Treatments employed for the consolidation of monumental stones made of limestonedue to incompatibility from the substrate and cement used for consolidation,plugging of pores induced by the new cement, leading to the acceleration of stonealteration. Microbial precipitation with a layer of calcium carbonate generated bybacteria might offer a solution to this dilemma because the layer would not blockthe natural pore structure, thus permitting free passage of soluble salts through thestone. In this study, an attempt has been made to provide an overview of the microbialinduced carbonate precipitation as promising technology for bioremediation ofsuch structures. At the first, the active microorganisms in the conservation of stonemonuments transferred to the laboratory using the swap dipped in nutrient broth ata historic cemetery. After incubation and growth of colonies, Gram-positive bacilliwere detected. Then pure single colonies were transferred to blood agar mediumand incubated at 37°C. the single colonies were transferred to the surface of sterilizelimestone pieces and incubated but no result was obtained. Therefore, in thenext phase bacilli bacteria-rich broth media was used. The control experimentswere conducted in accordance with the conditions mentioned without bacterialinoculation. The calcification process caused by the inoculated bacteria on the historicalstone samples was demonstrated using the scanning electron photomicrographs.Microbially induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICP) technology toeco–friendly, self-healing and highly durable nature of these bio-binders, for conservationpurposes has been found suitable. But still there has been much to explorein order to bring this environmentally safe, cost effective and convenient technologyfrom lab to field scales.