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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Aesthetically correction and alteration, as active reading (Review of rhetorical alteration of scribes)




 The process of Alteration, in the manuscripts of famous literary works, is a type of creative reading creating multiple and different versions of a single literary text during the time. From this perspective, the editor or the scribe like reader who is not merely the recipient of the finalized meaning but he is an active agent in building the meaning and even reconstruction of the form (language and vocabulary). However, in the view of the scribes, any change in the original text is indecent. These changes, for many reasons, are the essence of literary reading and in some cases, it is a genetic and interactive process. This research can be review the alternations of the literary texts from a rhetorical view point and based on the readerchr('39')s Reception methodology. For this reason, due to the duplications that are likely to change in them, has been made a rhetorical comparison between the original text and the changes. Attempt to reconstruct the authorchr('39')s intention with corrector, text interaction with the taste of society or person (fusion of horizons), opened or closed text and the desire to develop and complete linguistic and semantic gaps are the most important factors effecting in these changes. The most important aspects of these changes and alternation are creating phonetic and musical symmetries, adorn it to the rhetorical figure, more proportion between vocabulary, the pervasive of meaning of poetry, update of text based on desire and language of the period and escape it from obsolete. Hence, the modified text has gained more popularity and rhetorically than the original text.


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    APA: Copy

    Akbarizadeh, Mohsen, & DEHRAMI, MAHDI. (2018). Aesthetically correction and alteration, as active reading (Review of rhetorical alteration of scribes). LITERARY RESEARCH, 15(60 ), 9-37. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/364773/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Akbarizadeh Mohsen, DEHRAMI MAHDI. Aesthetically correction and alteration, as active reading (Review of rhetorical alteration of scribes). LITERARY RESEARCH[Internet]. 2018;15(60 ):9-37. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/364773/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mohsen Akbarizadeh, and MAHDI DEHRAMI, “Aesthetically correction and alteration, as active reading (Review of rhetorical alteration of scribes),” LITERARY RESEARCH, vol. 15, no. 60 , pp. 9–37, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/364773/en

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