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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    3 (75)
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Introduction: Evaluation provides truly useful information about the effectiveness of the educational programs. Kirkpatrick model provides a four-level training evaluation framework (reaction, learning, behavior, and results). The present research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a workshop on “ social determinants of health” held for the health staff of a medical center in Bandar Abbas Province, in the South of Iran. Methods: In the present research, a training workshop was held on social determinants of health for 40 staff of a medical center. Later, this workshop was evaluated based on the Kirkpatrick training evaluation model and a researcher-constructed questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data in SPSS-19. Results: The participants' mean scores of satisfaction (reaction), learning, and behavior were 41. 47± 4. 34, 14. 9± 1. 93, and 10. 72± 3. 8, respectively. The overall effectiveness (reaction, learning and behavior) was evaluated as optimal. The most effective items in reaction, learning, and behavior levels were awareness-raising, better performance of tasks at work, and use of the acquired content in monitoring work, respectively. Conclusion: Staff training to provide them with job-related practical knowledge not only satisfies them, but also improves their professional learning and performance. Kirkpatrick training evaluation model needs to be applied to other staff training programs at four levels of reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Those who develop and implement training courses need to be acquainted with these constructs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (75)
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Introduction: Women are interested in social roles along with their maternal role. According to mothers' role in parenting style, family functioning, and quality of life, we compared the parenting style, quality of life, and family function between dual career and single career families in Yazd City. Methods: This casual-comparative study was conducted over 304 dual career and single carrier families in three regions of Yazd selected using available sampling method. The study tools included parenting style questionnaire, quality of life questionnaire, and family function questionnaire. Data were analyzed using independent t-test. Results: The results indicated that quality of life and its dimensions caused no significant difference in dual career and single career families. In the field of family functioning, the only difference was in roles’ dimension, which was significantly different between dual career and single career families. This difference was in favor of dual career families. Regarding the parenting style, the only significant difference was related to the authoritative style this difference was in favor of single career families. Conclusion: According to the results, no significant difference was observed between the dual career and single career families in the style of parenting, family functioning, and quality of life.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Issue: 

    3 (75)
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Introduction: Positive attitude towards research can increase the students’ interest in research. Research self-efficacy is an effective factor on attitude towards research. It seems that higher research self-efficacy can influence students’ interest in research. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the relationship between attitude to research and research self-efficacy in MSc students of medical sciences. Methods: In this descriptive study, 176 graduate students in medical sciences were selected through stratified random sampling. The data collection tool was the questionnaires of attitude toward research and research self-efficacy. Data analysis was conducted using parametric statistical tests by SPSS version 15. Results: Most samples were female (80. 1%) and studied nursing (10. 8%), while a minority of them was studying parasitology and physiology (1. 1%). A significant statistical correlation was observed between the mean scores of attitude towards research and research self-efficacy of students. Moreover, a significant correlation was found between the mean scores of attitude towards research and the students' age and gender. Conclusions: Based on the results, existence of a positive relationship between attitude and research self-efficacy suggests that creation of a positive attitude towards research creates higher research self-efficacy beliefs in students and provides a basis for more student research.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (75)
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Introduction: Spiritual well-being, as one of the basic concepts about how to deal with the problems and tensions caused by different conditions of life, is one of the dimensions of health that integrates its other dimensions. Therefore, considering the importance of this dimension of health in the lives of students, we aimed to investigate the status of spiritual well-being and its relationship with religious behaviors among students of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences in Yazd in 2017. Methods: This is a correlational and descriptive cross-sectional study conducted on 420 students in Yazd University of Medical Sciences. Random stratified sampling method was used to select the participants from each school. The sample size was determined based on the number of students. The data collection tool was a standard spiritual health questionnaire and religious behaviors. Data were analyzed by descriptive and quantitative distribution as well as Chi-square, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation tests using SPSS. Results: The participants' mean age was 20. 93 ± 3. 61 years. The results showed a significant relationship between religious behaviors and marital status (p <0. 040). Spiritual well-being had a significant relationship with gender and mother's level of education (p <0. 05). We found that 67% of students had moderate level of spiritual health. A positive and significant correlation was also observed between spiritual well-being and religious behaviors among students (p <0. 001). Conclusion: The results showed that the students were in good condition in terms of spiritual wellbeing, but their status was not desirable in terms of religious behaviors. Considering the correlation between spiritual health and religious behaviors in students, serious attention should be paid in designing students' curriculum based on cultural issues.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (75)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: In different societies, paying attention to spiritual dimension of health has been emphasized as one of the health dimensions according to the WHO. The study aimed to determine the relation between spiritual health and use of virtual social networks among high school students in Firouzabad, Fars province in 2017. Methods: In the cross-sectional study, 380 students (16-18 years) were selected using the multistage stratified sampling. Data collection instruments included demographic information questionnaire, virtual social network use questionnaire, and Poltzea and Ellisons questionnaire of spiritual health assessment. To analyze the data, analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient, and logistic regression tests were used. Results: The mean score of spiritual health was 83. 98 ± 17. 01 and had a significant correlation with education level (p<0. 001) and internet use time (p=0. 02). A significant correlation was found between virtual social networks use and monthly income, (r=0. 17) religions health (r=-0. 64), individual health (r=-0. 11), and total score of spiritual health (r=-0. 09). Most of the students (65. 77%) had internet access and the most frequently used virtual social network was WathsApp. Logisitc regression revealed that the mean score of desirable spiritual health among students who used virtual social networks for 11-20, 21-30, and >30 hours per week were 0. 83, 0. 72, and 0. 27 times lower than the students who used these networks less than 10 hours a week. Conclusion: Internet access was higher in male students than female and the spiritual health was at the average level in both genders. Regarding the effect of virtual social networks on students and its increasing expansion, the issue must be considered by authorities.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (75)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: Observance of food hygiene and safety by the staff working in the food supply and distribution sector is one of the most important factors in prevention of foodborne diseases. However, considering the inadequate knowledge and inappropriate performance of the staff, we are faced with many epidemics of food poisoning. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the knowledge, attitude, and practice of food supply and distribution companies in Yazd. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 126 employees working in 15 food catering centers in Yazd City in 2018. Census sampling method was applied to collect data by a researcher-made questionnaire. In this questionnaire, the items were about the participants' background demographic information, knowledge, attitude, and practice in the field of food health, which was designed according to previous studies. Data were analyzed using SPSS24, T-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: The employees' mean scores of knowledge, attitude, and practice were 10. 08 ± 5. 11, 24. 31 ± 8. 37 and 8. 91 ± 6. 50, respectively. A significant difference was observed between the mean and standard deviation of the participants' knowledge and education level (P = 0. 00). Furthermore, a positive and significant correlation was observed between the participants' knowledge, attitude, and practice. Conclusion: It is necessary to provide individuals with practical and continuous training programs by experienced specialists. Moreover, food catering staff should be motivated to adhere to the principles of personal hygiene and food and their health knowledge should be updated.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (75)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: Job stress is one of the most important phenomena in social life and is a serious threat to the workforce health throughout the world. Job stress can cause occupational accidents and incidents, results in injuries to people, and damages the workplace equipment. Firefighting is also one of the most stressful and specific occupations and firefighters should be physically and mentally fit to perform their missions and tasks safely. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between occupational stress and work accidents among the staff of fire department and safety services of Yazd City, Iran. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on nine individuals selected from the whole statistical population using the available sampling method. The validity coefficient of job stress questionnaire was 0. 78 and the validity of both questionnaires was confirmed in other studies. Statistical methods used in this study included descriptive and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis), which were performed by SPSS 12. Results: The results showed that occupational stress was higher than usual among the participants and a significant relationship was observed between occupational stress and variables such as physical status of workplace, work injury, time pressure at work, workplace problems, and decision making at work. A severe correlation was found between these factors, except for moderate to severe accidents. Furthermore, we found that stress played an important role in predicting the rate of accidents. Conclusion: According to the findings, employees exposed to stress were weaker and suffered from low spirits and stress. They were indifferent to tasks, had decreased energy, decreasedg efficiency, problems in decision making, disrupting organizational communication, decreased job values, and reduced organizational productivity. Therefore, assessing job stress among firefighters is of great importance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (75)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: The organizational citizenship behavior in hospitals is of great importance since it enhances positive relationships between employees and their involvement in organizational activities. On the other hand, culture is one of the main and major components of the organization, which has a direct effect on promoting the organization's activities. In this regard, rich Islamic culture with its pure concepts has a great role in shaping and refining people's behaviors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Islamic culture on organizational citizenship behavior among nurses in hospitals of Yazd University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 264 staff of the selected hospitals affiliated with Yazd University of Medical Sciences was selected using two-stage sampling method. The data collection tool was a valid and reliable questionnaire consisting of three sections: demographic information, a 22-item organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire with 5 dimensions, and the Islamic culture questionnaire, which should be answered using a 5-point Likert scale. Data were analyzed using SPSS 21 and SmartPLS software. Results: Among the dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior, the highest mean and standard deviation were related to conscientiousness dimension (3. 10± 0. 69). The total mean and standard deviation was calculated as 2. 99± 0. 57 for the component of organizational citizenship behavior. The mean and standard deviation of Islamic culture was 2. 89± 0. 53. According to the data analysis algorithm in PLS method, by examining the significant coefficients of t for each path, Islamic culture had significant effect on all components of the organizational citizenship behavior. Conclusion: Considering the impact of Islamic culture on organizational citizenship behavior, various cultural programs such as cultural training courses, cultural seminars, and cultural events are suggested to promote Islamic culture in hospitals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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