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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    2 (16)
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The researcher in this study, while demonstrating the need to change approaches from coping approaches to a cultural and social approach, has introduced as "audience-oriented approach ". An approach based on the focus of attention instead of paying attention to the sender of the message, is to pay attention to the audience, in order to empower the audience, give him the power to critique and analyze the message. The present study was carried out using quantitative content analysis method. The results show that using an audience-centered approach, it can be used in the form of awareness and education strategy and by promoting media literacy to empower the audience in analyzing, interpreting and criticizing the message, and also in The strategy formulated the creation and diversification of the audience's persuasion techniques to attract the audience's attention and attraction..

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bordbar melika



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    2 (16)
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The purpose of this article is to understand how over the past decade, technology has changed, audiences around the world have changed and how they influenced their media space. So briefly, one can claim that where and with what limitations, what kind of message and content, with what technology and platform, is there a vacuum in research in the field of media with a stakeholder view of Harold Lasswell? This study was carried out.

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  • Volume: 

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    2 (16)
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Compared to other arts, cinema has an irrefutable share in the manifestation, creation and life of modern myths. This article, by analyzing the four narrations of the frontier films, two blind eyes, glass agency and bus of the night, analyzes the part of the representation of the oppressed hero in the Holy Defense Cinema, and to this end The theory of Baudrillard's representations of levels has been chosen as their framework. This article seeks to find the heroic mythological nature of the hero in holy defense cinema, and it turns out that the hero of the studied films is not a powerful hero that could be presented to her audience as a model and myth, and if two are on empowerment and innocence In the filmmaking articles of this article, the article is an element of innocence, which is more evident and the ability, if not to say, of an absent existence, has always found its place behind the scenes and beyond the content of the story.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
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Active and active presence in cyberspace and social networks is subject to its rules and attributes. Today, with the communication revolution, changing the role of the audience to the user, the presence of each individual in terms of the power of cyberspace to produce content and supply it to others, has changed many of the past equations in communication. Each user must manage the elements involved in this process for their effective presence. So there is the question: Is the value of everyone in this space the same? Are there any ways for individual branding or collective use to be used? How do people describe themselves to others on social networks or how do they shape and identify themselves by identifying their identities? How can people improve their identity? Such questions appear to be natural and expected in the relationship between individual identity and identity as a result of its presence in cyberspace and social networks. This article tries to demonstrate the importance of individual real identities in social networks as well as the development of identity in cyberspace and its promotion through a descriptive and analytical method. The results indicate the importance of several elements such as profile, type of post or post, amount of interest, amount of comment, number of followers, etc. are very effective in making this identity.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
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With the transitionfrom thetraditionaltothe modern eraand thepost-modernsociety, we arewitnessing theeffectsof a newsocial life. During thepassageofeach of theseperiods, you can easilychangethetype ofthinking, attitudesandhumanbehaviorobserved. Oneofthe elements thatplay a fundamental rolein changing theattitudesand behaviorof thenewage, isthe media. Therefore, this studysought toexamine the relationship betweenmediaandpostmodernismis. Thisresearchthroughquantitative methodsamong384young peopletookthe city of Yazd. Multistagecluster samplingandmeasurement toolis aquestionnaire. The resultsshowed thatthere was no significantrelationship betweengenderandculturalpostmodernism, although someelements ofpostmodernismhave establisheda significant relationshipwith sex. Theuseofsatelliteandpostmodernculture, there is a significant andpositive. Buttheuseoftelevision, there was no significantrelationshippostmodernculture. Andonlyaftercultural relativismusing theinternalTVsignificantpositive relationshipestablished. The regression resultsshowed thatthe use of satellitesto be able toexplainthe variance inthe postmoderncultural 0/17.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (پیاپی 16)
  • Pages: 

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با توجه به اهمیت نقش تلویزیون بر پر کردن میزان اوقات فراغت و تاثیرگذاری بر روابط افراد به ویژه زوجین، پژوهش حاضر به بررسی تدوین مدل الگوهای ارتباطی زوجینشاغل شهر بیرجند در جهت تاثیر مصرف کمی شبکه های تلویزیون با توجه به متغیرهای میانجی؛ که دراینجا راهبردهای کنترل فکردر نظر گرفته شده؛ پرداخته است. روش پژوهش از نوع همبستگی و نمونه آماری این پژوهش 350 نفر از متأهلین کارمند شهر بیرجند در سال 1393 می باشد که به روش نمونه گیری چند مرحله ای انتخاب شدند. ابزارها شامل پرسشنامه محقق ساخته مصرف کمی رسانه دیداری (تلویزیون)، پرسشنامه الگوهای ارتباطی زوجین کریستنسن و سالاوی، 1984، و پرسشنامه راهبردهای کنترل فکر ولز و دیویس، 1994، می باشد که در اختیار افراد نمونه قرار گرفت و از روش مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری بهره گرفته شد. مدل برازش یافته نشان داد مدت زمان تماشای برنامه های شبکه تخصصی (آموزش، قرآن، بازار، ورزش، سلامت) از طریق افزایش راهبرد های انطباقی کنترل فکرافزایش دهنده الگوی ارتباطی سازنده زوجین است و مدت زمان تماشای برنامه های شبکه سرگرمی(نمایش و تماشا) از طریق افزایش راهبرد های غیر انطباقیکاهش دهنده الگوی ارتباطی سازنده زوجین است. نتایج در این راستا بحث شد.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
  • Pages: 

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The aim of the present article is to present the type of language being used in cyberspace. In addition, turn taking and turn giving strategies are analyzed. The data included Iranian Persian speaker users’ individual and group chats. The data for the present research was collected from Yahoo chartrooms, Face book and Telegram users. The reason behind choosing these networks is that they are used publically and extensively in Iran. Out results indicated that no specific structure or pre-set rules can be traced in the turn taking, managing and turn giving strategies used by the participants. In fact, users’ application of such strategies depends most on individual habits and typing skills while chatting.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
  • Pages: 

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Among the variant types of making TV programs, social documentary, because of its influence on education, culture promotion and addressing the issues related to audiences, is the codes that can be used as a tool to refer the messages of goodness and badness, and can be used to create an appropriate motivational audience. Since social document benefits from the existence of personality especially real personalities, when documentary maker uses personality, the personality must be selected in a way that refers to goodness and badness messages and creates a motive in audience than performing goodness and not to perform badness. Therefore, in the present research collection of data through semi-structured interview with experts, and data analysis-using content analysis methodology and statement-making – has been performed, and we have attained the most important factors influencing the selection of and narration of the character of social documentaries for the purpose of the proper performance of the process of “ enjoining good and forbidding wrong” in the media, such as choosing an ordinary person with attributes like an evolved life, a comprehensible issue, ability to express themselves, and finally attractive looks and expression; choosing an eminent role model or a successful person close to the culture of the audience, and with low profile for answering the topic of movies, etc.

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masdari fatemeh | Hosseini sarvari Seyyed Hassan



Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
  • Pages: 

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This research attempts to explain the nature of "new media", to describe their features and to compare them withtraditional media. Considering the increasing coexistence of humans with the new media, today, it is very essential to understand their nature. The results of this descriptive-analytical study showed that due to the distinct and emerging features ofthe new media, theycan be distinguished from other media; consequently, they havecreated new concepts and meanings and have deeply influenced all aspects of contemporary human life. Obviously, conducting any kind offuturology, management, interaction and monitoring or optimization of the modern media requires their identification.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (16)
  • Pages: 

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Islamophobia (or more precisely ‘ unfounded fear, prejudice and discrimination towards Islam and Muslims’ ) through social, economic and political deprivation has harmful effects on Muslims’ everyday lives. Media are the most prominent tools to reach this goal. Some analysts even believe that “ western media” are the primary sources of Islamophobia. So this is so prominent to analyze the role of media in relations full of hatred and contempt between these two great civilizations (Islam and West). In the introduction of this article, we’ ll refer to the impact of media on public opinion, media from postmodern perspective and media’ s dependency on politics and ideology. After that, two important theoretical frameworks (representation and frame), different constraints of news organizations which contribute to skewed and distorted news, and lastly the main problem of this research i. e. “ The role of media in contemporary Islamophobia” will be discussed.

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