The extremism and violence of the extremist groups, under the name of religion and apparently Islam, have caused many tragedies in recent years and many people in different parts of the world, especially in the Middle East, have suffered a lot from extremism. Regardless of whether or not these conflicts in the region and the world are based on religious beliefs. Some try to promote Islamophobia, and simulating Islamic jihad with violence and extremism, and introduce the divine and mercifully religion of Islam as a violent religion. Accordingly, this article uses analytical framework of "constructive" and its main aim is re-reading the concept of Islamic Jihad and its nature and explaining the difference between the ideas of extremism and violence in the form of religion. It seeks to answer this question that; what is the incompatibility of extremism and violence with the original concept of Islamic jihad? The data obtained from the study of the subject of research and the sources and opinions of religious thinkers confirm that; the lack of correct understanding of the theoretical concept of Islamic jihad has led to a misconception, so the actions of extremists and the use of violence against others thought to be legitimate. Of course, "there is no relationship between extremism and Islamic jihad". Therefore violent actions of extremist groups such as al-Qaeda, which has been used to revive the Islamic caliphate and enforce Sharia as neo-jihadism, is religiously rejected and incompatible with it. The type of research is applied-developmental and its method is documentary and library.