The purpose of this study is to provide a model of organizational rebellion. This research is a qualitative research that uses grounded theory and a systematic model of Strauss and Corbin. In this regard, in-depth interviews were conducted using theoretical sampling through snowball technique with sociologists and elites, managers who have been exposed to organizational rebels, and rebels themselves. Sampling continued until the responses reached saturation stage (with 12 interviews). Data analysis was performed during three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, and then the desired model was explained based on the grounded theory model. "Individual factors, organizational factors, and environmental factors" as the causal conditions of organizational rebellion, "relative deprivation and injustice" as the main phenomenon of research, "work conscience, organizational distrust, and employee and organization conflict " as confounding factors, and "power imbalance in the organization, hypocritical behaviors, organizational skepticism, weak rule of law, and weak participation in the organization" were identified as contextual factors from the perspective of research participants. The five types of applied strategies include "symbolic protest, the role of norms, covert protest, breaking the legitimacy of the organization, and organizational silence, " and the four outcomes involve "reduced productivity, antiproduction behavior, covert violence, and organizational citizen misconduct. "