In this investigation, the effect of different parameters has been studied experimentally on behavior specialties of three-dimensional, turbulent and steady inclined turbidity currents. One of the important specialties that show the structure of hydrodynamics of turbidity currents is velocity profile and in this investigation, it has been measured by ADV (Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter). In all of the experiments, kaolin with specific gravity of 2.65 kg/m3 was used as suspended materials. The mean particle diameter is D50=20 micron approximately. The experimental results show an increase in the entrance volume flux of turbidity current into the tank of fresh water, is increased always the depth or height of turbidity current and an increase in entrance concentration and slop, is decreased often the height of turbidity current. In addition to, for the reason that intense entrainment in the lateral and the longitudinal directions, along the interface of water and turbidity current is increased height of turbidity current after enter under of fresh water. Investigation of velocity profiles in this turbidity current is showed for the reason that, existing of inertia forces in the beginning of traveling of current into the tank. The rate of maximum and average velocity always is more than the end of tank. While we are traveling to the end of tank, is observed always the location of maximum and average velocity is shifted to up. Increase in volume flux, is increased rate of maximum and average velocity and I Increase in entrance concentration with the exception of the entrance regime, in other regions is increased rate of maximum and average velocity. After coming into under of fresh water, turbidity current spreads and then arrives to the state established flow and the entrainment is at least rate.