Football is an industry in which Branding and its foundation, i.e., brand identity, is extremely important to the extent that researchers have proposed specific brand models in the countries where football has a high profile. In this research, using descriptive analytic methods, in terms of application, the data were collected by means of quantitative method. The statistical population consisted of 10 professionals, experts of the subject, and also fans of six soccer teams in Iran´s Premier League, who are usually present in the stadium to watch the matches. The sample size included of 300 fans in Phase I, and 720 fans in Phase II. The fans were selected by means of the simple random sampling method; the fans were equal in numbers from different teams. In order to present the brand identity model for the existing soccer teams in Iran´s Premier League in the season 2012/2013, the researchers in this study decided that it is necessary to use the novel models of brand identity, the viewpoints and ideas of football professionals and fans in our country, and the association models, as well as the brand identity models, which are currently used in the countries, (for example, Germany, France, Spain, S. Korea), in which soccer has a high profile. Finally, using CFA and SEM models, we provided a new perspective on the dimensions of football brand identity in Iran on the basis of the factor loading: Success (./96), Color (./95), Name and Mark (./94), Delivery (/.93), Uniform (./92), Fans and Rival (./88), Geographical Ties and History (/.87), Star Player and Tradition (/.84), Performance (./83), Stadium (./73) and Non-Player Personnel (./59).