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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the degenerative diseases of the central nervous system (CNS), which results in the destruction of myelin sheath. MS could be induced in laboratory animals, by injection of ethidium bromide (EB) into Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). This disease may cause impotence or subfertility in men. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of MS on spermatogenesis, sperm parameters such as... and sex hormones of wistar rats. A total of 36 rats (5 weeks old) were divided into 3 groups of control, sham and experimental. 20ul of physiological saline was injected into cerebellomedullary cistern (CC) of rats in sham group, and, 20ul of EB was injected into CC of experimental group. One week after EB injection, two rats from each group were killed randomly to investigate the morphology of pons. The rest were killed 5 weeks after injections to study the spermatogenic cells, sperm parameters and sex hormones. The results showed that sperm progressive motility was significantly reduced from 74.4±2.2 in control group to 60.6±1.4 in experimental group (p<0/001). Also, the number of round cells was increased from /73±0/1 in control group to 2.16±/25 in experimental group (p</001). However, the number of spermatogonial cells, primary spermatocytes, and spermatids were insignificantly reduced in experimental group. The number of spermatozoa as well as leydig cells was reduced in experimental group comparing with other groups (p<0/05).Concentrations of FSH, LH and testosterone in experimental group have also reduced. In conclusion, experimental MS. can alter the spermatogenic cells, sperm motility, as well as FSH, LH and testosterone hormones concentrations, which may influence the fertility potentials of rats.

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From 28 Aspergillus terreus, three produced lovastatin with equivalent or better yield than strain ATCC 20542 originally described for lovastatin production. Medium optimization experiments with the best isolate (Gil- 4) indicated that lactose, soya meal and KN03 were the best sources carbon, organic nitrogen and inorganic nitrogen sources, respectively. In shake-flasks with optimized medium containing 4 % (w/v) lactose, 400 g lovastatinlml was produced, with a yield of 10 mg/g lactose. In solid substrate fermentation on extracted sweet sorghum pulp supplemented with cheese whey 1500 g lovastating dry weight was produced with yield of 37.5 mg/g lactose.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Iron is an inorganic element that is essential for normal body growth; for example, it is necessary for hemoglobin formation, hematopoiesis and blood oxygen transfusion.After consuming iron, it is absorbed into blood and binds to blood transferrin and is transported to bone marrow for red blood cell production. Some harmful effects of iron consuming include gut excitation, nausea, digestive pains and constipation. So, by using an injectional form of iron some of these unwanted effects might be reduced or eliminated. [Fe3O (OAC)6 (H2O)3] Cl complex is a Fe (III) complex which was dissolved in physiological serum for interperitoneal injection. We studied its hematopoietic effects in Balb/C mice strain. The complex was synthesized in Department of Chemistry in Teacher Training University and its IR spectrum was similar to the references and its elemental analysis resulted Fe3C12H24O16Cl. In this experiment we used female Balb/C mice in three groups as control, sham and experimental. The mice were kept in suitable conditions and nee temperature. 300 mg/kg B.W. of solution was injected to each experimental animal once a day for 5 days intraperitonealy (LP.). The sham groups physiological saline was injected LP. once a day for 5 days. Mice were sacrified after 3 days and their blood were analyzed for some hematological factors such as hematocrit, hemoglobin, RBC, MCY, MCR, MCRC, WBC, seg. neutrophils, band cells, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes.The results were analyzed using SPSS software the findings revealed that hematocrit, hemoglobin, MCY, MCR, MCRC and the number of RBC in experimental groups increased significantly without posing any morphological effects. It is concluded that iron in this complex can increase hematopoiesis, after it is absorbed into the blood, binds to apotransferrin to carry in blood and separates in bone marrow, when it is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Manganese (Mn) is a micronutrient that is essential for plant growth and development. Meanwhile, an excess amount of Mn is one of the most important growth limiting factors in acid soils. The present study was undertaken to identify the effects of excessive Mn on the physiological aspects of tea plant. To this end, 2-year old rooted cuttings of tea (Camellia sinensis L. assamica x sinensis) were grown in a modified Hoagland solution with pH=4.2 for 1 month with aeration in green house, with temperature of 27±3 °C and photosynthetic photon flux of 101.5 mmol. m-2S-1 (400-700 nm) at the plant level. After emergence of new, white roots with 5 to 10 cm in length, the plants were treated for 1 week with excessive Mn to a final concentration of 0.9 mM. After 1 week, the white roots were harvested and frozen in liquid N2 and kept at - 80°C until used for determination of PO activity, lignin and sugaras well as chlorophyll content. The activities of soluble peroxidase (SPO), covalently wall-bound peroxidase (CPO) and lignin content decreased by Mn treatment. On the other hand, the activities of ionically wall-bound peroxidase (IPO), sugar and chlorophyll contents increased by Mn treatment. These results suggest that excessive Mn may have beneficial effects on tea plant via lowering lignin content and increasing extensibility of the walls.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Due to the importance of benthic cyanobacteria in nitrogen fixation in paddy fields, the physiological responses of Fischerella ambigua FS 18 to salinity (NaCl 0, 0.5 & 1%) were investigated. Results indicated that growth rate was higher in control and that NaCl did not inhibit growth of other treatments. Similar responses were seen in the case of other physiological processes. Chlorophyll was declined with increasing salinity.Phycobiliproteins (PBP), phycocyanin (PC) and allophycocyanin (APC) were at least in 0.5% but the differences were not significant. The light-saturated photosynthetic rate was higher in control and decreased with increasing in salinity. With respect to nitrogenase activity, the highest rate was in control and the cultures with higher growth rates reached to the maximum level at a shorter time. There was no significant difference between 0.5 and 1% in relation to nitrogenase activity.

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The mechanism of soybean (Glycine max 3) response to drought stress lux light intensity and 14hr photoperiod. When first leaf appeard, three irrigation treatments occurred that consisted as one every day (control), once in three (mild stress) and in five days(sever stress). During 15 days the plants were irrigated an amount of 150 ml. The effect of irrigation treatment on the soluble sugar, total protein, proline, phenolic compound, chlorophyll content and nitrate reductase activity was studied.The results showed that in the root soluble sugar and proline content in mild and sever stress significantly increased while in the stem and the leaf these compound considarably increased under sever stress the total protein, chlorophyll a, b and nitrate reductase activity in leaf especially decreased in sever stress. Also the decrease phenolic compound in leaf under this condition was significant.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Methods of plants tissues and organs culture were used for micropagation, production of plants free from contamination especially viral contaminations preparation of plants for transforming, improvements and cloning. Culture of Canola has developed recently in Iran and is used for vegetable oil and protein. Our target in this study was micropropagation, induction of calli and plantlet regeneration by tissue culture. Explants of Pioneer cultivars from Canola were cultured in MS medium with different concentrations of PGRs (plant growth tegulators) such as IBA (Indol butyric acid), BA (benzyl adenin), 2, 4-D (2,4 dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. Results of repeated experiments indicated that in MS medium with 2 mg/lit BA, and 1-2 mg/lit IBA plus 1 mg/lit BA induced white calli that become organogen when diameter reached to 5-6 mm. MS medium with 2 mg/lit BA and different concentrations of 2,4-D (2-10 mg/lit) induced yellow calli that were alike embryogen calli and either longitudinal or transversal sections proved embryogenic structures in primary steps in them. In MS medium with out of 2 mg/lit IBA induced brown calli that grew slow and died.

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Premenstrual syndrome is a common cyclic problem among the young and middle - aged women which occurs in the luteal phase of the mestrual cycle. It is characterized by a combination of distressing physical, psychological and behavioral symptoms. The prevalence and frequency of syndrome (PMS) was assessed in all students living in an undergraduate female dormitory of Teacher Training University. The results of this study showed that among 326 nuliparous students, 98.2% of them regularly experienced symptoms consistent with PMS. The 4 most common symptoms were abdominal pain, backache, depression and anger. In this study the most disagreeable symptoms were abdominal ache (29.1%), backache (21.6%), anger (9.7%), anxiety (9%), and social withdrawal (8/80%).There was an association between the city of origin and some of the symptoms such as: depression and acne in north of Iran and abdominal ache and back pain in east of Iran. About 43% of students had familial history of PMS and 51% of them took drug for decreasing their symptoms. A severe form of Premenstrual syndrome is premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), which its prevalence among the university students was 16.9%.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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