The prevalence of obesity, high blood pressure (high BP) and related risk factors, and lifestyle physical activities were evaluated in 1218 Public Transport Drivers (Taxi drivers) of Tehran (age and weight were 42.5±12.3 yrs, and 78.9±14.6 kg, respectively). Degree of obesity evaluated by self reported on body mass index (BMI); lifestyle behaviors and demographic factors by a questionnaire administrated by Adami and Corderra in 2003 that based on Mediterranean eating style that adopted with Iranian population lifestyle. Blood pressure measured with a handy sphygmomanometer. Range of age was between 21 to 71 years. Individuals under 35 years of age were classified as young, from 36 to 50 as middle aged and over 50 as old. Overweight was defined as BMI=25 to 29.9 kg/m2 and obesity as BMI >30 kg/m2. Hypertension was defined according to the WHO criteria. Independent sample t test, kruskal-Wallis for analyses of variance, c2, and multivariate and single regression models have been used for analysis of data. Prevalence of obesity, overweight and both of them and high blood pressure were 40.6%, 26.6%, 67.2%, and 35.4%, respectively. Prevalence of obesity, overweight and high blood pressure significantly increase with aging, monthly income, number of family members, and low level of education and physical activity (p<0.05). Therefore, in all age groups, there was significant relationship between obesity and high blood pressure (p<0.0001).Highest prevalence of obesity (50.3%) and high BP (71.1%) were in older group. Obese persons in all groups had high BP (p<0.05). Furthermore, significant relationship was observed between body mass index and many food consumption habits instance usage of high-fat foods, sweetish, have a snack, have a dessert, and negative relationship with spending work and leisure time physical activities and careful about what and how much is eaten. According to this findings, it seems is necessity to avoid from obesity as a main general health risk factor and also reinforcing cognitive patterns and promoting Iranian lifestyle behaviors instance increase of leisure time physical activities and reformation in eating habits may be effective in the fight against hypertension and obesity.