Background: Type 2 diabetes is associated with elevated oxidative stress and decline in antioxidant defense. Vitamin E supplementation reduces oxidative stress level in diabetic patients. Also some studies showed that vitamin E enhances insulin sensitivity and improves lipid profile. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of vitamin E supplementation on glycemic control and lipid profile in type 2 diabetic patients.Materials and Methods: In this study 31 type 2 diabetic subject who referred to Yazd Diabetes Research Center with Fasting blood suger:140-200 mg/dl,2-hour postprandial BS <250 md/dl, Triglyceride <400mg/dl, Total Cholesterol £300 mg/dl and mild hypertension (systolic blood pressure: 140-160mmHg,diastolic BP:90-100mmHg) were selected. Subjects received vitamin E 800 IU/day for 3 months. At first and end of treatment period FBS, TC, TG, LDL, HDL, Glycated hemoglobin and fasting insulin level were measured.Results: In this study 31 type 2 diabetic patients (19 female, 12 male) with mean age 53.03±8.87 years and mean duration of diabetes 2.16±0.89 years were studied. Vitamin E supplementation for 3 months had no positive effect on type 2 diabetic patients. As FBS, TG and fasting insulin decreased but this decline was not significant. Also TC levels, systolic and diastolic BP changes were not remarkable.Conclusion: Results of this study showed that 800 IU vitamin E administration for 3 months could not improve blood glucose, lipids, HbA1C, fasting insulin, systolic and diastolic BP in type 2 diabetic patients.