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Literary Research

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The process of alteration, in the manuscripts of famous literary works, is a type of creative reading creating multiple and different versions of a single literary text during the time. From this perspective, the editor or the scribe like reader who is not merely the recipient of the finalized meaning but he is an active agent in building the meaning and even reconstruction of the form (language and vocabulary). However, in the view of the scribes, any change in the original text is indecent. These changes, for many reasons, are the essence of literary reading and in some cases, it is a genetic and interactive process. This research can be review the alternations of the literary texts from a rhetorical view point and based on the readerchr('39')s reception methodology. For this reason, due to the duplications that are likely to change in them, has been made a rhetorical comparison between the original text and the changes. Attempt to reconstruct the authorchr('39')s intention with corrector, text interaction with the taste of society or person (fusion of horizons), opened or closed text and the desire to develop and complete linguistic and semantic gaps are the most important factors effecting in these changes. The most important aspects of these changes and alternation are creating phonetic and musical symmetries, adorn it to the rhetorical figure, more proportion between vocabulary, the pervasive of meaning of poetry, update of text based on desire and language of the period and escape it from obsolete. Hence, the modified text has gained more popularity and rhetorically than the original text.

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Literary Research

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This research is investigating one of the most common types of postmodernism fictions named metafiction. This kind of writing including self-referential and disclosure techniques not only exposes fiction but also explores the word out of context. Patricia Waugh emphasizes on this kind of writing with using methods and techniques that metafiction’ s writers used it to write a story about story. This paper is based on reviewing and criticizing a fictional work and it is written according to the library method. This research with scrutiny about metafiction’ s general characteristics like: centrality of language, Framework, The story as an artifact, parody and ontological Metafiction’ s nature, proceeding some writing techniques and methods that are hidden within this general componentchr('39')s. Then it criticizes Iranian metafictions. It has been concluded that the works that are described in the name of Metafiction in our country are far from the postmodernism’ s escape, and precisely based on predetermined criteria and parameters, and the artificial and mechanical aspects of these stories conflict with the normal nature of postmodernism.

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Literary Research

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One of the proposed topics in Persian semantics is the cases where information with rhetorical intentions turns into composition. One of these cases is the function of the verb “ want” in expressing information. This verb normally transforms information to demanding composition when it is used in predicative sentence and it turns into a means for transmitting Tamanni and Tarajji’ s conception. This function is definite in some cases and has the ability to pass a rhetorical judgement and become a rule in the Persian semantics. In some other cases it depends on appropriacy of the teller condition. This article intends to investigate the mentioned cases and extract a new rule. Hence after explanation of some generalities about information and composition, it assesses the features of the verb “ want” in Persian grammar with an analytic-comparative approach and investigates the function of that from semantics aspect. Next, using the descriptive-analytic method it confirms the mentioned function through Hafez language. This research, in addition to explain of a rhetorical rule, recognizes a new remark in Persian grammar and reckons the verb “ want” as a subjunctive construction factor that it can transform predicative modality of the future verb to potential modality.

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Farahzadi Mansoreh


Literary Research

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Reviews which have been ever done on the texts remained from oratory have shown that there are common features in such texts. Despite common features and structures, there are always some indications in literature which reveal differences in persons’ individual style. In the present research, features of oratory have been distinguished according to the framework described in books of Principles of Speech by Mohammad Ali Forooghi and Aristotle Sermons. Each of methods used by the orator, either hortative or persuasive is investigated under three stages of speech production – meaning creation, hybrid speech, oratory – in the contexts of Seven Sermons (Majales-e Sabe) and Mobkiat in order to reveal some similarities and differences in individual style of two authors. The present study aimed at extracting the individual features style in tow survived texts from oration with help of analyzing and comparison of known features of the literary kind. The more of details that are revealed from the differences between texts the more kinds classification with more detail and accuracy will be implemented.

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Literary Research

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The purpose of this study which is performed with Descriptive-Analytic method is analyse of Schema’ s Processes base on Stockwell Approach in one Poem of Baba­ cha­ hi’ s Poetic collection Picasso dar Abhaye Khalige Fars (Picasso in Persian Gulf), “ Motanaghezat” . That poem has a difference Structure that destroy Coherence and textuality. Based on Beaugrande-Dressler’ s Approach Textuality provide By Seven Standards: cohesion, Coherence, Intentionality, Informativity, Acceptability, Informativity and Intertextuality. Coherence Is the Most Important Standard. Schema plays a critical role in establishment of coherence that’ s formed base on narrative plan. Sequence of events make an schema and recursive schemas in similar situations create script. Script Reveal producer’ s cognitive trends. Motanaghezat is combined many imperfect schemas through of schema’ s Processes such as Schema reinforcing, Schema adding, Schema disruption, Schema refreshment and Schema restructing. They cause receiver’ s mind recalling numerous intertexts and discourses and make a New Notion of Textuality that Need to more Creativeness.

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Literary Research

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The use of linguistic theories in the discourse analysis of literary works can reveal new aspects of these works. This paper seeks to analyze the "contents" of Golestan Sachr('39')adi on the basis of the Searlchr('39')s Theory of Speech Acts to find some linguistic reasons to prove the effectiveness of these themes using the statistical method and content analysis. For the analysis, the themes of the fifth and seventh chapters were first extracted, and then the type of the semantic roles, vocabulary (action verbs), the form, the structure of the sentence and its context were examined in the domain covered by each theme; in this way, the direct speech acts of the statements are recognized from the indirect speech acts. The data analysis was done based on the Searlchr('39')s theory of speech acts. On the one hand, the interaction between the speech acts and the linguistic and semantic features as well as the context of each theme was investigated, and on the other hand, the manner of Saadichr('39')s speech delivery was examined on the appropriate use of speech acts in the educational genre in accordance with the subject of the speech (here the two chapters of Golestan with two different themes). Based on the findings of the study, as far as the indirect speech acts (the speech acts inferred from the function of the context) are concerned, in the seventh chapter, the persuasive, expressive, and affective speech acts had the highest use in the language propositions, respectively. Given the didactic nature of this book, this result was predictable. In the fifth chapter of the Golestan, the most language roles used in the linguistic propositions are expressive, affective, and persuasive, respectively; and the frequency of speech acts does not change in the case of excluding the indirect persuasive speech acts. Given the title and subject of this chapter (love and youth), it is natural that the frequency of functions is more related to the affective and expressive speech acts. The indirect speech acts of this chapter are also more of the affective one than persuasive.

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