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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In any type of tourism trip, there are probably some reasons that, if combined, can be considered as motivational factors for travel. Awareness of these factors and how they affect different stages is essential in planning. Urban development plans in Iran do not have the proper and expected function for planners, urban managers, and people, and tourism in these plans does not play a significant role. This research seeks to analyze the factors of tourism weaknesses in these projects. Methods according to the research objectives, this is applied research which used descriptive-analytical method and semi-structured interviews with emphasis on exploratory approach. Results Based on exploratory analysis, four factors were identified on tourism weakness in urban development plans of Kermanshah province, which include institutional, perspective, structural and managerial factors. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the data and examine the relationship between factors and determine their contribution. Conclusion the results of this study showed that the main components of the research have a significant effect on the tourism weakness in urban development plans of Kermanshah province. The structural equation analysis showed that the first factor (institutional) with the critical ratio of 2. 159, the second factor (perspective) with the critical ratio of 2. 801, the third factor (structural) with the critical ratio of 2. 506, and the fourth factor (managerial) with the critical ratio of 2. 173, each with the significance level of 0. 05 has a significant effect on the tourism weakness in urban development plans of Kermanshah province.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of eco-tourism culture on conservation of Lar National Park. The research method was descriptive-survey and the data were collected by field survey. The statistical population of this study was all the researchers (ecotourists) of Lar National Park in 2017. Due to the limited statistical population (more than 100 thousand people), the statistical sample of the study was 384 tourists based on statistical tables (Krejci & Morgan) using an available sampling method. After distributing and collecting data and separating incomplete and confused questionnaires, statistical analysis was performed on 345 questionnaires. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire which its face and content validity were confirmed by 11 professors of tourism and environmental sciences. The structural validity of the questionnaire was examined by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire through Cronbach's alpha coefficient for the ecotourist culture’ s questionnaire and national park protection’ s questionnaire were obtained (α = 0. 89) and (α = 0. 90) respectively. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, mean, standard deviation, and inferential statistics of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used and the research model was analyzed using SPSS and LISREL software. This project indicated that the variables of responsibility, social behavior, normalization, education, knowledge and awareness, and religious and traditional values are affecting environmental behaviors. As a general result, it can be said that culture is the determinant for tourist’ s behavior in national parks and the environmental behavior of individuals in a community originated from this key factor.

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The image of the city, which is one of the basic prerequisites of urban brand building, is composed of various aspects. These aspects can include architecture and urbanism, traffic and transport infrastructure, monuments, environmental features, range of services, culture, economic and science and technology characteristics of the city. Together, these factors create an overall image of the city in the minds of residents and tourists, affecting their attitudes and behavior in different contexts. Among these behaviors is the choice of travel time for tourists. In this research, this impact has been examined and investigated, to see whether is it possible to make the time travel of the city closer to the desired distribution of time by means of the modifications made to the image of the city, in other words, to counteract the seasonal phenomenon of tourism? Based on the results of a questionnaire analysis distributed among 392 tourists in Mashhad city, it was found that among the dimensions of the image of the city, the promotion of the two dimensions of "economy and commerce" and "environment" can have the greatest impact on balancing the time distribution of travel throughout the year and tackling the seasonality phenomenon.

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The present study attempts to understand the experience of scientific tourism and this has been investigated among the foreign scholars who have experienced scientific tourism in Iran. In this study, a qualitative research method and descriptive phenomenological approach were used, based on the need to use the lived experiences of the people involved in the research. Colaizzi’ s method was used for data analysis because of its systematic nature. Until reaching saturation, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 people using a purposive sampling method. The validity of the results was obtained by referring back to the research participants and obtaining their agreement. In the end, four categories of themes were identified: the scientific, the religious, the cultural, and the economic and leisure time aspects. The findings of this study are effective in a better understanding of tourist’ s behavior and future predictions. Proper application of the findings will also promote the development of scientific tourism and consequently increase the satisfaction of tourists.

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The experiences of past decades in countries around the world show that attention to the tourism sector is one of the most important economic and communication sectors of governments. Governments have implemented various policies to promote tourism and its sub-sectors at national, regional and local levels. The purpose of this study is a comparative analysis of Iranian Tourism Spatial Planning with Turkey, Serbia, and Portugal to use their experiences to reduce weaknesses and improve tourism development including rural tourism. This is fundamental research and the method used in this study is a comparative qualitative analysis based on the content analysis method. Library studies (documents) were used for data gathering. The research findings show that Turkey, Serbia, and Portugal succeed in spatial tourism planning by adapting programs and building convergence and partnerships between the spatial planning department at different national, regional and local (rural) levels. Tourism development has taken the lead-facilitating role, and taking strategic roles into account by empowering states in their legal plans and policies for tourism development. But at the national level, Iran is having problems because of the attitude and thinking of centralized planning and a partial attitude to the plans. At the regional level, there are problems such as lack of independence and the legal and political authority of regional managers in tourism programs. At the local level, there are problems (such as lack of legal authority to the local representative and lack of strategic participation) in the spatial planning of rural tourism destinations. One of the applications of this study is comparing the strength of the countries under study with Iran and then utilize all social resources, including human, economic and spatial and environmental resources. This approach helps to constitute a regional planning subdivision within a network of rural tourism destinations. And make vertical allocations in the field of tourism development to horizontal activities, which are an incentive for attracting tourists, managing and optimizing the implementation of the Rural Tourism Development Plan. On this basis, by orienting toward sustainable rural development, rural tourism can underpin regional development and form the indigenous and community-based tourism.

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In the present study geotourism potentials of Zanjan province have been evaluated with emphasis on sustainable tourism development. The general trend of the present study is first to identify the pre-geosites of the study area, then to evaluate the geosites of the study area using Zouros and Kubalikova methods. After evaluating the pre-geosites, the impact of these pre-geosites on the development of sustainable tourism in the region has been investigated. For this purpose, 200 questionnaires have been used. The results of the evaluations indicate that Katale Khor Cave and Aladaghlar colored mountains have the highest value in both methods. After evaluating the pre-geosites, the impact of them on the economic, social and environmental status of the region is discussed. Among the effects mentioned earlier, improving the quality and quantity of handicrafts, increasing social interaction and improving the status of passages were the highest

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The emerging market of senior tourism in Iran requires fundamental studies in various dimensions, including the behavior of senior tourists. The cognitive system of individuals is an internal factor affecting consumer behavior. The purpose of this study was to extract the cognitive structure of Iranian Senior Tourists (ISTs) towards the accommodation as one of the important elements in the development of Iranian senior tourism. In other words, for the first time, this study presents the cognitive structure toward accommodation at more abstract levels of features, using the means-end chain (MEC) approach. Using Laddering Technique and in-depth interview with 30 senior citizens of Shiraz, the Hierarchical Value Map of ISTs was created, as a result of which six key MECs were identified. Thus, 11 accommodation characteristics, 9 outcomes and 3 dominant values that the ISTs wish to realize were identified. The attributes of cleanliness, location of accommodation, security and price, the consequences of maintaining health, good feeling and peace of mind, and the values of security and positive emotions were most frequently cited by senior tourists. Due to the lack of qualitative studies in the field of the behavior of ISTs, the findings of this study can be used as a key basis for segmenting the senior tourist market and formulating accommodation placement strategies in Iran.

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Reputation is a key issue in business. Like organizations, cities also compete at regional, national, and even international level. In such a competitive environment, reputation can be a valuable resource for a city. This study tried to present a model to explain the impact of branding on city reputation and its role in city performance. In terms of the purposes, this is applied research that had been done using the survey method. The required information was collected through a questionnaire from a sample of 277 Isfahan travelers using the available sampling method. Structural equation modeling with Smart PLS2 software was used for data analysis. The results revealed that city reputation has a positive and significant relationship on city performance and brand image impacts the city’ s reputation through brand equity. Also, brand identity has a significant positive relationship on brand image.

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The purpose of this study is to provide a model to identify the relationship between word of mouth and tourists’ trust with customer-based brand equity in the hotel industry of Shiraz. This research is descriptive-survey and non-random sampling was used. The Sample size is 384 Iranian tourists who traveled to Shiraz and used hotels and accommodation. At first, indicators related to the dimensions of tourists’ trust in the offline domain were extracted, categorized and finalized by systematic review. Then a questionnaire was designed. After distributing the questionnaire, data were analyzed using SPSS and Smart PLS software. By systematic review, three dimensions of destination characteristics, destination staff characteristics and tourist characteristics were considered for trust. The findings indicate that tourist trust mediates the relationship between word-of-mouth advertising and customer-based brand equity.

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Prioritizing tourism poles can be a benchmark for centralizing as well as determining tourist attractions and moderating inequality between regions and is a step in formulating a tourism development plan. The purpose of this research is to evaluate and prioritize tourism centers based on integrated fuzzy Shannon’ s entropy model and fuzzy additive ratio assessment (ARAS) method. For this purpose, first, the indicators affecting the development of tourism centers in the three areas of natural-ecological, spatial-physical-service, and socio-economic are identified using the literature and expert’ s opinions. After collecting the data in the form of triangular fuzzy numbers, the importance and weight of each criterion in the development of tourism centers are identified by the fuzzy Shannon’ s entropy method. Then, using the fuzzy ARAS method, tourism centers are evaluated and prioritized and those with the most potential for investment are identified.

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