Background: Ekiri syndrome or lethal toxic encephalopathy is a complication of shigellosis with dysentery, hyperpyrexia, seizures, headache and altered level of consiousness, which rapidly progresses to death. These children die at the beginning of the disease (8-48 hours from the beginning of symptoms), from brain edema. However they had no symptoms or signs of sepsis, dehydration, DIC or Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS).Methods: This survey is a case series study of children with Ekiri syndrome in Bahrami hospital from October 1998-2008 presented with loss of consciousness, colitis and high fever shortly after admission. Information about the patients was gathered from the documents according to physical signs and symptoms, lab data of those whom Ekiri syndrome had been diagnosed for them. Studied variables in this assessment were age, sex, fever, convulsions and loss of consciousness. Headache, encephalopathy, dehydration, elevated ICP, colitis, underline disease, stool, blood and CSF cultures.Results: The subjects contain 13 cases (10 male, 3 female), averaged 30.5 months of age. All had seizure, elevated ICP, encephalopathy and coma. All of the patients had fever between 39 and 40, averaged 39.5 degree of centigrade. Seven patients had headache and three ones was dehydrated. The first presentation symptom in three patients was gastroenteritis, in 9 was siezure and in 1 patient was headache. Stool culture in all patients was positive, but blood culture was positive in only one of them.CSF culture was negative in all of the patients. Mortality was 100%.Conclusion: Symptoms, signs and presentation of Ekiri syndrome, a rare complication of infection with shigella, in the patients in Bahrami hospital was similar with the other studies beforehand in other countries. In this study, all the patients were died and supportive treatments were ineffective.