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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between irrational beliefs and sport behavior and also prediction of the stage of behavior of individuals based on constructs of irrational belief. Methods: Number of 190 students of Damghan University were selected with random clustering method. Research instruments include the Ahvaz Irrational Beliefs (2005) questionnaire, Stages of Exercise Behavior Change Scale (Cardinal, 1997) and Shephard´ s method (for assess sport behavior). Multiple linear regression and diagnostic regression analysis were used to predict the sport behavior and behavioral stage of the individuals based on the constructs of irrational belief, respectively. Results: The results showed significant negative correlation between irrational beliefs and sport behavior (r=-0. 398, p= 0. 001). The predictive model of constructs of irrational belief based on sport behavior was significant (F= 3. 97, p= 0. 004). Helplessness against change and avoidance of the problem could predict changes of the sport behavior. The diagnostic function categorized 45. 3% of participants in the stages of behavior change correctly. Conclusion: The results of this research clearly showed that irrational beliefs are related to inactivity; and its structures (helplessness against change and avoidance of the problem) play a major role in classifying people in different stages of behavior change.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: As stereotypy behaviors are barriers in learning and social interaction of individuals with Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD), the main purpose of this study was comparison the efficacy of a 30 session, sensory-motor training program on stereotypy behaviors of 46 ASD children (ages 6-12). Methods: Participants was selected purposefully and assigned to visuomotor, motor, visual and control groups. Stereotypy behaviors in this study was determined with objective method and video analysis. Analysis of covariance and bonferroni post hoc tests was used for analysis data in this study. Results: the results showed that Children in the visuomotor group showed reduced stereotypy behaviors significantly in post-test and follow up, while the other groups did not significantly differ from pretest (t= 3. 52, P<. 05). Conclusion: our study adds to the emerging body of evidence indicating that visuomotor training for children with ASD almost is an effective approach for one of the core features of ASD and can use as an alternative treatment with another trainings for these children.

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Purpose: The role of joint hypermobility in musculoskeletal injuries has been emphasized. and suggestions for resolution of these problems to come. So, this study was done to investigate the effects of balance training on proprioception of knee joint and balance in subject with generalized joint hypermobility. Methods: This semi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest design on 30 subjects with generalized joint hypermobility divided into control and experimental groups. The position sense of the reconstruction error was measured via Imaged-based goniometry using AutoCAD software and static and dynamic balance measured with using of Bass stick and Modified Star tests. Then, experimental group performed the training protocol. The protocol was eight weeks of 35-30 minute exercise and three sessions per weeks. After training, evaluation tests were repeated with similar condition pretest. Data was analyzed using Paired and Independent-Samples T test with SPSS software version 21. ) Results: After 8 weeks balance training protocol، proprioception of knee joint (p=0. 002, static(p=0. 001) and dynamic balance (p=0. 001) experimental group compared to the control group had significant effect and better than performance in the post-test. Conclusion: Balance training lead to improvement proprioception and static and dynamic balance in experimental hypermobile subject.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of physical activity in organized and unorganized space on characterizes of Perception and cognition among children. Methods: The present study was a semi-experimental design with pre-post and post-test design in a field study. The statistical population of this study was children aged 7 to 10 years old in Tabriz. Thirty subjects were selected by purposeful method and divided into two groups of nature school (unorganized environment) and participant in Badminton class constructive environment). Initially, as a pre-test, the Benton and Boyardee Test was performed and then started for 48 hours. In the end, both groups did post-test. Data were analyzed using two way mixed ANOVA and SPSS 22 software at a significance level of 0. 05. Results: Among the main factors of the group (F(1, 28)=6. 14, P=0. 01), time (F(1, 28)=11. 67, P=0. 002) and their interaction (F(1, 28)=4. 42, P=0. 04), there was a significant difference in perceptual characteristics. Also, in the cognitive characteristics, the main factor of time was significant (F(1, 28)=58. 62, P=0. 0001), and interaction between group and time (F(1, 28)=4. 47, P=0. 03). Based on interaction in both features, the unorganized environment group showed better improvement. Conclusion: Based on the ecological theory of the branch of Gibson’ s perception-action and Piaget’ s cognition, the different effects of the two environments on perceptual and cognitive qualities can be attributed to the conditions of the environment, in which the unorganized environment showed further effects in the direction of improvement.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The purpose of present study was to determine the effect of different levels of balance task difficulty and visual feedback on EMG activity of selected muscles in elderly women. Methods: Fourteen healthy elderly women (mean age 57/65 yr) were voluntarily selected. The task consisted of performing balance task on Biodex Balance System. Participants were asked to stand still on a stability platform under two conditions (with and without visual feedback) in three levels of difficulty (6, 8 &10). Megawin EMG system was used for recording electromyography of rectus femoris, gastrocnemius, preroneus longus and biceps femoris muscles and RMS of EMG signals was obtained. Duration of each test was 20 seconds and rest times were 20 seconds. Results: Results showed that with increasing task difficulty, preroneus longus (p= 0/01), biceps femoris (p= 0/028), rectus femoris (p< 0/001) and gastrocnemius (p= 0/01) EMG activity increased significantly. In addition, there was a significant increase in preroneus longus (p= 0/01), biceps femoris (p< 0/001) and rectus femoris (p< 0/001) EMG activity in visual feedback condition compared with without feedback condition. Conclusion: As task difficulty increased and with visual feedback, the elderly did not choose between two postural strategies but tend to combine movements in continuous behavior and they use the body stiffness strategy to improve balance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: As the age increases, the elderly suffers from cognitive disorders such as memory decline as a natural process. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a period of brain gym exercises on working memory of male older adults. Methods: In present semi-experimental study with pre-post-test with control group design, 30 elderly male were selected based on availability and randomly divided into two equal groups of 15 experimental (mean age: 76. 85± 4. 41 yr) and control (mean age: 77. 8± 3. 24 yr). Participants of both groups performed the digit Span Response test to evaluate the working memory in pre-test and following 16 training sessions (only experimental group) in post-test. The experimental group performed eight weeks, twice a week and each session within 30 minutes and the control group performed nothing during this period. The data were analyzed using the Mix-MANOVA test and independent and dependent T-tests on the significance level of 0. 05 using IBM SPSS22. Results: The results of Mix-ANOVA showed a significant tow-way interaction (P=0. 0001) and independent and paired T-test revealed significant difference between the experimental and control groups in post-test (P=0. 0001). Also the progress from pre to post-test was significant for experimental group (P=0. 0001). Conclusion: Based on present findings, it suggests to educators and practitioners in the sports to apply this new method of practice to improve work memory to perform tasks and activities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine validity and reliability of the Persian version of controlling coach behavior scale (CCBS) in Iranian society. Methods: The research method was survey and the sample consisted of 284 athletes from different fields of sport who had selected by available method, they completed the questionnaire, which had prepared by translation-back translation method by sports psychologist experts. SPSS and Amos24 software were used to determine the psychometric properties of the instrument. Results: The results of factor analysis showed that the four-factor structure is suitable for separating the questions and adapting them to the bases. Confirmatory factor analysis results also showed that the four-factor model of instructor control behavior included reward, threat, Excessive Personal Control and negative conditional Regard had a good. The internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach’ s alpha) for the whole questionnaire was 0. 918 and for the components ranged from 0. 731 to 0. 897 and overall acceptable reliability. Conclusion: The Persian version of the Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale can be used as a reliable and valid tool for studying and evaluating the Coaching Behavior in coaches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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