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The pear orchards in Iran, are predominantly established on the seedling rootstocks, but recently, the dwarfing pear rootstocks such as Quince A, has been received more consideration for this purpose. Further to Quince A rootstock, red hawthorn (Crataegus atrosanguinea) is compatible with some pear cultivars and meanwhile causes dwarfing effects in the cultivars when using as rootstock and demonstrates high tolerance to the drought stress. In this research, the growth and bearing of five commercial pear cultivars (Shah Miveh, Dargazi, Harrow Sweet, Spadona and Bartlett) were evaluated on Quince A, red hawthorn and seedling rootstock (as control) during 2013-15. The results demonstrated the highest dwarfing for Dargazi (64. 7%) and Bartlett (24. 4%) on hawthorn rootstock, compared with the seedling rootstocks. Among tested cultivars, Spadona had the highest tree heights with 296. 3, 220. 9 and 189. 9 cm on seedling, Quince A and hawthorn rootstocks, respectively. The type of rootstock had no considerable effect on fruit size, titratable acidity (TA) and total soluble solids (TSS) in different cultivars. Regarding the highest dwarfing of cultivars on hawthorn rootstock, the lowest yield per tree was observed on this rootstock. According to the index of yield per unit trunk cross-sectional area (TCA), the highest yield efficiency was obtained in Dargazi/Quince A combination and then Dargazi/hawthorn rootstock. In fire blight free regions, Spadona/hawthorn rootstock could be considered as the most appropriate combination, due to its high efficiency and low alternate bearing.

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To provide some of the required edible oil and seed meal and to stability of cereal production, it is necessary to determine suitable varieties of rapeseed in a new position of cultivation and under water deficit conditions for Iran. For this purpose, an experiment was carried out in a factorial split-plot arrangement based on RCBD with three replications during 2014-2016 growing seasons at the Research Farm of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran. Planting dates including autumn (7 October) and winter (4 February), and irrigation regimes including full irrigation (control), and withholding irrigation from flowering and silique formation stages, were used as main factors. Spring oilseed rape cultivars (Sarigol, Delgan, Jacomo, Jeromeh and Hyola 401) were employed as sub-factor. The results demonstrated that the interaction effects of planting date × irrigation × cultivar on silique in plant, grain in silique, seed yield, harvest index (HI), oil yield and water use efficiency (WUE) were significant at 1% level probability. Regarding the highest WUE obtained from cultivars Delgan, Hyola 401 and Jeromeh (0. 953, 0. 887 and 0. 831 kgm-3, respectively) and grain yield more than 3000 kgha-1, these cultivars demonstrated significant potentials for a new winter planting date, under full irrigation conditions. Furthermore, the cultivars Hyola 401 and Jeromeh with WUE quantities 0. 930 and 0. 873 kgm-3, respectively, and grain yield more than 2000 kgha-1, demonstrated significant potentials under terminal water stress (withholding irrigation from silique formation stage) at winter planting date.

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To study the effect of deficit irrigation on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of olive fruit (Zard cultivar), an experiment was conducted with five treatments based on a randomized complete block design (RCBD), with three replications during 2016– 17 in Javanmiri region (west of Kermanshah province). Treatments consisted of five irrigation regimes: Full irrigation (control); non-irrigation during pit hardening and full irrigation in other stages; irrigation in three stages (before flowering, the start of pit hardening and a week before harvesting); irrigation for 60% of the water requirement and no irrigation (rainfed). In this study, traits of fruit weight, length and diameter, pit weight, flesh weight, flesh to pit ratio, fruit moisture percent, fruit yield and water use efficiency were measured. The results showed that the effect of irrigation regime and interaction of irrigation regime and year on fruit weight and size, flesh weight and fruit yield were significant. Non-irrigation during pit hardening increased the yield, weight and size of fruit, as well as flesh weight. The lowest yield, weight and size of fruit, and flesh weight were observed in rainfed conditions. The highest water use efficiency (5. 51 Kgm-3) was obtained by irrigation in three stages (before flowering, the start of pit hardening and a week before harvesting).

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To evaluate the effect of seed hydropriming, planting method and deficit irrigation on the yield of corn (cv. KSC 704), an experiment was conducted in a factorial based on a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications during 2015– 16 at the Agricultural Research Station of Islamabad, Kermanshah, Iran. The experimental factors consisted of seed priming in two levels (no primed and hydropriming) and planting methods in two levels (on-ridge and in-furrow) in three irrigation environments (supplying 100, 85 and 70% of the crop water requirement). The results of the analysis of variance showed that the effects of year, irrigation and seed priming on grain yield were significant (p≤ 0. 01), whereas the effect of planting method was not significant. Interaction of irrigation regime × seed priming × cultivar on grain yield was significant (p≤ 0. 05) and the highest value of this trait (13. 289 t ha-1) was obtained by seed hydropriming and planting in-furrow and supplying 100% of the crop water requirement. Grain yield in seed hydropriming treatment was 10. 973 t ha-1 (about 650 kg ha-1 more than no primed treatment). According to the results, it is recommended that farmers increase grain yield of corn by seed hydropriming and in-furrow planting.

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Fire blight disease in interaction with host trees causes considerable damages via oxidative burst and finally necrosis on the tissues. In this research, to investigate the role of chloroplast electron transfer chain (ETC) in this interaction, the chlorophyll fluorescence response of susceptible and tolerant in vitro pear cultivars were studied in both active and inactive chloroplast conditions. For comparison of active and inactive ETC of chloroplasts, the experiments were conducted in the sucrose presence (inactive ETC) and absence (active ETC) in the growth media. The results showed faster disease progression in susceptible cultivar, as well as in sucrose presence condition. Also, the minimum (Fo) and maximum (Fm) chlorophyll fluorescence indices were reduced in sucrose presence compared to the sucrose absence condition; Therefore, the negative role of sucrose presence in the activity of chloroplasts was confirmed. Comparing the effects of pathogen attack on Fo and Fm indices in sucrose presence and absence condition showed minimum effects of pathogen attack on Fo index in the sucrose presence condition, while this index demonstrated high variation in susceptible cultivar in sucrose absence condition.

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To evaluate the effect of deficit irrigation on agronomic characteristics of new sunflower hybrids and to determine drought tolerant cultivars, an experiment was conducted based on a randomized complete block design (RCBD), with three replications during 2013– 14 at the Agricultural Research Station of Islamabad-e-Gharb, Kermanshah, Iran. In this experiment, four new hybrids of sunflower (Farokh, Shams, Ghasem and Barzegar) were evaluated in three irrigation regimes (full irrigation, mild stress and severe stress by supplying 100, 75 and 50% of the crop water requirement). Results of combined analysis of variance showed that the effect of irrigation regime and genotype on all traits including days to flowering and physiological maturity, seed filling duration, head diameter, number of seeds per head, plant height, seed yield, biological yield and harvest index was significant (p≤ 0. 01). The interaction of irrigation regime and genotype on all traits (except for the number of seeds per head) was significant. The results of the mean comparison showed that the seed yield of medium maturing hybrids (Shams and Barzegar) in all three irrigation regimes was higher than the early maturing hybrids (Farrokh and Ghasem). The highest seed yield (5007 kgha-1) was obtained in Barzegar hybrid with full irrigation, while Ghasem hybrid produced the lowest seed yield (1859 kgha-1) under severe stress conditions.

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To evaluate the effect of sodium nitroprusside on antioxidant activity and qualitative characteristics of pomegranate, an experiment was conducted based on a randomized complete block design (RCBD), with three replications in 2015 at the Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Yazd, Iran. In this study, the effects of sodium nitroprusside foliar application in different concentrations (0, 10-3 and 10-4 M) were investigated and the amount of anthocyanin, vitamin C, flavonoid, phenol, titratable acidity (TA), total soluble solids (TSS), and antioxidant activity were measured after two months of storage at 5° C. The results of this experiment showed that the effect of sodium nitroprusside on the qualitative characteristics was significant. The highest amount of anthocyanin, vitamin C, flavonoid, phenol, TA, TSS, and antioxidant activity was observed in the concentration of 10-3 M sodium nitroprusside, while the least amount of these traits was obtained in the control treatment. According to the results, sodium nitroprusside can be used to maintain the quality of pomegranate fruit during the storage period.

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