The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a combination of Psychological - Medicinal therapy and medicinal therapy on enhancing mental health, Quality of life and reducing symptoms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Patients of Ahvaz. To participate in this study, from among patients referring to the Ahvaz Specialized Clinic for Gastroenterology, 30 people were chosen by using the available sampling method to take part in the study. This study applies a semi– experimental field method, consisting of a pre-test, a post-test, and along with a control group. After being evaluated primari by a gastroenterologist, the participants were randomly devided into 2 groups, namely a group receiving a combination of medicinal – psychological therapy as experiment group, and a group receiving only medicinal therapy as the control group. The subjects filled up the SCL-25, the quality of life, and the ROM-III questionnaires in the pre-test and post-test and follow up stages. The expremental group ecieved 12 sessions of psychological herapy. The results of the multivariant covarience analysis (MANCOVA) reveals that compared to the control group in the pretest stage, this theraputic method, enhances mental health, improves quality of life and reduces the symptoms in IBS pations. The results of multi variable variance analusis (MANOVA) indicate that the combination of psychological - medicinal therapy, in the follow up stage, also proves to be effective in enhancing mental health, improving the quality of life and also reducing IBS symptoms. The results of this study show that combining psychological and medicinal therapy is an appropriate way to enhance mental health, improve quality of life and reduce symptoms in pations suffering from IBS.