Eqbal-e-Lahori, the renowned Urdu-speaking poet, philosopher and mystic of Pakistan, also chose Persian to express his thoughts and feelings in his verse.
His poems abound with excellent mystical, philosophical, humanistic and social meanings. In them, Eqbal expresses his deep love towards Islam, the holy Koran, the infallible household of the holy prophet (pbuh), and his keen interest in philosophy, modern thoughts and new political and cultural issues.
Among contemporary committed poets, Eqbals verse is indeed a dynamic, expressive and awakening means for encompassing all levels of personal as well as social consciousness. He has used Persian language in its simple but sublime form to enable him to have access to the language of early poets of Iran and of the subcontinent.
Though he initiated a new style in his poetry, he always had a retrospective glance at the earlier prevalent styles. Therefore, this article explores the three famous styles -- Khorasani, Iraqi and Hindi -- which Eqbal manipulates in his verse.