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The irregular exploitation of groundwater aquifers in Shahriyar Plain has caused the drop of ground-water level in the region. Artificial nourishment of aquifers can increase the size of ground-water storage, reduce its level drop, and also prevent the advance of brine and drying of the aqueducts. In this study, we tried to integrate GIS and Boolean logic in order to identify the best areas for artificial recharge in Shahriar Plain. So, the seven factors (slope, permeability, thickness of alluvium, portability, both drop zones, land use and electrical conductivity) of water samples were specified in GIS and then respective maps were prepared. Then, using the acquired weight of each layer, maps for each weighted factors of locating were integrated. Using Boolean logic, final maps were prepared in two classes: suitable and unsuitable. Finally, the best place for the implementation of artificial recharge of aquifers in the region was identified. Results indicated that the suitable regions mostly lie in areas with slopes less than 3 % and that they are mostly near Chitgar river.

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Importance of climate change is global. This issue to some extent has been out of human control. Human beings can only provide security and the community with knowledge and management against its negative consequences. On the basis of this research, the present paper analyzes the impact of climate change on Iran, on a small scale and applied to the central catchment area. The findings of the research indicate that climate change has shown the geographic region of Iran in terms of changing the rainfall pattern, decreasing precipitation and increasing its temperature. In the next step, these cases resulted in excessive withdrawal of groundwater aquifers and it has reduced the quality of underground water. This chain has led to the design of inter-basin water transmission projects, which is at least the result of the cycle of social tensions that has occurred in recent years. Considering the geographical extent of the basin and its belonging to one of the most frequent aspects of Iran's civilization, the set of consequences of climate change in the central catchment area, in addition to its impact on various social, political, economic and environmental layers, also has several scale effects. And its destructive effects go beyond national scale and to an extent beyond the scope of Iranian culture. In this regard, the research findings indicate that climate change in the central watershed is influential in many aspects of society and the country, so that if the current process continues, the current Iranian civilization will face a strategic challenge. To this end, at the end of the research, good water governance, as the best way to confront and control the negative consequences of climate change on the central catchment area, and Iran in general, has been argued.

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The heat wave is a long period of warm climate, compared to the expected conditions in a region over a certain period of the year. Heat waves cause mortality, disease and various problems in different fields of transportation, agriculture, production and energy. It is very important to study the changes in spatial and temporal patterns of these waves to understand the causes of the incident and confront them. In the present study, using the "Heat Wave Magnitude Index daily" (HWMId), which takes into account both the intensity and the wavelength of heat, the heat waves of Iran between 1985 and 2015 have been analyzed in terms of spatial and temporal distribution. For this purpose, using the maximum daily temperature data of 44 synoptic stations of the country and on the basis of the threshold of the 90th percentile, the heat waves greater than or equal to three days were identified at each station. After applying the HWMId on the days of each heat wave, the magnitude of each wave was calculated. Then, the average number and magnitude of all waves, as well as the most severe ones, were calculated in annual and seasonal scales and the corresponding maps and charts were drawn up. The results of the study showed that the highest number of heat waves occurs in the western part of the Zagros Mountains and then the Kavir Plain; while the maximum magnitude of heat waves belong to the south-east and central parts of the country. Autumn and then winter season have a high share of the most severe heat waves during the study period; while the spring and summer heat waves are relatively weaker, and are more limited in terms of expansion. The most severe heat waves during the study period have occurred in the winters of 2008 and 2010. The number and magnitude of heat waves in the country is increasing significantly. The largest increase in the number belongs to the summer and the magnitude belongs to the winter.

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Iran's vast country has different geographic conditions. As of the thirteen known climates in the world, it has eleven types. This has made many environmental, natural, recreational and economic benefits. The purpose of this study was to investigate, identify and introduce the geotouristic capabilities of Ghezelowzan Basin based on the Fassoulas method. The catchment area of the Ghezelowzan is a landform of various quaternary processes that are changing. Identification of geosite plays an important role in explaining quaternary developments. The research methodology is based on description and analysis, which is described as a field study of the library to describe and describe the region. The selected geosites were then positioned on topographic maps of 1/50000 and using geological maps of 1/100000 of the region, the lithology of different landforms such as hoodoos, Behestan dom, salt domes Chehrabad, Pari lakes, copper mine Baiche Bagh, dikes Sedimentary, cuesta-like forms, kalut-like shapes, Kcadovan-like shaped forms, glacier circuses, and tectonic valleys-fridges. After identifying landforms, one of the most common and comprehensive geotouristic models called Fassoulas was used. The criteria defined in this model were defined in six main categories: scientific, ecological, conservation, cultural, aesthetic, economic and potential use. By assessing landforms in this model, it was determined that the chimneys of the Jen, Behestan, dome, Darband Ghaterchi valley and salt Dome of Chehar Abad were selected as the most suitable geocites for obtaining the maximum scientific and ecological score, while the Belogice glacier landform was also the lowest.

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Rainfall prediction plays an important role in flood management and flood alert. With rainfall information, it is possible to predict the occurrence of floods in a given area and take the necessary measures. Due to the fact that the three months of January, February and March are most floods and most precipitation is occurring this quarter, this study aimed to investigate the factors affecting precipitation and modeling of this quarter. For precipitation modeling, the monthly rainfall data of the Hamadid and Baranzadeh station in the statistical period (1984-2014) for 30 years as a dependent variable and climatic indexes, large-scale climatic signals including sea surface temperatures and 1000 millimeter temperatures Altitude of 500 milligrams, 200 milligrams of omega and climatic elements have been used as independent variables. Due to the nonlinear behavior of rainfall, artificial neural networks were used for modeling. Factor analysis was used to determine the best architecture for entering the neural network. For prediction of precipitation, the data that showed the most relationship with precipitation was used in four patterns, in January the fourth pattern with entropy error was 045/0, the number of input layers was 91, the best makeup was 15-1, and the correlation coefficient was 94% Was. In February, the third pattern with a correlation coefficient of 97%, entropy error, was 0. 36. Percentage, number of input units was 8 units, and the best type of latency layout was 10-1. The precipitation of March with all patterns was high predictive coefficient. The first pattern with entropy error was 0. 038, the number of input units was 67, the hidden layer arrangement was 17-1, the correlation coefficient was 98%.

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In this research, while studying climate conditions in the current period and analyzing changes in temperature, precipitation level, and the sunlight received, current conditions were also analyzed based on daily data from synoptic stations in the region, which had meteorological data recorded for at least 30 years. Given the environmental conditions necessary for the growth of rice, the availability of its phenological data, its high-low temperature thresholds, the Degree Day systems needed for the completion of its life cycle, and the phenological processes related to its economic production, a suitable agricultural calendar was specified. During the March-July period, this calendar showed variations in different provinces. Based on the current temperature conditions and the probable continued warming trend of the planet in the decades to come, nwoDscale was applied to the output from the atmospheric general circulation model MCdaH3 under scenario using LARS-WG5 model. In this study, years between 1969 and 1990 were used as the base period, while years between 2046 and 2065 were studied as the future period. Temperature and precipitation conditions for the future period were simulated. Obtained output was then studied and compared with temperature conditions that were suitable for the plant to grow in the region. With some differences, results showed that the agricultural calendar for rice in Gilan and Mazandaran provinces will shift to winter. Given the different temperature conditions of Golestan province, its agricultural calendar will shift to spring.

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Channel retreat are an important process in the river's morphodynamics, which affects channel variation, flood plain development and habitat development. Structures and farmland the border of the Lavij River Faces the risks of river bed change every year. Therefore, there is a need for a reliable method to determine the river bank retreat and predict the river bank Stability. In this study, with the aim of investigation of the risk of erosion and identification of areas susceptible to erosion in the Lavij River, Using BEHI and NBS models, the risk of side erosion was determined in 7 sections of this river. The results of the NBS model using the tnb / tbkf index showed that the rate of erosion of the Lavij river bank in all studied cross sections, except for cross sections 2 and 6, erosion rate is high and very hight. According to the indicator (dnb / dbkf), the bank erosion rate of the Lavij River, except for sections 4 and 5, is approximately consistent with the erosion trend obtained from the first index (tnb / tbkf). According the BEHI model, cross sections 5, 4, 3, 1 and 6 show a high incidence of instability and have a great potential for bank erosion and sediment production. Also, cross section 2 shows the medium instability status. Cross Section 7 and 2 show a high degree of instability, which has a high potential for bank erosion and sediment production. Finally, Kruskal-Wallis statistical test was fitted to evaluate the results matching and the results showed that all three indicators were almost identical to each other in the assessment of bank erosion.

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Natural disasters are a set of harmful events that are natural origin that sometimes human factors are also effective in exacerbating. In the same vein strengthening the social and economic component and after that resiliency can play an important and effective role in reducing flood damage. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive – analytical and field nature. Survey method and data gathering tool were closed questionnaires, the analysis method is based on correlation and regression test. The statistical population includes citizens living around the river and flood areas that 383 people selected as sample and the questionnaire was distributed by cluster sampling among respondents, according to research finding, the average social resilience 1/60, average economic aberration ( the amount of damage ) 4/53, average capacity with ability to compensate 8/69, eventually average return to appropriate condition 4/67. in the test section, hypotheses are determined according to the result of the regression test and correlation which has a significant relationship between urban and urban spatial and social dimensions. Strengthen local organs and organizations in a decentralized state, one of the important ways to increase the social participation of citizens of Gorgan during the crisis. by providing people's participation and strengthening the people's economic ability when natural hazards occur including flood, the initiative of the people is strengthened and the scope for reducing the damage caused by the flood is reduced. people are faced with real and tangible issues with the executive and so on their gap crisis management and conflicts of interest will diminish.

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Using Landsat satellite images taken in 2015/08/10 and also SEBAL and metric methods, surface albedo amounts for various land uses in the northern half of the Ardabil province was estimated. ENVI4. 8 and ArcGIS10. 3 softwares were also used. To determine the type of usage of different levels, the maximum likelihood algorithm classification method was used with Kappa coefficient of 86. 14% and overall accuracy of 92. 63%. The results indicated that the water levels with the mean value of 0. 93 and 0. 414, respectively, had the least amount of albedo in SEBAL and METRIC methods. Also, based on the results obtained from SEBAL and METRIC methods the city albedo is about 0. 313 and 0. 278 respectively. These values are the highest levels of albedo among Land use levels. In this study, the amount of albedo in rangelands was determined to be between 0. 183 to 0. 266 in the SEBAL method and between 0. 237 and 0. 265 in METRIC method. The amount of albedo was also examined in agricultural (0. 240 based on SEBAL method and 0. 247 based on METRIC method) and forest lands (0. 149 based on SEBAL method and 0. 225 based on METRIC method). Finally, according to the results of Albedo values based on SEBAL and METRIC methods, it was concluded that due to the difference in net energy received at different levels, it is possible to estimate the level of albedo levels, which is very effective in estimating evapotranspiration by remote sensing methods.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting housing prices in the Laleh Park district of Tehran. In this study, the data of all real estate traded in the first six months of the year 2016 was used in the study area. Information about the physical properties of the residential units trained is collected from the Real Estate Market Information System of Iran and is used to obtain information on the accessibility features of residential units traded using ARC GIS software. Multivariate regression analysis has also been used to investigate the factors affecting housing prices. The results of this study showed that the physical factors of housing are more effective than the access factors in the housing prices in this district. Among the selected features, the variables of residential area, parking, and skeletal type had the most positive effect on the price of housing in the area under study. On the other hand, some of the features, such as the distance from the residential unit to the nearest main street, the residential unit to the nearest educational user, the residential unit distance to the nearest health care provider, and the residential unit's age, had a negative effect on the housing price in the Laleh Park district.

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Any imbalance in intra-city systems (urban spatial and urban areas) and external systems of the city (near and far-reaching districts of the city and region) causes its uncertainty and instability. As a result, estimating the risk and assessing the seismic vulnerability of a city is also considered as a major issue. The present study, with the developmental-applied and combination of field and library methodology and using the VIKOR method, has studied the issue in Ilam province. The results show that the cities of the province in terms of demographic density, literacy, etc. Each of them has an effective role in vulnerability, they can be effective in the damage caused by the earthquake. VIKOR and GIS models show that the regions in which these indicators are higher than other areas (surplus of defined standard) is not in the benefit of the region and if this surplus is in the benefit of the region. Statistically, the average VIKOR score was 0. 125%. Though this amount expresses the situation inappropriately. But there are areas where VIKOR levels are much smaller than the average. Which includes the Dehloran, Ivan and Maleshahi cities.

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The importance of retail in the marketing process has become weaker with the development of shopping centers today, The growth of shopping malls in the metropolitan areas of Iran has been increasing over the past few years and there is no longer competition for retailers. Therefore, surveying the behavior of consumers in their shopping centers is a competitive strategy for the owners of these industries in order to compete with retailers and other shopping centers. The statistical population in this research is Shopping centers of Tehran, Isfahan, Alborz and Mazandaran. The method of selecting shopping centers based on artificial intelligence studies has been done through genetic algorithm. The criteria for choosing the centers are optimal according to the principles of urban management. Using a conceptual model through structural equations of partial least squares, using the Smart PLS software, the statistical population of the study was 384 people. The results showed that the variables of beauty, escape, role play, comfort, brand identity, social responsibility, and impunity affect consumers' behavior in shopping centers, The results of this study have been able to provide a native model with respect to the structures of shopping centers in Iran.

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Tourism is an strategy for increasing the community revitalization of encouraging social revival and improving living conditions in urban areas. Accordingly, urban development planners focus on new tools in their planning strategies to achieve these benefits and move towards new concepts such as branding. Such an approach has added to the importance of branding in urban tourism development. In this research, efforts have been made to evaluate the impact of branding on tourism development and its dimensions in the Tabriz metropolitan area. The present study based on the purpose is the applied research and in terms of method is descriptive-analytical research. The statistical population of this study is tourists entering the city of Tabriz in 2018. The required sample size was considered using Cochran formula and 384 people. The questionnaire used in the research has been constructed by the researcher whose indices are derived from relevant studies and literature and then localized. Validity and reliability of the research model and analysis of the data were done using structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis in Smart PLS software. The research findings showed that destination branding has a positive and significant impact on the development of urban tourism and its dimensions (perceived value and benefits, support and participation and sustainability of tourism development) in Tabriz metropolitan area. The results also indicated that the branding of urban tourism destinations in metropolitan cities could increase the support of tourism through increased value and perceived benefits, thereby contributing to sustainability.

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Technological innovations are known to be effective parameter in developing and designing architectural spaces in metropolis; however the impact of technology on the architecture of different communities in the world is not the same. The purpose of the paper is to depict a clearer view of the relation between culture and technology in contemporary architecture in globalization era. This paper examines the theories in the context of globalization by applying descriptive-analytical method by investigating documents. The results indicate that the relation between culture and architecture in this context based on the viewpoint of the Castells and Giddens and Robertson, that based on the limited boundaries, limitations and network communities, is not weakened, but a new form has taken stand against the unification strategy and represents a kind of unity while pluralism. The usage of technology includes removing boundaries, flexibility and diminution of distances. This can be investigated not only in the physical dimensions but also in various cultural aspects. The consequences affect architecture and culture that can be maintained by retaining the transcendental concepts of the past rather than superficial imitation of culture and technology in order to redefine new layers with the introduction of technology in globalization era.

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