.Results: There were no significant differences in population spike amplitude, EPSP slope and EPSP slope maintenance and EPSP duration among the four groups.Conclusion: This experiment provides no evidence indicating that rat's long-term potentiation can be affected by the whole-body exposure to 950 MHz field of GSM mobile phone system.

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Introduction: The main goal for every university is to educate professionals in order to improve the quality of well being of body and mind of the society's "members to approach this important issue, universities needs healthy employees to enable them to educate healthy, qualified, well trained, and sensitive individuals for societies. Therefore, investigation about the health situation - of the employee has a prime importance. This study was carried out to evaluate the status of mental health of employees in the Semnan University of Medical Sciences.Material and Methods: The present study was a descriptive-analytical and cross- sectional study. 414 employees of the Semnan University of Medical Sciences were included in the study. Data were collected using a self-reporting questionnaire (GHQ-28). Then, data were analyzed by SPSS software and also mean, standard deviation, absolute & relative frequency was determined. Statistical analysis was performed by Chi-square, Pearson & Spearman correlation coefficient at the level of 5% and logistic regression analysis.Results: Totally, 28.6% of employees suffered from mental diseases. The most cases were observed among the employees who working in treatment setting (41%) and the least ones observed among the employees who working in office setting. The rate of mental disorders was greater in individuals aged 40-49 (29.3%), women (37.4%), undergraduates (40.7%), singles (60%), as well as the individual who working for 20 or more years (35.2%) in the university.Interpretation logistic regression showed that index of gender, the level of education, and occupation has a significant influence over mental disorder.Conclusion: The rate of mental diSorder was 2.5 times more than those reported by WHO, but was similar with those reported in Iran. More investigations are needed for better understanding of the reasons for higher prevalence of mental disorder among women, undergraduates government employees and those individuals who working in treatment setting. The result of these studies can lead to find a solution for this problem.

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Introduction: Spasticity is one the signs of upper motor neuron injuries. Spasticity is as inter ventional factor result in gait, posture and function difficulties. There are different methods to reduce spasticity such as drug therapy, physical therapy, etc. The physical therapists use bobath inhibitory technipues for decreasing spasticity. The relatively new method in treatment of patients with spasticity is electrical stimulation. There are controversies in results of studies that evaluate the effects of electrical stimulation on spasticity. The purpose of present study is a comparison between bobath technique with electrical stimulation and bobath technique alone on spastic patients.Materials and Methods: Forty patients with upper motor lesion who had spasticity in lower extremities participated in the study. The subjects divided into two groups. Group A was received bobath technique with electrical stimulation and group B received only bobath technique.Before and after intervension, the spasticity assessment was performed by measurement of passive dorsiflexion range of motion, Tibialis anterior strength and Gastrocneminus tone with Ashworth scale and H-reflex.Results: The results of this study indicated that the improvement induced by both methods were statistically significant for all parameters measured (p=0.000).In group A, increasing passive dorsi flexion range of motion and decreasing Gastrocnemius tone was greater than group B. These differences were statiscally significant (p=0/00). However, there was no significant difference between two groups with respect to tibialis anterior strength increase and H-reflex activity decrease. Conclusion: To decrease Gastrocnemius tonicity and increase passive dorsi flexion range of motion, bobath inhibitory with electrical stimulation was more effective than inhibitory technique alone.

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Introduction: Previous investigations have shown that Monte Carlo methods are suitable for the simulation of the transportations photon beam in medical linear accelerators. The simulated beams could be used for the measurement of the dose distribution in phantoms and patients' body. Angular, energy and radial distributions are the most important data of photon beams and can be used for clinical applications of simulation. The phase-space data of the Elekta SL75/25 Linac was simulated for MCNP4C code. In this investigation, we have presented detailed data of the angular, energy and radial distributions at four scoring plate perpendicular to the central axis of the photon beam.Materials and Methods: Firstly, we simulated the linac head geometry and verified its' accuracy. The mean energy and radial intensity distribution of the linac electron beam was determined by the comparison of the simulated and measured percentage depth doses (PDDs) and beam profile curves. Four scoring plates located 0.1cm under the target, the primary collimator, the flattening filter and the secondary collimator were simulated as concentric circles starting at 0.1cm radius and with 0.1cm intervals up to 3.5cm. Thereafter, bremsstrahlung radiations were simulated and transported in the linac head down to the water phantom and the angular, energy and radial distributions at the four scoring plate were scored.Results: Comparison of our results with the previous reports from the EGS4 code indicated that the simulated photon spectra resulted from the MCNP4C code is a little more at high energies. The mean energy was 2.18MeV having being in good agreement with previous investigations. At all the scoring planes, the beam becomes softer as we get away from the central axis of the beam. The maximum and minimum variation happens for the target and the secondary collimators with a value of 1.24MeV and 0.13 MeV respectively. The head structures of the linac, altogether, caused a beam hardening ofO.61MeV, but among all the components of the head structures, the flattening filter has most effect in this regard. The radial distributions of the primary collimator and flattening filter indicate a difference of 0.6% and 0.05% from that of the central bin respectively. The photon fluence is reduced to 50.04% after crossing the flattening filter with the majority of them being at low energies.Conclusion: Higher energy noted from the use of MCNP4C Code is due to the energy physics cut-off card used, causing a shift in the mean energy of the primary electrons toward the higher energies and consequently increasing the relevant photon fluence. The primary collimators and the flattening filter have the most effect on the fluence uniformity and the energy fluence uniformity respectively. Passing the radiation through the head structures causes the beam hardening with the flattening having the most effect.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesDownload 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesCitation 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic ResourcesRefrence 1
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