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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Nowadays, the tourism industry is one of the key components of economic and social development in the world. At the same time, with the growth of information and communication technology (ICT), based on e-tourism and smart tourism approach, launching websites and producing mobile applications that assist tourists in personal trip planning (based on personal profits and preferences, attractions’ information, and network traffic condition) have been considered for the tourism development and promotion of the competitive power of tourism destinations. In Operations Research (OR), the challenge of planning a tourist personal trip is a discrete optimization problem that is called the Orienteering Problem (OP). Researchers, by modeling and solving the various Ops, have tried to provide an optimal trip plan for the tourist to visit attractions considering various constraints. Methodology: In this descriptive-analytical and development research, the time-dependent orienteering problem with time windows (TDOPTW) was addressed. An Iterated Local Search (ILS) algorithm to solve the TDOPTW was proposed in the research. The algorithm was based on a number of specific neighborhood structures designed to locally improve the response that insertion, displacement, and replacement movements were used during the local search phase. In fact, in the study, in order to perceive the traffic conditions and delays on the travel time of the pass network, the travel time of the network arcs was considered as a discrete variable and a function of the day time. The proposed algorithm was coded in C++ and was evaluated by performing on a realistic dataset of the city of Shiraz. The required information can be divided into three general categories: Attractions’ information (including location, opening time, closing time, visit time, and score), road network information (including link travel time between each origin-destination pair at each time slot) and tourists consideration. The required information was collected for 38 points as POIs of Shiraz. For considering the travel time variations during the day, the time interval from 6 am to 10 pm was divided into 65 time slots with a length of 15 minutes, and at each time slot, a travel time matrix of 38 by 38 dimensions was collected by using of the online traffic map from https: //developers. neshan. org/. The assumption was that the travel times were constant during each time slot. Results and discussion: By implementing the proposed algorithm on the real data of Shiraz, the tourist trip plan was designed in less than 30 seconds. This tour was proposed that the tourist should spend around 13. 9 hours and visit 12 POIs out of 38 available ones. In order to analyze the performance of the proposed solution algorithm, different scenarios were executed on the case study. In these scenarios, changes were made to some of the input parameters of the model including opening and closing times, visit times, POI scores, the available time budget and travel times and their effect on the proposed solution was investigated. The analysis of the effect of changing the input parameters of the problem indicated that the solution algorithm was sensitive to these parameters. So that even with a minor change in one of these parameters, it redesigns and proposes the optimal solution in order to maximize the total score. Conclusion: Nowadays, research in tourist trip planning concentrate on solving two main issues: a more realistic model as well as a more practical solution method. From the point of a more realistic model, this research studied the OP with Time Windows and Time Dependent travel times (TDOPTW). Moreover, the proposed solution algorithm (ILS) is able to solve the problem instances in a short computation time, while benefits from a simple and flexible structure. Therefore, in real and practical applications, by using of the proposed method for tourist personal trip enables users to find the desired route in a short amount of computation time, considering the traffic congestion in the road network as well as the service time of POIs. Based on the results evaluation of applying the proposed method on the real data of Shiraz, the high quality of the solution and short amount of computational time were considered as the advantages of the proposed method. It should be mentioned that solving such a complex optimization problem via an exact method or mathematical programming techniques might need several hours of computations on high power computers. As a result, the proposed solution strategy can be implemented in websites or mobile Apps where tourists may use to get a personal trip plan. According to the proposed method of the research, using websites and mobile apps that help in tourist trip planning, can be of an important role in the sustainable development of the tourism industry in our country and therefore attractive for public and private investments. This is a good suggestion especially for more touristic cities such as Shiraz, Isfahan and Yazd. In fact, this is a significant step toward the smart tourism in the country.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Yazd city, with its various tourism attractions, each year hosts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists. The long-term tourism planning requires a feasibility analysis of development of the attractions. The aim of this research is prioritizing the tourism attractions of Yazd city as one of the classical tourism destinations in Iran based on the Inskeep`s quantitative matrix evaluation technique containing factors of accessibility, economic development feasibility, environmental impact of development, socio-cultural impacts of development, national/regional importance and international importance. Methodology: The research method is descriptive-analytical and the data gathering tool includes library studies, interviews and questionnaire. For this purpose, after identifying the tourism attractions of Yazd city, a questionnaire based on the six above factors was prepared with a scale of 1 to 10 and given to 17 experts from different fields of tourism in Yazd, whom were selected using the purposeful snowball sampling. In order to prioritization the attractions, a quantitative model of the Preference Selection Index (PSI) which is one of the new methods of Multi-Criteria Decision Making, was applied in Microsoft Excel software. Results and discussion: The architectural heritage attraction is superior to other tourism attractions in Yazd in terms of factors of accessibility with a score of 8. 35, national/regional importance with a score of 9. 17, and international importance with a score of 9. 52 that indicate allocation of the most urban transportation infrastructure to this attraction, the density of most accommodation centers and the proximity of heritage buildings in the historical texture of Yazd city, as well as the great interest of foreign and domestic tourists to it. Also, in terms of factors of socio-cultural impacts of development with a score of 1. 06 and environmental impacts of development with a score of 1. 82, it has obtained the lowest negative score, which means that the development of tourism based on this attraction causes the least damage to the social texture and cultural identity of Yazd, and its negative environmental impacts on the historical texture of Yazd will be negligible in the future. The handicrafts and local products attraction, in terms of economic development feasibility with a score of 9. 05 has the highest score compared to the other attractions, which indicates the high potential of investment in marketing products in this field. Also, the lowest positive score in terms of factors of accessibility with a score of 5. 11, national/regional importance with a score of 6. 76 and international importance with a score of 6. 29 are allocated to special sports venues and facilities, which indicates the lack of development of sport infrastructure and equipment and lack of attention to Yazd as a host of competitions and sports events at the national and international levels. Furthermore, the culture and local traditions attraction is at the lowest level in terms of economic development feasibility factor with a score of 7. 52, which indicates the low economic efficiency of tourism development based on this attraction. The highest negative score in terms of factors of socio-cultural impacts of development with a score of 3. 48 and environmental impact of development with a score of 6. 41 were attributed to manufacturers’ sales center and mines. The reasons for this could be the change in population structure of Yazd city because of the uncontrolled migration of employed non-native workers in these industries during recent years and potential pollution due to lack of proper positioning and concentration of industry-related activities at Yazd’ s entrances. According to the expert’ s opinions, the most important factors of the development feasibility of Yazd's tourism attractions in order of importance include national/regional component and then, with slight difference, the economic development feasibility one. Therefore, it can be inferred that targeting base for the development planning of tourism attractions in Yazd city should focus on capacity building to attract national and regional tourists. There is also the appropriate basis to ensure economic return on investment for the development of tourism attractions in Yazd city. But since the international importance factor is in the third place, the attractions of Yazd compared to the previous two factors have less potential to attract foreign tourists in the fields of heritage, health and trade. Furthermore, there is the accessibility factor, which refers to the existence of the minimum necessary facilities in the field of urban and suburban transportation and the need to pay more attention to it. Finally, the factors of socio-cultural impacts of development and environmental impacts of development are the least important, which can indicate the low development of tourism attractions in Yazd, because often these effects are less visible in destinations that are in the early stages of development. Conclusion: The final results showed that the development priority is based on the attractions of architectural heritage; local handicrafts and products; holding special religious ceremonies; and culture and local traditions, respectively. So that, all of them indicate the tangible and intangible heritage dimensions of Yazd city. Totally, according to the prioritizing of attractions and determining the importance of factors, it can be inferred that, despite the passing of 3 years since the inscription of the Historic City of Yazd as the first city of Iran on the UNESCO's World Heritage List, there is no codified plan to take advantage of this unique opportunity to attract foreign tourists, while focusing on this potential can lead to the development of other attractions that have gained low positions. If the attractions in the destination are developed in a balanced way, there will be a clear prospect for the success of tourism. Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the Yazd`s heritage attractions, the appropriate preparation should be laid for commercial, medical and sports attractions, which requires an integrated and long-term planning.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: One of the new topics in tourism researches is the personality of tourism destination, which faces many questions and ambiguities and has not yet been definitively answered. Destination personality refers to human traits of destination, but there are many differences between researchers in describing these traits. Urban branding is a factor that is closely related to the role of the city and is one of the important factors in defining the identity and personality of the city and creates a good mental image for the city. Many governments have invested heavily in improving the image of specific locations, thereby improving the state of their economies. Positive brand perceptions make customers choose a destination that has a more attractive brand, therefore, destinations must make significant efforts to create the right brand for the tourism destination. Destination personality is an important factor in creating a destination brand. Destination personality is derived from the concept of brand. This study seeks to identify the important effects of the image and personality of destination on the decision and selection of it by tourist in order to show the importance of these two in strengthening the relationship of tourist and destination, and also analyze the important role of the two components of image and attitude on the choice of destination and the preference of a destination over another destination by tourists. Identifying the effective factors on the relationship of tourist and destination and the results can help destination marketing managers to make the destination more distinct, guide the destination branding process in a direction that establishes a strong emotional and lasting relationship between destination and tourist. Methodology: The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and survey research in view point of method. The approach of this research is quantitative. The strategy of the present study is survey and the main purpose of the research is to explain and predict which has been done in a single section. The method of data collection in this study is the use of a questionnaire. The scope of this research is from March 2017 to June 2016 and a questionnaire was distributed among those who have visited Tehran as a domestic tourist during this period and have chosen it as their tourism destination. Thematically, this study investigates the effect of destination image on destination personality (as well as the effect of destination character on destination image) and attitude towards the destination from the perspective of domestic tourists in Tehran and also the effect of these variables on tourist behavior. Because the population size of this study is unknown, Cochran's formula has been used to calculate the sample size in infinite communities. In the present study, 384 questionnaires have been used for the final analysis of this research. According to the size of the statistical population, the available sampling method was used. Result and Discussion: Findings of this study showed that the attitude towards the intention to travel to the destination has a positive and significant effect on behavioral intention. In addition, the results indicated that although cities and tourism destinations are inanimate elements, tourists often consider them to have personality and human characteristics. Officials and decision makers of the country should pay special attention to creating a brand personality for all cities in Iran. The findings of the study on first hypothesis indicated that brand personality has an effect on the brand image of the tourism destination. These results are in line with the findings of Kim and Lee (2015) and Swedin et al. (2017). Also, the results of the study on the second hypothesis demonstrated that the personality of the tourism destination has a significant positive effect on attitudes toward the destination. The findings on third hypothesis indicated that the personality of the destination has a positive effect on the image of the destination. In other words, the personality of the destination can also affect the attitude of tourists to tourism cities, and when the attitude of tourists to a tourism destination changes, their intention to visit the destination will be strengthened. Conclusion: The results of this study showed that a strong reputation of a city has a positive effect on the image of the destination, perceived value, loyalty to the destination and, ultimately, on tourist satisfaction. Findings of the study support the results of Baloglu and McClory (1999), Kim and Lee (2015) and Swedin et al. (2017). Since a tourism city can be considered as a brand consisting of tangible and intangible features, Tourism marketers should use this feature and focus more on measuring and enhancing their perceived personality and image of the city, to expand and promote the brand of their desired tourism destinations. They can enhance the image of the destination by using of the physical characteristics of the destination (beautiful scenery, beaches, parks, cultural and festival events, shopping facilities, friendly locals), and for the character of the destination, they can use character descriptors such as attractiveness, modern, reliable, exciting, up-to-date, friendly, cheerful, unique ones. On the other hand, the results of this study expressed that one of the first significant features that describe Tehran's image in terms of tourism is, its historical areas. The character of the city plays an important role in the success of tourism destinations. The results of this study showed that today a unique personality has been designed for all successful tourism cities in the world. Also, the results demonstrated that the concept of tourism city personality is used to describe the characteristics and differentiate tourism destinations and the personality of each tourism city can play a major role in creating the image of that city.

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Pourang Ali | Pourang Nahid | Ghayyur Baghbani Seyed Morteza


Urban Tourism

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Introduction: These days, the tourism industry has a special place in the economy of countries and plays an effective role as a stimulus in the economic, social and cultural structure, especially in developing countries. In fact, most countries are very dependent on it and so that the industry has become a source of income and employment. It is also known as an important resource for economic development and strategic planning efforts in any country in the world. Economists have placed it at the forefront of invisible exports such as banking and insurance and describe it as a key pillar of sustainable development. Among the benefits of the tourism industry are employment and income generation, increasing citizens' awareness, improving the pattern of urban architecture, using economic capital, promoting political legitimacy, increasing national income, balancing payments, creating a driving force for growth and poverty reduction, development of public services, support for local entrepreneurship, increasing citizen participation, developing spatial justice, cultural exchange, and increasing urban sustainability. Methodology: Due to the fact that the present study seeks to provide a model for identifying the most important factors affecting the attraction and persistence of tourists in the city of Mashhad, so the grounded theory method was used. The statistical population of this study includes all experts in the field of tourism, urban management, cultural management, trustees of the deputy for welfare of pilgrims in Mashhad, economists, members of the faculty of tourism research institute of Mashhad university Jihad and university professors in the field of management who were selected purposefully. In the present study, in order to increase the reliability of the data by adopting a multidisciplinary approach and adequacy of references; different stakeholders with variety views and interests were used to receive data and conduct interviews. The use of supplementary resources is another method of increasing credibility in the present study, which the researcher added to the richness of data and increase their credibility by referring to scientific research and various articles and books on the subject of research. In addition, by expressing the concepts extracted in various interviews and also requesting review of the text of the interviews by other researchers, possible biases were monitored and the validity of the data of the interviews and the extraction of concepts and categories were ensured. Whenever this research achieved concepts by conducting interviews at each stage and collecting data and then analyzing them, it shared the resulting concepts with the interviewees and examined the accuracy of their perceptions of their statements. Finally, the emergence of the final categories and structures was confirmed through the participation of the interviewees and their corrective opinions were applied. Results and discussion: The tourism industry is one of the most important sectors of the global economy, which continues to grow and plays an important role in strengthening the economy of countries, increasing per capita GDP, developing job opportunities, developing cultural, social, political and security effects of tourism destinations. In this industry, in addition to attracting tourists, the length of stay of tourists is also one of the important variables. Many researchers believe that the extent of the positive effects of tourism on communities depends on the length of stay of tourists. The longer the tourist stays at the tourism destination, the higher the hotel occupancy rate and the expenses of tourist, and therefore the tourism destination will achieve more benefit. Consequently, the study of the tourism industry requires attention to both dimensions, namely attracting more tourists and increasing the length of their stay. Factors affecting the attraction and persistence of tourists in tourism destinations are divided into two categories of ones that related to tourists and the destination (destination-oriented). Obviously, city managers do not have much effect on the factors related to tourists, and any effort to improve the conditions of the destination to increase the attraction and persistence of tourists depends on recognizing the factors that affect these variables. So, the main purpose of the study was to identify the effective factors on the tourist attraction in Mashhad from the perspective of experts. Thus, the present study tried to extract the concepts and categories of the text of the interviews after conducting semi-structured interviews with experts on the subject of research and analyzing the findings with the Grounded theory method that effectively explain the main purpose of the research. Accordingly, after analyzing the data, the researchers were able to extract seven important and influential macro categories, which themselves included 33 sub-categories in the form of concept. Conclusion: According to the examination of the proposed model for effective destination-oriented factors on the attraction and persistence of tourists in Mashhad, it is observed that the improvement and strengthening of identified factors is beyond the power of local managers and trustees, so that it requires the efforts and empathy of all stakeholders and trustees at the local, provincial and national levels. Therefore, recognition of these factors by tourism managers in Mashhad can significantly help improve the planning of effective factors on the attraction and persistence of tourists in this city.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: These days, tourism is becoming one of the main foundations of the world's commercial economy and many planners refer to it as the principle basis of development that anywhere in the world, requires special conditions and facilities such as climate, historical and cultural monuments, natural attractions, customs and traditions, infrastructure, facilities and equipment. Meybod is one of the oldest cities in Yazd province that has magnificent historical attractions in Sassanid to Pahlavi different periods, and even traces of the Medes have been discovered in it. On the other hand, Meybod has the best position among the cities of Yazd province in terms of historical texture health. The buildings such as Narin Castle, Shah Abbasi Caravanserai, water reservoirs, brick-shaped glaciers and many other samples that have high historical and cultural values and also according to the flow of life in the historical texture have made it as a unique one. Therefore, based on the attractiveness of Meybod in terms of tourism, this research has identified and evaluated the effective factors on the cultural-historical tourism development of Meybod. Methodology: The present research is applied and descriptive-analytical one in terms of nature and method, respectively. Also the data have been provided through library and field resources (questionnaire). In addition, the collection of theoretical foundations and the generalization of results have been by deductive and inductive methods, respectively. The statistical population of the study includes domestic and foreign tourists of Meybod that due to the uncertainty of the exact number of tourists, accessible random sampling has been used in a way that 85 people have been selected from the community of domestic tourists and 25 people from the community of foreign ones. In this research, mixed sampling method that includes the combination of both quantitative and qualitative sampling methods has been used. The aim of quantitative sampling is to has a visible and representative sample of the statistical population and the purpose of qualitative sampling is purposeful. For this intention, purposeful and snowball sampling methods have been used to determine the samples of the qualitative part in order to identify effective indicators on the development of historical and cultural tourism in Meybod. In addition, the sampling and collection of information were based on data saturation (unifying the information provided by the interviewees). At this step, the data have been unified and saturated, after interviewing 40 experts, specialists and professors in the field of Yazd province tourism, and especially in Meybod. As mentioned, samples of the quantitative research have been complied of domestic and foreign tourists of Meybod that have been selected by simple random sampling. The data have been analyzed in both qualitative and quantitative sections. In the qualitative part, the coding of the interviews was performed by the MAXQDA software and based on the coding; the effective indicators have been identified. In the quantitative segment of the research, exploratory factor analysis has been used in order to factorize and reduce the indicators. It should be noted that Cronbach's alpha was used to measure the reliability of the research tool. Its coefficient was 0. 720 that based on the assumptions of the test, indicates the reliability of the research tool. Results and discussions: The research findings were presented in both quantitative and quantitative sections. In the following, while presenting the individual characteristics of the statistical community, each section is exposure separately. Individual characteristics of the statistical population of domestic tourists show that 44. 70% of the total statistical population were in the age group of 20-29 years that includes the highest frequency of sample tourists and the age group over 50 has the lowest number of sample tourists and equivalent to 1. 17%. Accordingly, out of a total of 25 foreign tourists in the cultural-historical tourism sample of Meybod, 2 people equal to 8%, are in the age group of 20-29 years that includes the lowest frequency of sample tourists and the age group over 50 has the highest number of sample tourists that equivalent to 76 percent. Also, according to the statistical population, 40% of domestic and foreign tourists were male and 60% were female. Of the total number of domestic sample tourists, the highest and lowest percentage were equal to 27. 05% with a bachelor's degree and 3. 52% with a doctorate one. Conclusion: The historical and ancient Meybod city attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists annually due to its historical, cultural and religious monuments and environmental features and in terms of attracting historical and cultural tourists, it has great potential and has always been considered. Due to the existing conditions and facilities and their importance in attracting more domestic and foreign tourists; the research was collected with the general aim of identifying and evaluating the effective factors on the development of cultural-historical tourism of Meybod. The results of the research were presented in both qualitative and quantitative sections. Based on the opinion of informants and the tourists, the location of Meybod, the 7000-year history of it, the multiplicity of historical and valuable monuments in the region, proximity to the demographic Yazd city and historical and unique texture in the form of relative location and historical factor more than facilities-services and infrastructures, institutional-directorial, social security and natural climatic elements have been effective on the development of cultural-historical tourism of Meybod. According to the interviews with the statistical population, most tourists consider the historical, ancient antiquity and also the proximity to Yazd city as the main factors in attracting the tourists and also they have expressed that the proximity of Meybod to the population center of Yazd has made it convenient to access through travel and tourism tours. In addition, the short distance between Meybod and Yazd eliminates the weakness of many infrastructures such as residential and reception infrastructure. Because; tourists can benefit from the accommodation and catering facilities of Yazd by passing a short distance. In the second place of impressment, tourists have situated the facilities-services and infrastructures factors. This issue firstly indicates the tourist’ s relative satisfaction with the facilities and urban infrastructures of Meybod and secondly shows the importance of this factor in the programs of cultural-historical tourism development of Meybod.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: In recent decades, the tourism industry, as one of the most effective service industries, creating employment and protecting the environment, has been growing rapidly and has greatly improved the economic growth of countries that according to various researchers, tourism has many economic and non-economic benefits (including cultural, social and environmental) for communities. Expansion of tourism has variety advantages that includes economic benefits such as GDP growth, reducing unemployment (creating jobs for unskilled and skilled workers, creating businesses related to housing, food, etc. ), increasing the income of local and even national residents, attracting foreign investment, promoting development and diversity in other sectors, socio-cultural benefits such as cultural exchange, improvement of cultural activities, promotion of social status, social participation, protection of cultural heritage, protection and promotion of indigenous cultural values and entrepreneurship and environmental benefits such as environmental protection and natural resources, improving infrastructure and protecting the natural landscape. Accordingly, considering the expansion of this industry and its role in the economies of countries, especially developing countries without production resources, identifying the effective factors on the improvement of tourism is necessary and is of great importance. Therefore, the present study seeks to identify the key and influential factors in the development of regional tourism based on different indicators of each region (including income issues) and by dividing the regions into three sections of high, low and middle income, compare the effective indicators on tourism in different regions with the economic modeling approach. Methodology: The present study intends to compare regional tourism with income-oriented approach among low, high and middle income regions with an analytical-descriptive nature and using modeling techniques. This research is applied one in terms of purpose and the period of study is 1995 to 2015. The data included information of 120 cities in the capitals of middle, low, and high-income countries, derived from indicators of the World Tourism Organization, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and with data panel method (fixed and random effects method) and EViews 9 software have been examined. Results and discussion: According to the estimation of research models with fixed and random data panel methods and based on theoretical foundations and previous studies related to the research topic, three indicators of tourism cost share of GDP, per capita tourist expenditures and number of tourists are approved as dependent variables and the effect of independent variables on them was investigated. Based on the results, the share of tourism expenditure in GDP is recognized as the most appropriate regional and international tourism index and the effectiveness of economic variables on the index, showed that the variables of exchange rate, Consumer Price Index (CPI) and GDP per capita, are the most influential regional tourism indicators at the international level. Conclusion: The results of comparing the effective factors on the regional tourism in all three groups of low, middle and high income, showed that the variables of exchange rate, Consumer Price Index (CPI) and GDP per capita are the most important factors affecting global tourism in all countries and all three groups are low, middle and high income countries. And this factor means that the factors affecting international and regional tourism are the same in different regions and countries. In other words, regardless of any geographical and regional conditions, economic variables are the most effective indicators in the field of international tourism and, consequently, attracting tourists to the capitals of different countries. Meanwhile, exchange rate and GDP per capita indicators have a positive effect and Consumer Price Index (inflation) has a negative impact on tourism in different countries, which shows the steady impact of these indicators in different regions. The coefficients of these variables also show well that the lower the inflation in different regions, and the higher the exchange rate and GDP of countries, tourism in countries (in general), will have a more appropriate trend and absorption and also the process of attracting tourists in the regions will be better. In addition, the negative and very high coefficient of price index (inflation) in all three models and for all three groups, shows that high inflation, in other words, price instability in all countries of the world, is a negative indicator in attracting foreign tourists. Also, exactly the same coefficients related to middle and high income countries, in the estimated models, show the high similarity of the two groups in the tourism sector and tourist attraction and consequently, it means that politicians and legislators in this group of countries can conform each other.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Residents and tourists are the two main components in the tourism process, and if the residents are considered and feel satisfied with the place, they can act as ambassadors of the place. Since residents are considered as an important part of tourism businesses, in practice, the role of residents in the tourism process of our country has been ignored. A significant point is that active tourism officials use the identical simple strategy to identify residents and tourists. However, little attention has been paid in studies to how branding effects on the residents' identities, affiliation, and satisfaction. If the mental imagery of the place is simple and identical, it will lead to weaker identification and undesirable behavior of residents towards tourists. Therefore, the category of perceptions (identification, belonging and satisfaction) and consequently the behavior of residents (brand recommendation) in the literature of urban development and tourism in Iran is a category that has received less attention and the study of the impact of location perceptions and word-of-mouth advertising with the mediating role of identification factors (identification attractiveness, optimal proportion and optimal distinctions) of active residents of tourism field in relation to brand complexity is very "rare". Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of brand complexity based on the mediating role of identification factors on the attitudes and behavior of active residents in the tourism field. Methodology: The statistical population of the study was active residents of tourism in the five regions of Kerman. And 500 questionnaires were distributed that 412 questionnaires were returned. This research is applied and descriptive-survey one. The reliability of the questionnaire was also confirmed by using of Cronbach's alpha, which was 0. 76. SPSS24 and AMOS 23 software programs were exerted to analyze the data. Results and discussion: 1. The complexity of the place brand has a significant impact on the attitudes of active residents in the field of tourism (due to the attractiveness of identification). The standardized regression coefficient of the residents (0. 618) and the confidence interval of 0. 682-0. 682 were obtained. And the hypothesis was confirmed, and it can be said with 95% confidence that the complexity of the place brand has a positive effect on the satisfaction of the residents through the attractiveness of identification. It can be said with 95% confidence that the complexity of the place brand has a positive effect on the affiliation of residents through the attractiveness of identification according to the value of regression coefficient of residents (0. 493) and its confidence interval (0. 046-0. 56). The hypothesis of the effect of the complexity of the place brand on the residents’ identification through the attractiveness of identification was rejected based on the standardized regression coefficient of the residents (0. 777) and the confidence interval (0. 038-0. 188). 2. The complexity of the place brand has a significant impact on the attitudes of active residents in the field of tourism (due to the appropriateness of identity). The value of the standardized regression coefficient of the inhabitants (0. 174) and the confidence interval 0. 089-0. 26 were obtained, which can be said that the complexity of the place brand has a positive effect on the satisfaction of the residents through the identity appropriateness. Also, the complexity of the place brand has a positive effect on the affiliation and identification of residents through the appropriateness of identity, considering the amount of standardized regression coefficient of residents and its confidence interval. 3. The complexity of the place brand has a significant impact on the attitudes of active residents in the field of tourism (due to optimal distinctions). The complexity of the place brand does not have a significant effect on the satisfaction and belonging of the residents through the optimal distinctions, considering the amount of standardized regression coefficient and its confidence interval. The value of the standardized regression coefficient of residents (0. 129) and its confidence interval (0. 262-0. 238) were obtained, which indicate the confirmation of the hypothesis and it can be said with 95% confidence that the complexity of the place brand has a positive effect on residents' identification through optimal distinctions. 4. The attitude of active residents in the tourism field has a significant effect on brand recommendation. The standardized regression coefficient was 0. 125 for the satisfaction path that the hypothesis was rejected and it can be said with 95% confidence that satisfaction does not have a significant effect on the brand recommendation of active residents in the field of tourism. In addition, due to the standardized regression coefficient, it can be said that belonging and identification have a notable effect on the brand recommendation of active residents in the tourism field. Conclusion: The research results show that the complexity of the location brand affects identification (due to identity appropriateness and optimal distinctions). And perception of the brand complexity does not affect identification (due to the attractiveness of identification). Brand complexity has a positive effect on satisfaction (due to the attractiveness of identification and identity appropriateness) and does not have a notable effect due to optimal distinctions. In addition, the complexity of the place brand has a positive effect on the affiliation of active residents through identification attractiveness and identity appropriateness, and this effect is rejected by optimal distinctions. Finally, identification and affiliation of place have a positive and significant effect on brand recommendation and do not have a positive effect on the satisfaction of active residents in the tourism field.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: The study of host community behavior, as a framework for the satisfaction of urban tourists. Local community can use its capabilities to provide a double degree of effectiveness on achieving tourist satisfaction. In order to provide satisfaction and loyalty in the mind of the customer, the behavior of the host community is efficient, so these days, this category is an inevitable necessity in order to create superior quality for customers and make a competitive advantage for tourist loyalty. Inadequate behavior with the expectations of tourists causes the failure of tourism institutions to achieve the main goals. The organizational behavior of the host community is one of the most important factors that can be effective on providing the best quality of services to tourists. Lahijan city is considered as one of the tourism attractions in Gilan province, which attracts tourists from inside or even abroad in all seasons according to the existing potentials. The city has many capabilities to develop urban tourism. In addition to these capabilities, there are also challenges in the field of tourism in this city. Methodology: The study is a descriptive-analytical one and also it is an applied research in terms of purpose. The special subject is tourism in Baam Sabz recreation complex of Lahijan city in Gilan province and the realm of time is August and September 2017; which is the peak of tourist density in this city. Accordingly, the statistical population is tourists who have entered the city of Lahijan in the mentioned seasons. Since the size of the statistical population is unknown, Cochran's formula has been used to determine the sample size. Cronbach’ s alpha for all research structures is more than 0. 7. After confirming the validity and content of the questionnaire by experts (ten university professors in the field of tourism), the final test of the questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha coefficient for research structures was approved 0. 81, and so the final questionnaire was widely distributed among tourists. In order to measure the significance relationships between the variables, non-parametric test (correlation coefficient and regression analysis) was used and finally, using the structural equation model and LISREL software, a set of equations were tested simultaneously. Results and discussion: There is a direct and significant relationship between the components of the quality of the host community behavior and the level of satisfaction of tourists' loyalty. The host and 31% of the agent will be outside the model. On the other hand, responding to the needs of tourists by the host community is one of the most essential tasks of any host community in tourism destination. The role of the quality of the host community behavior when providing services to tourists, how to provide host community services and the type of behavior for employees are factors that have a direct impact on tourist loyalty. Tourists satisfaction is achieved when the process of designing the quality of host behavior is such that it meets the expectations of tourists. In terms of the priority of the coefficients of influence on the loyalty of the variable of committed behavior in the current conditions with a coefficient of 0. 745 has the greatest effect on the satisfaction and loyalty of tourists and the variables of benevolent behavior (coefficient of impact 0. 652) and virtuous behavior with a score of 0. 593 are in the next ranks. Conclusion: Tourist satisfaction depends on the quality of the host community behavior and with enhancing the quality of behavior, the satisfaction of tourists also increases. This kind of attitude of the host community towards tourists will lead to the desire of tourists to return and ultimately their loyalty and positive publicity in revisits. The coefficient of effectiveness of the component of the host society's committed behavior on customer loyalty is higher than the other coefficients drawn in the structural equation model. Satisfaction and loyalty of tourists are possible by improving the quality of the host community behavior with the mediating role of committed behavior of the host community. Paying attention to the host community behavior is a strategic approach to attract more tourists to the Baam Sabz Recreation Complex. Thus, tourists can achieve their needs and services, and the Baam Ssbz Recreation Complex achieves its goals by retaining tourists. Among the indicators related to the variable of committed behavior of the host community are the index of the host community's attachment to the tourism profession and active cooperation and participation in attracting tourists and the index of general information of the host community about the arts and industries of the tourism destination, respectively.

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Introduction: The development of information and communication technology has created a "new generation" of tourism that people have important demands, such as tracking travel arrangements and plans, searching for information, online booking tickets and hotels, online shopping, and comparing travel prices, providing mobile facilities and applications (Wi-Fi, short-term services and multimedia messaging), and also have less inclined to wait or delay and time is of value to them. Under these situations, to reduce the gap between the real world and the digital realm, smart tourism has emerged as an acceptable response to these structural changes. Following this trend, the main issue is that Iran has not yet taken appropriate and constructive measures and decisions in the field of smart tourism, and so far no suitable model has been presented in terms of it. The importance of the subject is that smart tourism helps tourists to expand the domain of their tourism experience by creating an environment for sharing information and experiences without borders. According to the importance of smart tourism, the main purpose of this study is to identify smart tourism components and also provide a practical pattern of smart tourism in order to examine its effects on tourist satisfaction and co-creation. Methodology: In the current research, a combined method has been used to achieve the research objectives. In the first part of the qualitative method with inductive approach, in terms of nature, it is exploratory research and in terms of orientation, because it seeks to identify the components of smart tourism, it is a fundamental one. In the second part, SPSS 22 and Smart-PLS 2. 0 software programs were used. The statistical population of this research in the qualitative stage is divided into two parts: A) experts in the field of tourism, including academic and management experts, and especially those who have scientific and educational background in the field of tourism management. Due to the limited number of these individuals, the sample was examined and interviewed theoretically (non-probability) and purposefully. B) Managers, deputies and experts of the Tourism Organization in Isfahan. The sample size of this research is 15 people. In the second part, a quantitative method was applied to investigate the effects of smart tourism on tourist satisfaction and co-creation. The validity of the research questions was accomplished in a formal way by experts and its reliability was calculated based on Cronbach's alpha that was obtained 0. 823, which indicates the appropriate reliability of the research questions. Results and discussion: Thereafter in-depth interviews with the expert group, 83 concepts, 19 main categories and 11 components for smart tourism were identified and extracted. The extracted categories were structured according to the Strauss and Corbin paradigm model in the form of six dimensions of causal conditions, intervening factors, contextual factors, interaction dimension or strategies of action, outcome and phenomenon. Reliability tests (Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability) and validity tests (convergent and divergent validity methods) were used to measure the fit of the reflective measurement model. Based on the results of the obtained measurement model, the factor load has a value greater than 0. 5 in all cases, which indicates that there is an appropriate correlation between observable and latent variables. To evaluate the divergent validity of the measurement model, Fornell and Larker criterion was exerted and confirmed. Furthermore, in order to assess the quality or validity of the model, a validity check was used, which includes a subscription validity index and a redundancy validity index. According to the results, the effect of smart tourism on co-creation has been calculated to be 0. 262. And the probability statistic of the test has been obtained 4. 441. Also, the intensity of the effect of smart tourism on tourist satisfaction is calculated to be 0. 231 and the probability statistic of the test has been obtained 3. 890. Conclusion: According to the obtained results from Smart-PLS software program, it was found that smart tourism has a positive effect on tourist co-creation. Therefore, it can be concluded that tourists through smart approach can actively engage with tourism service providers and cooperate in creating co-creation and also they may even be directly involved in tourism proposals innovation. Based on the result of the positive and significant effect of smart tourism path coefficient on tourist satisfaction, it can be said that tourist satisfaction plays an important role in the continuation of tourism and the future of this industry. The results of this study also demonstrated that the type and amount of received information is directly related to travel planning.

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Urban Tourism

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Introduction: Today, tourism industry has become not only an important economic resource for many countries; it is also referred to as an invisible export because of its unique economic mechanism. Despite economic and political instability and natural disasters, the tourism industry grew by 4% in 2019 to $ 1. 7 trillion and surpassing the growth of the global economy in 2018. However, poorly planned development can have devastating effects on natural resources and local communities. As a result, sustainability is a vital factor in the growth and competitiveness of a tourism destination. These days, in order to achieve the sustainable development of urban tourism, destinations must make the best use of their resources and competitive advantages in the field of tourism. On the other hand, the competitiveness of a tourism destination must be sustainable. In a tourism destination, the main actors include tourists and a wide range of domestic stakeholders such as local residents, businesses and governments and only considered tourists, destinations and competitors, regardless of domestic stakeholders, cannot guarantee the survival of competitiveness and sustainability of urban tourism destinations. Ardabil city, which is the main tourism hub of Ardabil province and has a unique position in comparison with other areas, both in terms of geographical location in the center of the province and having suitable resources and potentials, as well as the possibility of proper access to this city. The opinion has given an important status and position in the tourism sector, despite having various tourism potentials, this city has not been able to attract tourists. Therefore, this study is aimed at answering the question: Do memorable experiences affect the sustainability and competitiveness of tourism destinations? Methodology: The present study is applied in terms of purpose, and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect data, library and field methods were used. The statistical population of the study consisted of incoming tourists to Ardabil. Due to the lack of accurate statistics on the number of incoming tourists, Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size for an unlimited community and the sample size was estimated at 384 people. It was a simple coincidence. A questionnaire was used to collect field data. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by calculating Cronbach's alpha and calculating the combined reliability coefficient (CR). The results of Cronbach's alpha value and the combined reliability of the questionnaire confirm the appropriate reliability of the used questionnaire. In this study, SPSS and LISREL software programs were used to analyze the research data. Results and discussion: In testing the first hypothesis of the research, because the path coefficient was 0. 52 and also considering that the value of T statistic was equal to 7. 31, which is more than 1. 96; therefore, this route coefficient is significant and the research hypothesis is confirmed and it can be said that memorable experiences of tourists have a positive and significant effect on the stability of tourism destinations. In the test of the second hypothesis of the research, according to the path coefficient is 0. 31 and considering that the value of T statistic is equal to 5. 49, which is more than 1. 96; thus, this route coefficient is significant and the research hypothesis is confirmed and it can be said that memorable experiences of tourists have a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of tourism destinations. In testing the third hypothesis of the research, considering that the path coefficient of this hypothesis is estimated to be 0. 55 and based on the value of T statistic obtained is equal to 7. 99, which is more than 1. 96; therefore, this path coefficient is significant and the research hypothesis is confirmed and it can be said that the sustainability of tourism destinations has a positive and significant effect on the sustainability of tourism destinations. Conclusion: The results of examination of the first hypothesis of the study showed that memorable experiences of tourists have a positive and significant effect on the stability of tourism destinations. In order to interpret the results of this hypothesis, it can be said that the memorable experiences of tourists from tourism destinations create clear images for them and make their mental evaluation of the destinations more desirable, this increases the field of attachment to the destination. Enhancing tourist satisfaction leads to an increase of incomes and sustainable development of destinations. Researchers also argue that memorable tourism experiences are the best predictor of future tourist behavior and represent a new and decisive criterion for measuring tourist satisfaction and the intention to revisit the destination. Examination of the second hypothesis of the research showed that memorable experiences of tourists have a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of tourism destinations. In order to expand the results of this hypothesis, it can be stated that the destinations should create memorable tourism experiences for their customers to increase their competitiveness. In fact, a tourism destination is competitive when in addition to it attracts countless tourists and brings them satisfaction and memorable experiences, as well as the ability to maintain and increase natural capital, earn income and enhance the welfare of citizens. The results of examining the third hypothesis of the study showed that the sustainability of tourism destinations has a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of urban tourism destinations. In order to explicate the results, it can be said that the sustainability of tourism destinations preserves its natural and cultural resources by providing more satisfactory experiences to tourists than competitors, and also creates long-term well-being for residents, thus, the basis for optimal competitiveness of tourism destinations will be constructed.

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