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Research in Medicine

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Background: Obesity is an increasing bothersome problem worldwide. Accurate diagnosis of abdominal obesity would result in better therapeutic approaches to decrease the burden of problem across the societies. The purpose of the present study was to determine the correlation between abdominal visceral fat measured using ultrasound with waist circumference at different locations in adult population. Materials and methods: In the present cross-sectional survey, 155 sequential adults, aged 20 to 70 years, in Tehran were enrolled and the correlation between abdominal visceral fat, measured using ultrasound, and waist circumference was assessed at different locations. Results: The results of the current study demonstrated no significant correlation between abdominal visceral fat and waist circumference at different locations (r=0. 6). The frequency rates of metabolic syndrome were %21. 8, %22. 9, and %25. 7 in Wc1, Wc2, and Wc3, respectively, without significant differences (P > 0. 05). Conclusion: There is no correlation between abdominal visceral fat and waist circumference at different locations, and measurement of each point may be performed.

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Research in Medicine

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Backgrond: IBD is a multifactorial disease in two general titles of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Animal models have provided extensive tools for identifying the underlying causes of the disease. Several methods, including the use of chemical compounds, have been introduced to induce animal model of colitis. In the present study, C57BL / 6 strains were used to induce colitis using dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) and due to the effect of the amount of this substance in the severity of clinical sign and survival, the effects of different doses of 2, 1. 5, and %3 DSS were evaluated to create a mouse model in different groups. Methods: In the current experimental study, to induce colitis, mice were divided into four case and control groups (5 mice in each group) and DSS was administrated in drinking water for 4 days and followed for 7 days with normal water. To create a chronic disease model, this process was repeated over three cycles. Clinical manifestations of colitis in mice were monitored daily including weight loss, bleeding, and diarrhea. The mice were sacrificed on day 34 and examined under microscopic and macroscopic examinations. The results of the study were analyzed and reported using Graph pad Prism 5 software. Results: In the DSS%3-group, high incidence of mortality with severe clinical symptoms was observed in 4 out of 5 mice in the study group (p-value <0. 05), but in the DSS%1. 5-group there was no significant difference in comparison with the healthy group. In addition, administration of %2 DSS resulted in the induction of moderate to no-mortality colitis in mice. Conclusion: It seems that using %2 DSS with the proposed protocol can induce experimental colitis in female C57BL / 6 mice as an optimal dose.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers and among the most common causes of cancer death worldwide. Dexamethasone is a glucocorticoid medication which has anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory properties that induce apoptosis and growth inhibition in human myeloma cell lines in vitro. The aim of the current study was to determine the effects of dexamethasone against human colorectal cancer HT29-cell lines, relying on the expression of genes which are involved in extrinsic (Fas and Fasl) and intrinsic pathway of apoptosis (Bax and Bcl2). Materials and methods: An experimental study was conducted. HT-29 cell line was cultured and then treated with various concentrations of dexamethasone (from 0. 1 to 1000 µ M) for 24h, 48h, and 72h incubation. The cytotoxicity was measured using MTT assay and IC50 was determined. Then, RNA was extracted from treated and untreated cells and cDNA was synthesized. Gene expression was investigated using qReal-Time PCR method. Data analysis was performed using the livak method. Results: Dexamethasone at 1000µ M significantly inhibited the growth of treated HT-29 cells after 24h, 48h, and 72h incubation and IC50 was 1000μ M after 48h. After treating cells at IC50 concentration, the mRNA expression of Fas and FasL did not change significantly in comparison with untreated cells (p <0. 05), while Bax and Bcl2-mRNA expression increased and decreased respectively in comparison with untreated cells (p <0. 05). Dexamethasone was effective against human colorectal cancer HT-29 cell line in a dose dependent manner and induced the intrinsic genes of apoptosis. Conclusion: Dexamethasone can inhibit the growth of human colon cancer HT-29 cell lines and induces apoptosis through the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis, while it has no effect on the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis.

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Research in Medicine

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Backgroundm: Exercise training and antioxidant consumption is one of the important factors in preventing the sarcopenia and apoptosis in aging muscles. The aim of the presenstudy was to investigate the effects of aerobic exercise and vitamin D supplementation on apoptosis and sarcopenia in aging rats. Materials and methods: In the current experimental study, 50 aging rats (Age:-22-20month old; Weight: 20± 220 g) were randomly divided into five groups of 10 rats: control(C), Salin (S), vitamin D(VD), training (T), and vitamin D + training (VDT). Exercise groups ran on treadmill four days a week for eight weeks with a specific speed and %10 incline and received. 05 vitamin D injection on a daily basis. BAX, BCL2-, follistatin, and myostatin proteins were assessed 24 hr after the last exercise and in anesthetic state on soleus muscle. All data were analyzed running one way ANOVA and scheffe at the significance level of P<0. 05. Results: BAX and myostatin significantly decreased in VDT and T groups compared to control group (p=0. 013 for myostatin and P=0. 03 for BAX in VDT group, P=0. 017 for myostatin and P=0. 027 for BAX in T group). Also, follistatin and BCL2-increased significantly in these groups (P=0. 01 for follistatin and P=0. 01 for BCL2-in VDT group, P=0. 005 for follistatin and P=0. 024 for BCL2-in T group). BAX/BCL2-ratio decreased significantly between groups but no significant difference was observed in myostatin and follistatin ratio between groups (P>0. 05). conclusion: It seems that eight concurrent aerobic training sessions can decrease apoptosis factors such as BAX and BCL2-and sarcopenia consisting of myostatin and follistatin variables in rat muscles and provided that these training be accompanied by vitamin D consumption, it may result in prevention of muscle apoptosis and sarcopenia in aging rats.

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AhmadianPour Mohamad Vahid | MOWLA SEYED JAVAD | Sotoodehnejadnematalahi Fattah | RAHEB JAMSHID


Research in Medicine

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Background: studies Studies that have been testedinvestigated on the blood of prostate cancer patients by using DLS method and examining the changes of protein size have shown the sensitivity of the method, but so far, this method has not been investigated in Iran so far; therefore, the present study was conducted, but this method is intended to determine the prostate cancer among Iranian patients by using gold nanoparticles. Materials and Methods: In this the present study, descriptive study, method was used. Sserum samples were obtained fromof 60 Iranian men aged between 40 and 90, consisting includingof 20 healthy samples, 20 samples with hyperplasia, and 20 samples with prostate cancer. Optical scattering changes were measured by using DLS of the surface of gold nanoparticle blended with these tubes, and the responses were compared with the PSA index. testThe results are were analyzed performed using theusing t-test and anova ANOVAtests. Findings: based Based on the results of this the present study, there was is no significant difference between the two groups ( p > 0. 05 ) and. the no relationship was found between the amount of light scattering and serum level of psa was not found. Conclusion: It seems that performing this test requires advanced equipment to keep the temperature constant as well as DLS limitations for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. This test may not be a simple and accurate method for early detection of this cancer and it is suggested that other methods be used to diagnose it.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Meningitis is one of the serious and life threatening infections in neonates. It is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates. Due to the overlap between clinical manifestations of sepsis and meningitis, early diagnosis with initial clinical signs, symptoms, and laboratory tests is crucial. Considering the importance of the matter, the frequency of meningitis, clinical manifestations, risk factors, and laboratories tests and outcomes in neonates with meningitis were assessed at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, betweem 2018-2013. The main aim of the present study was to appropriately plan promotion of health in neonates using the conclusions made. Materials and methods: In the current study, the existing data related to neonates with meningitis were assessed at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, between 2018-2013. The frequency of meningitis, sepsis, symptoms and signs, risk factors, and the final outcomes were assessed. Findings: From among 3612 neonates with sepsis during the five-year period, the incidence of meningitis was %2/2. The most common clinical symptoms and signs were poor feeding (%43) and fever (%42). Also, the preterm neonates with meningitis had apnea more than term neonates (pv: 0. 004). Early meningitis was more common among the preterm neonates compared with term neonates (pv: 0. 026) and positive B/C and positive CSF/C were common among preterm neonates as compared with term neonates (pv: 0. 005) (pv: 0. 040). In addition, the percentage of positive CSF/C in neonates with meningitis was %3/12 and the percentage of neonates expired was %7/3. Furthermore, the neurologic secel was found to be %9/4. Conclusion: In the current study, the incidence of meningitis in sepsis was less than those in other published articles in other countries. The symptoms and sings of the infection in neonates are nonspecific; therefore, the essential survey and laboratories test and lumbar puncture (Lp) should be conducted in all neonates suspected to sepsis in order to determine the focus of the infection.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Diabetes is the most common metabolic disease in the world. Self-care is the most important factor in controlling this disease. The aim of this study is to evaluate personality traits and coping styles on the self-care behavior of people with type 2 diabetes. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study. 121 patients with type 2 diabetes selected through targeted sampling and were surveyed regarding their Demographics and completed Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), Coping Strategies Inventory by Folkman and Lazarus. Data were analyzed using by SPSS software version 23, descriptive and correlation tests. Results: The results showed there is a significant relationship between personality traits and coping styles and self-care in type 2 diabetic patients. some personality traits and coping styles were able to predict diabetic self-care. The relationship was meaningful between Diabetic self-care with Self-Directedness personality trait (P <0. 05, r = 0. 023) and among coping styles, with social support seeking (P<0. 001, r = 0. 052) and responsibility (r = 20-, P <0. 05, ). Also, in current study, all personality traits, except reward dependency, had a significant relationship with coping styles. Conclusion: Findings indicated the role of personality traits and coping styles in self-care of diabetic patients, thus it can be used in prevention, screening and training issues.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Due to the importance of altruism and its known complications and lack of enough information about its status in difference settings, the present study was nducted atin Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences students, this study was conducted in 7-19771396. Materials and Methods: This The present descriptive study was performed on 224 subjects individuals, including 80 first-year subjectsstudents, 74 post-test basic science subjectsstudents, and 70 final year studentssubjects. They were selected by via multistage random sampling. The personality traits of altruism were measured in the 18 five-choice indices in a five-choice range wereof never, sometimes, usually, most frequently, and always measured, and the role of school year, age, gender, etc. were investigated, as well. As related factors in the three altruism categories, Risky risky altruism and simple altruism were statistically analyzed by running chi-square test. Results: This The current study was performed on 224 medical students in different educational levels. Students stated their altruism as ‘ never’ in %30. 3 of the cases, ‘ stated altruism in %30. 3 and sometimes’ in %15. 3, and altruism was ‘ simple’ in %43 of the cases. Risky dating decreased with age and was lower in women than in men. (P <0. 001). Conclusion: It seems that withas increasing educational level increased, personality type of altruism will increased, and risky altruistic behavior will decreased, and this will be problematic for the patient. This research recommends exploring the causes and actions needed required to promote the phenomenon of altruism, especially risky altruism.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Amniotic band Band syndrome Syndrome (ABS) is a rare congenital anomaly which may affecting any region of the fetus. Here, we reported a case of ABS involving the upper limbs resulted in amputation, syndactyly, and lymphedema of several fingers. One of the the amputated finger was reimplanted on to the upper back of the fetus between two scapular bone. The finger-like mass had no osseous tissue.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Helicobacter pylori infection is known as an important risk factor in the development of ulcer, gastritis, and malignancy. However, recently, the systemic effect of H. pylori infection on other organs, such as infection of liver and development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, has been found. The prevalence of HPI in NAFLD patients has been noted, as the prevalence of NAFLD is growing worldwide. The aim of the present research was to determine the prevalence of H. pylori in NAFLD patients. Then, in case of positive relationship, through the easy and inexpensive control and treatment of H. pylori, it is possible to prevent development of NAFLD whose prevalence is increasing. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out. NAFLD patients referring to Digestion clinic of Loghman Hakin hospital were chosen using available sampling. After confirmation of NAFLD via ultrasound, serology test of H. pylori antibody (IgG) was requested. Then, the collected data were coded and introduced into computer. The quantitative data are described using mean and standard deviation, while the qualitative data are described by frequency and percentage. Chi2 and independent t-test were used for data analysis. The prevalence was determined by confidence interval %95, and the statistical tests were performed at significance level of %5. Results: In the present study, 181 NAFLD patients were tested. The mean age of the patients was 11. 95± 44. 15 years (male= %38. 7) 70); female= %61. 3) 111)). One patient (%0. 55) from the NAFLD group was Grade IV, 15 %8. 29)) were grade III, %28. 18) 51) Grade II, and most of the patients (%63, 114) were Grade I. H. pylori was positive among 114 patients (%63). The prevalence rates of positive IgG test among women and men were %64 and %61. 4, respectively. No significant difference was observed in IgG test prevalence between men and women (p=0. 731). No significance difference existed between the age of patients in terms of IgG test results, either (p=0. 441). Although the prevalence of H. pylori was less in non-smokers, no significant difference was observed in the prevalence of H. pylori in terms of smoking status. Finally, no significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of BMI (p=0. 437). Conclusion: Our study indicated that the prevalence of H. pylori is relatively high in NAFLD patients. This high prevalence can be a cause for the possible relationship between H. pylori and NAFLD.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Gut microbiota contains many types of parasites, viruses, archaebacteria, and bacteria. There is a bilateral relationship between the gut microbiota and the immune system, and they regulate each other. Many experiments have used Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) in a variety of gastrointestinal (GI) and non-GI disorders. FMT has beneficial effects on patients with Clostridioides difficile. The aim of the current review article was to gain insight on the relationship between gut microbiota and various immune system components in order to investigate its links with various human diseases as well as to explore the application of FMT-based therapeutic interventions in several GI and non-GI disorders. Materials and methods: Systematically, we searched PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Science Direct databases using the following keywords: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation, Microbiota, and Immune system. Finally, 127 articles in English language reporting Fecal Microbiota Transplantation, Microbiota, and Immune system were included for the final analysis. Conclusion: FMT is one of the novel therapeutic approaches in the field of medicine that improves and modulates GI microbiota. For this reason, physicians and researchers are making an attempt to use it to treat various GI and non-GI diseases. The GI microbiota is important in metabolism, immune system modulation, the synthesis of various types of vitamins, etc. Currently, FMT is proposed by the FDA (The US Food and Drug Administration) for patients with Clostridioides difficile who do not respond to standard therapies. Currently, FMT-based therapeutic interventions have scarcely been applied for the treatment of other diseases, such as IBD. Nevertheless, it is still considered as an efficient therapy for some of IBD patients. However, several concerns regarding the clinical application of FMT are still remaining to be addressed necessiating conducting further detailed studies in this regard.

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Research in Medicine

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Background: Regular exercise training the blood glucouse level fluctuates, modulates gene expression and reduse diabetic cardiomyopathy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of High intensity Interval training (HIIT) on the gene expression of MMP2-, COL-III and myocardial function in type 2 diabetic rats. Materials and Methods: This is an experimental study. For this purpose, 16 male diabetic rats were divided into 2 groups of numbers 8; High intensity Interval training (HIIT) and Control (C). Diabetes was induced in a pellet with a high-fat diet (%30 fat and %25 fructose) for 24 weeks. After the last training session and afterwards recovery, subjects were sacrificed and their left ventricle was extracted. PCR-Real time was used to determine the expression of MMP2-and COL-III genes and for the assessment of cardiac function was used M-mode echocardiography. to compare the groups independent t-test was used at alpha level of 05/0. Results: genes expression of MMP2-and COL-III in the training group respectively showed a significant decrease compared to the control group (P= 0. 001) and (p=0. 02). Weight did not significantly change in any of the groups. Glucose, insulin and insulin resistance index in the training group showed a significantly change compared to the control group. Ejection fraction(EF) and shortening fraction(SF) in training group respectively were sinificantly increase compared to the control group(P=0. 001) and (P=0. 01). Conclusion: It seems that, HIIT training possibely can with decreases the expression of MMP2-and COL-III genes in diabetic cardiomyopathy and improves cardiac function.

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