The present research, titled as a sociological approach on happiness feeling among family heads in Isfahan, in terms of controlling research conditions is a survey, and in terms of expansion and time is extensive, and cross-sectional, respectively. Research population consists of all family heads in Isfahan that were about 441782in year 1385, and the sample size based on Koukran's formula was determined as 394 people. Since more questionnaires were distributed, only 394 questionnaires were analyzed. The questionnaires that were designed according to the construct validity (based on the Coronbakh alpha) were distributed among different areas of Isfahan according to each region family proportion. A study in research questions and hypotheses leads to some results as indicated following:The mean of happiness feeling in range of (0-100) among family heads is 56.23 (emotional dimension 59.37, social dimension 55.42, and cognitive dimension 53.88), and among the background variables, the happiness feeling of family heads based on sex, marital status and job is different. Also, the social capital, satisfaction from regional facilities, the degree of benefiting from citizenship rights, the amount of role status (social, family, and personal effectiveness), and income have a direct correlation with family heads' sense of happiness. Consequently, the resulted model from effective variables, according to multiple regressions with step by step method, explains the 45 percent of happiness feeling variance in statistical population. Equally, benefiting from citizenship rights, role status and social capital have the highest impact on happiness feeling respectively.