Today, one of the main concerns of the country's higher education system is the empowerment of its human resources and their optimal use for competitive advantage, sustainable development, and the quantitative and qualitative improv-ement of the teaching-learning system in universities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of components of quality of work life, educational conditions, commitment and organizational culture on the dimensions of psychological empowerment of professors from the perspective of proffessors of Farhangian University of Bushehr. The research method was descriptive-correlation modeling of structural equations. The statistical population of the study includes all proffessors of Farhangian University of Bushehr(720people). The sample size was determined using Cochran's formula 250 and the questionnaire was distributed among them using simple random sampling method. Data collection tools: five questionnaires: Walton (1973) Quality of Work Life Quality, Tracey & Tews OrganizationalTrainingclimate(2005), MirAllenOrganizationalCommitment(1984)-, Denison(2000)Organizational Culture, and Spritzer-Mishra(1996)Were collected. Data analysis was performed using SPSS and LISREL software. The results showed that the components of quality of work life, training, commitment and organization-al culture have a positive and significant effect on the organizational psychological empowerment of professors at Farhangian University of Bushehr. In order of prio-rity, the components of organizational culture, organizational commitment and quality of work life had the most, and the components of conditions and organizational training space had the least effect on the psychological empowerment of employees. According to the fit indices of the tested model, the final model has a relatively good fit.