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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction In the next 20 years, food production for the growing population is one of the most important issues. As increasing planting area is limited, improving productivity and yield is the only solution which could be reached through crop breeding and improving pest, disease and weeds control methods and increasing use efficeincy of fertilizers and water. Most of the time, increasing production in agricltulre is alongside with more intensification in agriculture. There is now specific definition for this term but in a general definition it means increasing the number of crops planted in unit of area (one hectare) through a year, as well as increasing using of inputs including fertilizers, chemicals and machinery in unit of area. Macleod and Moller (2006) evaluated the trend of intensification in Newzland agriculture by examining changes in 35 agricultural variables (e. g planting area, yield, inputs in unit of area and population related to agricultural production). Their results showed that intesnification is increased through 40 years (1961-200) which can threat sustainability of Newzeland farming in future. Agriculture intensification in Iran started since 1921 by using agricultural machinery and chemical fertilizers and increased rapidly after approval of land reform law in 1961s. Increasing the application of inputs in Iran agriculture has resulted to decrease sustainability of agricltural production and aslo destruction of forest and rangelands. Therefore, in this research time trend of intensification of cropping systems of Iran is studied using different indicators. Materials and Methods In order to evaluate the status and the trend of agriculture intensification in Iran, 63 variables in 5 groups including land use (cultivated area of each crop), production of each crop, yield, inputs (fertilizers, machinery and energy) and urban and ural population are examained for a 50-year period (1962 to 2011). Poduction stability was evaluated by calculating coeficeint of variance (CV) of planting area, production and yield in main agriculltural crops and fruits seperatly in each decades. For evaluating the sensivity of crops and fruit production to environmental changes the ratio of yield in a individual year to overal mean of yield for each ten years calculated for each crop seperately and for all crops as a yield capacity. The slope of the regression between yield capacity of each crop to yield capacity of all crops is an index for sensivity to environmental changes. All analysis and drwaing graphs were conducted using Xlstat 2014 and Excel 2103. Results Results showed that land use changes, increasing use of inputs and population growth are the main factors affecting intensification in Iran agriculture. From 1961 to 2011 the planting area has extended 2 times related to 6. 6 million hectare at the beginning of this period and the agricultural productions increased to 94 million tons which was 7 times higher related to 13. 3 million tons in 1961. During this period the main driving factor before 1980 is approving land reform law and increasing use of inputs which resulted to increase cultivated area and productions. In the following years increasing the application of fertilizers, agricultural machinery and new varieties were the main factors affecting agricultural productions and intensifciation. Our research showed that through the evaluation period, variance of cultivated area and production decreased but the variance of yield increased and hence yield stability decreased. Principal component analysis (PCA) classified 63 variables in two main compontents which first one described 51 percent of total variation including land use, production, yield trend and also uses of inputs. The second component described 20 percent of variation including input use efficiency and use of maschinery. Based on the changes in agicultural variables, PCA divided years into to 6 periods including 1962-1965, 1966-1980, 1981-1990, 1991-1998, 1999-2007and 2008-2011. During the first 3 periods agricultural area, production and yield were increased but during the next 3 periods the rate of increasing decreased. However, our research showed that Iran agriculture has been going through intensification in the last 50 years and approaching to food security is most likely possible through increasing efficient use of inputs by improving varieties and managmement of agricultural systems.

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Introduction Water scarcity and frequent droughts are becoming a serious problem particularly in the context of alarming predictions of climate change in the world. Within the arid and semi-arid regions, water availability is a major limitation for crop production. Thus, it is necessary to improve yield and the efficient utilization of limited available water in the irrigated agroecosystems. One possibility to enhance crop yield under water limitation is using soil microorganisms that increase the radiation and water efficiency and uptake capacity. Among these potential soil microorganisms, plant growthpromoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are the most promising, including all bacteria inhabiting the rhizosphere and the rhizoplane able to simulate plant growth and yield. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the PGPR on the ecophysiological characteristics of soybean under different moisture regimes. Material and Methods The field experiment was conducted during 2016 at the research farm of Campus of Agriculture and Natural Research, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran (34° , 19´ N, 47° , 50´ E with 1320 m altitude). A split plot factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design. Main plots had three irrigation regimes in which irrigation was cut based on the soybean stages (I1: water deficit stress from mid pod development stage to maturity stage; I2: water deficit stress from grain filling development stage to maturity stage; and I3: optimum irrigation in all development stages) and sub-plots were composed of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (B1: no bacteria; B2: Bacillus subtilis; and B: Bacillus licheniformis) and soybean cultivar (TMS, M9 and Kosar). The experimental plots were irrigated based on furrow method. I3 treatment were irrigated every 7 days until the end of the growing period while in the I1 and I2 treatments, the plots were irrigated every 7 days until the start of the water deficit stress. In order to inoculate with the PGPR, the soybean seeds were plunged in a 1: 10 (v: v) solution of liquid culture and distilled water, respectively for 10 minutes. All seeds including inoculated and no inoculated seeds oven-dried at 30 ℃ for 5 h. Finally, the soybean inoculated seeds by PGPR were inoculated by Rhizobium japonicum before sowing and cultivated immediately at 4 to 5 cm soil depth. The evaluated traits were the leaf area index (LAI), radiation absorption (RA), crop growth rate (CGR), relative growth ratio (RGR), total dry weight (TDW), radiation use efficiency (RUE) and Grain yield (GY). Results and Discussion The results indicated that the water deficit stress reduced the LAI, RA, CGR, RGR, TDW, RUE and GY of soybean. The PGPR application improved all measured traits of soybean in all irrigation regime treatments. The highest LAI (6. 7), RA (18. 2 MJ. m-2), CGR (20. 6 g. m-2. d-1), TDW (1104. 7 g. m-2) and RUE (1. 165 g. MJ-1) were related to TMS cultivar in the optimum irrigation and B. licheniformis treatment and the lowest them were related to Kosar cultivar under water deficit stress from mid pod development stage to maturity stage and no bacteria treatment. The greatest GY (380. 9 g. m-2) was related to TMS cultivar which was observed in the optimum irrigation and B. licheniformis treatment and the lowest GY (134. 2 g. m-2) was related to Kosar cultivar which was observed in the water deficit stress from mid pod development stage to maturity stage and no bacteria treatment. In this study, B. licheniformis compared to B. subtilis presented a more effective improvement in soybean LAI, RA, CGR, RGR, TDW, RUE and GY. Conclusion It seems that the PGPR could promote the soybean growth and yield via increasing the root system and more uptake of water in the rhizosphere. Nevertheless, as the results showed, the more effects of the PGPR were observed in the I2 treatment compared to other treatments. The PGPR actually could promote the soybean growth and yield in the mid water deficit stress.

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Introduction Weed– crop competition as one of the main reasons for crop loss is often influenced by many factors including emergence time and density of competing species. Patterns of weed seedling emergence affect the outcome of weed– crop interference interactions. Information on weed seedling emergence in relation to crop seeding will assist in developing an optimum weed control program. Weeds emerge simultaneously with a crop, have the greatest potential impact on crop production. Results from Chauhan & Johnson (2010) showed the advantage for weeds over rice in situations where these species emerge earlier in the growing season because of significantly greater biomass production comparing to those emerging later in the season. Minimal shading and competition for nutrients and soil moisture are associated with early emergence. The importance of density in competition studies is because of the relationship among plant yield, number of individuals, and resources present. Increasing the density may enhance the plant’ s share of the total resource pool and reduce resource availability for adjacent plant. Thus, to analyze competition between the crop and weeds, the variation in density should be considered. Season-long competition with watergrass at densities of 86 and 36 plants/m2 reduced rice yields by 59% and 46%, respectively. Understanding relative aggressiveness of component species is required for the integrated weed management and it would improve weed management strategies. For watergrass as a relatively new-introduced weed species in paddy rice fields of Guilan province, it is essential to investigate the effects of the emergence time in nursery, to determine weed seedling ages at the time of transplanting, as well the amount of weed seedling translocation characterizing weed density in the field. Materials and Methods Factorial arrangements of watergrass seedlings ages at the time of transplanting (10, 20 and 30 days), and plant proportions of weed: rice (0: 4, 1: 3, 2: 2, 3: 1, and 4: 0) were designed as a randomized complete block with three replications to study yield characteristics and competitive ability of watergrass and rice over two years of a field experiment. Individual plants of each hill constituted as a single experimental unit. The area between individual hills was hand-weeded to avoid competition from other species. At rice maturity stage, plants were harvested, and rice and watergrass panicles were separated from stems by hand. Panicles were dried to a constant weight at 75 ℃ , and weights were determined. Grain weights standardized to 12% moisture content. Biological yields of rice and watergrass were also measured after sampling their above-ground parts from an area of 1 m2 and drying at 75 ℃ until constant weight. Data were subjected to ANOVA, and means were separated using Fisher’ s Protected LSD at P < 0. 05. Competitiveness of the species was assessed based on the relative yield (the ratio between the production of the species in the mixture and in monoculture), relative yield total (total relative yield of the two associated species), aggressivity index and replacement series diagrams (models describing the possible outcomes of the interaction of two species when grown in a replacement series). Results and Discussion For each species, the greater ratio at the planting proportion, the higher biological yield, grain yield, relative yield, and aggressivity index, but the lower harvest index. When grown in monocultures, and 1 weed: 3 rice of the second year, the two species produced similar grain yield; however in the other mixtures watergrass produced more biological and grain yield compared to the rice. Harvest index of rice was greater than watergrass in all planting proportions. In the first year, trials of 30-day watergrass seedling ages represented the highest values of biological-, grain-, and relative yield, and the lowest values of grain and relative yield of rice and harvest indices of both species. Also, for all watergrass seedling ages in both years, weed production was more than rice. Conclusion Investigating grain and biological yield, and relative yield of both species, and aggressivity index of rice, beside replacement series diagrams exhibited higher competitiveness for watergrass comparing to rice. Therefore, it is important to maintain watergrass control in order to insure the sustainability of transplanted rice production.

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Introduction Khuzestan province is one of the important regions for sugarcane production with more than 100, 000 hectares under sugarcane cultivation. Sugarcane monoculture is common all over the world and continuing this system gradually reduces the yield and soil fertility. Monoculture systems, by creating unfavorable biological and physicochemical conditions in the soil, reduce the amount of organic carbon and nutrients in the soil. However, in an agricultural system, suitable agronomic selection, proper management of agronomic operation specially plowing, proper use of chemical and organic fertilizers, preservation of vegetation and proper management of plant residue have a decisive role in the amount and dynamics of mineral and organic elements. Various studies showed that rotation, particularly with green fertilizers, have led to breaking the pathogenic cycle and improving the physical and chemical properties of soil, including soil organic matter. Materials and Methods In order to evaluate the changes in the amount of carbon and organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium residue in soil under different crop rotation conditions, this study was performed in a randomized complete block design with three replications during 2014-2016 for three consecutive years in the field of Amirkabir sugarcane Agro-Industry. The experiment treatments consisted of ten alternatives: 1) wheat-clover-sugarcane; 2) rapeseed-clover-sugarcane; 3) barley-clover-sugarcane; 4) sorghum-clover-sugarcane; 5) clover-vetch-sugarcane; 6) clover-clover-sugarcane, 7) clover-clover (third aftermath)-sugarcane, 8) clover-soybean-sugarcane, 9) clover-corn-sugarcane, and 10) fallow-fallow-sugarcane. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the changes in phosphorus in three years of experiment at both soil depths, but the amount of potassium and organic carbon was decreased during the third year of experiment. Analysis of variance showed that the amount of P, N and organic carbon content were significantly different in both soil depths under crop rotations. Also, under crop rotation, potassium and C/N ratio were different in 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm soil depths, respectively. The highest amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon to nitrogen ratio were observed in clover-clover-sugarcane, fallow-fallow-sugarcane and sorghum-clover-sugarcane. Results and Discussion The results showed that the changes in the phosphorus content during three years of implementation of the project based on variance analysis even at 0-30 C depth, or at a depth of 60 to 30 cm, did not have a significant difference and the amount of phosphorus was remained almost constant. Nitrogen The results showed that the process of nitrogen changes during three years of experiment was based on analysis of variance at 0-30 and 30-60 cm of soil depths has significant difference and the amount of nitrogen has changed. Organic matter, Organic carbon and C: N Organic matters of the soil is as the most effective factor in the sustainability of pasture and forest ecosystems, soil protection layer against erosion, temperature regulator, habitat and food supply for soil organisms and the main place of mineral nutrition. Potassium Potassium plays an important role in soil fertility. The statistical analysis of soil potassium showed that the amount of potassium had significant differences in two studied soil layers during three years of project implementation. Sugarcane yield The results showed that the highest yields were related to the crop rotation of clover-mung bean-sugarcane and clover-clover (third aftermath)-sugarcane rotations with 124 and 121 t. ha-1, respectively. Also, the lowest yield was related to the varieties of fallow-fallow-sugarcane and clover-corn-Sugarcane, with 95 and 98 t. ha-1, respectively. Conclusion The results showed that phosphorus in the soil did not change significantly during the experiment, but the amount of potassium, organic carbon and soil organic matter during the first and the second years remained constant but it decreased during the third year. Also, the implementation of different crop rotation affected soil nutrient elements. The highest amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon to nitrogen ratios were observed in clover-clover-sugarcane, fallow-fallow-sugarcane and sorghum-clover-sugarcane. The impact of crop rotation on sugarcane yield also showed that cultivating legumes of clover and mung bean before sugarcane has a great influence on sugarcane yield.

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Introduction Intercropping system is one of the most important strategies for achieving sustainable agriculture goals. Intercropping increases biodiversity in agroecosystems and enhances yield on a given piece of land by making more efficient use of the available resources. In these systems, legumes are a key functional group, and are highly valued for the agroecological services they provide. Adding legumes in fields is justified by their natural ability to exploit atmospheric nitrogen. This additional source of N is expected to avoid inter-specific competition between plants and legumes for N acquisition. Medicinal plants play pivotal role in human health. The use of sustainable agriculture is the foundation for safe and healthy Medicinal plants. Therefore, the purpose of this research was evaluation of quantitative and qualitative traits of black cumin (Nigella sativa L. ) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-greacum L. ) in additive and replacement series of intercropping. Materials and Methods Field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research station, University of Kurdistan, during 2015 growing season. In this research, qualitative and quantitative traits of black cumin and fenugreek were investigated. Experimental design was randomized complete block with three replications. Experimental factors were 50% fenugreek + 50% black cumin, 25% black cumin + 75% fenugreek, 75% black cumin + 25% fenugreek, 100% black cumin + 12. 5% fenugreek, 100% black cumin + 25% fenugreek, 100% black cumin + 37. 5% fenugreek, 100% black cumin + 50% fenugreek based on replacement and additive series and their monocultures. The seeds were sown directly on 4th of May for both plants. In this study, morphological characteristics consisted of branch number per plant, follicle number per plant, seed number per follicle, 1000 seed weight, essential oil content, essential oil yield of black cumin and branch number per plant, pod number per plant, seed number per pod, 1000 seed weight of fenugreek and biological and seed yield were measured in both plants. Intercropping indexes included of LER and ATER were also evaluated. The obtained data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SAS statistical software and means were compared using the least significant difference test (L. S. D) at level of 0. 05. Results and Discussion The results revealed that different intercropping ratios had significant effect on morphological traits, biological and seed yield of both plants. The usage of 100% black cumin + 12. 5% fenugreek gave the highest values of branch number per plant (18. 87), follicle Number per plant (29. 73), Seed number per follicle (52. 6), 1000-seed weight (2. 67 g), seed yield (972. 1 kg. ha-1), biological yield (2757. 1 kg. ha-1) and essential oil yield (11. 19 kg. ha-1) of black cumin. It seems that black cumin was more efficient for uptake nutrient resources in comparison with fenugreek. With increasing fenugreek density different traits of black cumin decreased in the other additive treatments. This decrement maybe related to the effect of density which increases competition. Statistical analysis revealed that all traits of fenugreek such as branch number per plant, pod number per plant, Seed number per pod, 1000-seed weight, biological yield and seed yield were 12. 27, 16. 80, 11. 63, 15. 77g, 3266. 7 kg. ha-1 and 874. 4 kg. ha-1, respectively. These values belonged to monoculture of fenugreek. Intercropping indexes included of LER (1. 36) and ATER (1. 30) showed higher values in 100% black cumin + 12. 5% fenugreek treatment. Conclusion The highest values of most characteristics of black cumin were obtained from 100% black cumin + 12. 5% fenugreek. Furthermore, it could be concluded that the mentioned additive series was the best treatment of intercropping and gave the highest LER and ATER due to improved growth condition.

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Introduction Plants under natural and agronomic conditions are constantly exposed to different stresses. In this regard, drought stress is the most important limiting factor to crop yields in many parts of the world and Iran, particularly, if the water stress occurs during the flowering stage, it will affect the crop production. Drought stress disrupts the nutritional balance of plant. Proper nutrition under stress conditions can partly help plant against various stresses. Plants growth under stress can be improved by micro nutrients foliar application. Boron is important in the plant growth and its deficiency is one of the major constraints to crop production. Zinc plays a key role in the various biochemical processes of plant cells. Its deficiency will be apparent in various forms such as growth retardation, yield and concentration of the element in different parts of a plant such as seeds. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of boron and zinc foliar application on yield and some agronomic and morphological traits of spring safflower (cv. Mahalli-e Esfahan) under late-season water deficit in Ardabil province. Materials and Methods The field experiment was conducted at the Research Farm of the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran during 2013-14 and 2014-15 growing seasons. The experimental design was a split factorial in a randomized complete block with three replications. Three irrigation treatments (S1: full irrigation until the end of season (control), S2: irrigation with holding from flowering and S3: irrigation with holding from seed filling) were randomized to the main plots and the sub-plot included factorial combination of B (B1: 0, B2: 350, B3: 700 ppm) and Zn (Zn1: 0, Zn2: 1000, Zn3: 2000 ppm). B was added as boric acid (H3BO3) and Zn as zinc sulfate (ZnSO4). The treatments were applied during flowering (when 50% of the plants were at anthesis) as foliar applications. All other agricultural practices (weeds control and irrigation), were performed when they were required and as recommended for safflower production. The measured traits included seed coat percentage, seed kernel percentage, seed coat to kernel ratio, leaf number, capitol diameter, seed length, seed width and seed yield. Analyses of variance and comparison of means at P≤ 0. 05 were carried out, using SAS 9. 1 software. The means were compared using LSD test. Results and Discussion Combined analysis of variance of the data showed that year, irrigation and year × irrigation interaction were significant for all the traits. Also, all traits (except leaf number) were significantly affected by B, Zn and B × Zn interaction. Seed coat percentage, seed kernel percentage and seed coat to kernel ratio were significantly affected by year×B, year × Zn and year×B×Zn interactions. Seed length and seed yield were significantly affected by year×irrigation×B and year×B×Zn interactions, respectively. During the first year, all the investigated traits influenced from deterrent impacts of drought stress. Water deficit stress at the flowering and seed filling stages significantly decreased seed yield compared to full irrigation (15. 62% at flowering and 12. 77% at seed filling). During the second year, there was no significant difference among all the treatments due to heavy rainfall. The results showed that B and Zn foliar application had a positive and significant effect on seed coat percentage, seed kernel percentage, seed coat to kernel ratio, capitol diameter, seed length, seed width and seed yield. The treatments of B3Zn2 and B2Zn2 had the greatest increase of these parameters in comparison with B1Zn1 (control) in both years. Boron and zinc foliar application significantly improved most traits under water stress levels. Conclusion The significant positive correlation between yield and other studied traits indicated that on-time and sufficient foliar spray of micronutrients mediated drought tolerance in safflower plants. In general, foliar application of boron and zinc compared with control could alleviate the drought damages to safflower. Acknowledgments We would like to thank from the Faculty of Agriculture, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, for supporting this study.

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Introduction Use of chemical fertilizers is an essential component of modern farming and about 50% of the world’ s crop production can be attributed to fertilizer use. Sustainable production of crops cannot be maintained by using only chemical fertilizers and similarly it is not possible to obtain higher crop yield using organic manure alone. A balanced fertilization is needed to obtain optimum potential yield. The continuous imbalanced use of chemical fertilizers is creating complexity in our soils and the soil health is deteriorating. Application of municipal solid waste compost (MSW) is commonly applied to the soils to improve their physical, chemical and biological properties. Soil amendment with MSW is very useful for agricultural crop production. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) is the world’ s leading cereal crop both in area and production and about two-third of people of our planet live on it. It plays an important role in diet of human being as well as in industrial uses. The present study was conducted to better understand the effect of MSW and chemical fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of irrigated wheat in Kermanshah condition. Materials and Methods In order to study the effects of municipal solid waste compost (MSW) and chemical fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of Bahar wheat cultivar, a field experiment was conducted with chemical fertilizers at four levels (0, conventional farmers, based on soil test and 25% lower than the soil test), and MSW at four levels (0, 10, 20 and 30 ton. ha-1) in a factorial experiment based on randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with three replications in Kermanshah region during 2014-2015. Prior to sowing, MSW and chemical fertilizers was applied and mixed thoroughly with the soil. Before planting, combined soil sample from a depth of 0– 30 cm was collected to determine some soil chemical properties. Plots were designed with 4 ×4 m, 1 m apart from each other, 1. 5 m alley was kept between blocks. Wheat seeds (var. Bahar) were planted 2. 5 cm apart from each other. During the growth and development stages, plots were irrigated based on the crop water requirement. Irrigation method was sprinkler. Grain yield were determined after the harvest and seed samples (harvesting stage) were taken and rinsed with distilled water, oven dried at 70° C, ground, digested and analyzed for determining the N, P, K, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Pb and Cd concentration. Analysis of variance was performed using MSTAT-C and mean comparisons done by Duncan’ s multiple range test (P ≤ 0. 05). Results and Discussion Results showed that MWS and chemical fertilizers and their interaction effects had significant effects on experimental traits. Using of MWS with chemical fertilizers led to increase plant height, 1000-grain weight, seed number per spike, grain yield, protein percent and nutrients concentration in grain. The results of means comparison showed that the highest grain yield (5900 kg. ha-1), 1000-seed weight (39 g), grain number per spike (71), protein percent (12. 6) and nutrients concentration in grain was obtained under the co-application of 10 t. ha-1 MWS and chemical fertilizers (25 percent less than the soil test) and the lowest amounts of experimental traits were shown in control treatment. Our results are in agreement with some experiments which use of compost and chemical fertilizers on irrigated wheat. Conclusion The result of this experiment revealed that using of compost and chemical fertilizers in integrated form instead of individual application has a beneficial effect on improving the quantitative and qualitative yield of irrigated wheat. Based on the obtained results, co-application of 10 t. ha-1 compost and chemical fertilizers (25 percent less than the soil test) at Kermanshah condition can be recommended.

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Introduction Water shortage in terminal phases of wheat growth causes low-quality seeds in wheat. Extra use of chemical fertilizer has an adverse effect on the environment. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ) is very important in Iran grown on 7 million ha of the total national cultivated; irrigated wheat farms accounting for 35% of the total wheat lands. It grows mainly during dry seasons, where irrigation is necessary because precipitation in the growing season is far less than the crop water requirement. Within the arid and semi-arid regions, water available is a major limitation for crop production. Wheat needs sufficient available water and nutrient to achieve optimum yields, quality, and adequate grain-protein content. In recent years, the water shortage has gradually increased in most of the countries mainly due to the annual increasing irrigation and dry climate. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of azotobacter and mycorrhiza fungus on yield and yield components of wheat varieties and quality of derived seeds under supplementary irrigation. The present study experiment was conducted as a factorial arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications in the Research station of Gorgan (Iraqi Mahalle). Materials and Methods To evaluate the effect of azotobacter and mycorrihza application on yield, yield components and seed quality of wheat cultivars an experiment was carried out in the Research Station of Gorgan (Iraqi Mahalle). Experimental factors including two irrigated wheat varieties namely N-80-20 and Gonbad Cv., six levels of inoculations (1) non inoculated as control, (2) application of mycorrihza (G. intraradices), (3) inoculation with powdery A. chroococcum, (4) inoculation with liquid A. chroococcum, (5) inoculation with powdery A. chroococcum+G. intraradices, (6) inoculation with liquid A. chroococcum+G. intraradices, and three levels of supplementary irrigation (non-irrigated, irrigation at booting and irrigation at the full flowering stage). The studied traits were plant height, spike length, number of spikes, number of seed per spike, 1000-seed weight, seed yield, biologic yield, harvest index, seed germination percentage, seed germination rate, seedling length, seedling dry weight and length vigor index. For statistical analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’ s multiple range test (DMRT) were performed using SPSS and STATISTICA software. The graphs were drawn by excel software. Results and Discussion Results revealed that inoculation of wheat varieties with a combination of azotobacter and mycorrihza induced seed yield and yield components increment as well as quality improvement of derived seeds. Supplementary irrigation at full flowering phase had more positive effects on traits of wheat varieties. Considering the investigated characteristics, N-80-20 had a better response to seed inoculation and supplementary irrigation comparing to Gonbad cultivar. The maximum seed yield (5987. 33 kg. ha-1) was achieved with the application of mycorrihza + liquid azotobacter under supplementary irrigation at full flowering phase of wheat growth. It seems that application of biological fertilizers and supplementary irrigation is an appropriate and low-cost method for increasing of yield and improvement of seed quality of wheat. Seed inoculation of N-80-20 cultivar with mycorrihza + liquied azotobacter was increased the seed yield 10 percentage compared to control condition. Seed germination percentage and rate of wheat cultivars under supplementary irrigation was significantly increased. The maximum seed germination percentage (95. 7%) was observed with the application of mycorrihza + liquied azotobacter. N-80-20 in compared to Gonbad cultivar was demonstrated better response regarding studied traits. Conclusion According to the results, in order to increase seed yield and improving seed quality, inoculation of seeds with a joint combination of azotobacter and mycorrihza along with supplementary irrigation at the full flowering stage of wheat could be recommended.

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Introduction Plants distribution in nature is not by chance, but it is a function of various factors such as topographical, edaphic, climatic, anthropogenic factors, etc. Environmental factors along with management factors play an important role on the species composition and richness. In fact, there is a high correlation between the establishment of plants and environmental conditions, so that the composition and structure of plant communities largely influenced by environmental factors. In particular, soil and its numerous properties play a significant role in the establishment of plant species. These facts show the importance of medicinal plants and their influential environmental factors and state that such studies are necessary in all fields of natural resources. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine the region plant communities and their medicinal plant species, and to identify factors affecting the establishment of these communities using ordination method. Considering the region conditions, its pristine nature, the high population of exploiters, and lack of basic information about vegetation, this study can also be effective in improving economic and social conditions of the region residents. Materials and Methods The study area basin is mountain rangelands of Deraseleh that is located in one of sub basins of Talar River (one of the major Caspian Sea sub basin) in Mazandaran Province. For random-systematic sampling, the 50-meter transects were randomly laid out in the region and 5 plots were systematically established along each transect with 10 meters interval. Therefore, a total of 60 transects and 300 plots were sampled. Soil samples were taken in the middle of transects from 0– 30 cm depth. Soil samples was transferred to the laboratory to measure soil properties including soil texture, electrical conductivity (EC), acidity (pH), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and potassium (K) and organic carbon (OC). After data normalization, DCA that is an indirect ordination method was used to identify changes in plant composition and to determine gradient length. As gradient length was more than three, CCA that is a direct ordination method was selected for assessing the vegetation and environmental variables relationships. Results and Discussion The region flora consists of 94 plant species belonging to 79 genera and 29 plant families. Considering medicinal plants, 29 species were dominant in the region and Lamiaceae family with 13 species had the frequency in the region. DCA analysis showed that the importance of axes decline to the forth axis on the basis of Eigen values. Based on the gradient length and Eigen values, CCA was used to determine the effect of soil factors on medicinal plants. Different soil factors had significant effects on species distribution. Each of soil properties controls the distribution of the species to a certain extent. CCA analysis showed that the effect of environmental factors on vegetation is meaningful (P=0. 001; F=1. 68). Generally, some species were affected by a variable but some by several variables. Some species did not show significant correlation with soil properties. Conclusion Knowing about environmental factors controlling vegetation can optimize management of rangeland ecosystems that helps farmers to utilize their land sustainably. Identifying medicinal plants and understanding their controlling factors can be effective in determining management practices. In this study, ordination techniques showed that plant species belonged to the same family or genus are not necessarily influenced by the same environmental factor. For example, two species of Ferula were influenced by different factors. Soil texture and pH had somewhat more effects than other variables on vegetation. Soil properties had negligible effect on some species such as Senecio vulgaris and Vaccaria liniflora. It can be suggested that other factors such as topography and management may be effective on this species. In conclusion it must be said that, the ecological needs must be identified for optimal utilization of forage and medicinal species and species with use in industry. Then, proceed to the cultivation and exploitation of plant species according to controlling environmental factors.

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Introduction Supplementing crop growth with nitrogen (N) can significantly increase yields. However, the excessive use of N in intensive cropping systems has led to lower N use efficiency, an increase in greenhouse gas emissions as well as water pollution. The critical N concentration (Nc) is the minimum N required for maximal growth and can be used as a tool for accurate N management during the growing season. Leaf dry matter (LDM) is an important indicator of crop growth potential and a measure of light-energy utilization, and yield formation in rapeseed. LDM increases as more N fertilizer is applied, although differences in LDM are small under high fertilization levels. Therefore, construction of a Nc curve based on LDM during the vegetative growth of spring rapeseed would be a worthwhile objective. Our aims in the present study were (i) to construct a leaf Nc curve, (ii) to compare this curve with published data, and (iii) to explore its potential for estimating spring rapeseed leaf N status. Materials and Methods A field experiment with seven levels of N fertilizer including 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 kg. ha-1 was performed, and LDM and leaf N concentration (LNC) of two spring rapeseed cultivars were measured during the growing season. The procedure used for constructing the leaf Nc curve was first proposed by Justes et al. (1994). The N nutrition index (NNI) on each sampling date was calculated by dividing LNC by leaf Nc concentration. The accumulated N deficit (Nand) in leaves for each sampling date was determined by subtracting the N accumulation in leaves under the Nc condition from actual N accumulation in leaves under different N rates. Results and Discussion N application rate exhibited a significant effect on LDM during the vegetative growth of rapeseed. The LDM increased gradually with increasing N utilization. LDM ranged from 0. 06-3. 83 ton. ha-1 for Hyola 401 cv. and from 0. 06-3. 56 ton. ha-1 for Dalgan cv. LNC generally increased with increasing N application. LNC remained relatively stable during the early growth but decreased gradually as cultivars reached the flowering stage. LNC values ranged from 2. 44-6. 2% for Hyola 401 cv. and from 3. 14-6. 1% for Dalgan cv. The leaf Nc concentrations in Hyola 401 and Dalgan cultivars declined with increasing LDM and the curve for these cultivars was fitted according to the equation Nc=5. 08LDM-0. 06. The similar trends of decline in leaf N dilution have been previously reported in winter wheat, maize and rice, when N dilution was estimated on the whole plant or specific plant organs basis. NNI values began to decrease with the decrease in the quantity of applied N. NNI values varied from 0. 72-1. 14 in the Dalgan cv. and from 0. 53-1. 15 in the Hyola 401 cv. The NNI values were greater than one for non-N limiting treatments and less than one for N-limiting treatments. These results confirm that NNI can provide accurate and quantitative insight into the N nutrition status of rapeseed. The Nand values ranged between-11. 61-107. 09 kg N ha-1 in the Dalgan cv. and between-24. 22-129. 64 for the Hyola 401 cv. depending on the N dosage. Nand decreased with increased N rates, while intensified gradually over growth progress of rapeseed and reached its peak at flowering stage for N-limiting treatments. These results confirmed the usefulness of Nand for assessing N nutrition in spring rapeseed. There was a significant positive correlation between the changes in N application rates (Δ N) and the changes in NNI (Δ NNI), and between Δ N and the changes in Nand (Δ Nand). Generally, the Nc dilution curve, NNI, and Nand derived from it well recognized nutrition status of two cultivars under N-limiting and non-N limiting conditions, and can be used to as a reliable indicator of the crop N status during the growing season. Conclusion The N concentration in the canopy leaves decreased with advancing maturity, while a higher N application rate generally exhibited a higher leaf N concentration. The present Nc dilution curve based on LDM provides an insight into N nutrition status in spring rapeseed plant and can serve as a novel tool to improve N fertilization management in rapeseed.

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Introduction Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L. ) is a medicinal plant and belongs to the family Malvaceae, short day plant, self-pollination, one year old or a few years old in the warm and indigenous climate of Africa. The main objective in crop management is to maximize light gain by crop canopy. Nitrogen is the first element that has a shortage in arid and semi-arid regions. Considering that agriculture in the Sistan region is associated with unfavorable environmental factors such as water shortages and nutrients in the soil, and severe 120-day winds. The aim of this research was to investigate the planting direction for determining the most suitable planting direction, optimal use of chemical fertilizers and determining their best application time for the medicinal plant of Roselle under Sistan climate conditions. Materials and Methods A split plot experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Research Institute of Zabol University during growing season of 2016-2017. Treatments experiment included two levels of planting directions two levels (North-South, East-West) As the main plot and the split of nitrogen fertilizer from the source of urea in four levels (1/3 per planting, 1/3 four leaf stage, 1/3 stem elongation; 1/2 post planting, 1/2 four leaf stage; 1/2 four leaf stage, 1/2 stem elongation; 1/3 four leaf stage, 1/3 stem elongation, 1/3 Flowering stage) as a subsidiary agent. Ecological parameters such as light, temperature and soil moisture at the end of flowering stage and organic matter, nitrogen and soil carbon were measured after plant harvest. The morphological characteristics were measured at the end of the growth season at the end of the complete inspection of the Sepals. Data were averaged for each sample (measured for 5 samples), with variance and mean computation. The mean test was performed using a 5% mean field test and a knowledge Duncan multiple test. Statistical data analysis was performed using SAS software version 9. 1. Results and Discussion The results showed that the effect of planting directions and split of nitrogen fertilizer on traits stem height, stem diameter, number of lateral branch, number of boll, economical yield, sepals dry weight, harvest index was significant. Except for the number of lateral branches, all morphological traits measured for north-south planting directions were the highest. The highest economical yield was 644 kg. ha-1 the biological yield of 9352 kg. ha-1and the harvest index of 6. 39 kg. ha-1were obtained from treatment (1/3 four leaf stage, 1/3 stem elongation, 1/3 flowering stage) The results of correlation coefficients between morphological and ecological traits showed that the highest correlation (0. 96) (0. 91) was found between the number of flower bowls with economic performance and between stem diameter and economic performance, which was positive and very significant. Thereafter, there was the highest correlation (-0. 85) between biological yield and soil organic matter (after plant harvest), which was negative and very significant. Conclusion The results showed that planting directions north-south enjoying the better of ecological agents increase the yield and sepals been in medicinal plant Roselle, Also with nitrogen fertilizer management in such a way that soil nitrogen availability is more adapted to the sensitive times of the need for Roselle, It can be used with a nitrogen split application in order to increase the yield of Roselle, Application of treatment (1/3 four leaf stage, 1/3 stem elongation, 1/3 Flowering stage), which is simultaneously with the plant's sensitive vegetative and reproductive stages is recommended. Therefore, the use of chemical fertilizers as a split, while lead to reducing consumption and increasing the efficiency of chemical fertilizers in order to achieve sustainable agriculture and environmental protection is recommended.

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Introduction Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is an herbaceous medicinal plant from the Lamiaceae family with a wide range of applications in culinary, cosmetic, food, perfumery and medical industries. The presence of more than 200 chemicals includes flavonoids, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, triterpenes and aromatic compounds in basil oil have been identified. The main components of its oil are eugenol, methyleugenol, linalool, estragole and anethole, varying by chemotype. Basil is one of the most important medicinal plants in Iran, which is widely used in various industries including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, sanitary and food industries, and it is considered as an anti-fluff and appetizer in traditional medicine. Therefore, in order to maximize yield and increase the length of the basil production period, the appropriate management of this product is necessary. Among which the use of suitable nutritional elements is one of the useful ways to improve the performance of this plant. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of NPK fertilizer and fulvic acid, and their interaction on vegetative, reproductive growth and yield of Basil's medicinal plant. Materials and Methods In this study, the effects of applications of fulvic acid and NPK fertilizer on yield and growth characteristics of basil were evaluated under field conditions. Treatments were three levels of NPK fertilizer (0, 3 and 6 per thousand) and three levels of fulvic acid (0, 5 and 10 kg. ha-1). The experiment was designed as factorial arrangement based on randomized complete block design with three replications at the research station of Faculty of Agriculture University of Birjand during growing season of 2017. The measured indices including vegetative characteristics (plant height, laterals number. plant-1, plant weight (g. m-2), leaf weight(g), leaves No. plant-1) and reproductive characteristics (grain yield, 1000-seed weight, seed number, biological yield and harvest index). Finally, the experimental data were statistically analyzed using SAS program ver. 9. 2 and means were separated Duncan multiple test at 5% probability level of probability. Results and Discussion The results showed that NPK fertilizer had a significant effect on vegetative characteristics (plant height, fresh and dry weight of plant (g. m-2), lateral number per plant and leaves No. plant-1), so that the highest plant height and biological yield (48. 4 cm and 2. 16 kg. m-2, respectively) were obtained with application of six per thousand of NPK fertilizer. The results showed that NPK fertilizer had significant effect on 1000-seed weight. The highest 1000-seed weight (1. 6 g) was obtained at six per thousand of NPK fertilizer, and the lowest of 1000-seed weight, (1. 4 g) was observed in the control. Fulvic acid affected vegetative characteristics (plant height and laterals number per plant), so that the highest plant height and laterals number. plant-1 (46. 0 cm and 15. 88 per plant) was obtained with the application of 10 kg. ha-1 fulvic acid treatment. Also, the results showed a significant effect of fulvic acid on reproductive characteristics (plant weight (g. m-2), 1000-seed weight (g)). The highest leaves No. plant-1 (129. 5) and 1000-seed weight (1. 5g) were obtained at 10 kg. ha-1 fulvic acid, and the lowest of plant weight, 1000-seed weight were observed in the control. The interactions showed that the highest biological yield (2. 29 kg. m-2) and plant dry weight (483. 83 g. m-2) were obtained from treatment at six per thousand of NPK fertilizer and 10 kg. ha-1 fulvic acid and the lowest amounts (1. 44 kg. m-2 and 259. 5 g. m-2) was obtained from control. Conclusion The results of this study showed that fulvic acid and NPK fertilizer had significant effect on yield and growth characteristics of basil. Thus, results showed that fulvic acid (10 kg. ha-1) and NPK fertilizer (six per thousand) had strong impact on yield and growth characteristics of basil under field conditions.

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Introduction To improve crops productivity under drought stress conditions, not only proper management of inputs in time, amount and form, but also the understanding of important physiological processes and defense mechanisms are required to avoid drought stress. Most plant species have the ability to form a symbiosis relationship with the Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. AMF could increase growth and yield of plants under water stress, and it is one of the most important biological fertilizers which can be used in mycorrhizal and Azospirillum fields. Research results have shown that mycorrhizal and Azospirillum fungi can moderate the adverse effects of drought stress in plants. One of the most important effects in terms of drought stress is changing the levels of some hormones in plant such as acetic acid and indole acetic acid. Other effects are direct absorption of water by fungal hyphae in soil and its transfer to the host plant, increasing leaf gas exchange, photosynthesis rate as well as enhance the activity of antioxidant enzymes in corn, excellent nitrate and phosphorus assimilation. In addition, extend the water absorption by increasing the leaf water hydration, leaf photosynthesis activity, osmotic regulation and changes in cell membrane flexibility. Hence, the current study was aimed to evaluate chemical fertilizers (nitrogen + phosphorus) and biological fertilizers (Azospirillum and mycorrhizal fungi) effects on water deficit stress on morpho-physiological traits and yield of evening primrose at different experimental stations (Tehran and Varamin regions). Material and Methods Two experiments were conducted at two experimental stations in Tehran and Varamin in 2014 and 2015. Experiments were conducted in a split factorial layout within a randomized complete block design with three replications. Three irrigation regime treatments (IR 50 % FC, IR 40 % FC and IR 30 % FC; 50, 40 and 30 percent of field capacity) were randomized to the main plots. Subplots were consisted of factorial combinations of three chemical fertilizers (CF 0, CF 50 % and CF 100 %: no-application, 50 and 100 percent of nitrogen + phosphorus needed by plant) as well as four biological fertilizers (“-M and – Az” and “ +M and +Az” : non-inoculated and inoculated with mycorrhizal and Azospirillum). Results and Discussion Water stress (moderate and severe) reduced plant height, shoot dry weight, leaf area index, seed yield, phosphorus content and relative water content. However, the highest water use efficiency was obtained at moderate water deficit stress. In addition, the highest root dry weight, root ratio shoot dry weight and catalase were obtained at severe water deficit stress. The application of chemical fertilizers and biological fertilizers in all cases mitigated the negative effects of water deficit stress on plant height, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, root ratio shoot dry weight, leaf area index, seed yield, phosphorus content, catalase, relative water content and water use efficiency traits. Water use efficiency of evening primrose increased with moderate water deficit, application of chemical (Nitrogen + Phosphorus) and biological (mycorrhizal fungi and Azospirillum) fertilizers. Conclusion The compelling results of this study revealed that the inoculation mycorrhizal and Azospirillum could improve evening primrose growth under water deficit stress. Results showed that the application of biological fertilizers can improve evening primrose growth under drought stress. Moreover, mycorrhiza symbioses can increase absorption of moisture and nutrients, reduced irrigation requirements, enhancement drought resistance, more access to food in new places, production of thinner roots, increase root length and nitrogen fixation, which lead to reduction of drought detrimental effects.

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HAMZEI J. | Sedighi Kamel j.

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Introduction One of the ways to move towards sustainable agriculture is to create diversity and using intercropping of crops, cultivars and / or different isolines in agriculture. In order to increase productivity in the agricultural system, resource management and inputs also play a key role. In addition, to preserve ecological balance and stability of the system, the main goals in the intercropping systems are maximum exploitation of environmental resources such as water, soil, food, the quantitative as well as qualitative increase of yield, and reduction of damage from pests, diseases, and weeds. In addition, improvement social conditions, such as greater economic stability and adequate nutrition for humans are pursued. Therefore, the present study aimed to exploit the agro-ecological benefits of additive intercropping of green bean in reduction of nitrogen consumption in potato cultivation and improving the land use efficiency and potato equivalent yield. Materials and Methods In order to evaluate the effects of additive intercropping of green bean on potato growth, tuber yield, nitrogen use efficiency, land use efficiency, and potato equivalent yield as well as green bean yield, an experiment was conducted at the Farm Research of Faculty Agriculture (latitude 35◦ 1'N, longitude 48◦ 31'E and 1690 m altitude), Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran, in the growing season of 2016. Experiment was laid out as a factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Four planting patterns including sole cropping of potato (M1), green bean intercrops between potato rows (M2), green bean intercrops within potato rows (M3) and green bean intercrops between and within potato rows (M4) were applied in combination with three levels of nitrogen fertilizer (N0, N80 and N160: 0, 80 and 160 kg N ha-1, respectively). Intercropping system was done using additive design. So that, the potato density was kept constant and in all cropping patterns, 50% sole green bean planting density was added to potato plots. Traits of plant height (PH), tuber yield (TY), number of tuber per plant (NTP), tuber dry matter (TDW), harvest index (HI), and potato equivalent yield (PEY) for potato, and green bean pod yield (GPY), number of pods per plant (NPP), and biological yield (BY) for green bean were evaluated. Land equivalent ratio (LER), relative value total (RVT) indices were also studied. Results and Discussion Results demonstrate that planting pattern and N had the strongest influence on tuber equivalent yield as well as tuber yield of winter wheat followed by interactions between these treatment factors. Accordingly, when normal and high N levels were applied, potato equivalent yield values were comparable to, or higher than, those obtained without consumption of N. The highest potato tuber yield (42. 50 t. ha-1) was revealed at the treatment of green bean intercrops between potato rows with consumption of 160 kg N ha-1. This treatment did not show significant difference with the treatment of green bean intercrops between potato rows with consumption of 80 kg N ha-1, which had a yield of 41. 51 t. ha-1. Also, the highest values for yield of green beans (515 g. m-2), the land equivalent ratio (1. 50), total relative value (1. 45) and the highest potato equivalent yield (54. 38 t. ha-1) were obtained at M2 × N80 (green bean cultivation between potato rows with consumption of 80 kg N ha-1) treatment. Legumes have the ability to nitrogen fixation and using of them in intercropped systems can be suitable for reduce nitrogen use as well as environmental problems. Therefore, in terms of growth, tuber yield, land use efficiency and nitrogen utilization efficiency, treatment of green bean intercrops between potato rows with consumption of 80 kg N ha-1 was the best treatment for potato production. Conclusion In general, the cultivation of green beans between potato rows due to ecological, morphological and nutritional differences has cooperation aspects in intercropping. This will increase the productivity of the land, the light and food in the unit area and the diversity in agricultural ecosystems.

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Introduction Economic problems as well as environmental concerns related to irregular and excessive application of agricultural chemicals have shifted the attentions toward application of biological fertilizers in many agro-ecosystems. In order to reduce environmental pollution and ecological damage caused by usage of chemical fertilizers, there is a need to use resources and inputs, which not only meet crop nutrient requirements, but also guarantee the long-term sustainability of agricultural systems. Beans are used as human food sources and to improve soil fertility through bio-stabilization of nitrogen. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of biofertilizer including (free-living nitrogen-fixating bacteria, and potassium and phosphorus solubilizing bacteria) on growth Indicators of two mung bean landrace. Materials and Methods In order to investigate the effect of free-living nitrogen fixating, phosphorus and potassium solubilizing bacteria on growth indices of mung bean (Vigna radiata L. ), a field experiment was carried out based on a randomized complete block design as factorial arrangement. Two mung bean landrace (Dezfouli and Indian) were planted under six fertilization systems at the Agricultural Research Station of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran in 2017. Six fertilization treatments include: 1-free-living nitrogen fixating 2-phosphorus solubilizing bacteria 3-potassium solubilizing bacteria 4-free-living nitrogen fixating +phosphorus solubilizing bacteria + potassium solubilizing bacteria 5-nitrogen fertilizer 6-Control (without biological and chemical fertilizers) were applied. Before planting, a soil depth of 0-30 cm was obtained from soil samples and the soil physico-chemical properties were measured. Sampling was started 20 days after planting by taking 6 destructive samples. Plant were sampled two weekly intervals to determine the growth parameters of mung bean including leaf area index (LAI), dry matter accumulation (DM), crop growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR), and net assimilation rate (NAR). Results and Discussion The results showed that the highest leaf area index (3. 80) and dry matter accumulation (835 g. m-2) were observed in Indian mung bean, also the highest Crop growth rate (25 g. m-2. day-1), net assimilation rate (18. 95 g CO2. m-2. day-1) and relative growth rate (0. 056 g. g-1. day-1) were obtained in Dezfuli Landrace. The lowest growth indices in control treatment were obtained in both Dezfuli and Indian Landrace. Also, the highest yield (1558 kg. ha-1) at application time of bifertilizers was obtained for Indian mung bean under (free-living nitrogen fixating + phosphorus solubilizing bacteria + potassium solubilizing bacteria) treatment. The use of bio-fertilizers through synergistic effects by creating a suitable substrate and favorable for nutrients improves the growth and increase of yield. Also, increasing leaf area can increase the plant's photosynthetic potential and increase dry matter, at finally to increased plant yield. Mung bean plant despite its ability to stabilize nitrogen due to its poor root yield is low. Inoculation with free-living nitrogen fixating, phosphorus solubilizing and potassium solubilizing bacteria, due to increased access to nutrients, which is an effective factor in stimulating the growth and photosynthesis of plants. It improves the growth conditions, develops vegetative growth, extends and prolongs the leaf area, produces photosynthetic materials and as a result increases yield. The application of the mentioned bio fertilizers has increased the number of elements and the development of photosynthetic surfaces and the plant produced the produced material to the reproductive organs and finally growth indices have increased compared to the control treatment. Conclusion It was revealed that symbiosis of various biofertilizers not only improve mung bean Growth Indicators but also can reduce negative aspects of chemical fertilizer application in crop production systems. Giving attention to more frequent application of biological fertilizers could be considered as an important agro-ecological approach, which results in healthier soil and water resources.

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Introduction Phosphorus deficiency due to the chemical function of calcareous compounds is considered as one of the most important problems in the sustainable nutrition of black seed (Nigella sativa L. ), especially in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran. Furthermore, low soil organic matter content in these areas can adversely affect phosphorus availability and thus challenge the sustainable production of black seed. Accordingly, biochemical modification of calcareous soils based on ecological approaches including biological sulfur oxidation or increased phosphorus solubility by organic fertilizers, such as vermicompost, may alleviate these problems. Materials and Methods In order to some approaches for increasing the soil soluble phosphorus and its effects on quantitative and qualitative yields of black seed in a calcareous soil, a field experiment was conducted at Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, in the growing years of 2010-2011. A complete randomized block design based on the factorial arrangement with three replications and 12 treatments were used. The resources of soil amendment (1-Control, 2-Vermicompost + Thiobacillus, 3-Sulfur + Thiobacillus and 4-Vermicompost + sulfur + Thiobacillus) and three levels of phosphorus (0, 30 and 60 kg. ha-1) were the first and second experimental factors, respectively. In order to evaluate the experimental treatments, plots were designed with 3 m long and 2 m width, 0. 5 m apart from each other. To eliminate all influence of lateral effects, 1 m alley was kept between blocks. Vermicompost (pH: 7. 59, organic carbon: 34. 76%, total nitrogen: 2. 31%, and total phosphorus: 1. 78%), sulfur (along with Thiobacillus) and diammonium phosphate were incorporated into the soil before seed sowing. The analysis of variance and the least significant difference test (LSD: 0. 05) were performed using SAS 9. 3 software (SAS, 2011). Results and Discussion According to the results, the interaction effect of soil amendment × phosphorus rate on plant height, leaf area index and plant dry weight of black seed was significant. Biological and grain yields of black seed notably affected by the interaction between soil amendment × phosphorus rate. Based on our results, plant height significantly increased with increasing levels of phosphorus fertilizer. In addition, phosphorus solubility due to sulfur + Thiobacillus application considerably improved this index compared to control. From the results, grain and biological yields of black seed by applying the sulfur + Thiobacillus treatment were considerably higher than phosphorus 30 or 60 kg. ha-1 treatments. The highest biological and grain yields of black seed were observed in vermicompost + Thiobacillus or vermicompost + sulfur + Thiobacillus treatments. With applying the mentioned treatments, grain yield of black seed were significantly increased (by 63. 3 and 84. 4%, respectively) compared to control treatment. In general, optimal growth and yield of crops are dependent on balanced nutrient uptake. Given the positive correlation between sulfur and nitrogen, as well as between phosphorus and nitrogen, the specific role of biological sulfur oxidation combined with vermicompost can be due to increased phosphorus solubility in the soil and ultimately facilitated uptake nitrogen. Conclusion In alkali soils, biological sulfur oxidation individually or in combination with vermicompost treatment can be a suitable approach to increase the soil soluble phosphorus and quantitative and qualitative yields of black seed. The results also suggested that the application of phosphorus fertilizers in soils dominated by calcareous compounds might have limited efficacy. As a result, the biochemical reactivity of Nigella plant to phosphorus uptake is improved only in conditions where the rhizosphere can be balanced in terms of soil pH and phosphorus solubility. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge the financial support of the project by Vice President for Research and Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

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Introduction Biodiversity as a key factor of sustainability of natural ecosystems have been largely used in studies on natural vegetations (e. g. rangelands) at different spatial scales. Baharkish pasture with area of 1035 hectare is situated in 60 km distance southern of the city Quchan in Khorasan Razavi province. The lowest and the highest altitudes of the pasture are 1740 and 2440 meters a. s. l., respectively. Long-term (25-year) mean annual precipitation and temperature of the region is 337 mm and 9. 4° C with 998. 2 mm evaporation. In this study, about 200 hectares of Baharkish pasture with moderate grazing pressure was chosen by the clipping and weighing method to study the effects of environmental factors of plant species richness and diversity. Materials and Methods In order to evaluate the effect of ecological factors on the biodiversity of plant species in Quchan Baharkish pasture, at first all topographic maps (1: 25, 000), geological maps (1: 100, 000), aerial photos (1: 20000) and satellite images of Quchan Baharkish were collected. Then, maps of altitude classes, slope, aspect and geological formations were prepared and merged by overlapping in ArcGIS 10. 2. The generated maps were coded and 13 homogenous working units and their maps were prepared for further studies, field visits and pasture vegetation measurements. Finally, four homogeneous vegetation types were determined for sampling based on the structure, distribution, and presence of dominant species. Hence, in each vegetation type 35 plots (2m2 each) were systematic-randomly selected and used for composite soil sampling (0-30 cm depth) and estimation of vegetation indices. The species number and percentage of canopy cover were estimated in each plot and the plot locations were recorded with GPS devices in U. T. M system. Plant species diversity per plot was estimated using Shannon-Wiener and Simpson diversity indices, richness index of Margalef and evenness index of Smith-Wilson in Ecological Methodology software. One-way ANOVA was used to examine the components of biodiversity and Tukey test was performed for multiple mean comparisons. Principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted to classify vegetation types and to determine the contribution of ecological factors on biodiversity of the studies pasture. Results and Discussion The results indicated that altitude had significant effect on species diversity, richness and evenness and the highest values of Simpson and Shannon indices were obtained at 1900-2200 m a. s. l. Indirect effect of soil formation and direct influence of temperature were led to variation in distribution of plant species and rangeland community structure. Amount and type of precipitation and consequently vegetation type was changed with altitude. Species richness and diversity was significantly affected by slope, and lower slopes (<15%) showed the highest values of richness and diversity index. However, evenness was higher in 15-45% slopes. Overall, northern slopes had significantly higher species diversity, suggesting that plant available water is drastically influenced by slope through infiltration rate and land index. Results of PCA indicated that the first PC containing soil organic carbon, sand content and slope had the highest effect on species diversity. Conclusion In general, it can be concluded that plant biodiversity in natural ecosystems was affected by topographic and edaphic factors particularly in high altitudes. The results of PCA showed that the PC1 including percentage of soil organic carbon, organic matter and clay and PC2 including electrical conductivity and elevation, percentage of soil moisture, silt, sand and slope had the greatest impact on species diversity. In addition, getting insight in to the relationship between diversity and ecological, topographic and edaphic factors can be proposed as an ecological approach for sustainable rangeland management.

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Introduction Expanding the global population and their requirement for water, food, and energy is a challenge that is compounded by increased pressure on natural resources. The decision on how and to what extent humans need to consume resources, requires precise and sophisticated scientific research and analysis. In this study, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology has been used. According to this method, it is possible to measure any performance of any given farm on the basis of the number of inputs that the farmer will provide to the plant and the outputs of it. To evaluate the effects of a production process, a goal and scope of the study should be explained, then it can be used to assess a life cycle inventory and to carry out an impact assessment. The goal of this study was to compare the environmental effects of irrigated and rainfed barley in Khorramabad. Materials and Methods The LCA includes the definition of the goal and scope, the analysis of the inventory, the impact assessment, and the interpretation of the results. The data was collected from farmers through questionnaires. The selection of impact assessments should reflect the comprehensive set of environmental issues associated with the product system under study, taking into account the goal and scope. The designed functional unit for the present study is to produce one ton of grain yield. SimaPro and ecoinvent-3 are used for LCA. For investigating uncertainty and measuring random data, the Monte Carlo statistical method is used to prevent the exponential growth of data. To access the Monte Carlo method, the square or second power of geometric standard deviation must be estimated and it is indicated by the GSD2 method. Results and Discussion The great difference between irrigated and rainfed barley was due to inputs of electricity and irrigation. More energy consumption in irrigated crops resulted in higher yield at this condition. The amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions in producing one ton of irrigated and rainfed barley was equivalent to 1112. 069 and 699. 96 units per kg CO2 production, respectively. The potential for greenhouse gas emissions has been reported by researchers in irrigated and rainfed barley equivalent was to 898. 24 and 604. 66 units per kg CO2 production, respectively. Nitrate and phosphate are essential for plant life, but increasing their concentration in the water body causes excessive growth of algae in freshwater. Further, this will reduce the amount of oxygen in the water and ultimately lead to the deterioration of the ecosystem. The potential of eutrophication in the current study in Khorramabad for one ton of irrigated and rainfed barley was equivalent to 2. 66 and 2. 71 units per kg po4 production, respectively. The highest emission associated with eutrophication has been reported in wheat farms using agricultural machinery. Increasing mechanization and the use of fossil fuels contribute to increasing GHGs emissions. This problem will not affect impact assessment and in addition to increasing the potential of global warming. Therefore, any operation affects all environmental impacts and should be considered as a management solution to reduce them. The ozone destruction potential is represented by the reference of CFC-11 unit per kg production. A large number of emission factors associated with this environmental impact from the use of pesticides and herbicides during the agricultural process. CFCs are the most important substances that have the property of destroying the ozone layer (Guinee, 2002). In the present research, the difference in the potential for destruction of the ozone layer is evident in the production of irrigated barley and rainfall barley. Conclusion The environmental impact assessment for the production of one ton of barley has been calculated, but production is important. In the present study, considering that environmental production and release of pollutants in rainfall barley is far less compared to rainfed. Therefore, according to the research findings, corrective management for the production of barley should be applied to both irrigated and rainfed barley. Managing the use of pesticides and fertilizers is important. Properly integrated management such as rotation can be successful in reducing the application of pesticides and fertilizer.

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Introduction Providing food for the rising world population is one of the first human needs. In recent years, there has been increased interest in agricultural production systems in order to achieve high productivity and promote sustainability over time. Intercropping is one of the methods that simultaneously can increase the agricultural system productivity and also reduce their side effects on the environment. Intercropping can provide numerous benefits to cropping systems through increasing the total yield and land-use efficiency by enhancing the use of light, water, and nutrient, as well as improving soil conservation and declining the economic damage of agricultural pests, diseases, and weeds. Several factors can influence the growth and yield of the species used in the intercropping, including the kind of selected crops, sowing ratio, and competition between the mixture components. Therefore, the present study, to compare the different intercropping patterns of sesame and flax and their effects on the yield and the weed density. Materials and Methods In order to determine the best width of strip in row intercropping of sesame (Sesamum indicum L. ) and flax (Linum usitatissimum L. ) a two-year field study based on a randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted during the growing seasons of 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 in the Agriculture Research Station of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Treatments were four patterns of sesame-flax row intercropping including one row of sesame + one row of flax (1: 1), two rows of sesame + two rows of flax (2: 2), three rows of sesame + three rows of flax (3: 3), four rows of sesame + four rows of flax (4: 4) and monoculture of sesame and monoculture of flax. The crops were sown simultaneously on 1 and 5 May in 2009 and 2010, respectively. The crops were irrigated after sowing and thinned out in the 4-6 leaf stage. In the first month after sowing, all plots were weeded by hand and after that, we did not use any method for controlling of weeds and the density and dry weight of weeds were evaluated in four sampling dates. At the end of the experiment, the yield and yield components of both crops were measured and the land equivalent ratio (LER) was calculated based on the yield of each crop in monoculture and in intercropping patterns. Results and Discussion The results showed a significant difference among different intercropping patterns based on the density and dry weight of weeds. The highest and lowest dry weight of weeds were observed in flax monoculture (832. 1 g. m-2) and 2: 2 pattern (41. 66 g. m-2), respectively. On the other hand, improving diversity by using intercropping had a negative effect on the density and dry weight of weeds. The maximum amount of biological yield of sesame was recorded in monoculture (9508. 7 kg. ha-1) and for flax was recorded in monoculture and the pattern of 2: 2 (3987. 3 and 3521. 7 kg. ha-1, respectively). Besides, the highest seed yield of the two crops was gained in monoculture (4876. 3 and 2122. 12 kg. ha-1 for sesame and flax, respectively). The land equivalent ratio (LER) for different patterns ranged from 0. 68-1. 34 and the maximum LER belonged to the pattern of 2: 2. In general, the best result was obtained in the pattern of two rows of sesame+ two rows of flax (2: 2). Conclusion Overall, our results indicated that in intercropping, planting pattern with two or three rows of flax among the sesame rows had the best planting composition to achieve the highest yields for the two crops. In addition, the land equivalent ratio in these patterns was calculated more than one. One of the other effects of intercropping in our study was reducing the density and biomass of weeds. As a result, choosing the right pattern in the intercropping not only can be effective on the crop yield, but also by reducing the density of weeds can decrease the environmental impact of agricultural production systems by diminishing the use of chemical herbicides.

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Introduction Intercropping is one of the most common practices used in sustainable agricultural systems which have an important role in increasing the productivity and stability of yield in order to improve resource utilization and environmental factors. Intercropping is an option for reducing weed problems through non-chemical methods. Dragon’ s head (Lallemantia iberica Fish. et Mey. ) is an annual herb from the Lamiaceae family. This plant mainly cultivated for its grains that contain about 30% (even 35-38%) siccative oil with iodine value between 163 and 203, which is used in foods, but especially in dye and varnish industry. Despite the positive effects of intercropping on weed control and the increment in crop yield and the very important role of dragon’ s head in sustainable agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran, information on the effects of these factors on this medicinal plant is scarce. Therefore, in this research, the effect of cumin-dragon’ s head additive intercropping in the improvement of the dragon’ s head yield and weed control was investigated. Materials and Methods To evaluate the effect of cumin and dragon’ s head additive intercropping on weed control and yield of dragon’ s head, a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications was carried out at the Research Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Iran in 2014. Treatments were two levels of weed control (complete control and no weed control) and sole cropping of two crops as well as three additive intercropping ratios including of 100% cumin + 20% dragon’ s head, 100% cumin + 40% dragon’ s head, 100% cumin + 60% dragon’ s head. At the maturity time, plants of 1 m2 in the middle part of each plot were harvested and biological yield, grain yield per unit area as well as harvest index of dragon’ s head were determined. Land equivalent ratio (LER) and relative value total (RVT) were used to quantify the efficiency of the intercropping treatments. Data were analyzed by MSTAT-C requires and SPSS 16 softwares and the means were compared using Duncan multiple range tests at p ≤ 0. 05. Excel software was used to draw figures. Results and Discussion The effect of planting pattern was significant on the dry weight of weeds. Intercropping of 100% cumin + 20% dragon’ s head had the lowest weed biomass. The highest biological and grain yields of dragon’ s head under weedy and weed-free conditions were obtained from the monoculture of the dragon’ s head. However, among different intercropping treatments, the highest biological and grain yields of dragon’ s head were related to 100% cumin + 60% dragon’ s head in both conditions of weed treatment. The maximum harvest index was also recorded for monoculture of dragon’ s head under weed-free conditions. The land equivalent ratio was more than 1 in intercropping patterns (LER>1) that shows the positive effect of intercropping on yield. Although weed biomass in 100% cumin + 60% dragon’ s was higher than that other planting patterns, the maximum LER (1. 42) based on seed yield were observed in this planting system under weedy condition. In weed-free conditions, increasing of dragon’ s head density reduced LER, while in the weedy conditions, the increment in dragon’ s head density was associated with improved LER, indicating the higher efficiency of intercropping of these two plants under no weed control conditions. Conclusion The results of this research showed that the combination of 100% cumin + 60% dragon’ s head, especially under weedy condition, was the superior treatment, because of the highest land equivalent ratio (1. 42). In general, intercropping of cumin and dragon’ s head, especially 100% cumin + 60% dragon’ s head, is recommended for the creation of variety and production stability and increasing land-use efficiency under weedy condition.

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Introduction Increase agricultural production to match the increasing demand for food sources is inevitable. It causes too much pressure on the agricultural resource base and threatens the sustainability of these systems. Intercropping is an important method of high production in agriculture. This technic can affect soil environmental condition. Sustainable Agriculture defines the proper management of agricultural resources which in addition to changing human needs, maintaining environmental quality and capacity of soil and water resources. The aim of this study was to investigate the competition between two types of millet and peanuts and determine the best planting ratio of mixed cropping. Materials and Methods In order to investigate the effect of density, weeding and different ratios of millet (Panucum miliaceum L. var Common) and peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L. var Goli), an experiment as factorial has been conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications at the Agricultural Research Farm of Zabol University during 2012. The experimental treatment consisted of 4 planting ratio at (sole millet, 50% millet + 50% peanut, 100% millet + 100% peanut and sole peanut), 3 weeding levels (non-weeding, once weeding and twice weeding) and 2 levels of intervals between rows (40 and 50 centimeters). Traits evaluated by environmental resources including (Photosynthetically Active Radiation and temperature and humidity of soil), soil nutrient elements (Ca, Mg, Na, and C), and land equivalent ratio (LER) for evaluation of intercropping compared to the monoculture. Results and Discussion The results showed that all studied traits were affected by the planting system. There was a significant interaction between planting system, weeding and density in light absorption, temperature and humidity. The results showed that the absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation in the intercropping (75. 5%) was higher than the monoculture of both plants. Weed control increased the adsorption of Photosynthetically Active Radiation by 70. 75%, and in the twice weeding treatments and low density, the highest amount of adsorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation was obtained. The highest volumetric soil moisture was obtained in sole peanut (31. 1%) and the highest soil temperature was obtained in sole millet (29. 66 ° C), respectively. Comparison of volumetric soil moisture and temperature in weed and density treatments indicated an increase in moisture content and a decrease in temperature by increasing weeding and density. The reduction of soil temperature in intercropping systems compared to sole millet can be attributed to the greater absorption of light by the intercropping canopy and the increase of shadow by plant canopy. Since the soil temperature under the canopy of intercropping systems was less than the soil temperature in sole millet, so the moisture content in the intercropping systems was higher than sole millet. The results of the changes in soil nutrient elements showed that the number of bivalent elements (calcium and magnesium contents) in additive intercropping series and monoculture of millet (0. 033 and 1. 907 ppm) was higher than the replacement intercropping and monoculture of peanut. The study of weeding showed that with increasing weeding, the amount of calcium and magnesium of the soil increased after weed harvesting. The cation exchange capacity of the root of the legumes is about twice as much as the root of the cereals. A plant with a higher cation exchange capacity can absorb more bivalent elements. For this reason, the power of peanut competition in absorbing bivalent elements of calcium and magnesium was higher than that of millet. The additive intercropping had the highest land equivalent ratio (1. 65). The effect of weed control and density on the land equivalent ratio was significant, and twice weeding treatment with higher density had the maximum land equivalent ratio. Conclusions In total, intercropping systems with increasing weeding and density increased the number of soil elements after weeding and increased soil fertility, and treatment of 100% millet + 100% peanuts due to better utilization of resources and increased soil fertility and increase yield compared to monocultures, it was the best treatment in this study.

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Introduction Growing demand for food in the coming decades will require a significant increase in crop production. Indeed, the variability of weather, soil and topography result in different agro-ecological conditions which may be suitable or unsuitable for some crops. To determine land suitability in an ecosystem, agro-ecological zonation is one of the effective tools for recognizing the capabilities of land and allocating them to the best and most profitable types of crop utilization. Currently, it is one of the most commonly used methods for determining the agro-ecological characteristics of large geographical areas for the production of crops. This research was performed to perform the agro-ecological zoning Shavoor area for the production of wheat. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of agroecological zoning and evaluate the land suitability in a part of Shavoor lands of Khouzestan, with using the parametric method (square root). Also, wheat potential production and potential land production were calculated. Material and Methods Study area: The present study conducted in Shavoor area, Khouzestan Province, Iran, is located in 31° 47' 39" to 31° 53' 19" N latitude and 48° 27' 32" to 48° 22' 12" E longitude. The study area is 5000 ha. The length of the "growing season" or "growing period" (LGS or LGP), as defined by the Agro-Ecological Zones project, is the period (in days) during a year when precipitation exceeds half the potential evapotranspiration. A period required to evapotranspiration an assumed 100mm of water from excess precipitation stored in the soil profile is sometimes added. No provision made for stored soil moisture. To obtain a length of the growth period, the rain, and potential evapotranspiration during the growth period estimated from the data weather of Safiabad station. For soil mapping, it was used for precise semi-detail studies irrigation and drain networks of Shavoor plain. Finally, the soil map prepared. Landsat 8 and IRS satellite images in 2016 were used to provide a land-use map. The agro-ecological zoning map of the study area was obtained by the combination of agro-climatic and agro-edaphic data and apply the function in the GIS environment. To evaluate the Land suitability in Agro-ecological zoning, conformity of the land characteristics in each defined zone with wheat growing requirements performance, and the final class of land was measured. To estimate the Potential yield in the region, the FAO model, was used. Results and Discussion After overlapping desired maps in the GIS, the study area defined and separated into 8 Agro-ecological zones. Land suitability evaluation results: Based on square root and Storie methods 42% and 58% of the land were located in the classes including moderately suitable land (S2) and marginally suitable (S3). The potential yield of wheat was obtained 6823 kg ha-1 by using the FAO method. The land production potential in each of the zones was also estimated. Because of the effects of the aforementioned limitation factors, the land potential production for wheat decreased in lands the Khalaf Aziz (A), Bam Dej (B), Elhaee (C), Ali Chaab (D), Karkheh (E), Abdul Khan (F), Sayed Abbass (G) and Bait Hatam (H) by 28, 60, 60, 60, 55, 52, 40 and 51%, respectively. By improving these constraints, such as proper management practices such as increasing organic matter to the soil and land leaching, it is possible to increase the production of wheat in these ecosystems. Conclusion This evaluation conducted to agroecological zoning of the Shavoor plain for agro-ecosystem planning. Land suitability and land production potential estimated in each zone for wheat-based on parametric (square root) and Storie method. The results showed that climatic properties did not create significant limitations for wheat cultivation in an ecosystem. Limitations related to soil properties results showed that the A and F zones of the study area were the moderately suitable class (S2). Also, the deficit of organic matter, salinity, and alkalinity in the other parts are the major limiting factors.

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