Introduction Bullying is a behavior in which, in a two-way communication, one party exercising verbal and verbal power accompanied by aggression, attempts to scare, subjugate and achieve tangible and intangible benefits on the other, and at the workplace of an employee in During a long period of time, there is a danger of psychological abuse, such as excessive criticism and humiliation, and the loss of the power of self-defense in relation to the wisdom (Nadi and Gerami, 2014). The main source of stress is the worker's bullying in the workplace, which has a profound cognitive, physical, and psychological consequences (Lewis, 2006). Pressure in the atmosphere of the planet leads to harmful and costly individual and organizational problems (Ganster & Rosen, 2013), which reduces mental and physical health, leading to self-induced absenteeism and lack of access to workplaces (Keashly & Neuman, 2010). The desire to quit service is a function of the well-being and perceived ease of leaving the organization. In sum, individual factors, internal organization and organizational factors determine the probability of individual employee abandonment...