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Background and Objective: This research was conducted in order to measure of yield, yield components and some indices of intercropping and determination of the best intercropping ration in two medicinal plants Hyssopus officinalis and Plantago ovate. Materials and Methods: The experiment was carried out as a randomized complete block design with seven treatments and three replications in the field of research of Jiroft University. The treatments including 100% H. officinalis + 20% P. ovata (H100: P20), 100% H. officinalis + 40% P. ovata (H100: P40), 100% H. officinalis + 60% P. ovata (H100: P60), 100% H. officinalis + 80% P. ovata (H100: P80), 100% H. officinalis + 100% P. ovata (H100: P100) and single crop of two species (H100) and (P100). The studied characteristics including plant height, number of branches, biomass yield, essence percentage in H. officinalis and plant height, number of spikes per plant, 100-seed weight, grain yield and harvesting index in P. ovate. Evaluation of efficiency and usefulness intercropping by Land Equivalent Ratio (LER) and system productivity index (SPI) were used. Results: The results showed that all the studied traits except biomass yield of Hyssopus officinalis were significantly affected by different intercropping ratios in this study. The highest seed yield and biological yield in P. ovate were obtained in single crop 3393. 3 and 4286. 6 kg. ha-1, respectively. The highest essence percentage was obtained from single crop of H. officinalis that no significant difference with H100: P20 (161773 and 135842 g. ha-1). Maximum LER (1. 41) and SPI (21998) were obtained in H100: P80. Conclusion: The LER for all intercropping treatments was greater than one which indicates that intercropping had advantage over sole crop. According to the results of the study H100: P80 can be suggested as the best cropping pattern in region.

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Background and Objectives: Intercropping systems and the application of biofertilizers play an important role in increasing of quantity and quality of plant products. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of Funneliformis mosseae application and different planting patterns on the yield and yield component of black cumin (Nigella sativa L. ) in intercropping with chick pea (Cicer arietnium L. ). Materials and Methods: A field experiment was carried out as factorial based on randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with 10 treatments and three replications at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Maragheh during 2018 growing season. The first factor was consisted of different planting patterns including monoculture of chickpea, monoculture of black cumin, 1 row intercropping of chickpea + 1 black cumin (1: 1), 1 row chickpea+ 2 row black cumin (1: 2) and 2 row chickpea+ 1 row black cumin (2: 1) and the second factor was inoculation and non-inoculation with mychorrizal fungus. Results: The results demonstrated that the seed yield of chickpea and black cumin was significantly affected by different planting patterns and mychorrizal fungus. The highest seed yield of chickpea (1203. 5 kg. ha-1) was observed in the chickpea monoculture that was no significantly different with planting pattern of 2: 1. Also, the highest seed yield of black cumin (823. 3 kg. ha-1) was achieved in its monoculture. Application of mychorrizal fungus increased the seed yield of chickpea and black cumin by 24. 62 and 18. 59% in compared with non-application. In addition, the highest essential oil percentage (1. 06) and essential oil yield (7. 326 g. m-2) were achieved in the 1 row chickpea+ 2 row black cumin intercropping pattern. In all intercropping patterns, the LER was higher than one, indicating the advantages of these patterns compared with monocultures. The highest LER (1. 56) was obtained in the planting pattern of 1: 2 with application of mychorrizal fungus. Also, in all intercropping patterns, the aggressivity values of chickpea was higher than black cumin, representing that the chickpea was the dominant in these intercropping patterns. Moreover, the highest ecological indices (AHER, ATER and LUE) and monetary indices (IA, MAI, RVT and SPI) were achieved in the ratios of 1: 2 and 2: 1 with application of mychorrizal fungus Conclusion: Generally, the planting pattern of 1 row chickpea+ 2 row black cumin (1: 2) with application of mychorrizal fungus not only leading to agricultural ecosystems diversity and sustainable productivity, but also effective in enhancing economic income and land use efficiency.

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Nouriyani Hassan

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Background and Objective: Since improving the efficiency of environmental resources utilization in intercropping is one of the essential strategies for achieving sustainable agriculture, Therefore, in order to assess some ecophysiological properties of maize S. C 704 in additive intercropping with mungbean, an experiment was conducted. Materials and Methods: The experiment was based on randomized complete block design with six treatments and four replications in Dezful region during the summer of 2018. Experimental treatments consisted of different additive intercropping of maize-mungbean intercropping (adding 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% of optimum density of mungbean to optimum maize density) and a pure stand of maize (control). Results: The results showed that the effect of different maize-mungbean additive intercropping treatments on leaf area index, leaf area duration, light absorption, crop growth rate, dry matter accumulation and light use efficiency was significant. But the relative growth rate was not significantly affected by the treatments. In this study, with increasing in mungbean density, the evaluated traits in all intercropping treatments were higher than that of pure maize. However, the additive intercropping treatment of maize+40% mungbean utilized higher leaf area index (5. 28), leaf area duration (217 LAI-day), absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (18. 12 MJ/m2), Crop growth rate (30. 14 g/m2/day) and relative growth rate (0. 0838 g/g/day) compared to the other treatments, resulting in the highest dry matter accumulation (1996. 50 g/m2) and consequently the highest radiation use efficiency (2. 91 g/mJ). Conclusion: In general, maize+40% mungbean treatment can be introduced as the best maize-mungbean additive intercropping system, regarding environmental resources consumption and dry matter production.

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Background and Objective: The goals of study were to recognize the effect of bio-fertilizers on some quantitative and qualitative traits of Valerian under drought stress. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted as split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replicationes at the Research Farm of Urmia during two successive seasons of 2015-2016 and 2016-2017. The test factors included drought stress at three levels of irrigation 60, 90 and 120 mm evaporation from pan class A as the main factor and inoculation with bio fertilizer in eight levels including: 1-control (non-inoculation), 2-mycorrhiza, 3-Azotobacter, 4-Azospirilum, 5-combination of Azotobacter and Azospirilum, 6-combination of Azotobacter and Mycorrhiza, 7-combination of Azosperilum and Mycorrhiza, 8-Azotobacter, Mycorrhiza and Azospirilum as subplots. Results: The results showed that with increasing drought stress, the plant height, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, root length, root volume, phosphorus and potassium decreased, and the percentage of valeric acid increased. The application of bio-fertilizers increased all studied traits except of the Valernic acid content. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, with the application of bio-fertilizers, the effects of drought stress on the valerian can be modulated and it has been used in pursuit of the goals of sustainable agriculture.

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Background & Objective: Biofertilizers play major role in sustainable agriculture. Increasing the longevity and survival of the bacteria in the production of inoculants by using different materials, is notable to increase the effectiveness of biofertilizers. The aim of present study was to investigate the efficiency of liquid inocula of Enterobacter cloacae S16-3 on growth rate and percentage of rapeseed seed oil (Brassica napus L. ) cultivar hayola 308. Materials & Methods: The experiment was carried based on completely randomized design (CRD) with 12 treatments (including 9 liquid inoculants; F1-F9, one negative control treatment without adding any bacteria and NPK, and two positive controls e. g. 100NPK and 70NPK) and three replications, in the greenhouse of Agricultural Faculty of University of Tabriz in a sterilized sandy loam soil in 2018. Nine liquid inoculants of S16-3 were prepared using different amounts of materials including glycerol, polyethylene glycol (PEG), trehalose, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), Arabic gum (AG), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), glucose and starch, in different combinations. Results: The results showed that in the presence of E. cloacae bacteria (in the form of nine inoculants), 100NPK and 70NPK treatments, the number of silique per plant, number of seed per plant, leaf chlorophyll index, plant height, stem diameter, root volume per plant, fresh and dry weight of shoot, root and seed, seed yield per plant, oil yield per plant, silique weight per plant, total fresh and dry weight, seed oil percentage and fatty acids content increased. The inoculation effect of E. cloacae liquid inocula on 1000 seed weight was not significant. The results percentage of seed oil and fatty acid analysis showed that the highest percentage of seed oil (47. 02%) and the highest amount of oleic acid (53. 1%) was obtained by F9 (glycerol, glucose, AG, PEG) treatment, and oil quality was affected by bacterial inoculation. Conclusion: According to the results of this experiment F5 (AG, starch, PEG) and F9 inoculants can be recommended to improve on growth properties, oil yield and type fatty acids of rapeseed.

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Background and Objective: The present study was carried out to determine the seeding rate for some hybrids and open-pollinated genotypes. Materials and Methods: A field experiment in a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design was conducted at the Islamabad-Gharb Research Station during 2018-2019. Seed consumption was four levels of 2, 4, 6 and 8 kg. ha-1 and cultivars include hybrids (Natalie, Neptune and Marathon), open-pollinated (Nafis, Rohan, Nima) and R15 line. Results: The results showed that the effect of seed consumption was significant on plant height, number of branches, pod per plant and seed yield. The Maximum plant height was obtained at the level of 8 kg of seed and it was significantly different from all other seed consumption. However, the highest number of shoots and pods per plant resulted in the lowest seed density. Seed yield had a different reaction to seed consumption. The highest seed yield was obtained at 6 kg per ha seed consumption (2919 kg. ha-1) However, there was no significant difference between the levels of 4, 6 and 8 kg. ha-1. Marathon produced the highest seed yield with an average of 3585 kg per ha. Oil content was also different between the cultivars and the highest percentage was obtained in Natalie, Neptune and Nima. Conclusion: In general, the best results were in seed consumption of 6 kg/ha and Marathon hybrid. The target density recommendations for hybrid seed are lower than open pollinated genotypes.

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Background & Objective: The aim of this experiment was to study the effect of inoculation with growth promoting bacteria and mycorrhiza-like fungi (Piriformospora indica) under water deficit stress on some morphological traits and essential oil yield of Moldavian balm (Dracocephalum moldavica L. ). Materials & Methods: a factorial experiment was conducted in University of Tabriz, Iran based on randomized complete block design with three replications in 2017. The first factor was water deficit based on field capacity (FC) at four levels including 80-100 % FC, 70-85%FC, 55-70% FC, 40-55% FC and the second factor was inoculation of Moldavian balm with different microorganisms including Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, Agrobacterium, P. indica and control (non-inoculation). Results: The results showed that the effect of water deficit stress and inoculation treatments on all morphological traits were significant. With increasing water deficit stress, all growth traits including plant height, branch number, main branch length, number of cycle of flowers per main branches, essential oil content and yield were significantly reduced. The highest amount of dry flowering head yield (2. 41g/pot) was obtained with Enterobacter. However, the highest dry mater yield (59 g/pot), essential oil percentage (0. 32%) and essential oil yield (0. 19 g/pot) were obtained under Agrobacterium treatment. Conclusion: In general, inoculations with P. indica and Agrobacterium, were the best treatments in terms of dry mater yield and essential oil yield under moderate drought stress conditions and can be recommended as treatments to reduce the application of chemical fertilizers in sustainable production of Moldavian balm.

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Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to quantify the effect of managerial factors such as summer planting date on Heat Summation Unit (HSU), phenology and faba bean yield based on number of days and Aggregation Growth Degree Day (AGDD) and to introduce the most suitable genotypes adapted to Mediterranean climatic conditions in the Caspian sea was conducted. Materials & Methods: In order to investigate effect off-season planting date (Summer) on phenology and yield of faba bean var. Luzde otono using accumulation of thermal units conducted at the Gharakhil Agricultural Research Station in 2014 and 2015. Treatment included four summer sowing dates (July 23, August 7, August 23, September 7) by experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications. Results: The results showed that cultivar Luzde otono in the second planting date (August 7) with 9100 kg which has increased by 124% compared to the last planting date (September 7) had the highest yield (green pod). The unit of heliothermal was more in 2015 (from 0. 800 to 1. 320) compared to 2016 (from 0. 576 to 0. 983). On August 7, the efficiency of heliothermal consumption (1. 320) increased compared to the first date of August 1 (1. 200), which was due to the increase in average air temperature and the number of hours of sunshine. Also, among the studied indicators, the efficiency of heat consumption (HUE) and the efficiency of consumption of sunny hours (RUE) as well as estimated thermal requirement of faba bean Luzde otono cultivar in different cultivation dates and at different stages of development and in this direction, due to having a constant and logical trend, they have a relative superiority over other indicators such as GDD and PTI. Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, in order to prevent the coincidence of flowering period and seed filling with heat stress, The summer cultivation of faba bean Luzde otono cultivar has been avoided in June and July and recommended in order to obtain the highest yield (green pod) that cultivation be done in late August.

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Background and Objective: Winter cold damage is the main problem in the grape growing regions of Iran. The present study was conducted to investigate the nutritional effect of potassium sulfate and zinc sulfate on winter cold resistance of Bidaneh Ghermez grape buds. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, foliar application of potassium sulfate in three concentrations (0, 5 and 10 g. l-1) and zinc sulfate in four concentrations (0, 0. 5, 1 and 2 g. l-1) and combined treatments during the growing season on four occasions were sprayed the vines of a commercial vineyard. The measured traits included determining LT50 based on electrolyte leakage and tetrazolium test, soluble sugars, proline content and relative water content of buds. Results: The results showed that the lowest lethal temperature (LT50) based on two methods of evaluation, electrolyte leakage and tetrazolium test in the control treatments were-16. 5 and-15. 5 (° C), respectively, while in the foliar treatment of 10 g. l-1 of potassium sulfate with 2 g. l-1 of zinc sulfate were-20 and-19. 30 (° C), respectively. The results also showed that the highest soluble carbohydrates and proline content were obtained in 10 g. l-1 potassium sulfate and 2 g. l-1 zinc sulfate, the lowest relative water content of buds in 10 g. l-1potassium sulfate and 2 g. l-1 zinc sulfate alone was observed. The observed biochemical changes observed were correlated with the reduction in LT50. Conclusion: It seems that the foliar application of K2SO4 and ZnSO4 can simultaneously promote tolerance to winter cold in the grape cv. Bidaneh Ghermez.

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Materials and Methods: In this study the effect of kiwi (0, 50% and 100%) in three times (20, 25 and 30 days) on growth parameters, antioxidant enzymes activities catalase and ascorbat peroxidase, protein, phenol and anthocyanin content were studied. This study was designed in randomized complete design with four replications. Results: The results showed that kiwi in 30 days increased shoot fresh weight shoot dry weight, leaf area, root length, leaf and root protein content, leaf catalase enzyme activity, phenol and anthocyanin content and reduced broomrape number and biomass of broomrape and root catalase and root peroxidase enzyme activity. Kiwi treatments had no effect on shoot length and leaf peroxidase enzyme activity. Conclusion: Broomrapes without chlorophyll and parasites of root of plant are one of the abiotic stresses that limit plant growth and crop production such as tomato. As a result kiwi treatment inhibited pectin methyl esterase and reduced growth of broomrape.

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Background & Objective: Cover crops are one of the alternative methods to reduce chemical inputs to control weeds. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of weed control by cover crops in monoculture and dual and triple intercropping as well as their effect on iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Ice berg) yield. Methods & Materials: A field experiment in the form of randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted in 2017 in the research field of the Faculty of Agriculture, Mohaghegh Ardabili University. Experimental treatments include cultivation of barley cover crops (Hordum vulgare L. ), sunnhemp (Cartalaria juncea) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) as monoculture (100% of recommended seeds) and dual and triple intercropping (50 and 33. 3% of the recommended seeds, respectively). Results: The results showed that the highest biomass of cover crops was obtained from barley monoculture treatments and it’ s intercropping with sunnhemp (1323. 25 and 1247. 14 g. m-2, respectively). The lowest weeds biomass (115. 75 g. m-2) was belonged to sunnhemp + buckwheat. The highest lettuce fresh yield (7207 g. m-2) was obtained from barley + buckwheat + sunnhemp. The results of this experiment showed that double and triple intercropping of barley, sunnhemp and buckwheat compared to monoculture and control treatment had more effective control over Chenopodium album, Circium arvense, Amaranthus retroflexus and Sinapis arvensis. Conclusion: From the results, it can be concluded that cover crops in double and triple intercropping based on the obtained weed biomass have a better ability to control weeds.

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Background & Objective: Selection of suitable canola cultivars for winter cultivation and tolerant to late-season drought stress, are the basic strategies for the cultivation of the rapeseed in cold temperate regions with semi-arid climate. Materials & Methods: A factorial split-plot based on complete randomized blocks design was conducted with three replications for two years (2014-2016) in Karaj. In this regards, sowing dates were divided into two levels of fall cultivation (Oct. 7) and winter cultivation (Feb. 4); irrigation was carried out in three levels of normal irrigation (control), irrigation interruption from flowering, and after pod formation stages and five canola cultivars include Sarigol, Dalgan, Jacomo, Jeromeh and Hyola401. Results: The interaction effect of sowing date × irrigation × cultivar was significant on the traits of number of pods per square meter, number of seeds per pod, biological yield, seed yield, relative water content (RWC) of leaves and proline at the level of 1%, and on the traits of 1000-seeds weight, canopy temperature and chlorophyll b content at the level of 5%. Here we show that Dalgan cultivar was obtained with a seed yield of 3657 kg ha-1 and RWC of 92. 42%, in the winter cultivation date and normal irrigation condition. Moreover, in winter cultivation and in the late season drought stress condition (irrigation interruption after flowering stage onwards), the Hyola 401 hybrid was obtained with seed yield of 2376 kg ha-1 and a RWC of 83. 11%. Conclusion: In The winter cultivation and normal irrigation condition Dalgan cultivar and in the late season drought stress condition (irrigation interruption after pod formation stage), the Hyola 401 and Jeromeh hybrids can be used in the development of canola cultivation in the new status of winter cultivation (Feb. 4) and various irrigation conditions.

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Background and Objective: The goal of this study is to evaluate the relationship between economic efficiency and environmental efficiency in Iranian agriculture sector. Materials and Methods: For this purpose, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Toda-Yamamoto causality testing methods were used. The required data for this research were collected from the statistical Center of Iran, Central Bank as well as the Ministry of Energy during 1996-2017. Results: The results showed that mean values of economic efficiency either in constant or in variable returns to scale are 71% and 92%, respectively. The average environmental efficiency using DEA was also calculated as 88%. The results of the ADF and KPSS unit root testing methods revealed that the studied variables are stationary in one-time difference. The results of the Toda-Yamamoto causality test showed a one-way causal relationship from environmental to economic efficiency. Assessing the long run equilibrium equation demonstrated that economic efficiency was increased about 0. 63% in increment of environmental efficiency by 1%. Conclusion: According to the findings, it is expected to be improved the environmental efficiency with application of environmental laws. This is caused to be developed technology and to be growth total factor productivity which leads to be improved the economic efficiency of Iranian agriculture sector.

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Background and objective: According to the high importance of sustainable crop production in the agro-industry units, intelligent systems such as artificial neural networks should be used to manage farm units. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to compare the performance of MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) and RBF (Radial Basis Functions) neural network models in order to modeling and estimating of the sugarcane crop yield and investigate the factors affecting it. Materials and Methods: The study was analytical and its database contained of a matrix [1010 ×10] elements. Required data for this research were obtained from the Debel Khazaei sugar cane agro-industry farm during the years 2016 to 2019. The input variables and their units were soil electrical conductivity (dS. m-1), Phosphate and Nitrogen chemical fertilizer (kg. ha-1), water consumption (m3. ha-1), also, irrigation times, month of harvest, age of crop, sugarcane variety, soil texture (non-dimensional), respectively. The analysis was performed by MATLAB 2017 software. Results: By comparing the error parameters of RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and the MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error), and according to indexes of R2 (coefficient of determination) and the EF (Model Efficiency) and, in the validation phase the RBF model was the best model with 0. 064494 (%), 0. 037686, 0. 7576 and 0. 800409 (non-dimensional) respectively. Also, the RBF model indicated that the sugarcane variety and soil electrical conductivity were the most important factors affecting the sugar-cane yield. Conclusion: By selecting the appropriate variety of sugarcane and controlling the amount of electrical conductivity of the soil, the yield per unit area can be increased, resulting in greater productivity of the inputs and more sustainable production.

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Background and Objective: Phytoremediation is one of the most eco-friendly and inexpensive methods that can be used to clean toxic soil pollutants such as lead (Pb). The choice of medicinal and aromatic plants under such conditions has received much attention. In order to study the potential of lead phytoremediation by three native and medicinal plants of water mint (Mentha aquatica L. ), eryngo (Eryngium caucasicum Trautv. ) and froriepia (Froriepia subpinnata Ledeb. ), three separate experiments were designed. Materials and Methods: The experiments were performed in the greenhouse of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University in 2017, in a completely randomized design (CRD) with four replications. The levels of lead were included 0 (control), 125, 250, 375 and 500 mg Pb. kg-1 soil from source of lead nitrate. Shoot and root dry weight, lead concentration in shoot and root, tolerance index, transfer factor, bioaccumulation factor, bioconcentration factor and lead uptake in shoot were calculated. Results: Results showed that biomass decreased in all three plants by increasing lead concentration; while, all three plants transferred lead to shoot and root. Concentrations of lead in the root of water mint were higher than shoot. Also, water mint with a bioconcentration factor higher than one and a transfer factor lower than one can be used to phytostabilization of lead heavy metal. In froriepia the bioaccumulation factor and transfer factor was higher than one, indicating that it could be used for phytoextraction of lead. Eryngo had the highest lead uptake in shoot (0. 24 mg of lead in pot). Conclusion: In general, the results showed that lead uptake and transport depend on species, biomass production and soil lead concentration, and all three plants in lead contaminated soil have phytoremediation ability; while, eryngo showed a higher ability to phytoextraction based on higher amount of lead uptake in shoot due to higher shoot dry weight than froriepia.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: The goal of study was to evaluate promising alfalfa cultivars for drought stress and identify the most tolerant and superior cultivars for drought stress. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted as split plot based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications in the East Azarbaijan Agriculture and Natural Resources Research and Education Center during three cropping seasons (2016-19). In the main plots, the irrigation factor was applied at three levels-at the first irrigation level only to the end of the first harvest, at the second level irrigation until the end of the second harvest, and at the third level irrigation until the end of the third harvest (complete irrigation). The second factor was six cultivars and alfalfa ecotypes. Results: The effect of irrigation levels was significant for all measured traits. The fresh and dry matter yields of the studied genotypes were affected by irrigation levels and decreased significantly. Water stress significantly reduced plant height at first and second levels of irrigation 23% and 17%, respectively. Water stress, also significantly reduced the number of stems at the first and second levels of irrigation 34% and 30%, respectively. Conclusion: The responses of genotypes for dry matter yield were similar as fresh forage yield. In conclusion, synthetic and Azar cultivars and Varzghan ecotype were the most suitable cultivars for deficit irrigation conditions and are suitable for cultivation in low irrigation conditions in Tabriz plain.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Study was conducted to evaluate the sustainability of the two autumn and spring potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ) farming ecosystems. Methods and Materials: The study was conducted by questionnaire in Golestan Province during the period of 2017-2018. 120 autumn farms and 60 spring farms were selected by stratified random sampling method. After determining inputs and output and their energy equivalent, the energy indices were determined. Results: Fossil fuels and fertilizers were the largest energy inputs of the total in autumn and spring potato farming ecosystems with share of 30. 26% and 29. 04%, respectively. In autumn and spring potato farming ecosystems, energy use efficiency indices were 1. 85 and 1. 30; energy productivity indices were 0. 51 and 0. 36 kg MJ-1; specific energy indices were 1. 95 and 2. 76 MJ kg-1; net energy indices were 52135. 16 and 16125. 42 MJ ha-1; mechanization indices were 0. 96 and 0. 94; total energy inputs were 61384. 83 and 53234. 59 MJ ha-1 and total energy outputs were 113519. 99 and 69360. 01 MJ ha-1, respectively. Conclusion: The efficiency and the sustainability of the autumn farming ecosystem were higher than the spring in terms of potato production in Golestan Province. In autumn and spring farming ecosystems, the share of indirect, nonrenewable and commercial energy were greater than that of direct, renewable and noncommercial energy. It is useful to implement recommended guidelines for optimal management of inputs such as conservation tillage, modernization of machinery and consumption of manure, it reduces the share of nonrenewable and commercial energy and increases environmental health and energy efficiency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Agriculture plays a major role in sustainable development. Optimizing land use allocation and achieving sustainable development is one of the main goals of agricultural planners. The purpose of this study is to analyze the suitability of lands for agricultural uses based on ecological criteria by integrating new techniques and technologies. Materials and Methods: The ecological criteria affecting agricultural land suitability were selected based on references review and experts' opinions. Criteria maps were prepared using different methods with the help of geographical information system. Criteria and sub-criteria wieghting was performed by pairwise comparisons within analytical heirarchy process. The sub-criteria maps was combined using the linear-weighted combination method to evaluate the land suitability. Results: The results show that the most important criteria for assessing the ecological suitability of the study area for agricultural uses are rainfall, temperature, water quantity and slope, respectively. The findings also show that most of the area (65%) is in the suitable class for agricultural uses, but the ecological suitability and current land use are matched only at 71% of the study area. Conclusion: This study emphasizes the integration of spatial information system, hierarchical analysis, linear-weight combination and remote sensing as a framework and an efficient method in multi-criteria land suitability assessment for agricultural uses towards sustainable development and is an important and useful regional guide for identifying suitable areas for development, planning and management of agricultural uses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: In this study, effects of residue management, irrigation methods, tillage systems and planting methods on some important aspects of common wheat-maize rotation in Khuzestan province was investigated. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted as strip-block split factorial on randomized complete blocks design with three replications. Residue management considered as main plots, irrigation methods as subplots and factorial combination of tillage systems and planting methods as sub subplots. Results: Retaining residue on surface in flood and drip tape irrigation systems increased maize harvested about 0. 4 and 0. 18 kg per each m3 of applied water, respectively. In conservation tillage practices, reduced tillage and no-tillage with residue on surface had no significant effects on wheat and maize yields compared to conventional tillage, but improved water use efficiency, energy productivity and economic indices. The highest benefit to cost ratio (BCR) was obtained as 1. 72 from drip tape irrigation-with total residue-conventional tillage-ridge bed planting treatment. The lowest input energy (76635 MJ. ha-1) and the highest energy productivity (0. 210 kg. MJ-1) was belonged to drip tape irrigation-with total residue-no tillage-ridge bed planting treatment, Also BCR in this conservation system was obtained 1. 62. Conclusion: Moving towards adoption of agricultural conservation techniques such as retain residue, reduce tillage, planting on permanent ridge bed and use high efficiency irrigation methods would result in a sustainable production. According to the results of this research, the use of conservation tillage systems are recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting sustainable management of agricultural water resources through a survey method. Materials and Methods: To achieve the research goal, correlation and multiple regression tests were used. The statistical population of the study was irrigated wheat farmers of Maragheh villages (N = 240). Using Morgan table, the sample size was 149 persons. In order to obtain samples in this study, stratified random sampling method was used. Results: According to the results of correlation test, the relationship between measures related to sustainable management of agricultural water resources with cultivation level and direct and significant income level and with membership variable in rural organizations was inverse and significant. The results of multiple regression showed that the variables of economic, educational, promotional, social and agronomic factors have the ability to explain 0. 57% of dependent variable changes, ie measures related to sustainable management of agricultural water resources. Conclusion: Without providing sufficient information and knowledge and raising the level of awareness of wheat farmers cannot be expected to take steps to implement measures related to sustainable water management. In other words, it seems that the precondition and the initial step to guide farmers towards optimal and sustainable management of water resources is to pay attention to educational factors and provide the necessary conditions for the effective implementation of mechanisms related to this factor.

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Background & Objective: In this research work, land suitability as one of the first step in sustainable agriculture was done to find urgency of utilization type change in Horand region. Also, different aspects of qualitative and quantitative land suitability methods were discussed to determine and improve the involved criteria in sustainable agriculture evaluation. Materials & Methods: Qualitative and quantitative land suitability of common utilization types in study area such as rainfed and irrigated wheat and onion carried out by providing climate, landscape and soil information. Chi-square test, Pearson correlation and Regression relationship were performed to test accuracy and validity of evaluation methods. The suitability zoning of study area was completed for different land utilization types and behind interpretation output maps, the management level was analyzed. Results: Dominant climate and slope limitation with other studied factors which had role in decrease of suitability in some case, caused to suitability classes of N for rainfed wheat, S1to N for irrigated wheat and N for onion. Statistical studies confirm the accuracy of the evaluation methods. Determined middle and low levels of managements are keeping with field conditions. Conclusion: Unsuitability and in some cases low suitability of the region, indicates the urgency of change in common utilization type. There isn’ t so important difference between qualitative and quantitative suitability evaluation methods in high limitation with unsuitable class. Environmental and management factors which have indirect effects on limitations should be considered behind yield value in land management index determining.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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