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What may raise the question at the outset as to what connection there may be between the Ferdinand de Saussure, a twentieth-century Swiss linguist, and Ibn Khaldun, an eighth-and ninth-century Tunisian ideologue and theorist, which led to this Writing, should the idea of comparing their views on language come to the writer. Louis Ferdinand de Saussure was the first to examine language as a grammatical and lexical element of syntax and vocabulary. In his view, linguistic constructivism is based on the duality of the signifier and signified in language; In other words, the structure of language has dual aspects in his view; One is the language that he considers to be a general mental system, and the other is speech that has a physical and objective aspect. Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist who propounded language as a social structure or, in other words, "The Public Knowledge of language" and discussion about it as a system with two separate elements; language and speech and also two methods Diachronism and Synchronism approach; Louis Ferdinand Sosor for the first time in the contemporary age and considered as a unique theory. However, this theory, to some extent similar, was formed by "Abdurrahman ibn Khaldun" a Muslim luminary theorist who propounded "The theory of mechanic and organic versatility in sociology and the philosophy of society about developed and undeveloped societies before Emile Durkheim. First, this article wants to briefly propound some outstanding ideas in Sosor's theory and then assess their value according to Ibn Khaldun's words.

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Force and orientation schema are kinds of image schema. These images have provided a cognitive process shaped by human physical experiences that are confronted with the outside world and cause the possibility of abstract concept understanding. This research analyzes the Hasbieh poems of Mohammad Javad Jazaiery in the framework of schema theory which has the force and orientation schema with the cognitive linguistic approach. According to this research, Mohammad Javad Jazaiery's poems analyze different kinds of force and orientation conceptual metaphor with the descriptive-analytic method. His poems have never investigated whit this approach. The result of Mohammad Javad Jazaiery's poetry analysis has been that the concepts of force schema of this poet located in removing problems. In advance of resistance and stability and orientation schema for effort, struggle, decisiveness, and stability of action that all of them suggest a positive sense. Which all of them help to understand the subjective and abstract concepts. The poet makes it profit with their help and sets the pattern of origin area (identical and experimental) and generalization of it to destination area (inward and abstract) in stating these concepts.

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ABAD MARZIYEH | kyani Maryam

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Khalil Havi is the renowned Lebanese poet who is famous as the contemporary philosophical poet in the Arab world for his profound poetry and their philosophical meanings. In addition to the philosophical aspect which differentiates him from other contemporaneous poets, it is in the realm of language and the form of poetry where he appears as the outstanding figure. Havi ’ s “ Lazarus 1962” is one of his best odes whose form, being in a deep correlation with its meaning, has been manifested in an admiring way. Due to great focus of most literary researches of Havi on content and meaning, it is needed to do a text-based research. In this article, applying a Formalistic and textual approach, the writers endeavor to investigate the literariness or in a sense the literary aspects of Lazarus ode, one of the most beautiful poetic artifice of Havi and also aim to clarify the miracle of Havi’ s poems to advocates of Arabic poetry through the scope of poetic constructs like resurrection of the word and defamiliarization and explaining the importance of these two elements in transmission of meaning. In the light of the finding of the present study, it can be said that Khalil Havi could utilize linguistic structures in favor of meaning in the best way by having innovation in linguistic methods and use of literariness approaches; moreover, he could establish a firm linkage between language and meaning.

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Semiotics is a text-based method of criticism, which, adopting a systematic approach, studies all factors involved in meaning production and interpretation of the process of signification. Amal Donqol, as part of the society he lives in and a poet dedicated to and concerned for his community, instrumentalized language for direct and indirect reactions against his time's empowering discourses, thus transforming his poetry into purposeful texts. Therefore, adopting a descriptive-analytical method, the present study assessed the qasida of 'Al-Buka' Bayna Yaday Zarqa' al-Yamama' in an attempt to reveal the beliefs, ideas, and thoughts of Amal Donqol, infused with the linguistic structure and instilled in the audience, through investigating the linguistic choices across different levels. Given the obscurity of Donqol's poetic language and the concealed intended meaning and content therein, layer semiotics can be significantly useful in understanding and analyzing his poems. It can, furthermore, better manifest the linguistic and semantic delicacies of this qasida. The present reading examines the qasida's text as a network of codes within a coherent framework and, adopting a layered approach, studies signs in the title and the phonetic layer, lexical layer, and syntactic-rhetorical layer. Through syntagmatic and paradigmatic axes and considering the style and atmosphere governing the qasida, the signs move away from their referential functions and gain sociopolitical signification. As a result, analyzing and assessing textual symptoms and implications takes us to the concealed or in-depth meaning of the qasida, i. e., the rulers' political vices, a reproach to the Arab nation a call to rebellion.

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Lamiat Al-Arab is the famous ode that consists of 68 verses were related to Shanfara, Saalouk poet, in the pre-Islamic era. The present study based on a coherent or comprehensive analysis that explores all the elements and factors of ode technically, historically, and psychologically. This research aims to analyze poetic interpretations, understand the poet's emotions, and discover the quality of the relationship between his mind and his language. Both psychologically and rhetorically, this research reveals the inconsistency between the poet's and his unconscious claims. In the discussion of fantasy, the poet's vehicles reflect his attention to society and social life, while the poet from the first verses claims to leave the tribe. The poet's tone also fluctuates between the lyric and addressing poem, and even the addressing aspect of it overcomes the harmonious and intrinsic factor. These contradictions are not the reason for the poet's audacity and the poet's untruthful feeling but refer to the gap between the confusing and contradictory lives of Shanfara and his ideals.

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Khosravi vamakani Zahra

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    1 (22)
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This research is based on four copies of the ancient Persian translation of the book "Shahab al-Akhbar, the Prophet's (PBUH) short words, " which includes 1000 hadiths; Has been done. These four copies have been published by Ermavi, Daneshpajooh, Shirvani, Joya, Jahanbakhsh, and et al. In this article, the linguistic and structural features of these four manuscripts belonging to the fifth to seventh centuries have been studied. Its purpose is to explain the grammatical features that govern them, including linguistic features and achieving ancient Arabic translation patterns to Persian. The Arabic text of the book "Shahab al-Akhbar" has compiled ahadith based on the structure of Arabic sentences like the nominal sentence, verbal sentence, conditional with Man al-Shartiah, nominal with Inna, imperative verb, the verb of Laisa, detailed structure, the verb of Besa and also each is named as a chapter. We have done this research based on extracting important lexical and grammatical features governing the studied translations. By explaining and comparing these four versions' translations, their linguistic features and translation style are expressed. In each case, as far as possible, according to the capacity of the article, examples are given. This research has been done to explain the patterns of translation from Arabic to Persian And linguistic and structural features of ancient Arabic to Persian translations based on the four versions of Shahab al-Akhbar that were the purpose of this study are described in detail. Based on this research, we see the dominance of Arabic grammar structure over ancient Persian translation.

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With his theory of narrative syntax, which was an aspect of the three elements of semantics, theology, and syntax, Todoroff defined a new and independent mechanism for each literary work, especially in the field of fiction, and divided it into two parts: mythological and ideological. This model can discover many of the conflicts and misconceptions that govern human societies and provide a suitable solution for them. Based on Todorf's theory, this article examines the narrative structures of the short and ideological story (marital fervor) of Abdul Qudus. While showing this theory's ability to study the deep systems of the story along with its superficial structures, to answer the question that the prevailing ideology, what is this story about, and how was it conveyed to the audience? After examining the superstructural and semantic layers, it became clear that the story's doctrine focuses on women's sacrifice in relationships that men betray, which Abdul Qaddos shows with actions, names, and attributes and uses measures and characters to present an objective image to the audience.

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In addition to its patriotic function, the mission of resistance poems is international. Because this kind of poem utilizes all its literary and technical capacities to arouse public interest, as well as bring a lawsuit against unwelcome developments in political and social fields of different nations. Throughout history, Afghanistan has terribly suffered from unjustified presence of foreign enemies as well as its arbitrary government. However, the presence of such colonialists as Russia and Britain in Afghanistan, as well as the tyranny of the local government have finally been ended with Afghans' victory in different battlefields. Their resistance against cruelty has demonstrated their high capacity to fight against colonialism to the extent that poets from other countries have composed poems in praise of that public movement on the theme of Afghanistan resistance. A case in point is attempts of Jaber Qumaiha, a contemporary Egyptian poet, to show different aspects of resistance in Afghanistan in his collected poems entitled "I sing about Afghan's jihad". This analytical-descriptive research aimed at alluding technical themes of resistance in the work of Jaber Qumaiha. The results of the present research suggest that the poet has introduced the conception of sacrifice in themes of piety and monotheism as the key factors to Afghan's victory in order to express motif of Afghanistan resistance; moreover, Afghan children susceptibility to the war has also been emphasized in order to arouse the sense of social accountability. With regard to the technical aspect, the poet has emulated religious figures, particularly the Islamic Prophet. But on the other hand, by voicing the same opinion, as well as knowingly adopting Quranic interpretations, the poet has set the stage to convey the message of resistance and show its relation with patriotic issues.

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Discourse analysis is using as an interdisciplinary approach in studies and various social domains. Critical Discourse Analysis Rooted in Critical Linguistics Among the multiple types of discourse analysis are Norman Fairclough. In his critical discourse analysis, Fairclough examines the description, interpretation of the interaction between context and discourse and explains how the social structure and address work in both. A study of the novel "War in Egypt" by Yusuf al-Qaeda using Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) approach and responding to the quality of critical analysis of the novel's discourse at the levels of description, interpretation, and explanation. It is clear that the author creates semantic contrasts and contradictions at the level of the story, and the use of specific words seeks to express his thoughts. Furthermore, it pays attention to the situational context, presuppositions, and contexts of the discourse at the level of interpretation. It represents its framework and subject matter in the form of novels and through addresses. At the level of explanation, it intends to depict the effect of social structure on the type of discourse and the impact of reproduction that this discourse can have on changing the format.

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NAZEMIAN REZA | Misaghi Naser

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    1 (22)
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In their 'Derakht-e Anjir-e Ma'abed' (The Fig Tree of the Temples) and 'Doumat wad Hamid, ' Ahmad Mahmoud and Tayeb Salih, respectively, created lands of nowhere, in which people show deep affection to a tree. Ahmad Mahmoud depicts a society in which people believe in the sanctification and miraculous power of a tree. It turned into the symbol of the beliefs and religious rituals of the people. Accordingly, they perform rituals that in divine religions are not appropriate to be carried out for anybody except for God. They, for instance, ask for the cure of the sick, pray the tree, impetrate, and pray it. Nobody dares oppose or deny the sanctity of the tree, and any opposition nipped in the bud. Similar devotions and seeking cure are also present in Tayeb Salih'sDoumat wad Hamid'. Document wad Hamid is a fruitless tree, which, like the fig tree, has become sanctified. People perform Tawaf around and make vows and sacrifice lambs for it. No opposition tolerated here too. The present paper applies a descriptive approach to study tree sanctification in these stories to highlight the myths and archetypes pointing out the relation between man and tree and finding the grounds and motivations for tree sanctification, finding how an element that is not intrinsically sacred becomes sanctified and determining which mechanisms used to achieve this. The findings show that the tree's sanctification is stronger in 'The Fig Tree of the Temples' than in 'Doumat wad Hamid, ' and it has heftier relations.

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The sociology of literature is a vast body of knowledge that includes a wide range of thinkers and thinkers about the connection between a writer and his society. Therefore, literary studies through these thinkers' views are a reliable and necessary step in the field of literary criticism and analysis, and perhaps the result of academic research is incomplete without these studies. One of the sociological thinkers of literature is Lucien Goldman, who is the founder of a new style in this field. His style is Known as formative constructivism. He believes that a literary work results from the culture and the collective consciousness of the writer's class, age, or generation. Therefore, he sought to create a meaningful relationship between a literary work and the most important aspects of social life in his method. Naguib Mahfouz, the contemporary Egyptian storyteller, and novelist are one of the authors who seek to express the desires and the sufferings of their society and their social class in their works. Somehow, healthy relationships can be found between these works' internal and literary construction with the author's social class's collective attitude and consciousness during his studies by a genetic structuralism method. Among these works is the short story of "al-zaif" from his fiction collection "whisper of Madness. " To investigate the short story "' al-zaif" by the present study has used this thinker as a beacon. For this purpose, the short story structure explores two interpretation levels: receiving within the text, such as examining the semantic structure-and the descriptive level – that is, analyzing the story's social and cultural context. The research results show that the elements of the story have features that indicate the deep connection of the story with Najib Mahfouz's society and show that the story is the result of the world view and collective consciousness of the group to which the author belongs.

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Literature has never had an epic meaning, an independent literary genre with specific rules and norms; But sometimes we come across poems and works with epic themes and components. These poems are mostly in the form of long poems, the epic theme of which can be seen in parts of these chants, especially when they are proud. But in the poets of the conquests in the early days of Islam, we sometimes come across ode and fragments with epic components; Among the poets of this style can be named Qaqa ibn Amr Tamimi. His poems, being scattered, are useful for recognizing some of the most critical Arabic epic poetry components. Arabic poetry as an epic is one of the most vital and challenging topics in contemporary research. While confirming the lack of long epic works in Arabic literature, this study has organized to prove some epic themes and dramatic and heroic anecdotes in Arabic poetry. Therefore, the present study has tried to explain and analyze the three essential characteristics of the epic genre in Qaqa ibn Amr Tamimi's poems, an Arab poet and fighter during the Islamic conquests descriptive-analytical method. The research results showed that the epic poem of Qaqa has essential epic components such as war and warfare. With all its epic features and the resonant epic style, the hero, growing up in a realistic and Islamic environment, lacks the characteristics of mythical epics such as magic, astronomy, the existence of strange animals and demons, and divination.

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