The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of two different intensities of aerobic training with same volume on body composition and fat distribution. Twenty five sedentary overweight men (M±SD, high: 176.15±7.21cm, weight: 86.27±13.50kg, age: 24.61±0.31years, VO2max: 29.33±10.25 (ml.min/kg) participated in this study as subjects. After the pre-test measurement, consist of the aerobic power, skin fold measurement and waist and hip circumference, the subjects were assigned to three groups (high intensity training: %70-80 of VO2max, low intensity training: %40-50 of VO2max and control groups). The subjects of training groups ran the same distance for 8 week and 3 sessions per week and the control group subjects went on their normal life style during these 8 weeks. The results of this study show that non of variables changed significantly in control group, whereas both training intensity caused a significant decrease in body mass, fat percent, BMI, WHR and waist and hip circumference (p<0.05). Abdomen to thigh and total trunk to extremities subcutaneous fat ratio didn’t change significantly by these intensities. It was demonstrated by covariance test that changes of inbody mass, fat percent, BMI, WHR and total trunk to extremities subcutaneous fat ratio are significant among the groups. Bonferoni test show that except abdomen to thigh and total trunk to extremities subcutaneous fat variables, all other variables changes between the control group and other two training groups and also the changes in total trunk to extremities subcutaneous fat ratio between two training groups were significant (p<0.05). Overall, in regard to results of this study, both training intensity cause the similar effect on body composition and circumferences. But, it seems the high intensity of exercise (%70-80 of VO2max) compared with low intensity on exercise (%40-50 of VO2max) lead to more decrease of extremities subcutaneous fat, whereas trunk subcutaneous fat more affected by low intensity of exercise.