From the point of view of mere scholars, syntax, syntax and interpretation is the noun, which means similar to the original source, with the power of signification and emphasis, and in addition to hadith, it often indicates the ultimate. Analytical-descriptive study of contemporary translations of the Holy Quran, from Mimi sources of Surah Al-Baqarah, in three literal ways by Abolhassan Sha'rani, a detailed account of Mehdi Elahi Ghomshei, Abdul Mohammad Ayati and Mohammad Reza Safavi, and loyal to Nasser Makarem Shirazi, Mehdi Fooladvand, Mostafa Khorramdel, Abolfazl Bahrampour, shows that in all these translations the original meaning of the infinitive of Mimi is neglected, and the faithful or faithful translation to some extent refers to the original meaning of the infinitive of Mimi, which is the end of the matter.