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Introduction: Spinal cord injuries are one of the most harmful injuries caused by secondary complications resulting from these secondary complications that reduce their satisfaction with their lives. Many of these secondary complications can be reduced or prevented by proper self-management. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of self-management program on life satisfaction in patients with spinal cord injury. Methods: This research is a randomized clinical trial (RCT) in which 66 patients with spinal cord injury who referred to the Iran Spinal Cord Disability Support Center were included in the study And randomly assigned to two groups of intervention (33) and control (33). Initially, demographic and life satisfaction questionnaires (SWLS) were completed by all samples. Then, the intervention group, in addition to receiving routine care in the self-management program, included 4 sessions of two hours. After completing the intervention, telephone follow up was conducted for 12 weeks. Then, one month and three months after the end of the intervention, the life satisfaction questionnaire was completed again by the two groups. Data were analyzed by chi-square, Fisher exact and independent t-test using SPSS software version 16. Results: According to the findings, there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of demographic characteristics and life satisfaction before intervention (P = 0. 08). However one month after the intervention, there was no significant difference in terms of life satisfaction between the two groups (P = 0. 146), But three months after the intervention, there was a significant difference between the two groups (P < 0. 001). Conclusions: Regarding the findings of this research, self-management program is effective on the life satisfaction of patients with spinal cord injury and improves life satisfaction in patients.

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Introduction: Understanding patients about the role of spiritual self-care education can lead to chronic disease management. Self-efficacy is the most important determinant of self-care behaviors. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of spiritual self-care education on the autoimmunity of adolescents with thalassemia. Methods: This research is a single-group semi-experimental study that was performed on 34 adolescents aged 12-18 years old with thalassemia referred to thalassemia department of Taleghanis hospital in Gonbad-e-Kavoos city. The samples were taken in 6 sessions for 45-60 minutes two the modules were demo graphic questionnaire and general self-efficacy questionnaire (GSE-10). The self-efficacy was measured in two stages before and after the intervention, and through statistical software 21-SPSS was analyzed. Results: The results of the study showed that the rate of self-efficacy before and after intervention was 19. 17 ± 3. 57 after 26. 44 ± 3. 62 self-efficacy, which showed a significant difference based on the results of paired t-test (P < 0. 01 and t = 7. 7). Conclusions: According to the efficacy, spiritual self-care education on adolescent self-efficacy of thalassemia is suggested.

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Introduction: The elderly population is rising in Iran and other countries, and chronic diseases such as heart disease are prevalent among this population. People, especially in chronic diseases, depend on their families, and the family plays an important role in patient compliance with therapeutic and nutritional recommendations, and can be used to improve the quality of education for patients, especially the elderly. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of family-centered educational program on medication management in elderly patients with ischemic heart disease. Methods: The present study was a randomized clinical trial with two groups of control and test, which was performed on 84 elderly patients with ischemic heart disease in 1396. After sampling by available method, the samples were randomly divided into control and test groups by blocking. For the test group, the family-centered educational program was presented in the form of three training sessions along with an educational booklet and the control group received the usual training. The research tools were demographic information questionnaire and medication management tool for the elderly (MedMaide). Drug management was measured before intervention and three months later. Chi-square, Fisher exact test, independent t-test and paired T-test were used for data analysis. SPSS software version 16 was used. Results: Mean and standard deviation of medication management score after intervention in the experimental group was 0. 80 ± 1. 82 and in the control group was 2. 42 ± 3. 75, and independent t-test showed a significant difference after the intervention, in test and control group (P = 0. 015). Conclusions: The family-centered educational program had a positive effect on medication management in elderly patients with ischemic heart disease. Nurses and other members of the treatment team can improve the quality and continuity of cares with the help of patients’ families.

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Introduction: Postpartum depression and sleep quality in women are common and disabling psychosocial disorders. Depression and quality of sleep are considered as a collective health problem. This affects the care of the baby, the relationship between the mother and the child, the care of other children and the relationship with the spouse. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of admission and commitment psychotherapy in improving depression and quality of sleep in women with postpartum depression. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental clinical trial with pre-test-posttest with control group. The statistical population of the study was a survey of all newly born mothers in Kermanshah in 1396 in 539 people. A sample of 30 were selected through sampling method (15 subjects in the experimental group and 15 in the control group) in a random manner, they were replaced in groups. Two variables were used to measure variables: a) Beck Depression (BDI-II; Beck, Stihler & Brun, 1996); and B: Sleep Quality (QS; Comparison, et al., 1989). Treatment interventions (based on admission and commitment) were conducted in eight sessions of two hours (every two weeks). For analysis of data, covariance analysis and SPSS-22 software were used. Results: The results showed that group therapy based on commitment and acceptance to reduce postpartum depression and improve sleep quality has a significant effect (P = 0. 0001). Conclusions: As a result, psychotherapy based on group commitment and admission can be considered as an effective treatment for improving depression and quality of sleep. According to the results, it is recommended that psychologists and counselors use this therapeutic approach for those suffering from postpartum depression.

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Introduction: Mental hardiness and adaptability have a major role in increasing the ability of Mothers with a mentally retarded child. Mothers with special children should have high emotional intelligence to take care of these children. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between mental hardiness and emotional adjustment with emotional intelligence in mothers of mentally retarded children. Methods: This research was a correlational study. The sample consisted of 136 mothers of mentally retarded children in Rasht city of Rasht who were selected by available sampling method. The instrument used in the research was a questionnaire of 27 items of psychological hardiness Ahwaz, a 32-item questionnaire of emotional empowerment Bell and a questionnaire of 33 items of Emotional Intelligence Shoot. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percent), and inferential statistics (multiple regression, Pearson correlation coefficient) and analyzed using SPSS 20 software. Results: Multiple regression analysis showed that the correlation between mental hardiness and emotional adjustment with emotional intelligence of mothers of exceptional mental retardation children was statistically significant (P < 0. 01). Also, the results of regression show that psychological hardiness and emotional adjustment can explain 33% of the variance of emotional intelligence of mothers of exceptional children with mental retardation (criterion variable). The psychological hardiness with a standard B-value of 260 and emotional adaptation with the standard B value of 382/0 have been able to directly predict the emotional intelligence of mothers of exceptional children with mental retardation (P < 0. 01). Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that increasing mental hardiness and increasing emotional adaptability in mothers of mentally retarded children also increase their emotional intelligence. The results of this research can be used in counseling centers for education and well-being centers.

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Introduction: Since the lack of social protection and the lack of monitoring of emotions can make the elderly a vulnerable part of the society, the present study aims to compare perceived social support and the difficulty of cognitive emotion Regulation among smokers and non-nursing elderly people. Smoker was done. Methods: This was a descriptive, causal-comparative type. The population of the study consisted of all non-resident elderly people in Kermanshah city in 1396. Available for sampling, 48 were smokers and 48 were non-smokers. Data collection tools include the Multidimensional Social Perception Scale of Zimm et al. (1988) & difficulty of emotional regulation by Graz and Roemer (2004) Questionnaire. For data analysis, multivariate analysis of variance analysis using SPSS_22 software was used. Results: The results of the research showed that there is a significant difference between the elderly smoker and non-smoker in terms of benefiting from various social support (family, friends and other people) as well as how cognitive emotion is regulated, that is, Social status was lower in smoker less than the non-smoker group, while the amount of difficulty in cognitive-emotional regulation was significantly higher in smokers than non-smokers (P < 0. 001). Conclusions: So, it can be said that there is a lack of perceived social support and difficulty in cognitive regulation of excitement in consumption or smoking among elderly people.

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Introduction: Pregnancy is associated with many physical and psychological changes that cause anxiety in the mother. Therefore, this study was investigated to determine the effect of sending short messages on pregnant women's anxiety. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was conducted on 120 pregnant women covered by community health centers in Gonabad city in 2018. Mothers were selected by convenience sampling and were randomly assigned to two intervention and control groups (60 subjects each group). The Spielberger anxiety inventory questionnaire completed before and after and one month later the intervention by the mothers in an autoregressive manner. Data were analyzed by SPSS software version 16 using paired t-test, independent t-test and Chi-square tests at a significance level less than 0. 05. Results: Before intervention, there was no significant difference between the mean of apparent and hidden anxiety scores in the two groups, but after the intervention, the apparent and hidden anxiety of the mothers was significantly different in the two groups (<0. 05). The results of the intragroup comparison showed a significant statistical difference in the two groups. There is a significant statistical difference in the intervention group with decreasing scores and in the control group with increasing scores. Conclusions: Sending SMS to provide care during pregnancy as an effective measure can reduce the anxiety score of pregnant women. Therefore, the intervention is recommended along with the usual care during pregnancy.

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Introduction: Due to the fact that all human events in human societies origin from their behaviors and the source of each person's behavior is directly his style of thought, the positive attitude (optimism) based on gratitude can be achieved by promoting the spiritual well-being of man especially In adolescents, they improve their performance in relation to themselves, God and the community. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of positive thinking (optimism) on the spiritual health of the girl students at the first high school in Esfahan. Methods: This experimental study was a clinical trial between two groups performed by pretest-posttest. The statistical population of this study included all female students studying in high schools of first grade in Isfahan in 2017, using statistical formula and multi-stage random sampling, 125 students from two schools between the first high school girls in northern and southern Isfahan city, were enrolled in this study which were divided to Two groups (64 in the control and 61 in the intervention group). After consenting parents and students, on the intervention group, Positive thinking intervention based on gratitude was held in 6 sessions. The spiritual health and the existential and religious well-being of female students before and 1 month after positive thinking intervention was measured by the Ellison and Paloutzian’ s spiritual well-being scale (SWBS) for both control and intervention groups. Data analysis was performed by using SPSS 18 software for both control and control groups. 8 students were excluded from the study for various reasons, but their data entered in the analysis of the study. Results: The mean of spiritual health in the intervention group was (95. 06 ± 10. 75) and (95. 95 ± 15. 70) in in the control group in pretest. The overall score of spiritual well-being of students after intervention and post-test in both groups (intervention and control), in the intervention group with mean (100. 52 ± 12. 12) had high spiritual health (100-120), while the mean scores of the control group in post-test reached (85. 95 ± 04. 15) and remained at a moderate level. The mean of total spiritual health score and religious health after intervention in the intervention group was significantly higher than control group (P < 0. 05). Conclusions: Spiritual health is an important aspect of the health of adolescent girls. Considering the positive effect of intervention by schoolnurse, it is recommended that this study and the use of gratutude notebook be considered as an efficient method and low cost in education programs for adolescents.

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Introduction: Today, musculoskeletal disorders are one of the biggest health problems in the world. Prevention of musculoskeletal complications in ICU staff due to inappropriate physical posture at work, is important. The aim of the study is to assess the effect of education on musculoskeletal disorders in ICU staff nurses. Methods: This interventional study performed on 90 nurses in ICU of educational Hospital Complex in Tehran. Nurses were assess in two educational intervention and control groups. After selected with simple random sampling they were matched together. Data collection was done with REBA standard checklist and a demographic questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by samples in before and six weeks after intervention. Data analyze were done by SPSS software version 16. Results: It showed that knowledge (P-value ≥ 0. 9) and danger level (P-value ≥ 0. 9) had no significant difference before educational intervention. After intervention, findings showed that significant statistical difference in the knowledge (P ≤ 0. 002), and danger level (P ≤ 0. 0001), in intervention group in comparison to the control group. Conclusions: Occupational health and self-protection is an important point that should be regarded by all staffs at the work. Occupational musculoskeletal disorders are one of the serious problems of professional nursing that results to increase in their burnout. As most of nurses are unaware about ergonomics and do not follow its principles, there is a need for continuous educational planning of the principles of ergonomics to nurses in ICU wards. Education has an effective role in increasing the level of knowledge and practice in the implementation of ergonomic principles.

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Introduction: Family is the smallest and most important social system and marital burnout has a very negative impact on the foundations of the family. Therefore, present research aimed to investigate the relationship of dark triad of personality, sexual assertiveness and cognitive flexibility with marital burnout in female nurses. Methods: This research was a cross-sectional from type of correlation. Research population was female nurses of governmental hospital of Ahvaz city in 2017 year which from them 200 people selected by simple sampling method. The research tools included the questionnaires of dark triad of personality (Jonason & Webster, 2010), sexual assertiveness (Hurlbert, 1992), cognitive flexibility (Dennis & VanderWal, 1994) and marital burnout (Pines, 1996). Data analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression with stepwise model methods and with SPSS-21. Results: The findings showed that dark triad of personality included narcissism (r=0. 289), psychopathy (r=0. 231) and Machiavellism (r=0. 175) had a positive and significant relation with marital burnout of female nurses and sexual assertiveness (r=-0. 426) and cognitive flexibility (r=-0. 380) had a negative and significant relation with marital burnout of female nurses. Also, dark triad of personality, sexual assertiveness and cognitive flexibility significantly could predicting 35. 7 percent of variance the marital burnout in female nurses (R2=0. 357). Conclusions: The results indicate the importance of dark triad of personality, sexual assertiveness and cognitive flexibility in predicting the marital burnout in female nurses. Therefore, counselors and therapists in order to reduction of marital burnout in female nurses can increase the rate of sexual assertiveness and cognitive flexibility and decrease the rate of dark triad of personality through workshops.

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Introduction: The most common complaint of heart patients is pain and chest discomfort. The delay in transmitting patients from the onset of symptoms to reaching a treatment center is one of the most important reasons for the deaths of these patients. There is a direct relationship between the early services provided by the pre-hospital emergency room with positive therapeutic outcomes and the reduction of mortality. By using telephony triangulation protocol, delayed call center experts dispatch ambulances to patients at higher risk and job misconduct. The purpose of this study was to investigate the outcome of telephony triage in patients with complaint of pain and chest discomfort in the first half of 1996 in the Qom province of Qom according to the modified protocol of New Jersey. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 550 callers with 115 emergency services in the first half of 1396 were selected through a random sampling method, with a complaint of pain and chest discomfort. Data were collected using valid and reliable checklist the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Chi-square and independent tests). Results: Of the 550 registered samples, 202 patients were transferred to the hospital by ambulance and 347 were not sent to the ambulance. Among these 347 persons, 196 persons were contacted and the result of the absence of ambulance was questioned. Finally, 60. 37% of the right triage and 68 / 39% there was a wrong triage. According to lateral findings, there was no significant relationship between sex and work shift with triage method, but there was a significant relationship between age and contact history with triage mode. Conclusions: Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that patients' triage in emergency department of Qom province is in desirable level in order to maintain patient safety, so that from the callers with complaints of pain in the chest, in which from the callers with a complaint of pain in the chest 68/39 did not triage properly. That this wrong triage only caused the health and safety of the caller to be only 0. 56%. There was also no significant relationship between gender and contact history in the triage mode. But there is a significant relationship between age and work shifts with the way of triage.

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