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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



Issue Info: 
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  • Issue: 

    4-3 (پیاپی 18)
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    4-3 (پیاپی 18)
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  • Issue: 

    4-3 (پیاپی 18)
  • Pages: 

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  • Issue: 

    4-3 (پیاپی 18)
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پژوهش های تفاوت های فردی، در رفتار حرکتی بر مطالعه توانای هایی های حرکتی تاکید می کند. توانایی به یک خصیصه یا ظرفیت کلی اطلاق می شود که به اجرای مهارت ها یا تکلیف های گوناگون مربوط است. توانایی های حرکتی گوناگونی زیر بنای اجرای مهارتهای حرکتی هستند. افراد مختلف سطوح مختلف از این توانایی ها را دارند. سوال مهمی که پژوهشگران در سالهای طولانی به آن مشغول بوده اند، این است که این توانایی ها چگونه در یک فرد به هم مربوط اند؟ فرضیه توانایی عمومی حرکتی؛ پیشنهاد می کند که توانایی ها به شدت به هم مربوطند، در حالی که فرضیه اختصاصی پیشنهاد می کند، توانایی ها نسبتا از یکدیگر مستقلند. شواهد تجربی به طرز همسانی از فرضیه اختصاصی حمایت کرده اند.یک رویکرد برای شناسایی توانایی های حرکتی، طبقه بندی فلیشمن از توانایی های ادراکی - حرکتی و تبحر بدنی است. این توانایی ها در اجرای مهارت های حرکتی، نقشی اساسی دارد. از آن جایی که سنجش این توانایی ها امکان پذیر است، متخصصان مهارتهای حرکتی می توانند سطح توانایی های افراد را ارزیابی کنند. شواهد پژوهشی نشان می دهد، افراد از نظر توانایی با یکدیگر متفاوتند. میزان توانایی های حرکتی در هر فرد محدوده هایی را مشخص می کند که بر توان فرد برای پیشرفت در مهارت ها اثر می گذارد.سنجش توانایی حرکتی ممکن است برای پیش بینی استعداد فرد در مهارت های بخصوصی مفید باشد. پیش بینی استعداد موفقیت به دقت شناسایی توانایی های پایه بستگی دارد زیرا برای اجرای موفقیت آمیز مهارت مورد نظر ضروری هستند، همچنین به استفاده از آزمونهای معتبر و پایای توانایی های حرکتی وابسته است. توانایی های مربوط به اجرای مهارت در مراحل ابتدایی یادگیری، عمدتا با توانایی های مربوط به اجرای همان مهارت در مراحل بعدی متفاوت است. پژوهشگران نوع توانایی های مربوط به اجرای مهارت را مشخص کرده اند که به مرحله یادگیری وابسته است.توانایی های عمومی تر در اوایل یادگیری مسوول اجرا هستند در حالی که توانایی های حرکتی (اختصاصی) ویژه تکلیف در مراحل بعدی به کار می آیند. کارشناسانی که موفقیت های آتی را پیش بینی می کنند باید توانایی های درون هر تکلیف را شناسایی کنند که به اجرای موفقیت آمیز آن تکلیف بستگی دارد همچنین میزان توانایی های هر فرد را برای اجرای موفقیت آمیز آن مهارت بشناسند. استفاده از آزمون های غربالی به منظور این گونه  پیش بینی ها در زمینه ها صنعت، نظامگیری و ورزش موفیت آمیز بوده است.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (SERIAL 18)
  • Pages: 

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Dehydration is commonly used by wrestlers to reduce weight quickly in order to compete in a  lower weight class. Research findings have revealed that dehydration can results in decrement of physical work capacity in wrestlers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 5% weight reduction by dehydration in elite wrestlers on selected physiological parameters (Maximal strength of flexors digitorum, whole body response time, and shoulder girdle muscular endurance), hematocrit, serum sodium and potassium concentration, and body weight change, 14 hours after rehydration, that is; the extent of weight gain by wrestlers between an evening weigh-in and the first round of wrestling the next morning (about 14hours). 30 elite higly trained volunteer wrestlers; aged 22 to 26 years old were randomly selected, and also randomly assigned into two groups as experimental and control groups. Quasi-experimental research design including experimental and control groups with pretest and post test was employed. Student's test for comparison between two independent mean for difference scores was used as statistical method. Research hypotheses were tested according to the level of significance P≤0/01. The comparison between two group means value of pretest and post test in all dependent variables showed that; 5% weight reduction by dehydration result in -significantly decrease in shoulder girdle muscular endurance, measured by pull-up, also mean response time in four-direction movement increase significantly by the effects of dehydration. Whereas, maximal strength of flexors digitorum, measured by hand-grip dynamometer, were not significantly decrease by dehydration. Blood analysis of subjects showed that; dehydration had no significant effect on serum potassium concentration, whereas, serum sodium concentration increased significantly, and also, percent of hematocrit were affected by dehydration and increased significantly. Finally, after 14 hours ad libitum rehydration, the normal weight of experimental subjects were significantly decreased. Therefore, it was concluded that typical wrestling weight loss technique, that is dehydration in sauna results in deleterious effects on muscular endurance, response Time and plasma volume.    

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (SERIAL 18)
  • Pages: 

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In order to study the factors of causing aggression in sport fields a questionnaire about "to investigate the factors of aggression" that investigates the way of referee, team's failure, sensitiveness of competitive team's rank in classification table, athletes' age, spectators' age, and crowding, athlete's aggression, spectators' aggression, learning of aggression, athletes' and spectators' failure in life, the level of physical fitness and athletes' low skill, team's entertainment, the behavior of opponent team's athletes, motive and exciting game in appearing athletes' and spectators' aggression, and punishment after athletes' aggression, attendance of family, attendance of media, creating discipline in holding games in decreasing athletes' and spectators' aggression way, was distributed between 300 numbers of group sport spectators, 150 numbers of group athletes, 180 numbers of individual sport spectators, 120numbers of individual athletes and 60 numbers of physical education professors. Then the questionnaires were collected. After collecting and extraction of the information, the acquired information were analysed by x2 test and following results were observed: 1. Between the way of referee, team's failure, the sensitiveness of competitive, team's rank in classification table, the athletes' age, spectators, crowding, spectators' aggression, learning of aggression, athletes' failure in life, the level of physical fitness and low skill, team's entertainment, the behavior of opponent team's athletes, motive and exciting game, and appearing athletes' aggression a significant difference was observed. 2. Between the punishment after aggression, attendance of family, attendance of media, creating discipline in holding games and decreasing athletes' aggression a significant difference was observed. 3. Between the way of referee, team's failure, sensitiveness of competitive, team's rank in classification table, spectators' age, crowding population, athletes' aggression, learning of aggression, spectators' failure in life, team's entertainment, the behavior of opponent team's athletes, motive and exciting game and appearing spectators' aggression, a significant difference was observed. 4. Between the attendance of family, attendance of media, creating discipline in holding games and decreasing the spectator's aggression a significant difference was observed. After doing these studies and considering its conclusions some factors such as: the way of referee, failure in game, the behavior of opponent team's athletes, the sensitiveness of competitive, motive and exciting game, learning of aggression, athletes' and spectator's aggression, team's entertainment, spectators' crowding low physical fitness, low age, failure in life, team's rank in classification table and low skill influence in appearing aggression preferncely and some factors such as: discipline, attendance of family, attendance of media and punishment influence in decreasing athletes' and spectators' aggression preferencely.      

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (SERIAL 18)
  • Pages: 

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Winter Olympic games is a portion of Olympic and it is an infant comparing to summer Olympic. these games have less importance in point of view social and economical aspects. Few of scholars account less values significance to winter Olympic & believe it to be not adaptable to the Olympic Ideals. Amaturism and universalism also are considered with very much doubt. Professionalism has developed and there isn't the possibility of presence of all or many countries in these games. Winter Olympic needs especial environmental conditions. Countries which do not acquire long winter, extreme snow falls, slops and mountains do not have chance of attending in or progressing in these type of sports. There fore most European and north - American countries because of special conditions have brought these games under their dominance. It seems that changing of strategy IOC, Refine and Revision of Olympic games can play a great roke in achieving olympism.    

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (SERIAL 18)
  • Pages: 

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The purpose of present study is to investigate the relationship between aerobic power and body composition and few selected anthropometric measurements, among non-athletic female students (17-18 years) in city of Tehran Iran. For this study 80 non-athletic female high-school students in the age range of 17-18 years were selected by clustered random method from 20 region of Tehran. Independent variables in this survey were consisted of body composition measurements (Lean body fat - Lean body weight - percent body fat); and anthropometric measurements (weight-height- BMI-body surface).Dependent variable was aerobic power (VO2 max). At first determined under skin layers of fat among subjects by using caliper, and them was caculeted by computing height, weight and other anthropometric measurements of subjects. Also aerobic power was measured through Astrand step. test. The results showed: 1-A significant inverse relationship was indicated between percent body fat and aerobic power of the subjects (P ≤50.0). 2- A significant inverse relationship was indicated between lean body-fat and aerobic power of the subjects (P≤0.01). 3- The correlation between lean body weight and aerobic power of the subjects was not significant. 4- There was a significant inverse relationship between weight and aerobic power of the subject (P ≤0.01). 5- No significant relationship was indicated between height and aerobic power of the subjects. 6- There was a significant inverse relationship between BMI and aerobic power of the subjects (P ≤0.01). 7. There was a significant inverse relationship between body surface and aerobic power of the subjects (P ≤0.01). Therefore it can be concluded that even though in the present study no relationship existed between height, and lean body weight with aerobic power, however, the inverse relationship between aerobic power and the following variables. 1. percent body fat, 2. Body weight, 3. Lean body fat, and 4. BMI, is very important. Therefore these results agree with the conclusion that in order to improve the aerobic power, it is necessary that weight-control programs be administered at the time of performance of endurance and cardio-respiratory trainings.      

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (SERIAL 18)
  • Pages: 

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The purpose of the present study is to compare the effect of a special drill workout program and that of a morning workout program on a number of cardiovascular risk factors. For this purpose, a sample composed of 51 men of an age range of 33-55 was selected from the volunteered subjects. The subjects were rewere relatively homogeneous in terms of their living pattern and randomly fell in three groups (A. morning workout, sampling and other measurements were taken under equal conditions of the three groups and the morning and special groups were trained for 12 weeks, six sessions weekly. The control subjects underwent on physical workout whatsoever during the study period. Measurements were repeated after 12 weeks. These findings showed that special workout group there was a significant decrease the body weight, percent body fat, triglyceride, total cholestrol, LDL, cholesterol/ HDL, and there was a significant Increase the HDL/LDL and VO2 max. While in the morning workout group there was a significant decrease triglyceride and present body fat. Also they were an increase the body weight and percent body fat in control groups.      

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (SERIAL 18)
  • Pages: 

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Although cardiovascular disease appears in adulthood, the most related risk factors, such as obesity & extra amount of plasma lipids & lipoproteins, should be considered during childhood. To investigate the effects of physical activity on these risk factors, 46 male students, 15-18 years old, were chosen(l5 soccer players, 15 wrestlers and 16 non-athlete). Method of research was casual comparative and there were no significant differences between the body weight and the age of the subjects. After measuring subcutaneous fat in three points: Triceps, subscapula and calf, using Slaughter's formula [corrected by lohman], the percentage of the body fat of the subjects was calculated. Then blood samples (10 cc) were taken (after 12-14 hours fasting, 48 hours after the last session of training) and the quantity of serum lipids & lipoproteins was determined by autoanalyzer (RA 1000). The ANOVA& t-student were used as an SPSS program to analyze the data. The results indicated that: The amount of total cholesterol [TC] (p=0/0007), low density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-C] (p=0/000), TC \ HDL-C (p=0/000) and percentage of body fat (p=0/007) were significantly lower in athlete students as compared with non-athlete students. The test of LSD indicated that only in soccer players, the amount of high density lipoprotein cholesterol [HDL-C] was higher as compared with the non-athlete group (p=0/01). Also, there were no significant difference between the amount of triglyceride [TG] and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol [VLDL-C] of the groups (p>0/05).Correlation between body fat percentage and TC (r=0/585, p=0/000) and TG (r=0/49, p=0/100l) and LDL-C (r=0/ 47, p=0/002) were also calculated. No significant differences were found between soccer players and wrestlers regarding the variables under the study (p>0/05). The findings of this study showed the positive effects of physical activity on body composition, plasma lipids and lipoproteins of adolescent and youth males which might be indicative of benefits and the preventive roles of exercise training on lowering the level of risk factors of cardiovascular disease.      

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (SERIAL 18)
  • Pages: 

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation and correlation among self- efficacy, competitive anxiety and wrestling skills performance. A Sample of 16 Wrestlers of Iran and Russia national teams were participated in this study. In this study, descriptive static and Pierson correlation were applied in order to test the research hypothesis in the stoical,. 05 were used as the level of significance. The following results were founded: 1. No significant difference was found between self- efficacy and performance of national wrestler's of Iran. 2. Apositive and significant correlation was obtained between self- efficacy and performance of national wrestler's Russia. 3. A positive and significant coefficient of correlation was obtained between self-efficacy and performance of all the subjects in this study. 4. Anegative and significant correlation was obtained between self- efficacy and competitive anxiety of national wrestler's of Iran. 5. No significant difference was obtained between self- efficacy and Competitive anxiety of national wrestler's of Russia. 6. Anegative and significant difference was obtained between self- efficacy and Competitive anxiety of all subjects in this study. 7. Anegative and significant correlation was obtained between Competitive anxiety and performance of national wrest ler's of Iran. 8. Anegative and significant correlation was obtained between Competitive anxiety and performance of national wrestler's of Russia. 9. A negative and significant difference was obtained between Competitive anxiety and performance of all subjects in this study. In conclusion, the finding showed that Correlation between self- efficacy and performance was strongly positive, but Correlation between Competitive anxiety and performance was strongly negative. In addition Correlation between self- efficacy and Competitive anxiety was strongly negative. It could be said that, the overall results founded in the present study support the Bandura's Social cognitive theoty (l986).      

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