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Oshryeh Rahman

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Tawhid attributes expresses the relationship between true and true divine attributes, in which there are three main points of view: the great number of traits on essence (Ash'arites' view), the divine essence of attributes (Mu'tazilite view) and the objectivity of attributes with divine essence (Imamie's view ) In the first sermon of Nahj-ol-Balagha in the first sermon of Nahj-ol-Balagha, Imam Ali (pbuh) stated that perfection was to deny the traits of the divine essence: "Kamal al-khahas al-nafi alsafat al-ahna". Several interpretations have been made in explaining this narrative. Through this descriptive-analytic approach to this problem it is determined that Ibn Maysam, a critic in the field of ontology, accepted the theory of negation of the true divine attributes, and that it was adopted by religious culture, especially Nahj culture In the field of epistemology, divine attributes are considered to be rational credits. The rational credits in the thought of Ibn Ma'tham are based on Suhrawardi's philosophical system and expresses mere mental concepts in contrast to the substantive concepts. In Ibn-i-Mimas's view, there is confusion between logical concepts and philosophical concepts, and divine attributes are considered as logical concepts.

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defamiliarization one of the important achievements for the school of russian formalism and including all the techniques that the authir uses consciously to reveal the artistic aspects of his work more conspicuously and to exert a great influence on his reders wich led him to present the conseptsin a best and new language to receive the meaning of the text. the 221 sermon is one of the most influential sermons that imam ali attention to defamiliarizate by capturing the structural of sentences. therefore, the analysis of this sermon studying beyond those categorics of refrainment and follows up the aesthetic efiect and the artistic objects related to them. this research is based on a descriptive-analytical method on the semantic and structural defamiliarization to analyze the 221 sermon and has been found that imam ali in the semantic field and in paradimatic axis with the help of metaphor and allusion, and in the syntagmaticaxis using the metonymy and Simile and in the structural axis, using techniques such as delusion, deduction, and removal, has expressedconcepts under consideration in the most beautiful way using best methods for defamiliarization. the meaning of moving forward and backward in the sermon, In fact, the imam ali by escaping the well-known semantic and syntactic components And by delaying the concepts contained in the sermon, it helps to defamiliarization and consequently the sermon has become prominent and has peaked the power of induction of meanings.

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From the philosopher's point of view, one's cognition can not be achieved solely through the study of the personality aspects of a person, but it is necessary to include other areas, including communication with other human beings, that the concept of »me» and »another or other Buddhism »was raised in philosophy. This concept was introduced by Bakhtin from philosophy into literature. In the literature, he was instrumental in discussing topics such as dialogue, dialogue, etc. in revising past texts. Nahj al-Balaghah is one of those texts that, incidentally, has a great deal of dialogue with. In other words, the main part of the Nahj al-Balaghah is the discussion of the Imam with the people that has been answered in response to a question, in response to something, etc., all of which are in the direction of the listener's conceptual horizon. The findings of this research indicate that the other is for Imam, various groups of people, such as close relatives, rulers, hypocrites, enemies, etc. From Imam's position towards each of them, I am the transcendent Imam for the singer and the reader. . Is the main question now that another or another formulation has been revealed in the words of the Imam? To answer this question, a descriptive analytic method has been used based on documentary study and content analysis has been used in data analysis.

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Hermeneutics help readers with comprehension of text through overcoming the gap between the text and its commentator, with seeking to regulate their understanding. Thinking about religious texts and the way of comprehending them is amongst the disturbances of theologians, and even commentators and translators of such contexts, because comprehension of religious texts enjoy features and attributes which make the need to consider its authors’ intention. Thus such types of texts are much more sensitive than others. It has been centuries since hermeneutics is in a considerable position in the field of discovery of religious texts’ secrets. The collection of orations and letters of Imam Ali – peace be upon him-gathered by Seyed Razi in 400 Higria as Nahj-al-balaghah is one of the Islamic religious texts. The present research intends to study three explanations means explanation and demonstration of letter 53 from Nahj-al-balaghah by Ghazvinni, Feiz-al-Islam and Makarem Shirazi and others according to the four rules of Emilio Betti Hermeneutics. The goal is to find to what extend clarification of each of these three is based on the four rules of hermeneutics Betti. The results of the study reveal although the hermeneutics rules are taken into account in the three mentioned explanations, it is focused on the main text by all the above-mentioned commentators. So, it can be said the approach followed by the mentioned commentators in letter 53 is author-based rather than commentator-based.

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Mulaee Ayat

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“ Government" is one of the most tension and controversial concepts in various fields of human sciences like public law. It seems to be the study of theories and opinions of the elders to some extent, it can reduce the theoretical challenges surrounding this issue. Among the Shiites, Imam Ali (as) is considered as the perfection of all kinds and theoretical and practical way of his Imam is tutor from various angles to our present life. So in this article, Using the research method: analytical descriptive, has been tried first, to be told a documentary about the course of the Imam, about the formation of his government. Then, it has reviewed the consequences of the public law of such a mode of government formation. The research results are that the way of forming the government of Imam Ali was unimaginable in Islamic society and his methodology have been based on the principles and concepts of public law, in particular: the popularity of the political system, the rationality of the government, non-sanctity of government, being deposit the government and people's sovereignty.

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Informing as one of the important functions of the media is one of the educational methods of Islam for the realization of social justice, whose explanation using scientific methods and based on authentic documents such as Imam Ali's letters can lead to a deep understanding of it. The present paper analyzes and analyzes the content of the content through qualitative content analysis using MAXQDA software. Findings of the research indicate that considering the high frequency of the topics in the category of awareness as compared to other categories in the letters of the Imam to the people, among the educational methods for realizing social justice, the Prophet had the highest level of attention in the method of informing The category of awareness in these letters includes three subcategories which include: enlightenment about the province and Imamate, political disclosure of opponents and enemies, and explanation of the lifestyle of the pious. Considering the allocation of 87. 77% of the subjects to the two sub-themes of enlightenment and political disclosure, it can be concluded that the priority of the Prophet was to raise their political insights in informing the people. Investigating the use of phrases in each texture, the frequency of the themes, the symbols and metaphors, the constraints of emphasis, the reciprocation, and the. . . The hidden layers of the semantics of each text are more revealing than the words of the Prophet. Thus, by focusing on the hidden semantic layers, his priorities and tactics are reflected in the awareness of the people and his stances on more events.

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The simile is one of the most beautiful techniques of expression, which has been used extensively in Nahj al-Balagha's sermons and is used Facilitating comprehension of meaning and persuasion of the audience. One of the stylistic methods of sermon similes is the use of Parallel forms, which are subdivided into the syntactic level and the structure of the sentences. The present study aims to investigate the constructs of sermons in descriptive-analytical method. About half of the similes of the sermons appear in the Parallel forms, some of them are consecutive similes, and others are aggregated similes with similar structures. The semantic relationships of structures have a significant role on the simulation of messages and the transfer of meaning to the audience, and semantically have relationship such as synonymy, contradiction, increase and clarification. Parallel forms also have a great impact on simile music. There are some of the Innovative industries such as revelation, punishment, contradiction, opposition, balance, etc., among the constituent structures, which can be said parallel syntax is the area of some of these rhetorics.

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