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Michael Riffaterre's semiotics approach relies on structuralism and reader reaction, who seeks to refer the signs to each other within the text and create a coherent network of signs. This theory attempts to identify the origin of the text (Matrix) through the passage of heuristic reading to interpretive reading. The present study is based on a descriptive-analytical approach based on Riffaterre's semantics approach, which analyzes the processes of the contemporary Jawad al-Hattab's "A Second Migration of Gilgamesh" in order to analyze a deep and different understanding of the text. Three analysis of this ode shows that the " A Second Migration of Gilgamesh" is the product of the three accumulation of search and navigate, destruction and homeland and alienation. Four descriptive systems include poverty and misery, death and recession, strangulation, and resurrection. Hypograms of ode include cruelty and arrogance, strangulation, and lack of freedom of expression and thought. Moreover, it includes the widespread despair in society, and the effort for resurrection and revolution. The ode's structural Matrix begins with the poet's concern and continues searching for the savior. It leads to despair and death and ends in resurrection and hope.

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The musical performance of the voices in works of art such as poetry and prose helps the creator of the work succeed in inducing its intended meaning. In fact, the more successful the audio service is, the greater the artistic excellence. Western scholars such as German scholars, Arabs, and Indians abducted European scholars in phonetic studies, claiming that the sounds contained certain semantic formulas of text and visualization, given the particular variables in their intensity and softness. It gives the audience a sense of the personality of the poet. This research aims to study the most important phonetic-semantic formulas in Abu Fatib al-Matibi's Fateki poem using an analytical-descriptive method. By examining this poem, we come to realize that the poet uses words that are associated with a certain degree of intensity and fluency in the word and employs sensory words that imply sensory meaning, as well as similar words that all A semantic realm is somehow implicitly demanding that Fatek's worms and worms and their innermost beings be embodied. The poet seeks to convey to the audience the use of fluent characters such as Lam, Mim, Rahe, and Nun, which are among the most obvious Arabic letters.

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The term third place was coined by Ray Oldenburg, a sociologist, in 1990 to explain places that would assemble the people without planning and creativity in community construction. A third place is a public place where neither home serves as a first-place nor location as a second place. Gardens, parks, coffee shops, libraries, and any institution that makes social health can be called a third place. The novel " Khan Alkhalily, " written by Naguib Mahfouz, consists of two-third central locations, cafes, and casinos; each plays a significant role in developing the novel's two main characters: Ahmad and Rushdy. This study aimed to study the identity of the third places to analyze the identity properties of the two-third places as the opposite of identity in the novel. The results suggest that coffee bar and casino have features such as easy positioning and easy clients and stable clients.

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Haifa Bitar is one of the authors named Souri, whose main works are short stories with feminist color and social suffering. The collection of stories "Zajij Al-Jasd" is one of his works in which he deals with social issues, especially issues related to women, with a microscopic and critical look. The element of "conflict" is one of the basic foundations in the design of this collection, which has given a special charm to its stories. In this research, in a descriptiveanalytical approach, the conflicts of the three stories "Zijij Al-Jasd", "Damoo Al-Shaitan" and "Ghalbon Faregh" have been examined, according to the plot of each story, different types of conflicts have been evaluated and evaluated and exposed to the reader. Studies show that in these stories, all kinds of internal, social, mental, verbal, and physical conflicts are evident, and among these, mental conflicts have a larger volume. The choice of characters and the struggles to portray a social theme such as poverty, divorce, social distance, etc., have been clearly seen in all three stories. In general, the main role of conflicts in these stories is to link its components and maintain the logical course of the events of the story in terms of causality.

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NAZEMI ZAHRA | seify Tayebeh

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French structuralist critic Garmas, as a semanticist, studied the meaning and structures of semantics and proposed the hypothesis of an action model to better reveal the role of the characters in the narrative. In this hypothesis, three relations are combined: desire, message, and action, consisting of three binary models: actor/doable, actor/goal, action/antagonist. Ali Badr's novel "The Jerusalem's Lantern" is one of the best contemporary novels in Iraq, which deals with the Arab-Israeli conflict in its entirety and covers a long period of Palestinian history. He chose the scholars and contemporary intellectuals of the Arab world, which shows his awareness and sensitivity in this selection. The purpose of this article is to analyze this novel and analyze its characters and actions based on Garmas theory of action in a descriptive-analytical method to explain how the production of meaning and formation of novel events by these characters and actors. Besides, the audience will understand the role of Edward Saeed, the main character and the real hero throughout the novel, along with other actors, in advancing the narrative towards the author's goals and aspirations. Findings show that the crisis of identity and the search for national identity is the main plot and the core of the novel. This is the main challenge of the characters and actors and the axis and motivation of their actions. The author is in the context of the confrontation between characters with different nationality and with their contradictory actions throughout the novel was able to explicitly show the audience the issue of the Palestinians' conflict and challenge with the Zionists over Jerusalem in the lab of their actions.

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The contrast between the two fundamental concepts of 'self' and 'other' is one of the most critical issues in cultural studies in the present age. By providing an appropriate context for more and more accurate recognition of nations, they can also provide the basis for positive and constructive interaction between nations. This earlier literature study, known as pictorial knowledge, was first developed in the works of French thinkers in the early 19th century and later expanded and deepened by the scientific efforts of people like Freud, Derrida, and Bakhtin. By its very nature, travel literature can be one of the most appropriate contexts for such studies. Through a descriptive-analytical method, the present study studied three pilgrimages from the years 1349-1499 due to the historical significance of this period and concluded that the Muslim and the Arab self are the most prominent manifestations of their concept. The order is in contrast to another West and another Turk.

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