Background and Aim: Quality and quantity of cells attachment to retrograde filling materials, determines its biocompatibility, the aim of this study was comparison of quantity of fibroblasts cell attachment to three retrogradefilling materials: Geriostore, MTA and CEM.Materials and Methods: In this invitro study, eight discs from each retrofilling materials were prepared and placed in fibroblasts culture, then specimens were fixed in Osmium and different concentration of alchohol, after three time periods of 24,48 hours and one week, fibroblast cells counting was done by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and data were analyzed by one way Anova and Tukey Tests.Results: The result showed that fibroblasts cell attachment to CEM were (1.4±0.24), (8.6±0.4), (8.2±0.2) to MTA were (0.4±0.24), (2.8±0.96), (6.8±0.37) and to Geriostore were (0.6±0.2), (0.4±0.2), (0.2±0.2) in 24 , 48 hours and one week respectively. There was significant differences between three materials in every periods of time. (p<0.05).Conclusion: the most fibroblasts cell attachment related to CEM in 72 hours and the least one was Geriostore in one week period. Cell attachment increased with increasing the time in CEM and MTA but decreased in Geriostore.