Introduction: Job satisfaction is an Individual attitude towards a job and Indicates how much there are compatibility and coordination between the individual expectations with the rewards which job or the organization offered to him. Job satisfaction means that a person to achieve his / her intended demands and values.
Objective: This research was done to determine the rate of job satisfaction among the heads, managers and supervisors in different units of governmental hospitals in Guilan province in 2005.
Materials and Methods: The present research is a cross – sectional and descriptive – analytical study. Target population for this research, are 90 people of heads, managers and supervisors in different units of 19 governmental hospitals affiliated to the Guilan University of Medical Sciences (GUMS).They were heads of hospitals, hospital managers, hospital matrons, and heads of financial affairs, heads of administrative affairs, laboratory heads, drugstore heads, and heads of radiology departments. Data collection instrument was a questionnaire containing 46 questions in two parts consisting of demographic characteristics of the managers and their satisfaction rate from their job. Data collection was carried out during a month.
Results: results from this research indicated that (10.11 %) of the heads, managers, and supervisors of the study hospitals were very satisfied from all their job aspects, (58.43 %) of them satisfied, (4.22%) of them indifferent, (14.7%) unsatisfied and (6.67%) very unsatisfied. Satisfaction rates in terms of welfare, education, structure, management and physical conditions of the work environment were as follow, respectively: (48.11%), (79.99%), (66.64%), (77.2%) and (70.77%).
Conclusion: There was a significant relation between the job satisfaction rate and demographic characteristics such as age, education level, service years, and sex, as well as, between the job satisfaction and physical conditions of work environment. By considering physical conditions hospitals, providing managers with welfare facilities and material and spiritual rewards, changing the old and traditional ways and by applying new approaches for managing the hospitals and by using the graduates of management disciplines (courses) in the field of health and treatment for managing the hospitals, we can witness the increase of job satisfaction.