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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    4 (48)
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Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acute and chronic administration of Ritalin on some behavioral parameters such as anxiety and locomotor activity and its comparison between male and female rats. Method: The present study is an experimental interventional study performed on 40 adult rats. Rats were divided into 8 groups (5 Rats per group); including two control groups and six treatment groups. Control groups were given saline and treatment groups were given therapeutic doses or high doses Ritalin per day for 30 days by gavage. The effects of the drug on anxiety and locomotor activity were monitored by Elevated Plus Maze and Open Field respectively. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Duncan’ s test using SPSS software. Results: In the chronic test, the number of line crossing significantly was increased in the both genders of 10 mg/kg. Meanwhile, the data showed no significant change in the rate of anxiety subsequent to the acute or chronic Ritalin administration. It is worth mentioning that female rats in high dose showed less anxiety comparison to male counterparts. Conclusion: This study revealed that long-term use of high dose of Ritalin may lead to increasing locomotor activity and then behavioral sensitization in both sexes. Furthermore, Ritalin has no impact on anxiety rate in therapeutic doses.

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    4 (48)
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Introduction: Anxiety is known as a common problem in the general population. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on working memory and problem solving. Method: A randomized controlled trial design was selected. The study population included all students between 20 and 30 years old in Tehran, from which 26 subjects were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria and randomly divided to experimental and control groups. Subjects in each group were tested before and after the intervention (8 sessions of MBCT) and in the follow-up phase (3 months) with the tools of the Tower of London (computer-based), Forward-backward Digit Span, Letter Number Sequencing test, as well as, the Beck's Anxiety Questionnaire. Results: results of MANCOVA showed that the experimental group was significantly different from the control group in the post-test and follow-up stages in working memory and anxiety. Significantly differences were found between the two groups for problem solving in the indicators of trial time, total time, number of errors and the number of correct trials, whereas no difference observed for planning time in problem solving. Conclusion: According to the findings of this study, MBCT training through anxiety reduction can improve working memory capacity and problem solving components except the planning time.

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    4 (48)
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Introduction: The role of family as the smallest social unit can be highly effective both in its positive and negative aspects. The present study aims to compare the effectiveness of quality of life therapy and compassion-focused therapy in the quality of interpersonal relationships and meaning in life in women with marital conflicts. Method: This study is a semi-experimental research with a pretest-posttest and follow-up control group design. The research statistical population comprised all married female students with marital conflicts. The statistical sample included 45 of these students who were selected by convenience sampling and were randomly assigned into three groups of 15 people. The first group received quality of life therapy; the second group underwent compassion-focused therapy and the third group was placed on the waiting list as the control group. For data collection, Pierce, Sarason, and Sarason Quality of Relationships Inventory (QRI) and Steger Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ) were used. For data analysis, a repeated measures analysis of variance was applied. Results: The final results suggested significant effectiveness for both types of treatment on the quality of interpersonal relationships and meaning in life indices. No significant difference evident between two therapeutic intervetions in term of their effectiveness. Conclusion: The results indicate that the therapies based on the quality of life and compassion in the field of family mental health have a significant effect on the quality of interpersonal relationships and meaning in life. Given the high rate of women referring to counseling centers for marital conflicts, it is possible to pay special attention to promoting the qualitative level of all people in society through public education and development of a positive attitude.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (48)
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Introduction: Over the recent decades, the critical role of psychological processes in development and persistence of insomnia has received considerable attention. The aim of this study was to predict insomnia disorder via neuroticism and perfectionism components mediated by cognitive emotion regulation and Anxiety in medical science students. Method: The study sample consisted of 381 female and male students of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences who were selected by cluster sampling method. Participants answered the Insomnia severity Index, NEO-Personality Inventory, Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. The obtained dataset were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results: Results were indicated significant direct relationship between neuroticism and insomnia, whereas no direct relationship found for perfectionism. Both neuroticism and perfectionism were indirectly related to insomnia through maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies and anxiety. Conclusion: Results showed that the use of maladaptive strategies for emotion regulation and anxiety can partly explain the association between personality traits and insomnia.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (48)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: Suicidal behaviors are considered as one of the challenges in mental health. The interpersonal theory of suicide has developed a promising perspective for understanding the suicidality. Since the patterns of suicidal behavior and related interventions are not same in all cultural groups, this study aimed to investigate whether the interpersonal model of suicide fits enough to Iranian cultural context. Method: The present study was fundamental and in terms of data collection method, was descriptive-correlational. Applying the convenient sampling method, 400 students from Mashhad universities were selected and answered the Beck Suicidal Thought Questionnaire (BSSI) and the Interpersonal Suicide Needs questionnaire (INQ). Path analysis method was used to analyze the data. Results: Data analysis showed that 41% of the variance of suicidal desire scores was explained by perceive burdensomness and thwarted belongingness and also the three variables of perceive burdensomness, thwarted belongingness and suicidal desire were predictors of suicidal attempt and explain 78% of the variance of this variable. Conclusion: The interpersonal theory of suicide is appropriate in Iranian society. so this model can be used in clinical settings to screen at risk individuals and in order to assess the suicide risk factors and suicidal desire.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (48)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: The current research was conducted in order to study the psychometric properties of the Youth Anxiety Measure according to DSM-5. Method: A sample of 400 subjects were selected through multistage cluster sampling among youth in the age range of 8 to 15 years old at Urmia schools. All participants answered to YAM-5, Anxiety Sensitivity of Reiss and Spence Children Anxiety Scale (SCAS). The data were extracted and analyzed by Pearson’ s correlation analysis and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis using SPSS and LISREL softwares. Results: Appropriate concurrent criterion validity observed based on correlation coefficients of YAM-5 subscales and two other questionnaires. The value of 0. 89 for cronbach̍ s alpha coefficient of total scale and the scope of values from 0. 60 to 0. 90 for coefficients of internal consistency, split-half and test-retest of the subscales indicated optimal internal consistency and reliability for the scale and it̍ s subscales. The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed 10 factors with eigenvalues higher than one that alltogether explained 48. 64 percent of the total variance. Also, the model̍ s general fit indices, applying confirmatory factor analysis, implied to optimal fitness of the model of this questionnaire. Conclusion: This clinical instrument, utilizing valid tests and methods of calculating reliability, was evaluated regarding construct validity and reliability, and results confirmed appropriate construct structure and reliability and content validity. It is possible to take advantages from this mean for assesing and diagnosing the anxiety disorders in the Iranian sample.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (48)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: Emotional abuse as a suffer related to couples' interactions is associated with psychological problems. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment based couple therapy using schema conceptualization, and Guttman couple therapy on emotional abuse in couples' relationships. Method: This study was a randomized controlled trial design. The statistical population included all couples referred to Razi Counseling Center in Karaj in the spring 2019. A total sample of 30 couples were selected and randomly placed into 2 experimental and one control groups (10 couples for each group). Two experimental groups were received Gutman couple therapy and Act treatment while control group remained in the waiting list. Participants in all three groups were assessed using the emotional abuse at pre-test, post-test and follow up stages. Results: The results of a mixed analysis of variance showed significant difference between the mean scores for two groups in the post-test and follow-up stages. The acceptance and commitment based couple therapy using schematic conceptualization reduced all components of emotional abuse (p<0. 001). The Gottman couple therapy reduced the components of verbal abuse/criticism (p<0. 05), neglect/withdrawal and domination (p<0. 001) as well. No significant difference observed for two therapies effects on components of emotional abuse. Conclusion: Both treatments were effective and can be recommended to reduce couple's emotional abuse.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (48)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) to improving the symptoms of PTSD in 2 sexually abused children. Method: This research conducted with a single-subject design using multiple baselines and follow-up paradigm. The statistical population consisted of all 9-12 years old children with sexual abuse experiences referred to the Center of Clinical Tests of Forensic Medicine in 2016. By a urposeful sampling method 2 children were selected and undergon the TF-CBT therapy. Children were responded to the Child Post-traumatic Symptom Scale (CPSS), and The Parent Report of Post-traumatic Symptoms (PROPS) instruments completed in the baseline, 4, 8, 12 and16th sessions of intervention, and in 1, 2 and 3rd months fter intervention, as well as, in 1st and 2nd years after interventions. Data was extracted from instruments and analysed by visual charts, percentage of recovery, Effect size and PND analysis. Results: Results were shown that TF-CBT could significantly improve the PTSD symptoms in sexually abused children after interventions and therapeutic effects were stable in follow up. Conclusion: It could be concluded that TF-CBT is effectively improving symptoms of PTSD in sexually abused children and vulnerable children need specialists.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (پیاپی 48)
  • Pages: 

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قدمه: هدف این مطالعه بررسی اثرات حاد و مزمن ریتالین بر روی برخی از پارامتر های رفتاری شامل اضطراب و فعالیت حرکتی و مقایسه آن بین موش صحرایی جنس نر و ماده بود. روش: پژوهش حاضر یک مطالعه تجربی از نوع مداخله ای بوده که بر روی 40 قطعه موش صحرایی انجام شده است. حیوانات بطور تصادفی به 8 گروه 5 تایی شامل دو گروه کنترل و شش گروه درمانی تقسیم شدند. به گروه های کنترل نرمال سالین، به گروه های تجربی دوز های درمانی و یا دوز بالا یکبار در روز ریتالین و برای 30 روز به روش گاواژ تجویز شد. اثر دارو بر اضطراب با استفاده از دستگاه ماز بعلاوه مرتفع و بر فعالیت حرکتی از طریق دستگاه فضای باز بررسی شد. در نهایت بر روی داده ها آزمون واریانس یکطرفه انجام شد و برای مقایسه ی میانگین ها آزمون دانه ای دانکن توسط نرم افزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. یافته ها: در تجویز مزمن ریتالین، دوز 10 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم موجب افزایش معنی دار در تعداد عبور از خطوط در هر دو جنس نر و ماده شد. همچنین ریتالین در هیچ دوزی چه در کوتاه مدت و چه در دراز مدت تغییر معنی داری در میزان اضطراب نر-ها و ماده ها ایجاد نکرد؛ فقط در دوز زیاد، حیوانات ماده ها نسبت به حیوانات نر اضطراب کمتری در پاسخ به تجویز حاد ریتالین نشان دادند. نتیجه گیری: نتایج این مطالعه نشان می دهد که مصرف دراز مدت دوز بالای ریتالین می تواند موجب افزایش فعالیت حرکتی و ایجاد حساسیت رفتاری شود. همچنین ریتالین در دوز های درمانی اثر مشخصی بر میزان اضطراب ندارد.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (48)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: This study was carried out to compare the effectiveness of resiliency training and emotion regulation on perceived stress and anxiety sensitivity in firefighting staff. Method: The method of this study was experimental and its design was multi-group pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population of this study consisted of all employees of Ardabil Fire Department in autumn 2019. Forty-five of them were randomly selected and were randomly assigned into three groups: resiliency training (n=15), emotion regulation training (n=15) and control group (n=15). All three groups completed the demographic, perceived stress questionnaire of Cohen et al. (1983) and Floyd et al. (2005) anxiety questionnaires in pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post hoc test. Results: The results of covariance analysis showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the three groups of resiliency training, emotion regulation training and control in perceived stress scores and anxiety sensitivity (p< 0/01). Post-test results also showed that emotion regulation training was more effective on fear of physical anxiety (P< 0/01). Conclusion: Overall, the results showed that both resiliency training and emotion regulation were effective on perceived stress and anxiety sensitivity in firefighters.

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