Veriety and frequency of jobs, progress of technology and sciences have been led
to increase in threating factors, job diseases and job accidents.
In this cross - sectional, job accidents occurred in 2000, were studied. Data was
collected using a questionnaire.
Results showed that the majority of accident- prone workers (81.4%)were under
the age of 40 and occurrence of accident was more in building workers than others.
From view point of work record 50% of Lhe injured workers had maximum of 5
years of work record and 52.7% of them had no literacy or low literacy .(P<0.05).
More than 50% of the accidents had been occurred in workshops lacked technical
protection conunittee and most of them were in private ownership .Accidents
frequency was very high (80.6%) in workshops which had no responsible for safty
and work health. There was a significant relationship between existence of
responsible for safty and work health and accident accurrence (P<0.05).
94.4% of the accidents had been occuITed among workers who had no training or
education about safty and health. Most of the accidents had been occurred in the
morning working hours shift (63.9%) and among married works with a peak in
June and July. The occuTenctieme of accidents was often between 9 to 11 a. ffi.
Considering the exposure of workers at this risk, it is suggested to prevent
accidents by suitable planning such as promotion of literacy level of workers,
necessary training of safty and health, inspection and cleanliness of working
environments, as well as paying attention to workers" economic and familial